Shadowknight Velium Helm  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Era:Scars of Velious
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Feb 27 20:17:13 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Dalgrim Underbelly'

Dalgrim Underbelly says 'I wasn't always just a merchant, ye know, I used to work at the temple and spent most of my time in the study of ancient texts and arts. I actually learned a lot about the dark arts in those days. Ye know. . . necromancy. Oh, I'd never touch the stuff, mind ye, but I'll bet I could make a fine set of plate fer shadowknights if'n I had the right materials.'

You say, 'What right materials?'

Dalgrim Underbelly says 'Glad to see ye're interested, ______. The materials would vary by the piece of armor o' course. I could probably forge a fine set of bracers, gauntlets, greaves, boots, armplates, a helm, or a breastplate.'

You say, 'What helm?'

Dalgrim Underbelly says 'To create a piece of armor to protect your skull I will require three pieces of crushed coral as well as a corroded plate helmet.'

Hand-in dialogue and faction hits needed.
Submitted by: Ventoria Tymmora
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where the armor is
# Jul 11 2002 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
kael arena is where armor drops
RE: where the armor is
# Dec 22 2003 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
best place for a lot of plate drops are in the sk guild
RE: where the armor is
# Jun 19 2003 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
The armor drops anywhere in kael drakkel. my guild got a couple pieces from the manor last night, and one from a random guard on the way there.
where the armor is
# Jul 11 2002 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
OK...i hear alot of where this armor is here it is...IT IS IN THE KAEL ARENA all of the armor needed fot the thurg quests drop in the arean of kael...hope this helps yall i myself am working on this quest
# Jun 15 2002 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
i got crushed coral and crysolite in velks lab,, but i still havent seen anyone post where i can get the correded at!
Corroded Drop?
# Jan 06 2002 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
Where can I get that Corroded Helm yoos guys? I have the coral now just need the helm. Thanks
# Sep 30 2001 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
You can get the custom graphic, by handin in the helm to the "Grand Armorer" in icewell keep, left of the the throne room.

The helm looks... err differnt.

some ppl told me that it looks like I have a huge bug on my face. Some ppl said I looked scary.
But all in all different is good :)

Tenne 51sk drinal AA

RE: Graphic
# Oct 28 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
Thanks that someone posted on how to get the graphics, the graphics look funny but come on who in their right mind doesnt want a goffy 00ber hat? im a dark elf female and ppl call me things from power ranger to bulet head to rocketere lol,,,, it own... this sint the best helm ever but is nice and i love my goffy **** grahic :P ~ 53 dark paly ~ and btw incase u dindt know corroded drops in kael deeper in near arena and the gems drop all over in high lvl vel zones; CS,VL,SG,ect ect ect ect ect lol
# Aug 22 2001 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
who do i turn the crown in for graphic?
# Jun 29 2001 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
is the corroded plate helm nodrop?
RE: helm
# Oct 28 2001 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
yes all the corroded plate pieces ( and leather and silk) are NO DROP and preety rare, my guild averages about 5 drops per visit, they can be MQ. i was offered 25,000pp to MQ this helm... and declined because nothing is more fuct up then using your guild to surport your own greed :P good luck to yas :D
RE: helm
# May 07 2002 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
25k for this hat and you turned it down? Your guild should kick you out for being crazy. You can buy a lot of coffins and peridots for your guild for 25,000pp.

(LOL j/k)
# Jun 25 2001 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
The Crushed Coral, as well as the other crushed gems drop with rather common frequency in Icewell Keep. My guild went there with the express purpose of getting the gems and raked in quite a haul of them. We never left the hallway at the zoneline and had plenty to fight and plenty of loot.
New Helm Texture?
# Apr 11 2001 at 1:58 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know who to talk to re. the new patch were you can turn your Helm in for the new one with the graphic?
crushed coral
# Dec 12 2000 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Since the last time I banked, I'd been fighting a little in wakening, and a lot in skyshrine. When I went to the bank I was selling the items in my inventory. One of them I
thought was a pearl til I clicked on it and the merchant said he'd give me 10p for my crushed coral. So...... I don't know exactly where it dropped, but I believe probably in
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