Everything seemed ok when I did this with my 63 erudite agnostic chanter. Here are some notes:
- although the ogre villagers in The Feerrott were dubious, the bouncers were scowls. When I cast Illusion of Ogre, the bouncers became kindly.
- Bozlum's LOC is still accurate. For a more physical location, she is at the end of the tunnel that is directly underneath the shaman tunnel (using our ingame map).
- Brokk is still on the Find list. The boots are a very small ground-spawn-sack behind Brokk...its hard to see but it IS there.
- the illusion spell was plenty long enough for this very short quest. It never dropped during the quest.
- and as for the comments about faction...as far as I know, the /con of a mob is a total of all the numbers involved. Faction from race, faction from religion, faction from specific faction group (Merchants of Ogguk, for example)and spells/potions/whatever. When you cast an illusion spell, all it does it negate the race faction number. Thats why my erudite had no probs yet a high-elf with tunare might. His agnoticisn neutralizes the religion faction (which is why I choose agnosticism for my toons whenever possible) and he minimizes any kills/quests that will adversely affect useful factions.
Good luck with your own quests,