Extremely lame that these gloves it takes a GUILD to get, are far overshadowed by crystal chitin gaunts, which takes a group or less to get in velks lab. way to go VI.
The AC is too low ! They're the same AC as the bracer - yuck. One of the best we can get but I prefer crystal chitin gauntlets from Velketor.. 20 ac and 10 str YUM.
Last night I started a group in Velks Lab off of Greater Divide. First spider we killed, which was right at the entrance dropped Crushed Topaz. I'm sure it drops other places also but just wanted to tell you thats one place it drops.
Obviously, you dont play a rogue either.. STR is king. I have a 53 rogue on Saryn (Stubie) and 90% of the time I'm not getting hit. With evade and taunts, etc... I'm rarely the target. If you play it right, distance, evade.. etc.. you can avoid being the target, thus no big need for AC.
Good luck. Log onto Saryn if you want to see my equipment or watch me BS for 350+ without an epic.
hah that's funny, because I play a 60 rogue, and I will tell you the exact opposite, when you get there maybe you will know. Your stats don't matter for jack, it's all about the most efficient way to boost 3 things, HP ATK and AC, a few str does not affect your atk much, but a few AC will save your *** when your tank goes down cause the cleric was lagging, or you manage to draw agro and evade fails on a lvl 66 dragon in tov. Log onto A ro and watch me BS for 1000+.
for the guy that has the 60 rogue..i typed basically the same thing and it took forever cuz it was a huge thing... but i hit clear form on accident, and didnt wanna type it again... lol but yeah hes 100% correct
Personally I doubt I'd use AC17 over teh 10MR on the Hate WS Gaunts to be honest.
A nice target for raiding uber mobs is 100 MR unbuffed plus the ability to hit 100 in whatever other base of magic mob you are fighting through rotating gear.
Yes maybe for soloing and 6 man groups the Deciever's Gaunts are better, but I'm not too overly impressed by them especially considering the difficulty and rarity of attaining them. Sadly I use Gaunts with less AC than RyGorr over these. (Yes, sadly PoH WS Gaunts are AC 11 compared to the AC 12 of RyGorr). Verant has some whacked out Risk Vs. Reward.
i got my tov gloves tonight by award, well i cant say ill ever use em.. but theyre there...in my backpack.. but btw.. 10mr isnt much around tov,mostly are dealing with the hard and constant AoEs that are FR and CR