Crushbone Belts  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Storm Guard
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Dec 1 23:13:20 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Canloe Nusback (Warrior Guildmaster) may be found at -20, +535. He's on Find (Ctrl+F). He's on Storm Guard faction.

You say, 'Hail, Canloe Nusback'

Canloe Nusback says 'Step forward and speak up, young ______! Kaladim can always use another warrior. Are you [ready to serve Kaladim] or has a yellow streak appeared down your back?'

You say, 'I am ready to serve Kaladim.'

Canloe Nusback says 'Then serve you shall. Let your training begin on the battlefields of Faydwer. Seek out and destroy all [Crushbone orcs]. Return their belts to me. I shall also reward you for every two orc legionnaire shoulder pads returned. A warrior great enough to slay one legionnaire shall surely have no problem with another. Go, and let the cleansing of Faydwer begin.'

You say, 'What Crushbone orcs?'

Canloe Nusback says 'The army of the Crushbone orcs is deadly indeed. They are great military strategists. It was a legion of them that brought down the great [Trondle Ogrebane]. Speak with Furtog Ogrebane about the Crushbones. He has need of warriors such as you.'

You say, 'Who is Trondle Ogrebane?'

Canloe Nusback says 'Trondle Ogrebane is the legendary dwarven warrior who single-handedly exterminated the ogre clan called the [Mudtoes]. He was recently killed in battle. It took an entire legion of Crushbone orcs to bring him down. Furtog is still fuming about that.'

You say, 'Who are the Mudtoes?'

Canloe Nusback says 'The Mudtoes were a small clan of ogres. They lived somewhere in the Butcherblock Mountains. They had an insatiable appetite for dwarves. They were finally destroyed by the hand of Trondle Ogrebane.'

Crushbone Belt drop from orc centurions all around Faydwer. Hand one in:

Canloe Nusback says, 'Good work, warrior! Now continue with your training. Only on the battlefield can one become a great warrior.'
Your faction standing with Storm Guard has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Miners Guild 249 has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Kaladim has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Craknek Warriors has been adjusted by -2.
You gain experience!
You receive 8 silver from Canloe Nusback.
You have completed achievement: Kaladim Quests - Crushbone Belts

A random piece of Small Tattered armor
Submitted by: Doriath
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pads vs belts
# Jul 20 2002 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Does it matter if i turn in pads or belts as far
as exp. or reward goes? In GF someone was selling pads for 2p and belts for 1p.
Kinda made me wonder cause i always sell everything (belts/pads) for 1p.
pads vs belts
# Dec 31 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
pads give more xp eg more valuable
how many
# Jun 30 2002 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
does it matter how many you turn in each time? like do you get more xp money and stuff if you tunr in four at a time than you do 1 at a time?
RE: how many
# Oct 10 2002 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
106 posts
No, it doesn't matter. You only NEED to turn in one at a time. But you can turn in up to four, it's just as if you turned them in sequentially.

I just had to add, oh my God this is a great quest for exp. I had 17 belts from two hours' work on Orc Hill in GFay, and planned to sell them for quick $$$ (young druids are usually broke). Took them to Kaladim/BB because I figured they'd be easier to sell there, but decided to try handing one in to see the exp. My eyes popped out, it's like half a bubble at lev 6. I gave him all 17 belts and went from mid lev 6 to high lev 7. Guess I'll be killing more bats for the cash...
Help keep Allakhazam useful -- rate posts.
# May 30 2002 at 4:21 AM Rating: Default
Kill goblins and Crushbone orcs for great Stormguard faction, that is the dwarven guards:) GL
CB Belts
# May 24 2002 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
I am a gnome Sk and can't even get near the guards to go in to turn in the belts. Does anyone know what i need to kill to raise my faction withthe guards at the entrance to Kaladim?

SK of the 11th Season
Reavers of Faith
Cazic Thule Server
RE: CB Belts
# Jun 15 2002 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Good Question.. My Iksar SK is now "Kindly Considers" to the warrior guild and guards in Kaladim/Butcherblock. Whatcha want to do is Kill Emp. Crush in CB many times, I am talking about 30times or approximate. Eventually your faction with Storm Guard will be good enough so you can at least walk by them. NOW you can do the CB belts and Shoulderpad quests. You will still be KoS to the cleric guild, pally guild, rogue guild and the King. I am still in the process of turning in belts, over and over.. I have turned in about 100+ and I am still dubious to merchants, and KOS to all of the previous guilds I mentioned. Just have patience, eventually you'll be able to walk ALL OVER Kaladim, as an evil character. :)

Vasto Maxima
50th Iksar Knight of the Shadows
Really good
# May 19 2002 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
This quest is really good I done the quest once (2 belts) And got a half lvl. His name is Canloe(?) Nusback. A tip is for them that have track: use track. I couldn't find him without it.
Will a human Cleric
# May 10 2002 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
or a barbarian fit in the buildings in Kaladim. Or are they like the Hobbit holes where my barbie wont fit.
RE: Will a human Cleric
# May 30 2002 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
My beastlord got around in Kaladim OK, unlike Kelethin and FV where the doors are too narrow. You will be doing some knee bends getting through the doors, but humans and barbies shouldn't have any trouble.
RE: Will a human Cleric
# Dec 26 2002 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
As for size and this place I fit everywhere i have tryed to go tho i am still kos to the rouge guilds and many of the other guilds i'm friendly to the guards and warrior guild i can even train there being a ogre war. i fit into all the buildings tho i must admit it's tight.
Gnome SK
# Apr 17 2002 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Any idea if they will try and kill my Gnome SK if he tries to turn in his 4 bags of belts?
RE: Gnome SK
# Sep 12 2003 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Let's put it this way, Bobbybo...
If'n you attempt to turn in any belts/pads, Canloe will have a gnome-kabob dinner.

Robinya, among others on Tarew Marr
RE: Gnome SK
# May 04 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
yea gnome SKs are kos to all guards there and the guy you have to turn the belts into
RE: Gnome SK
# Apr 25 2002 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
They'll Kill you for Mocking SKs! Gnomes should stick to simpler stuff and leave the Grave arts to the True Dark Elf Masters!
RE: Gnome SK
# May 11 2002 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
Your truly a dumb.......because gnomes have better starting stats than darkelfs for the most part. Making dark elfs the second worse choice for shadowknights. (Eruidites being the worst) Gnomes own you sir, good day. And its even better know that ogres make the best shadowknights due to mass stamina/str slam and no stun from front. sir
RE: Gnome SK
# Jul 20 2002 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like you are rating races for warriors, not SKs
When to stop using these....
# Apr 15 2002 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 7 Wizard and i am wondering what level will i stop getting exp off of these? At the level i am now, i can get them easier and it would be great to get level 60 ASAP, although i know this one quest will not get methere, i have already noticed a dramatic change, since i turned then in at level 3, and when i just turned soem in today at level 6....well thanks in advance for help =) Oh yea, can someone that has good EQ knowledge(old and new) please send me a meesage on Aol? my screenname is DwnWrd456, i have a question about some caster armor....thanks again =) Renee

RE: When to stop using these....
# May 06 2002 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
You will always get xp from the quest, but the quest gives a set amount....for example, lets say you get 100 experience points per belt, at level one lest say you need 1000 epxerience points to get to level 2, so in this example thats 10 belts, now to get from 2 to 3 you need 2000 more experience points (for a grand total of 3000) thats 20 belts....get my drift, you get the same amount of xp, but that small amount seems smaller as you level because it doesnt move the bar as far....
the BEST PL technique
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
I went on as my mage and sent my pet on centorions, they were green so it was a very fast fight. At the end i got 35 cb belts, and 6 lego shoulder pads, after giving them to my lvl 1 rogue, he got up to lvl 8! made 3pp off the money/items givin and now i had 40 prctice points to put whatever i want in piercing and my up and comming BACK STAB!

Gubble, gnome mage
"when we take over norrath, there will be GNOMERCY
what about a level 10 cleric....
# Mar 23 2002 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
If my level 10 cleric turns n CB belts wil lshe get exp? i am just curious because i love this quest, i have been doing it since the low levels, but i do not want to make the long journey to BB and turn in the belts and get squat exp, when i could sell them to people that would Benefit off of them

lvl 10 cleric
New patch means better levelling
# Mar 21 2002 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
With Tuesday's patch approaching, and the promise of easier levelling below 10th, I decided to wait to turn in my belts. Wednesday, I went to Kaladim, and turned them in. I am a gnome rogue who, at the time, was 0 xp into 4th level. Four belts later, I was at 5th. 6 belts after that, I hit 6th. And, 6 belts plus 12 bone chips after that, I hit 7th. I love this game! My 2cp --chk--
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 16 2002 at 8:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i think they sell crushbone belts in freeport casters guild go in talk to blueflame shes 2 levels up the stairs
RE: crusbone belts in freeport caster guild
# Jul 15 2002 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
658 posts
They're not normally stocked by any merchant anywhere. It's possible to occasionally find them in stock somewhere, but only because someone else recently sold them to that merchant.
Excellent little quest
# Feb 14 2002 at 11:14 PM Rating: Default
This quest is great for anyone under ten. I've gone from 2 to 5 with about 20 belts. Also, it improves your faction with the dwarves and gives you a bit of crappy armor you can sell if your real low on cash. Very helpful and makes the newbie levels go quicker.
RE: Excellent little quest
# Mar 12 2002 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
This quest is by far the most lucrative low level quest I've ever found in the game. I just started a barbarian shaman, I went to kaladim, and they conned aprehensive to me. I turned in 3 bags of cb belts and some cb pads and I went from 4-7 in about 15 seconds and when I left they conned warly to me. =) PRETTY SWEET In my oppinion.
-Shaunn Magician of the 52nd season
-Terrascar Ranger of the 26th season
-Tundran Shaman of the 7th season
Turning stuff in
# Feb 12 2002 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
Just a suggestion for evil races or someone who has screwed thier faction. get a friend to help. get an invis or camo have someone who is not kos go with u in a group have them turn them in for u. U won't get quite as much xp for them but u should take the faction hits for them as well. we did this for faction in Rivervale with the bead and bandage quest, both of us turned in a backpack of bandages and then went and turned in the runnyeye beads. took faction with both quests.
Just my 2cp.

Reliv Silverforge 22nd season paladin
Korval 8th circle enchanter
Ravencloud 7th season ranger
Not so good EXP
# Feb 11 2002 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
I hear people saying that they turned in 14 belts to level, but tonight I turned in 20-something belts, and 2 shoulderpads, and didnt get but 2/3s of the way from level 7 to level 8.

Is it just me, or did they nerf the quest, or something.
RE: Not so good EXP
# Feb 12 2002 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
You only get good xp from belts in the lower lvls. For instance, when i had just turned 5, i turned in 16 belts and it took me all the way to 6. But at lvl 12, now, i don't even bother with the belts, just sell them for 1pp each because they do me no good for xp. I'm not sure when the shoulderpads won't be worth it anymore...prolly round 15 or so?
# Feb 06 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
You auction the crushbone belts and sell them to other players for 1pp each...There's usually always someone buying...
Worth doing
# Feb 04 2002 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default

I dont know about going up two levels with 14 belts but the first time I tried this quest I was just into level 6 and after handing over 14 belts I was level 7. The armout was not much use as I was already fully kitted out in Leather (kinky!) but I sold it and got good money. I did it again with 14 belts and got to level 8 but reading the above posts I think I will stop doing it so I can keep my fighting skills in line with my level. I am hoping that as I got most of my belts by fighting on Orc Hill it wont be too bad.

The good news is that people regularly pay 1pp per belt at the Orc Lift so next time I have two packs of belts I will make a nice little profit :)
That is not exceptional, 1pp is the going rate and there is almost always someone there wanting to buy at that price.
Making Money
# Feb 03 2002 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
Okay I'm a lvl 7 High-Elf Wizard. And I need money. I heard that with CB belts you can make money quickly. How do I do that???
2 PP ?
# Jan 21 2002 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
Is the amount of 2 PP for a full 4 set of belts? I dont know how to get 1 PP for each belt, were to sell them?
cb belts
# Jan 06 2002 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
i've bben playing the game for about a year and have tried out most races and classes to try anf find the right 1 , most of these started in or near to kelethin , but my favourite race / class is a human monk , i levelled up to 3 in freeport and made the trip to g fay , to get the belts .
as the others have said if u over do the belts for levelling your attack and everything else is really going to suffer , so i made sure that out of all the belts i collected i didn't turn in a single 1 for xp , this way i made over 100 pp by the time i was lev 10 and got my skills maxed out in the process .
by doing this i got nearly a full set of wu's armour by the time i was ready to hit the throne room (lev 11) , where the maxed out skills made me look like bruce lee's badass big brother ;0)

Kwichancane , lev 30 human monk , Antonius Bayle
ok,this is the REAL info
# Dec 26 2001 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
OK,here is everything you need to know.Best ex is 1-10 they pretty much become trivial after this unless you return them in LARGE amounts.also as long as you are not kos to any guards you can do this quest.You hand in belts,as many at a time as you want up to 4,lego pads 2 at a time,and get sweet ex lv 1-10.This is how many people intelligently PL at these levels,wance you get to 6-7 go hunt on orc hill,collect belts so really its like you are getting double the ex for killing one thing although they don't drop off every single orc cent.this way you keeping your skills up and getting past these often frustrating levels quickly,or you can make mad noob cant make 3k off these[well i guess you could but think about it,about 1 out of every 3 centurians drops one so that means you would have to kill more or less 9000 of these! that would take ALOT of time,espicially with factors like compitition for spots on orc hill]

Yes you heard right,orc hill best place to collect these not CB,anyway about money making you can make some good money for all your spells for a few levels to come or you can get full leather or if you are lucky banded or bronze if you are lucky.

Any way with out a doubt best 1-10 ex. quest there is! and you can make BIG money with these too.I have done this with over 15 chars so please beleive me on these details,they will help you do this quest much more efficiently

lv 8 beastlord of
Mithanial Marr
Hinastorm of

HOw many
# Dec 21 2001 at 12:00 AM Rating: Default
I am going to do this quest but am wondering if it matters if you give 4 belts at once or one. Can someone plz tell me!?
RE: HOw many
# Jan 11 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
No... it doesent matters... you can give 1, or 4, just what ever you feel like... :-)
# Dec 03 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
i was just wondering if there is any difference
between turing in cb belt or cb shoulderpads

(lvl 5 wood elf ranger)
RE: Woodroamer
# Dec 07 2001 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
yes there is a difference, i know that
but what i am not sure of is if you can hand them into another person for a seperate quest... go to search quest by item and u will see there is a different quest for shoulderpads =)
RE: Woodroamer
# Jan 09 2002 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
The CB pads go to the same guy, but you must turn them in two at a time. You also get more experience and coin and slightly better items for the pads than you do for the belts.
Should I could I
# Nov 25 2001 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
I have an alt who is lvl 9. I am only making him for one thing tping so I don't care if my skills go bad I will just use all my skill points on what I need for tping. One thing is tho ? Will it work ?
CB Belts
# Nov 24 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
Turning in CB Belts not only give XP and money, but also tattered and patchwork items (lots).
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