Stable Hand Kaye  


Uploaded December 30th, 2013 by Kynsh
Updated December 31st, 2013

Minimum Prices (105+ Charisma):

  • 103,949 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 5 copper for the Black Chain Bridle.

  • 65,099 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 7 copper for the Black Silken Bridle.

  • 95,549 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 5 copper for the Brown Chain Bridle.

  • 60,899 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 7 copper for the Brown Silken Bridle.

  • 95,549 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 5 copper for the Tan Chain Bridle.

  • 60,899 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 7 copper for the Tan Silken Bridle.

  • 103,949 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 5 copper for the White Chain Bridle.

  • 65,099 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 7 copper for the White Silken Bridle.

  • This mob spawns at -370, 157, 33.
  • From the Plane of Knowledge entrance, head to the farthest west passageway past the merchants circle, then follow it south to the stables.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No


Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2012-10-30 06:27:22.

Level: 35
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 20:57:40

Goods sold (8):
icon Black Chain Bridle 103949pp 9gp 9sp 5cp
icon Black Silken Bridle 65099pp 9gp 9sp 7cp
icon Brown Chain Bridle 95549pp 9gp 9sp 5cp
icon Brown Silken Bridle 60899pp 9gp 9sp 7cp
icon Tan Chain Bridle 95549pp 9gp 9sp 5cp
icon Tan Silken Bridle 60899pp 9gp 9sp 7cp
icon White Chain Bridle 103949pp 9gp 9sp 5cp
icon White Silken Bridle 65099pp 9gp 9sp 7cp

Known Habitats:
  The Bazaar

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# Jan 07 2007 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Can you kill this guy if you are a high enough lvl
# May 23 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Why would anyone in their right mind want to ??

And don't say 'its for the exp', because he is listed as only being 35L.

Killing this NPC makes as much sense as killing the Banker in RV or FP, and other zones, like they used to in the past before they were made unkillable.
They drop absolutely nothing at all, not even a PP.

Killing NPC, imho, is only meant to be disrespectful, a hassle, and deterant to other players ability to enjoy the game.

I cannot tell you how many times I was in RV dealing with the banker and had bag on my pointer and full invent. when someone came and pulled the banker
to kill him 'only for the fun of it, because they could', causing me to stand there with a bag on my pointer for 2 hrs before Banker would respawn.

Annoying... at best, till finally enough petitions were sent, along with feedback and they fixed the bankers.
# Dec 28 2007 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
tell us how you really feel, we are all friends here.
Movement increases
# May 13 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Excellent
258 posts
This lists most items/abilities/spells/songs that offer changes in run speed. This information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and searches. I see the question posed often and thought I would make a comprehensive list. I didn't include items that have spell effects you can cast (ie shammie boots that cast sow). I bear no responsibility for any changes or nerfs after this post.

10% - Run 1
20% - Run 2
30% - Run 3
40% - Run 4 (Swift Journey)
50% - Run 5 (Swift Journey)

25% - Horse (ghostly bridle)/(bridle of Sir Ariam)
25% - Horse (rope bridle)/Drogmor (small drum)
50% - Horse (leather bridle)/Drogmor (drum)
60% - Horse (silken bridle)/Drogmor (large drum)
70% - Horse (chain bridle)/Drogmor (giant drum)
85% - Horse (ornate chain bridle)/Drogmor (glowing drum)
95% - Holy Steed (Paladin AA horse)/Unholy Steed (Shadowknight AA horse)

35% - Traveler's Boots
35% - Journeyman's Boots
50% - Fabled Journeyman's Boots

30% - Spirit of the Shrew (Shaman 29/Druid 34/Beastlord 39/Ranger 44)
30% - Pack Shrew (Shaman 34/Druid 39/Beastlord 44/Ranger 49)
34%(lvl 9) -55%(lvl 50) - Spirit of Wolf (Shaman 9/Druid 14/Beastlord 30/Ranger 30)
49%(lvl 39)-55%(lvl 50) - Pack Spirit (Druid 39)
49%(lvl 39)-55%(lvl 50) - Spirit of Bih'Li (Shaman 39)
57%(lvl 54)-60%(lvl 60) - Spirit of Eagle (Druid 54/Ranger 65)
65% - Flight of Eagles (Druid 62)
57%(lvl 24)-70%(lvl 50) - Scale of Wolf (Shaman 24/Druid 29)
70% - Spirit of Scale (Shaman 52/Druid 53)
99%(lvl 24)-115%(lvl 40) - Spirit of Cheetah (Shaman 24/Druid 24)

40% - Feral Form (Ranger 64)
42%(lvl 44)-45%(lvl 50) - Illusion: Scaled Wolf (Enchanter 44)
42%(lvl 24)-55%(lvl 50) - Wolf Form (Druid 24/Ranger 49)
52%(lvl 34)-60%(lvl 50) - Greater Wolf Form (Druid 34/Ranger 56)
57%(lvl 44)-60%(lvl 50) - Form of the Great Wolf (Druid 44)
62%(lvl 54)-67%(lvl 65) - Form of the Howler (Druid 54)
70%(lvl 60)-72%(lvl 65) - Form of the Hunter (Druid 60)

30% - Feral Pack (Druid 52)
49%(lvl 39)-60%(lvl 60) - Share Wolf Form (Druid 39)
59%(lvl 49)-62%(lvl 54) - Share Form of the Great Wolf (Druid 49)

SONGS (instruments not factored in)
10% - Selo's Rhythm of Speed (Bard 25)
20%(lvl 5)-65%(lvl 50) - Selo's Accelerando (Bard 5)
64%(lvl49)-65%(lvl 50) - Selo's Accelerating Chorus (Bard 49)
65% - Selo's Song of Travel - (Bard 51)
RE: Movement increases
# Apr 24 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
some of these speeds are off on thier percentages.
you must not be a cleric
# Feb 14 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Never underestimate the value of being able to med, cast, change spells, and decrease your aggro. Especially once you get up to the raid zones. I bought the 100k bridle. Not only is it more than sufficient to get away from most enemies (about 65 Bard Selo's speed), but it doesn't build up as much aggro when you're in a cheal rot (complete heal rotation). That's the only real purpose for mine, and even if I do draw aggro from my tank, I can kite this thing around for hours, assuming the area permits it ;) I would say, don't go out and buy the most expensive bridle until you can more than afford it. 103k with 139 charisma is a bit on the hard side. Hope this helps everyone.

Lariatha Imperlisia
Cleric of Innoruuk
Celestial Aegis
cleric, maelin <retired 05>
RE: you must not be a cleric
# Aug 30 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
I bought a Brown Chain Bridle today.


Ya, its a luxery item for a monk, but then again, about the only thing I buy now-a-days is stuff to twink my alts.


Rock on.

RE: you must not be a cleric
# Apr 30 2004 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
try that with something that summons, most encounters do.
# Jan 19 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default
Just so everyone knows ...... DONT EVER BUY A HORSE!!! Buy a Drogmor instead. The horses big fat head partially blocks your view and is a targetting nightmare. Drogmor heads dont block your view and are every bit as fast as horses. HORSES REALLY, REALLY SUCK!!!
# Aug 24 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
STFU dude. I play an enchanter and I use an alternate viewpoint to see over the heads of fellow raiders or people in my group and a horse is fine unless you are a ****** and can't find the f9 key.
guide to horses
# Sep 27 2002 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
# Aug 18 2002 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
If i kill him will I be able to take his loot?

lvl 60
Don't buy the Rope Series of Bridles
# Jun 12 2002 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
They suck because the only have 25% Sow and are not as fast as JBoots like players say the are! It's all BS. Dont wast your Plat......go for the Leather series of Bridles! It will cost you around 30kpp but worth it!

Druizzl Ro
RE: Don't buy the Rope Series of Bridles
# Jun 17 2002 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
So what are speed on the 30k bridles?
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