
Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Rampages about every round. Prior to getting slowed, his DPS is about 1000hp/sec. After being slowed/crippled, he's much easier.

  • Respawn Timer: on the old world raid npc timer of 3 days +/- 12 hours.
  • Slowable: Yes
  • Single-Target Rampages: Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2021-02-19 02:52:46.

Level: 66
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
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Respawn rate
# May 24 2020 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
OK seriously, whats his respawn rate?
Respawn rate
# Feb 14 2021 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
3 days with 12 hour variance
Spawn times
# Jun 02 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Do's no one have actually information on his spawn time?
# Jun 18 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
What is this guy's respawn? Is it random or a week give or take?
EASY to pull
# Mar 11 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Okay, I know it seems rather basic, but there is an easy way to pull rumblecrush solo... All you need is a map and SoE cast on you.

1. Invis to his spot, killing anything that attacks you like dark assassins or what not.

2. Walk into the VT entrance, and slowly step toward him till you see him come running at you.

3. Run out a little ways along the wall towards the entrance, then turn around and wait for him to get to the bottom of the stairs and turn towards you.

4. While there are no other earth eles on you, pull up your map and allow him to catch up a bit, then start running backwards along the wall.

5. Keeping him in view, keep running backwards until you reach the entrance. You might get a few gantrus on you, but they are easy to handle.

6. Kill him at the entrance.. all the earth elementals will drop off because he runs significantly faster and so do you.

This is the best technique. I keep lvl 1s parked at the entrance so they can loot up his corpse.
Shits and Giggles
# Dec 10 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
So for ***** and giggles i went to VT to get human illusion for a friends rogue and on way rumblecrush was up. Hehe key word WAS lol Level 85 Enchanter solo spanked him easy hehe.
# Sep 02 2007 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Hello Guy's,

Just for the Fun of it I thought I'd give Rumblecrush a Try. I have max AA's and many different armor items, and High Self DS for a Paladin, I figured I'd have a Shot. Was a Easy Pull to IZ, just needed to stop Running every now and than so i wouldn't lose it. Killed off the 4 or 5 adds First, than Tolk Rumblecrush.

I Never Seen this mob befor, Guilds Use to kill it all the time when I hunted the Zone, and after PoP came out there was little use going to that Zone. Wasn't in a Guild Back than, so I guess I missed alot of these mob kills.

Any-ways, When SoE have the Fabbled mobs up I Seen it than, and Figured one day I'd Come Back and Give it a Try.

Tolk about 5 to 10 min's to take Down, alot easier than Train killing 15 to 20 Giants in BoT To get Baken Skill Meat.

I Guess any-one can now if a Paladin can Solo it, or So I been told.

# Sep 25 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
Master nalandt if you ever read this WTG and as for Mfly hes a WoW player hes like 12 and a kid that should be with his mama not playing a big boy game hehe

PSsss i hate A$$ Creams like him
# Aug 11 2008 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
Master nalandt,

Dude I love the random caps... also... your grammar needs some major work! thx for giving me a laugh this morning when I saw your post from a year back (almost)

Hoffwin 78 Rogue - Drinal
# Dec 06 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
Sloed with my level 1 warior fresh out of glooming deep unbuffed.Took about 3 days to kill him.Non buffed and only wore my uber gloomingdep armor with the gloomingdeep sword.Who really cares that you killed it with a 75 this and that?Ohhh you are tough!Let me see you solo it with a level 55 toon,then make a post about it.BTW my level 20 Sk soloed a snake in the noob zone.Big F'n deal!!!!!Post something amazing.Not how great you are by killing something with all the gear of today.Let me see you solo it with a level 60 toon of that days gear.These post suck and so do the people that post this crap.Post how you soloed a 2.0 mob with your level 75 toon.Bet you can't cause you suck and so does your gear.Now that would be something to post and impressive.
# Feb 15 2018 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Too funny! Gave me a chuckle. ~
# Aug 08 2012 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
mfly wrote:
Sloed with my level 1 warior fresh out of glooming deep unbuffed.Took about 3 days to kill him.Non buffed and only wore my uber gloomingdep armor with the gloomingdeep sword.Who really cares that you killed it with a 75 this and that?Ohhh you are tough!Let me see you solo it with a level 55 toon,then make a post about it.BTW my level 20 Sk soloed a snake in the noob zone.Big F'n deal!!!!!Post something amazing.Not how great you are by killing something with all the gear of today.Let me see you solo it with a level 60 toon of that days gear.These post suck and so do the people that post this crap.Post how you soloed a 2.0 mob with your level 75 toon.Bet you can't cause you suck and so does your gear.Now that would be something to post and impressive.

Wow you are just an idiot.
# Mar 19 2018 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
No. I'm sorry but mfly is right, Minyos. What purpose does posting and telling folks that a say 80 or nth lvl character solo'd a mob from 2001 in 2017 gear when 60 was the top lvl when this expax (SoL) was released in 2001. Or the AoW when the lvl limit was 65. The pathetic lvl 75 BST could have solo'd Rumblecrush and all 8 mobs around and outside while only relying on their ripostes! SoF made ANY class very good at killing ANYTHING in Umbral Plains. This is not an informative post. Now if an 80 cleric were soloing in RoS HS, then I WOULD be impressed and interested in the strategy. He's not an idiot. But, I have heard that those who aren't very strong with their words and resort to calling others disparaging names have very little grey matter. Food for thought... or whatever you do with it. :)
# Jul 22 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
Forget the adds. Just run up in his face with a lvl 80 cleric with around 2000 aa and stand in a corner! The adds will all faw down crying, and rumblecrush will be like zomg where did my buddies go... I can't stop hitting this guy... why am I dy... SPLAT

But then that cleric also tanked AoW with only his own heals and only had a pathetic 75 bst for additional dps (AoW can't be slowed anyway)

SoF made clerics very good at handling adds in any situation. Just remember to have yourself posted up in a good corner ;)
# Dec 08 2007 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
your post isnt much better , more like a please gimmie 30 seconds back there =/
# Jul 21 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
Duo'd him today with a 75 Paladin 14khp/2700ac unbuffed and my pocket 67 shaman.

Pulled him to zone by outrunning his adds, malo, slow with shaman, zoned the shaman out, killed with pally spamming Ward of Tunare.

No sweat at all. Zoned in the shaman every 33% to reslow in between rampages and i was fine.
Easy with three.
# Feb 05 2007 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Did him today with Mage time/qvic gear, Ranger Qvic+gear(Me), and Shaman Qvic+gear(Me). I usualy do him 3boxing useing my Qvic+geared warrior, but I could'nt 3-box today; so I tossed a tell to the mage in the Zone and we tried pulling a couple time, but for some reason he would'nt come. 3rd times' the charm I guess, we finaly got it to the zone in and took him out pretty fast. My father's 20 monk got tunic & the mage's level 2 enchanter got Leggings & Hat. Easy kill once you get him pulled and slowed.

P.S. Thanks Genothor for the help, and gratz on the chanter twinkage =-).
# Dec 21 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Self buffed 75 druid at 14.3khp, 13.8kmana, 2.4k ac.
Hits blazingly fast, but misses a ton, max hit was around 650, lots of 198 trash (hits so fast that reptile only lasts about half it's normal duration).
When you take a bad round, you *feel* it lol!
Interrupts are a pain, big DS helps!
Pulled to ME zone line, debuffed him along the way (hand of ro, corona, and fix. of ro), didn't bother with aa pet, because he ramps so much.
Only buff I really wished I'd had but didn't was spell haste...
Fun fight!
# Dec 12 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
75 Cleric - 13.6/2700 self buffed

Paci pulled adds first. Then RC, Vow of Valor + Ward of reprisal + Promised Renewal when needed. He puts out quite a bit of dps unslowed, suprised me still. Fast 400, 500 hits but vow of valor kept me up for most part, few promised renewals to make up for what valor couldn't heal.

adds cannot be pacified ...
Cleric soloed
# Nov 14 2006 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
75 Cleric - 13.6/2700 self buffed

Paci pulled adds first. Then RC, Vow of Valor + Ward of reprisal + Promised Renewal when needed. He puts out quite a bit of dps unslowed, suprised me still. Fast 400, 500 hits but vow of valor kept me up for most part, few promised renewals to make up for what valor couldn't heal.
Cleric soloed
# May 12 2007 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
You could just skip the whole paci pull / kill adds and go for Rumblecrush him self and pull him to Zoneline. You can just run and pull Rumblecrush along with all the adds. He runs a lot faster than them, so if you do it right (trust me, not hard) adds will be outrunned and lose agro to you and you have him singel for your enjoyment.

Done this since I was lvl 60 and up to 75 (Druid), it is not particularly hard - Had SoE / FoE on at the time.

# Sep 26 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
Soloed Rumblecrush today, lvl 74 beastlord, killed my first pet then ate me suspended pet a little later last 30% fight was without fluffy. I tried pulling him to the ME zoneline, kept getting tons of adds, got him right outside of the me zone area along the wall with an Assassin add. Killed assassin and then proceeded on Rumble. Easily slowed and incapcitated with the beastlord spells. At the end it was close, I was oom and down to about 4% health, got enough mana for a heal and got a little beastie heal in on myself to give me the edge and win.

4 boxed
# Jul 04 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
Today I killed him with 4
70 ranger (qvic+ gear, 500+aa)
70 ranger (time+ gear, 300aa)
70 Druid (anguish+ gear, a lot of aa.. not exactly sure)
70 shaman(Me) (Time + gear, 300aa)

Fight was very simple, ranger pulled him and tanked until I got it slowed with Balance of Discord, once slowed with BoD I maloed the mob then used Turgur's insects for a longer duration. After that he dropped in probably 5 minutes, very easy kill. Dropped Ring, idol, and tunic of kinship
Spawn times
# Feb 25 2006 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Is he on a spawn time or random
Solo Attempt
# Dec 10 2005 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
Found him up today so figured I would see if I could solo him. - SPLAT.

Actually it was not that bad. Used snare to pull (he is immune), invised and ran him to zone the adds are slower then RC so they fell off. Used all my tricks, C of Spirit, Meleeguard, SoR, ward and warder. I'm a Druid btw.

With SoR healing me for 600+, self heals, regen and ward I didn't do to bad being just self buffed. He does not hit too hard, never hit me for more then 700 but the problem is he is fast as hell...slowed I would have killed him but then that would not have been solo.

As it was I got him to 30% before my mana started to give out ... as I was running for zone he stunned me and I died but it was fun to try him.

I have good gear but still need 1 or 3 upgrades and I might try to solo him again.

# Jun 24 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I came back to duo this mob cause I knew I could handle him 12k Beastlord 1700+ ac boxing a cleric. I had to get both toons kei cause I tried him once without it and only got him to 21% before I had to zone to prevent deaths.

I single pulled him using my good old method(always works) and cornered it to avoid getting out of range due to the push, my pet is already eating Ramp and can't really handle much more hits..

Slowed constantly this mob dps is cut by far and much easier for sure. I don't remember how mutch he hits / rampage for I guess it's in the 500-700 I was more worried to keep my pet up than checking what was going on.

finished fight I was oom on the beastlord ( patch pet healer) cleric kept me up using CH and Heal overtime on my oet , 20's % mana left.
Good challenge

Edited, Fri Jun 24 16:31:49 2005
# Jun 09 2005 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Warrior Main tank around 14k hp ?, Beastlord (myself) 12k hp on slow Rampage and a Cleric all level 70. He is easilly single pullable, cast cancel magic or what ever to get aggro,

Run around in a big circle to be sure he is the first ahead of all the other elementals adds (he run faster than the others) if you have sow you will easily out run the adds but not him.

Pull in tunnel MA grab aggro , debuff attack after slow. 5mins fight top.. he does pretty much rampage every round, dropped shoulder , robe and shield.
My Rumblecrush Experience
# Mar 16 2005 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
Took him out today, 5 boxing and had a buddy 2 box. 7 people total as follows:

70 warrior (300+ AA, 11k hit points, 2k AC)
67 druid (180+ AA)
70 cleric (300+ AA)
65 chanty (92 AA - Poor gear, lower than elemental)
68 Necro (30+ AA)

66 warrior (Rampage tank, 8k hit points, 22AA - some OoW gear, not that great)
66 druid (50+ AA - Poor gear, lower than elemental)

- Strategy -

Prep: Every buff you can imagine on main tank and rampage tank. Used cleric Panalopy (damage migitation up to 2080 HP roughly), Regen, DS, Death Pact, Uproar, Rune of Zeb, etc.

Invised, ran up stairs with enchanter. pulled RC with slow (it stuck). Ran like hell as I got chased by every stone creature there was. Got far enough away, turned around and cast tash then cripple. Ran back to ME zone, zoned out. Regular Stone guys went back home, Rumblecrush stayed put. Ran out and pulled with main tank. Bastruq Bellow for aggro, ran back to zone in (in the meantime, chanter zoning back in).

Started Tanking, used my 8 second Invincibility Disc on the warrior (the Riposte every hit one) got the RT on assist. Used Spirit of the Wild and Pious Elixir on both tanks so i could focus on other duties (5 boxing, remember?) without having to worry too much. Followed up with Defensive Disc. on both tanks.

Just to feel more comfortable i re-slowed + crippled, sent in Necro pet + Chanter pet (all the DPS i can get), had some DoTs being cast by Necro. Buddy was watching RT's health with his 66 druid, kept him healed with fast heal. From here I used Pious Elixir to heal both tanks the entire fight (6.9k mana cleric, got down to about 30% by the time Rumblecrush died. CH would probably be much more efficient).

The cleric got on rampage 3 times due to poor aggro keeping on the RT part (poorly geared, not poorly played), and just used Pious on himself and lived just fine. Fight ended after about 5 minutes without too much of a struggle, didn't have to divine arb or anything, just make sure you keep him slowed and crippled.

Hope this helps!

Edited, Wed Mar 16 02:57:02 2005
where is it?
# Jan 27 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
Whats the location of this mob? or does he spawn randomly?
RE: where is it?
# Feb 11 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
RC Spawns in the building right before Vex Thal, with all the earth elementals on the bottom. Go up the steps and there he is.
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