You say, 'Hail, Klok Unlar'
Klok Unlar wipes flour from his hands and turns to greet you. 'Welcome! Please look over my many treats. Do not think of the coin you shall spend. Heavy coin buys the finest and sweetest of treats. Feel free to ask me about any of the rare pies you see as I can tell you exactly how I make them.'
You say, 'how do you make Honey Berry pie?'
Klok Unlar says 'Honey berry pie is made with the sweet bixie berries of Warsliks Woods and also, with honey from the great honey caves in the dangerous land dubbed the Overthere. It has become a Cabilis favorite.'
You say, 'how do you make Mist Myre Pudding?'
Klok Unlar says 'Mist Myre pudding is made from a secret ingredient from the legendary City of Mist.'
You say, 'how do you make Cactus Tart?'
Klok Unlar says 'From the Dreadlands comes the main secret ingredient of the tasty cactus tarts.'
You say, 'how do you make Whipped Hunkle Pear Pie?'
Klok Unlar says 'The Dreadlands and the Swamp of No Hope supply me with the sweet ingredients necessary to bake the fabulous whipped hunkle pear pie.'
You say, 'how do you make Lichen Clover Sweet Bread?'
Klok Unlar says 'Many Iksar gatherers were lost in the effort to obtain the sweet lichen clover. Think of them every time you taste the lichen clover sweet bread.'
You say, 'how do you make Mudcomb Muffin?'
Klok Unlar says 'Mudcomb muffins are a rare treat indeed. Who would ever think such a sweet tasty morsel would require mudcombs from the giant wasps?'
Books that he sells
Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 1
- Edible Goo
- Candied Spider
- Rat Sandwich
- Lion Steaks
Mixxy's Delicacies Vol 2
- Beer Braised Lion
- Mammoth Steaks
- Pickled Gator
- Rabbit Stew
Binelen's Quick Treats
- Rat Kabobs
- Beer Braised Rat
- Woolie Spider Crunchies
- Beetle Eye Pie
Binelen's Succulence
- Wolf Steaks
- Bear Steaks
- Beer Braised Wolf
- Beer Braised Bear
Delivered Note
- Dough
- Winter Chocolate
- Chocolate Cookies
- Chocolate Muffins
Edited, Wed Dec 11 14:17:56 2002