a hill giant  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

In The Steppes:

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2021-01-12 03:30:28.

Minimum Level: 36
Maximum Level: 37
Expansion: Original
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#Anonymous, Posted: May 29 2001 at 7:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) if you hate druids try to play on tallon zek pvp teams hehe ) i have my lvl 51sk there and i kill druids everyday tralal =)
LOL...I got called a *%&^ kiting druid today
# May 24 2001 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
I was hacking away at the thing melee, I just happened to be in wolf form(I'm a ranger). I stepped back for a second to re-DoT and this silly little monk came up and started beating up my HG. I politely strode up and said , "This rooted half dead giant is mine please."
The monk shouted to the zone "Damn kiting druids, I cant ever tell when they're killing a mob...they look like they're just sitting there." Of course I laughed at him and shouted for him to do a /who araya on me. You'd think people would realize that more classes than druids like to play with HGs. I guess I can understand the error but I was meleeing the giant and he watched the whole thing.
Nerf snare?
# May 21 2001 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
Nerfing snare will only increase the kill stealing you hate so much as it will take even longer to kite the mobs making it even easier for a kill stealer to claim to have actually been kiting the mob in question. Also nerfing snare will hurt all classes that occasionally rely on a snarer in the group to control mob movement. My recommendation to anyone who hates any particular class to the point of wishing Verant would nerf the game even more is that they should make their own twink in that class and see for themselves if it really is so detestable.

Also be damn sure that the people you say are kill stealing really are kill stealing. Have any of these mobs you think the druids ksed been at full health when you attacked them?
#Anonymous, Posted: May 18 2001 at 7:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) NERF SNARE! GO STEAL SOMONE ELSES HG's
Pally soloing
# May 17 2001 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
50+ to melee solo one? blah

Soloed them tonight at lvl 45 coming out of the fight 80% hps and 90% mana still left. Used a beard to buff str to 157, shield buffs. Attack, take damage till about 70%hps, root, back off, DW Helm daring to heal to full, repeat. Used about 3 roots worth of mana to kill them. Since DW helms proc at 45 I could heal for free, but I imagine a paladin could solo thim with some effort around 40, without using Lay Hands.
RE: Pally soloing
# Jun 25 2001 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
OMG I wish!

Bankina Lonelyheart
Lvl 43 Paladin
Tunare Server
#Anonymous, Posted: May 16 2001 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whoever said tanks have to be 50+ to solo giants was simply uninformed. A Shadow Knight can fear kite these all day, solo. I solo'ed two in a row at level 39, no downtime between.
# May 13 2001 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
STFU you whining crying ******** You embarrass the human race.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 11 2001 at 11:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You people that think all Druids suck and are jerks need to grow up. Haven't you figured out by now that it's not the class/race combo that matters, it's the person that is playing the character. There are jerks who play all different classes. It has nothing to do with being a Druid.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 19 2001 at 3:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Agreed. IMHO, there are three reasons druid bashing has become such a popular sport:
#Anonymous, Posted: May 10 2001 at 5:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Turn into a dog. Snare it, dot it, and run like a ***** while nuking. Make sure you train it on as many people as possible, you dont want them stealing YOUR future spawns. You own EQ. After you kill everyone, finish it off, loot, then ***** about how long it takes too get mana back. All Griffs and HG's "belong" to you, becuase if it walks you "already snared it".
#Anonymous, Posted: May 10 2001 at 5:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hate druids! I totally agree! They are greedy, experience hungry loners! They claim that EVERYTHING you touched, they already had snared. They claim EVERY HG, SG, and IG in the world. They have no feelings for the well being of anyone, all they do is snare and dot. Any idiot can do that
#Anonymous, Posted: May 30 2001 at 8:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well, this isn't very well thought out, but does offer the opportunity to consider a couple of points:
LVL 30 Pally LVL 30 druid take down the HG's and Cyclop's
# May 10 2001 at 7:19 AM Rating: Default
Me and a friend took down cyclops and HG's and griffon all over the Karanas I DOT SNARE then KITE while he beats it up in the back once in a while it would aggro on him then I blast it then it chaes me again. And we do that till it is DED. . . =P
Melee Kiting HGs
# May 06 2001 at 12:35 AM Rating: Default
I'm a 40 monk that fear kites HGs down. Not all melees are hack and slash... in fact, there's only one class that qualifies for that! (/nudge warriors) A monk with well-developed instill doubt skill and modest AC and HPs can wax a HG at roughly level 40. I'm able to at 40 if I'm at full HP and full mend. Here's how:

* Engage at full HP/mend.
* Constantly use ID to fear HG. If he runs, hit and kick his fat **** while chasing. You may want to keep trying to fear him to replace the fear with a more recent one.
* If you're too low on HPs (happens), simply FD. (Feign death, NOT fall down! :)
* A good giant-killer weapon is the admantite bo stick (19/30 2hb procs AOE lightning strike). It's a hinky weapon -- the AoE proc also hits you if you're too close to your target. But for big mobs (like our friendly HG), you can stand back enough to hit him and still avoid the proc.

A little note: Velious giants are tougher -- I don't have too much luck with them at 40 (I'm 1 for 4 with ice giant scouts).

Helpful reference: Monkly-business.com has a good primer on instill doubt under skill guides and a guide to using ad bo stick on the Skills & Tactics msg board.
When can a Enchanter solo one?
# May 03 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
I am a level 40 enchanter... was wondering how easy it would be for me to solo a HG. Guess i could try to charm one... but man I have tried charming in Overthere zone it was really touch and go. Any help info?
Stop Killing My Giants
# Apr 29 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Please stop killing my giants...as a rogue I get a SoW and steal all their cash. Its nice until they bust you and remove your appendix and check your prostate...he wasn't gentle. I can steal about 20 pp at a time right now. Just in case some of you are mad that your giants are broke...now you know why.
RE: Stop Killing My Giants
# Jun 08 2001 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
does anybody know at about what level a rogue can get 20 pp off of a hill giant at a time?
RE: Stop Killing My Giants
# Jun 28 2001 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default

At lvl 34 I was stealing up to 24pp from the Hg's in WC and from the Sg's in the Oasis of Marr. I'm going to wait till lvl 36 (thats 1 blue and 1 yellow to go) before I go into Rath. Mts. Get sow potions and make sure that u always have one on. Go make your rounds in the HG valley then go pull a blue con merchant to the zone. Steal from it untill u get low on hps then zone. Zone back in and rest (if u r not KOS with the merchant, also if the merchant doesnt die before u zone u will not take a faction hit) Do this for about 45 mins then go make your ROUNDS again.

WARNING: Do not steal from the same group more then ounce in about a 30-45 min. time frame....Have fun. I know I will

ROGUES KICK ***!.....

Druzil RO server
Mage strategy
# Apr 23 2001 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 42 mage and soloing HG's is pretty easy if u have sow on. Summon a air pet then burnout, pet sow. Find an HG pull with malise. Send pet in and DS it. Then wait 5 seconds for pet to build agro. Then start chaining Cinder Bolts(333 dmg). If the mob agros on you just keep running until the pet stuns it then it will return to attacking the pet. Should take about
5-6 cinder bolts + pet dmg to kill one. Good exp and loot.
HG not worth it
# Apr 21 2001 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
I solod a HG in NK as a 36 Ranger with my trueshot. Have a fresh sow, keep it snared, dont waist the mana on rooting it and they resist alot. I used about 200 class 1 arrows. I have a 190 archery skill and was getting quite a few 20+ hits. I DoT the HG about 3 times for a total of maybe 360 points of damage. Once it got to 1/4 hit points i Meleed as I was out of mana. It did take sometime to kill it and it wasnt really worth the exp or the plat. I get much better exp and plat in the Overthere. The only fun was building up my kiting abilities and killing an HG.
Down Time.
# Apr 18 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
As a 41 shaman. I can solo 1 at FM. barely. with the root/dot kite system. But where as other caster have mana problems. I dont. Cannabalize and Cholorpast stacked with Cerimonial Iskar BP.
As for the tanks. I have seen 1 melee class solo HG's he was a 52ranger. if that gives you tanks any ideas. I hope that its understood for a tank to solo Giants you have to be post 50 for the little guys. and dont try to solo IGs or FG. =)
RE: Down Time.
# Aug 03 2001 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
I was able to solo a Hill Giant and Sand Giant at level 37 with my Shadow Knight. Darkness,Heat Blood, Fear, melee till dead. Reapply Darkness and Fear as needed. I was OOM but had 50% life when it was all said and done. I'm 41 now with more AC and a better weapon so, I may try again since I haven't tried to kill one since 37.

Darcwarlok Doomblade
Iksar ShadowKnight
Harbinger of Death
Druid/Melee teamwork
# Apr 18 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I was a 32 ranger and teamed up with a 34 druid for one of these. He snared, dotted, a dd or two to keep him on the hate list. While chasing the druid, I kept slicing and dicing from behind until dead. He came out with full health and over half mana. And I came out with well over half health. When I get to 35 or 36, I'll try to solo these doing the root & shoot method but gonna try to upgrade my Trueshot bow first.
crazy level's
# Apr 12 2001 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
As a 25Sk my friend was a 31Druid and he snared, dotted and kited until half and I stepped in from behind with my little pet (no taunt) and wacked him for the last quarter of his life. Average loot was about 35-45pp +FS wepon.

30th Season Shadow Knight
RE: crazy level's
# May 29 2001 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
Average loot 35-45PP? MAX loot is 45 and average is about 20PP.
Hell Lvls
# Apr 09 2001 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
These things any good for a 35 Necro? EXP wise that is
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 09 2001 at 9:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) These things any good for a 35 Necro?
how about melee for once!
# Mar 26 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
sheeze, I nuked this I kited that! thats all these post seem to be anymore. how about some info that we can all use. like how much they resist, or what lvl a melee class has to be to kill something!
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but Everyone already knows how to play a caster:
1) root/snare/hold
2) nuke/dot/dd
3) repeat untill well done.

How about a little strategy for the majority of us (the melee classes n hybrids) out here?
Just once I'd like to see a monster that doesn't have 40 of the same ways a caster killed something

just my 2 cp werth

melee type person
RE: how about melee for once!
# Mar 30 2001 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
Most people give caster strategy cuz we're the only class that really needs one. You melee, which means you fight up close.. what more info do you need? You can back up if taunt isnt too much, and rest or bandage, i guess thats about it.. Maybe switch weapons for different procs, and wear good equipment :) Only time you use ANY sort of strategy is with a caster, and then its just monitoring taunt..

RE: how about melee for once!
# Apr 02 2001 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
really? no strategy? hmmmm!

How about telling me bout how many hp somethings got? Or how bout how hard something hits. or even how about some of you melee types tell us what you killed and at what lvl?
I am a lvl 35 pally who runs in fear of mobs that casters 3 lvls below me kill in bunches(I watched a lvl 30 wiz pull and kill 3 specs!) so I can't use what you kill as a comparison for what I can solo.
Instead I have to go by trial and error and hope that the zone is nearby. Or that there is a friendly caster to save me!
And what strategy are you talking about? theres only 3 for caster types:
1) kite
2) reverse kite
3) root and nuke.

#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 03 2001 at 10:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ahh spoken like a true pally...
# May 24 2001 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good
As if I, a ranger...a melee class...don't understand the downsides of reverse and root/snare kiting...and its a very simple easy strategy that is almost foolproof if you learn to pay attention to mob pathing and spawn patterns. I fear kited high blues/evens/yellows well into my 40s in EW and EJ.
I now use other kiting strategies for soloing(since there arent many xp giving animals at my level). My guess is that you deleted your ranger because you enjoyed hiding behind the wall between you and the mob that is your pet...and that you simply couldn't play a class that REQUIRED you to think. BTW, good luck finding a group once you hit level 50.

Araya Le'Bon
#Anonymous, Posted: May 03 2001 at 11:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Spoken like a true caster.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 08 2001 at 5:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i would have to disagree with the other replies u have gotten , i use paly , necro , and wiz. Necro being the easiest and paly beign close 2nd... Pure casters are by far riddled with more down time and larger problems soloing especially when even blue will resist or take 1/2 dam some battles. Or how about the frustration of standing still, beign hit by nothing and still having your spells interrupted> wtf is with that? Root and nuke can be effective if u want to spend 1/2 or more mana each battle and spend most of game medding.
RE: how about melee for once!
# Apr 10 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Ive taken down HG's a lvl 41 solo (im a pally) strategy is as follows, beat it senceless, root then back up and heal, go in and do some more dmg, back up and heal then finish it off ;)
RE: how about melee for once!
# May 19 2001 at 3:22 AM Rating: Default
Gah 10 replies and no answer to the original question, sad... :(

HG's hit for roughly 90 max, and have approximately 2,000 hp, maybe a bit more if its near the top of the level range (36-37)
Bards can Solo them at 30.
# Mar 19 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
It's true. It's tricky, and you can't do it constantly simply because you will need to find two Hill Giants.

The bardic Charm song Solon's Song of the Sirens (level 27) allows the bard to charm a creature for a maximum of 15 seconds. What good is 15 seconds, you ask? The song requires no mana. So, once it wears off, you simply sing it again. You will need this song, Selo's Accelerando (speed song), and then other songs for healing and damage as you see fit.

Find two Hill Giants fairly close to each other. Play the Accelerando speed song using your drum. (You will need the extra speed. HGs are fast. Keep Accelerando going AT ALL TIMES. If you don't, all it takes is one good stun for the giants to pulverize you.) Charm one HG. Have it attack the other. Run to the edge of song range and wait for the charm to wear off. When it does, run in a big wide circle and charm your HG again. Your pet giant should automatically attack your target giant again, once the charm sticks. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Ideally, you'll end up killing one HG with the other, and the other will be so weak that it will already be running away when your final charm wears off. Then you just attack it from behind until dead. Viola. 2 dead HGs.

This doesn't happen very often. Usually your pet will still have enough health to chase after you. You can then song-kite it at your leisure, or pick up another HG and sic IT on your former pet.

Sometimes your target will kill your pet. This is bad, because you loose the XP and loot you would have gotten otherwise. It's tricky, but try to keep tabs on whichever giant has more health, and make that one your pet.

There is also a very good chance this will kill you. :) Be prepared. HGs have long reaches and run fast. When you get hit by them, carefully twist a shot of healing in while you are waiting for charm to wear off.

There's also a chance, especially in places like Rathe Mountains, that you'll pick up adds, i.e. Giant Skeletons, Cyclopses, and other HGs. If it gets really hectic, zone. If you can manage it, though, make your HG your pet, and sic it on the clopses and skelles. With luck, you'll be able to kill off the adds and have a weak HG to kite when you are done.

Remember: for bards, Charisma is the key. Get your CHA as high as you can. (Mine is at 157. On deep red HGs, charm lands about 1 time in 4. I can definately tell a difference when I'm not wearing my CHA gear.) I personally also find that I get fewer resists using a Minotaur Horn with the charm song, but I gladly give that up for the added protection of drum-speed.

Good hunting!
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 08 2001 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was walking thru the karanas one day and this thing spawned right in front of me. I ran back towards highhold keep (with sow) with this thing running behind me. But i almost died laughing when it fell off of the cliff. I climbed down and looted its corpse. Hill Giants arent too nimble are they.
# Mar 11 2001 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
mobs don't take damage from falls

tell us another story
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 23 2001 at 3:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) also, if they die from any source other than a pc (ie, npcs) then their corpse dissapears. nice try tho
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 05 2001 at 2:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dumb *** if its your pet you get exp when it kills another
North Karana Hill Giants
# Mar 08 2001 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen these take out Qeynos Guards easily. Be careful if you are using the guards at the tower or at the NK/SK bridge because Hill Giants (er and griffons) will usually kill them. Also, these guards are undeterred by this so they will often get themselves killed by attacking a passing Hill Giant or Griffon. The only guard I have seen survive is Captain Linarius who Owned a Hill Giant I saw him fighting.
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