I got one of these, 57 chanter of Tunare on Xev Server. I have yet to see another PC wearing it, but Ive been told there are one or two others. Very rare robe and looks better than any other Ive seen.
Combine this with my Chetari Wardstaff and I never get clarity requests :P. I do get asked for ports tho, heh.
Drops on second floor of Hate off Sage. Not an easy item to acquire.
This looks damn fine on my Erudite Magician. It's not all black like most of the pictures I've seen. It's very dark but there is a spidery sort of pattern down the front, in dark crimson red. Very nice robe.
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 6:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heh, if you have this robe and you dont even know the template of it, thats pathetic, or your lying. either way, i dont care. but this is the FBR (flowing black robe) template btw.
Posted:Jul 13 2001 at 8:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yeah sorry I don't memorize the look of every fookin piece of equipment in the game, moron. I haven't even seen a FBR in like 2 years and I certainly wouldn't be caught dead wearing one even on my lvl 5 twink. But anyway yer right, it looks like a very very dark FBR (caught some newb with FBR in the bank the other day and compared em)
Posted:Jun 11 2001 at 9:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why in the heck would you all not want a high elf enchanter to wear this? Unless a wizard is casting AOE spells then there is no way he can agro every mob. Enchanters agro every mob just by BEING an enchanter. It's in the code. In short, enchanters need the highest ac out of all the casters. I'm currently wearing an SMR. If i lost a role and everyone rejoiced I would /guildremove self. Selfish people.
FYI, any of the int casting classes would make good use of this robe. not JUST an enchanter. at the lvl really needed to get this the drop would go to the one with the most merit. a wizzy could use the ac as well as an enchanter as AE groups are very common and wizzie usually pull in them so ac is needed.
-Heh, finally we Wizards have a reason for taking others to Hate:) Previously what else was available for our effortd aside from a Wand of Conflag. Though there are plenty of Better Robes available I could use this one for Trak raids or somethin.
Posted:Apr 09 2001 at 3:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Heheh, I'd hate to see this robe on a light race though. =) Necro in guild won it, and I was darn happy that he did over a high elf enchanter. :p
Posted:Jan 21 2002 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) um.....I think they have medication for your problem. You should really see someone about that.....
You don't even know anything about the person you just flamed. They might help plenty of people out., you really don't know do you? If I was the only class that could port people to a certain place I would want some nice stuff to be able to drop there as well. To the wizzy who posted this, good luck, I hope you get it :)
We had 2 of these drop last night for us in Hate. It drops off Sage's of Innoruuk. You'll know when it'll drops because the sage will be wearing it instead of their normal drab grey robe.