I haven't really looked up wrist items for all casters, but I know Enchanters for one have a very tough time getting good items in their wrist slots. Even the LDoN items you can buy in NRo and BB are less than desireable for the simple fact the stats suck and some aren't even int. related. Anything with more than 50 hp's is almost impossible to find for sale, and if you do find it you'll be paying 40K on bertoxx. Look at the stats on ornate bracers, nevermind the FTII, which is why they're so expensive. The stats blow and if you don't get it to drop you'll be paying close to 100K for them.
Most wrist items for enchanters that are decent are found by raid only, and even something like this, with minimal stats besides hp's and mana aren't very nice, but better than what I'm wearing now. Anyway, I'm still wearing the same wrist items I bought in the bazaar at level 30. Thats enough of my rant, but if anyone has any leads on a good wrist item I can pick up with one group or two, I'd be happy to hear about it.
65 enchanter/ Bertoxx