Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Fabled Glowing Black Stone  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
AC: 10
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WIS: +9 INT: +9 MANA: +10
WT: 0.4 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Lore:Varsoon's Black Heart
Item Type:Armor
Lucy Entry By:kiztent
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-10 07:21:08
Page Updated:Fri Apr 28th, 2017

*This item is Fabled.
Expansion: Gates of Discord Gates of Discord

Rarity: Fabled
Level to Attain: 60

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Qeynos Hills
NPC Name
The Fabled Pyzjn

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Qeynos Hills

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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About the story
# May 15 2016 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Do you guys know where I am able to get the story? I thought it was at a zone off from East Commonlands. It has been a long time since I have played, and I see a change of the Commonlands where I got used to go to memorize how to get to the gnome that talked about the story of Varsoon and Pyzjn. I also wish that the EQ GMs were able to do grouping for quests. Like grouping mobs and items or whatnot that would help for the quest. Good luck on the hunting guys! :D

Thanks for the help.

Penandil ENC from Bertox
Fabled GBS
# Mar 21 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
cleared the ruins and PH, went to check on hadden for the fishbone earring, came back and there she was. boom dead, too bad i didnt have an alt to put the FGBS on. this is my 9th stone, sold the very first one for 80K plat. a LONG time ago.
nice to have one as a showpiece for memories sake LOL.

level to attain 60?
you can do it at 20. she was nothing.

Edited, Mar 21st 2007 11:21am by ZengaSidhe
# Oct 16 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
This is one of the few other Fables I would have liked to get for my alts.
RE: Damn
# Mar 18 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
it may be back, they just brought the old fabled mobs back with kunark ones
RE: Damn
# Apr 02 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
It is back, My guild got nine of them in two nights. They will be gone again after Apr 16 2005. Probably see them for the 7th year celebration. Very nice piece from a level 12 character!
Lv 60 not needed
# Apr 12 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
OK, knowing that all these Fabled are immune to snare/root, you can imagine how I feel going after her with my 52 Druid. Especially after some other run ins with Fabled NPCs. She conned green as most fabled i've seen seem to. My strategy was simple: try to take her out without getting hit. (I've been hit for quite alot by these Fabled types). First off, i put on all my resists. When i got her to spawn, i started hitting her with my dots and keeping my distance. I don't recall even one of her spells actually taking hold on me. (oh, btw, I did this 3 times for alts) Her pet was missing me or hitting for so little that i was able to ignore it entirely till she was dead. Let me tell you, she was quite easy as Fabled mobs go. I know it says lv 60 to attain FGBS, but i had no prob at 52 what-so-ever. I never found out if she hits as hard as the others cuz i never let her get close.
RE: Lv 60 not needed
# May 03 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Watched a relatively unbuffed, mid-50s Ranger with no planes gear wiper her in no time (mele only). They only lost a little health, so I agree that the 60 level is a misnomer.
got lucky
# Apr 12 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
went to the ruins and just root death everything i saw (60 druid hehe) she pop right away and was a real easy kill. got both stones woot woot
How to get her
# Apr 11 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Best way to make her spawn is to wait til 4 PM game time... at the 45 sec mark kill everything at the ruins...usually the placeholder is a rat or wolf standing in the middle of the ruins. Using this method will get you 3 possible spawns of her. SO far 3 or my 4 kills she has had both the fabled and the regular GBS.
Pathing bugs
# Apr 10 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
Just a note - If you're at the ruins killing PHs and it seems that there are all too few of them, it's quite likely that they're 'stuck' inside the wall of the ruins (the one partially standing wall). If you walk up right next to it and listen, you might be able to hear the sounds of mobs stuck inside it, like bat wings flapping or mice squealing. There's no way to target these mobs that I've found, not even with F8, but casting an aoe will hit them. I spent two game nights wondering where all the PHs were before I AoEd that wall and killed no less than 7 or 8 mobs. There were a lot more mobs in the area from that point on, and Pyzjn spawned within 20 minutes.
A simple thing to do
# Apr 09 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Excellent
To get this stone is easy. I have a 65 shammy so not sure how tough she is but she goes down in seconds with him so I would think if you are over 40 you can take her.

To get her to spawn go at night. Once the skellie event at 7pm starts is when i go there.

kill all the skellies by the ruins. All of them. They lay down so run around the ruins a few seconds getting the skelies to pop up and then wack them all.

Wait for like 5 minutes or so and you will see her come walking down the far away hill from where the ruins are. I stand on the edge of the hill where the ruin is and face this oither hill. She comes with her pet. Kill her fast and she will spawn again. I have done this 6 times now and got her to spawn all 6 times. Nice item for starting level casters.
# Apr 09 2004 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
i was helping a friend out in Black burrow tonight decided to camp out but want to go for the fabled GBS tommarow well as i got set up to camp i saw one of the good ole place holders know them all to well from my weeks of camping the millers and perfecting my fear kiting and trying to get the original GBS with after 10 kills no luck any way for giggles i set my pet in after it and then the skelles around it and was about to hit camp when i saw a skelle in the distance coming over the hill clicked it to see what it was and my heart about drop when i saw Fabled Pyzjn's pet quickly got up ran to it picking up about 5 other skelles but i didnt care i was determind lol needless to say very easly dispatched her in her pet at level 45 and looted the fabled glowing black stone the one item i tried so hard to get before (well the original) was now mine. now i know there is better out there but this holds so much sentimental value for me ill proble keep forever cause you know what i play everquest not to get the biggest and the best i play to have fun and make friends and just get away from reality for a short time
Sort of a funny story
# Mar 21 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
30 posts
I went and got myself one last night, after visiting the ruins the day before and seeing a Shaman camping there. I stuck around long enough to see him drop her and get the Fabled GBS, but didn't have enough time to camp it myself.

Anyway, I was sitting in Plane of Tranquility a few hours later (was going to go group in PoJ, but the person I was going to group with had to camp), chatting with my guild, and one of the Clerics was xfering gear between two of his alts, one of which was a Necromancer.

I tell him about the item, and he decides to camp it (as the Necro - his Cleric is lvl 65, so he obviously has better). Unfortunately, he isn't familiar with Qeynos Hills, so I decide to go help him out.

Unfortunately, I went LD while zoning into Qeynos from PoK. I get back on, after having to reboot the computer, and its night.

I ride into QH on my horse, and the zone's almost empty. Only 4 people there, including me and the Necro. I end up running right into a lot of skellies, and make a bee-line for Surefall, warning there's a train the entire way. (Got hit by a nuke that did almost 400dmg on the way) There's a Dwarf Cleric sitting right inside, and he has to zone, too. I apologize for the train, explaining that no one is hunting them, and I basically rode into an ambush. (Frankly, I'm surprised I didn't pull more, and even more surprised I made it to Surefall alive)

When I zone back into QH a few minutes later (it was 4am gametime when I zoned in, and the skellies despawn at 6am), I see in guild chat that the Necro got the Fabled GBS. Meaning my trip was a waste.

Fortunately, a Druid logs on in time to hear about the Fabled GBS in guild chat, and me and the Necro convince him to camp for it. I stick around to help him out, and he starts pulling skellies to the ruins after they spawn at night - commander we kill drops the Putrid Belt. He asks if we should roll for it, but I tell him to keep it. He ends up bringing about a dozen skellies the next trip, but he's in wolf form, so my earth pet picks them off one by one with its Root, while he kites them. He leaves to go get more, and Fabled Pyzjn shows up at the ruins. I tell him to get back asap, and nuke Fabled Pyzjn, as he already has a few skellies pulled. He gets back and loots, while I nuke the skeletons (all conscripts and troopers, btw).

He pulls another group of skellies - about 15 or so, and mostly footsoldiers - but is at low hp because I've been feeding him mod rods, and he's been using the mana for nukes and dots, instead of healing himself. He ends up casting an AE, but he's too close to the mobs, and since he's at less than 400 hp, he ends up suiciding (but wipes the whole group of mobs).

He gets back after the skellies all turn to ash and loots his corpse, then camps, and I gate out a couple of minutes later.

Edited, Sun Mar 21 08:27:48 2004
RE: Sort of a funny story
# Apr 09 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
i dont get is that funny
RE: Sort of a funny story
# Apr 10 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
guess you had to be there XP
Pyzjn Location
# Mar 19 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
where did you find the fabled pyzjn located at? was she by the ruins near the N.E. part of the zone?
RE: Pyzjn Location
# Mar 19 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
She spawns right in the middle of the ruins. I killed her twice today. The first time i let a guildie's enchanter come loot the stone, the second time i had run my enchanter to pick it up. She spawns at night, just go in while all the nasty skellies are runnin about and kill everything, she'll pop soon enough.

Was gonna go get a fippy paw for my enc too but i had to go and i won't be able to play for at least another week and a half =/

Patch message said "Come join us over the next few weeks to celebrate our fifth aniversary" maybe this event will be goin on for a couple more weeks....

Edit: Forgot to tell how i made her spawn in original post

Edited, Fri Mar 19 21:26:14 2004
Sevlore Fisti`cuffs
100 Ashenhand
<Eye of Eternity>
Erolisi Marr
Got one myself now!
# Mar 18 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
22 posts
I spend much of my time searching Norrath for rare and unusual items. Over the last year i've brought Pyzjn out just a handful of times and never saw the G.B.S.

During the recent GM events (for lack of a better term) I was able to get the Fabled Glowing Black Stone! This was dropped by The Fabled Pyzjn. (A much tougher form of herself)

In practical terms; this item is useless to me.

However, the reward I feel by now having it is beyond measure.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 18 2004 at 9:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Pizjin(spelling) is a pain in the **** to get as it is.... nobody wants to sit there and attempt this... can easily get better
Can easily get better?
# Aug 27 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
Could someone please link me to something better than this? I'd love to have this, but if there is something better I'd rather not spend all that time camping this. Thanks.
RE: Can easily get better?
# Aug 28 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Not sure how you'd camp this, given that it's been out of the game since the end of the 5-year celebrations.
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