Locs that have worked for me recently on Prexus server are (310, -760) and (1250, 630).
I have read in other posts the locs of (576, 633) and (1250, -630) but have not found a spawn at those spots yet. I do not know if there is any difference in spawn points from server to server or if SOE changes the spawn points from time to time or not but those two locs I listed were both good for five pickups(10 total) of ore.
And while im rambling I should add its only used in making the Shar Val Warrior portion of the sonic bane weapons. However ANY race warrior can do the quests, they just cannot equip the vah shir only items. To get started as a non vah shir you need to make a newbie vah shir who gives their notarized tax form to the registrah first, then you give a personal acrylia slate from Mignah with the warrior(or other class) you want to recieve the starting cloak and acrylia slate to start the quests with.