Classes: The Shadowknight

Shadowknights - The evil warriors. A combination of fighter and necromancer, the shadowknight is a complex class to develop and play correctly.

What is the best strategy to develop and play your shadowknight? Can the shadowknight solo, and if so how? How should you play a shadowknight in a group? What skills and spells are the most and least useful for the shadowknight? What items should you be seeking for your shadowknight?

Post your strategies on how to best play and develop the Shadowknight and read, rate and comment on what others have to say

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what is the best class for a SHD?Follow

what is the best class for a SHD?
#1 Jul 26 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
i want the best class for my person and nothing less wich kind of race has the best staring out points?
what is the best class for a SHD?
#2 Jul 26 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I aasume you mean best race for an SK, not best class.

There is no such thing as best race anymore. Any low abilities can easily be countered with gear. Besides everyone has a different style of play. Some prefer the brute force approach and go Ogre, others like to just keep their downtime low and usually take Iksar or Troll. Some want to have the best spell casting ability they can for an SK and go Dark Elf.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#3 Jul 26 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
Dark Elves make the best SK's. Many can argue against DE's, however, DE's are the most balanced for both melee and spellcasting. DE's resist interruption of spells which is vitally important to SK's since you will be casting while fighting. Strength and stamina are easily upgraded, moreso than dexterity and agility... eventhough DE's have good Dex and Agi. Gnomes and Erudites put to much into base intelligence and, therefore, lack physicality. On the flip side, Ogers and Trolls make for easy targets and always run low mana. With limited "healing" ability, Ogres and Trolls are not practical for the SK class.

Hope this helps... and, welcome to the Dark Brotherhood.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#4 Jul 27 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
DE's are the most balanced for both melee and spellcasting.

Not correct IMO. Humans are better balanced. No glaring weaknesses, but then no glowing strenghts either.

Edit: Also, gnomes are better balanced than DE. Int effectivley the same, agi 5 lower, but dex 10 higher and STA 5 higher. STR same.

Edited, Tue Jul 27 13:45:49 2004 by dfrnchman
what is the best class for a SHD?
#5 Jul 27 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
Ogres and Trolls are not practical for the SK class.

I am sorry but you are wrong. Ogre's no stun ability owns. Trolls regen owns. Dark elves.... VISION yea thats it, their vision owns!! But no way in the word are DE's the best sk's.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#6 Jul 27 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
ok i see what you guys are saying here thank you and look out there going to be a new the best SHK in town!
what is the best class for a SHD?
#7 Jul 27 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
No stun ability? Yeah, that comes in handy ALL the time. Regen? Oh yeah, there aren't tons of items with that effect on them.

While the Troll is sitting recovering and OOM, I'm healing off of easy to kill mobs. And, with limited mana anway, my mana regen is faster than the Troll's health regen. So, while I move on to the next mob. The Troll is still sitting.

Dark Elves make the best SK's.

Edited, Tue Jul 27 11:55:43 2004 by Kempion
what is the best class for a SHD?
#8 Jul 27 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
While the Troll is sitting recovering and OOM, I'm healing off of easy to kill mobs. And, with limited mana anway, my mana regen is faster than the Troll's health regen. So, while I move on to the next mob. The Troll is still sitting.

What about your own health regen? At middle to high end game, everyone should have enough geaar to balance out weak stats due to race. Beyond lvl 30, race has litte effect, other than being KOS in certain zones, and the Ogre stun immunity, which is very useful at higher lvls, until other races get it through AAs.

No one race is really better than another. How you do past lvl 30 is a mix of your gear choices and how you play your toon. Period.

Edited, Tue Jul 27 16:51:25 2004 by dfrnchman
what is the best class for a SHD?
#9 Jul 27 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
No stun ability? Yeah, that comes in handy ALL the time.

Uh, not being stunned comes in hand uhm ALL THE TIME. I dont see how it doesnt.

Regen? Oh yeah, there aren't tons of items with that effect on them.

Yea your right i forgot about the limited INT and mana boosting equipment in the game, they are pretty rare... oh wait, No they arent. Wait a minute, correct me if i am wrong but there are TONS more INT/mana boosting equipment then there are regen equip. yes, yes i think that is right.

Dark ElvesDONT make the best Sk's
what is the best class for a SHD?
#10 Jul 27 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
Getting stunned is a rarity as it is. Eventually, this makes no differenece anyway.

UNtil you get to the point of balance by items, effects and AA's, you are better off avoiding hits. Ogres and Trolls are easier to hit than DE's and they do get hit a lot more often.

Having fewer hps is not a liability when you can heal all that much faster by burning some mana.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#11 Jul 27 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Ogres and Trolls are easier to hit than DE's and they do get hit a lot more often.

Not in my observation, as long as the Ogre/Troll has the right gear. Yes, Dark elves starting stats make them harder to hit, but gear easily overcomes this. Again, with good gear choices, race choices are irrelevant to performance in battle.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#12 Jul 27 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Dark elves start stats

STR 70
STA 70
AGI 90
DEX 75
INT 109


STR 118
STA 114
AGI 83
DEX 75
INT 62


Str- Troll has 48 more
Sta- Troll has 44 more
Agi- DE has 7 more
Dex- Tied
Int- DE has 47 more

add them together troll has 92+ stats over DE. DE has 54+ Stats over Troll
Which class has more to make up?

Before you retort with, its easy to make that up with equipment... it applies both ways. Plus trolls still have their regen.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#13 Jul 27 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
Having fewer hps is not a liability when you can heal all that much faster by burning some mana.

Against those light blues that you are fighting yes. Go up against a real mob and you get stunned, whats that do? interupt your casting.. oh wait i forgot thats a RARITY

Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about, I can't count how many HIGH level SK's would LOVE to have the ogres non stun ability.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#14 Jul 27 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
388 posts
Best SK Class (er Race)? Any are fine. If this is your main and you are just starting, I would suggest DE (Good starting area, inate night vision, racial abilities have more positives then negatives, no racial exp penalty).

This subject has been BEAT TO DEATH. Please review past postings and you will get a TON of answers about this particular subject.

Races pros and cons in a nutshell

Human - pros: no exp penalty, decent start area, decent faction, medium size /cons: poor night vision, average starting statistics, cannot slam

Gnome - pros: no exp penalty, small size, decent starting area, tinkering, above average starting int, best starting faction for an SK /cons: below average str/sta, cannot slam, constantly getting "I'm gonna (step, eat, ****, etc) you/on you" remarks from other races due to diminutive size and papa smurf 3d graphic

Dark Elves - pros: DE SK's look kewl, good starting int, good starting location, excellent night vision, medium size, no exp penalty / cons: below average str/sta, cannot slam

Ogres - pros: Best starting Str/Sta, decent night vision, Frontal Stun resistant, can slam / cons: dumb as a box of rocks, 15% racial exp penalty, below average faction, Large race (cannot fit in some areas without shrink)

Trolls - pros: Second best starting Str/Sta, decent night vision, Regen (decreases in usefulness at higher lvls), can slam, shares starting location with DE's / cons: dumb as a box of rocks, sucky 20% racial exp penalty, Fire Resistance penalty, below average faction, Large race (cannot fit in some areas without shrink)

Iksar- pros: Above average starting int, decent exp starting area, Regen (see troll), AC bonus which gets better at higher lvls, medium size, excellent night vision / cons: below average str, sucky racial 20% exp penalty, sucky faction, cannot wear a lot of pre-planes of power plate armors, cannot slam, having to fight off all the chicks because of how kewl they look...

Erudite - pros: Best starting int, no exp penalty, decent starting area, decent faction / cons: girly man muscles and stamina, looks like a throwback from a Saturday night live Conehead episode, no night vision, cannot slam

Did I miss anything?

Edited, Tue Jul 27 17:45:32 2004 by Necrophobe
what is the best class for a SHD?
#15 Jul 27 2004 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
399 posts
My god...another pointless race thread.

At best, this is a splitting hairs argument. If one wanted to measure (for the most part) insignificant variables, then one *might* be able to make a case. It is not, however, generally even worth it.

While I could basically care less where you guys want to take this thread, I will say this from an end-game SHD perspective: the only skill that really doesn't fade away (in the end game) at the moment is Ogre's no-stun from the front ability.

Quote: "Getting stunned is a rarity as it is. Eventually, this makes no differenece anyway"

LMAO---what a total crock.

what is the best class for a SHD?
#16 Jul 28 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
I waste red cons. Get a life.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#17 Jul 28 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
I waste red cons. Get a life.

That is your reply to all the info given to you?

Yes, you waste red cons, of this we are sure, very very sure. How are you enjoying lvl 3 btw?
what is the best class for a SHD?
#18 Jul 29 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
I don't respond to message board trolls.

what is the best class for a SHD?
#19 Aug 02 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
U mean race?
Depends on what you want.
if you want high mana pool be a dark elf, erudite, or gnome.
want high health pool be a ogre or troll.
if you want alot of citys to not kill you be a human
and if you want regen be a iksar or troll
what is the best class for a SHD?
#20 Aug 11 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
I watch these arguements about race in every class thread and laugh hysterically!!! What a waste of time to type all this out.

First off, with twinking being so common today, racial arguements become even a bigger joke.

Second being from the days of old, I played during the serious experience penalty phase and still picked a Troll SK. It was a challenge and what I wanted to play.

Pick based on what you want to try and do. Read the advice about what you can do and ignore the ridiculous arguements over whats best this and that.

Everyone has an opinion but technically the one that matters is your own.

4 years and I haven't bought a thing in the bazaar/EC for twinking. I pass gear down to my alts if possible or I give them to lower level players who aren't high level alt's and are just starting out. That was the way the game used to be, a community. Now it's 65 or bust more often than not.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#21 Aug 22 2004 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
gnome > all
stats suck, but who cares, your a gnome, and there are NO gnome sk's around. side at higher levels, its not what race you are, its wut u are happy with, since buffs will have you maxed at all important stats anyway. besides, do you REALLY plan on being under lvl 30 for more then a week anyway?!
what is the best class for a SHD?
#22 Dec 06 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
This was a very amusing forumn for me to read. I love SK's and have two of them one DE and Ogre. Yes you can make up for lower stats with equipment, but I just love how the DE looks. I also just love the starting STR and STA of the Ogre and the No stun ability. It really will not matter in the end; however, you are not going to start out at level 70 with 200 AA's. Just play whatever you like and forget about the number cruching for a few minutes.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#23 Dec 23 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
If you are planning to go end game ogre or iksar are the best choices. If you have good gear all stats should be maxed anyway so that hardly matters but iksars get AC bonus and regen. Ogres ability to not get stunned (this happens a lot tanking, mobs tend to stun just by hitting, anyone that says otherwise is insane) is also good. Id go for Iksar cuz u can get non-stun as AA iirc.
what is the best class for a SHD?
#24 Jan 30 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
Ogres > all other sk's
what is the best class for a SHD?
#25 Jan 31 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
Could someone plz point out which AA can give a SK (except ogre) stun immunity.

I'm confused of the description of AA in game.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 21:03:02 2005 by wingtre
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