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September, 1999

September 30, 1999:  I am glad to see that Verant is finally adding some zones to Odus.  In case you haven't read their development pages, three new zones are planned for the Erudin area over the next few months, and the Temple of Solusek Ro is supposed to be available as soon as October.  This is great.  Right now, the entire continent is being used to either level newbie Erudites up far enough to get them to Antonica or to go to briefly to buy spells or other items.  Most nights, there are barely 15 people in the whole continent.  I updated the zones section to reflect the future additions.

I have been told that some people have gone around claiming to be from this site and asking to see items in trade windows and such.  First of all, I am presently the only one who works on this site, and I play on the Povar server.  Second, when I am in the game, I won't bother people about site-related things, because I prefer to spend the limited time I can find to play the game actually playing.  The reason I put my server up top is because people do have this name on other servers, and I don't want anyone to confuse them for me.

The following sections have new or updated information:    Chest SlotInventory ; Legs SlotErudin Quests ; Qeynos Quests ; Halas QuestsFreeport QuestsNeriak Quests ; Lavastorm QuestsQuest Items ; Qeynos Aqueducts Zone ; Guild Links

September 29, 1999:  Whew.  Big day.  I am introducing a new section to the site: AllaKhazam's Everquest Auctions.  This is launched in conjunction with One Web Place, a well established and reputable online anction site which has extensive experience in running online auctions of this type.  Why an EQ auction site?  Well, people have been using e-bay to buy and sell Everquest items and accounts for months now.  While e-bay is an excellent general auction site, it is not geared for this type of auction.  An Everquest-specific auction site is better for a variety of reasons.  1)  On any given day there are usually over 1,300 EQ items for sale on e-bay, and the only way you can find the items that match your character and server is to manually page through the whole list and read the description of each one.  Since AllaKhazam's site is specifically and solely for Everquest items, you can specify server and item type and immediately see whether there are items for sale which you can use.  It is also flexible to the needs of the users and can be customized further if necessary.  In fact, the addition of class and race specific listings is being considered;  2) Because One Web Place is a smaller and more specialized auction site than e-bay, they will be better able to police the items put up for sale to help keep unscrupulous folks from bidding up the price, and can be more responsive to the requests and complaints of their customers;  3)  The site will soon have access to the Magical Realm's item image files, which has images of the majority of the items available in the game, so that you can see exactly what you are bidding on, and it is linked directly from the Magical Realm, so that you can consult the equipment lists to see what you are getting in comparison to what is available within the game;  4)  It costs less than e-bay to list an item here and, because it is smaller and EQ-specific, you will actually get better overall service.   Moreover, in order to get the site established, One Web Place has agreed to waive all fees for listing items until October 15, 1999.  So if you were thinking of listing something on e-bay, bring it here instead, and be sure to take advantage of the free listing period.

Because I have added a number of new sections over the last couple of months, I have rearranged the table of contents frame to make it more manageable and easier to find what you are looking for.  Also, under the theory that you can never have too many maps, I've gone through all of the zones and added links to the excellent maps on Everlore, so there is now an additional map link in almost every zone.  I am aware that the links to Xezol's maps and blacksmithing guide are not working, but since I don't know if this is permanent or just temporary, I am leaving them up for a while.  In addition, the following sections have new or updated information: Wrist SlotShoulder Slot ; Piercing ; ShieldsInventory Slot ; Chest Slot ; Back SlotFreeport QuestsQeynos Quests ; Oggok QuestsKithicor Quests

September 28, 1999:  There is a new poll up.  Also, for those of you wondering about the research quests, Mithiran Tower has published its Researcher's Guide to Practice Runes.  Also worthy of a mention is that the new sequel to Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2:  The Age of Kings is about to be released and Gamestats has the best AOK site out there at Age of Kings Heaven.  So if you are interested in the release, check out their site.

I'm glad to see that they have finally changed it so that no drop items can go into the bank.  This should make questing a lot more fun.  I added a nice section describing the various /consider responses which was sent in to me.  For future reference, it is listed under faction and starting out (combat).  In addition, the following sections have new or updated information:  1 Hand SlashingShields ; Wrist Slot2 Hand SlashingShoulder SlotBard Instruments ; Hands SlotQuest ItemsGrobb Quests ; Highkeep QuestsRivervale Quests; Qeynos Quests ; Neriak QuestsFreeport QuestsNorth Karana Quests ; Kithicor QuestsEverfrost ZoneGuild Links

September 27, 1999:  There are a lot of updates today, including two new jewelry guides.  I want to thank Heblak for sending in a bunch of new images.  Most of the weapons now have an image.  The following sections have new or updated information: 1 Hand Blunt1 Hand Slash2 hand SlashBard Instruments ; Wrist Slot ; Chest SlotNeck Slot ; Throwing ; Inventory SlotFinger Slot ; Piercing ; Quest ItemsFreeport Quests; Ak'Anon Quests ; Qeynos Quests ; Halas Quests ; Highkeep Quests ; JewelryBefallen Zone

September 24, 1999:  I've hesitated to put this up because I don't want to discourage people from sending in equipment images, but please try not to send me full screen bitmaps.  They hog up space like crazy and jam up my mailbox.  Please convert your images to gif or jpeg format before sending them in.  Thanks.

Well two item mysteries may be solved.  I have been told that the Amulet of Necropotence and the Electrum-Bladed Koshigatana were given out by GM's in dynamic quests, which would explain why nobody seems to know how to get them or even whether they truly exist or are just a hoax.  I'll leave them up for now, although I have not included other GM issued items because I don't see the point in listing items you have little or no chance of ever getting.

The Gnoll Slayer Quest seems like it may now be working, but I don't have all of the details yet.  The following sections have new or updated information: Bard Instruments ; 1 Hand Slashing ; Ak'Anon QuestsFreeport Quests ; S Karana Quests ; Kaladim QuestsCrushbone Quests ; Kelethin Quests ; Erudin Quests ; Qeynos Quests ; highkeep QuestsGrobb Quests ; Ocean of Tears QuestsKithicor QuestsGuild Links

September 23, 1999:  I'm working on some exciting new additions to the site which should be in place within the next few weeks.  One is a new affiliate who is diligently putting together a much needed beastiary.  The other is my attempt to put e-bay out of business ... well at least out of the Everquest business ... with an Everquest-specific auction site.  This actually should be up and running early next week, so if you're thinking of selling something on e-bay, hang onto it a little longer.

The following sections have new or updated information:   Inventory SlotNeck Slot ; Legs SlotFace Slot ; 1 Hand SlashingEar Slot ; Piercing ; 2 Hand Slashing ; Wrist Slot ; 2 Hand Blunt ; Freeport QuestsAk'Anon Quests ; Neriak Quests ; Qeynos Quests

September 22, 1999:  I'd like to thank WyrM for sending in a new title graphic for me.  Those of you trying to duck the boss (you know who you are) will be glad to see there no longer is a moving title on top to attract his or her attention.  There is also a new graphic at the bottom of this page pointing to all of gamestats' great gaming sites, so go check a few out.  You might particularly be interested in The Olthois Lair, which is a nicely done site dedicated to Asheron's Call.  I'd like to send out my condolences to the people from Taiwan, who are recovering from a terrible earthquake, and in North Carolina, where they are still ravaged by last week's flooding.  I know I get visitors from both of those areas, and I wish you the best of luck on getting back on your feet.

I was driving the people in Oasis nuts last night with all of the emotes (a deepwater crocodile hits YOU for 25 points.  AllaKhazam drools -- something must have gotten him excited), but I now have a complete list of what every emote does.  Because there are now so many, I have split the Commands list into Game Commands and Game Emotes.  The following areas have new or updated information: Chest SlotLegs Slot ; Feet Slot ; Hands SlotNeck Slot ; Bard Instruments ; Inventory Slot ; 2 Hand Slashing ; North Karana QuestsQeynos QuestsHalas Quests ; Highkeep Quests ; Erudin Quests ; Barbarian Race ; Tailoring Recipes ; Bug ListGuild linksGeneral Links

September 21, 1999:  The following sections have new or updated information:   Shields1 Hand SlashNeck SlotHead Slot ; Wrist SlotFinger Slot ; Kelethin QuestsS Karana Quests ; Freeport QuestsQeynos QuestsFactionTailoring RecipesMistmoore ZoneBug ListGuild Links

September 20, 1999:  Of course you all knew what the next poll would be didn't you?  Put in your vote for the race with the sexiest men.  I have a ton of new information that I have added today, including the tailoring recipes for silk armor, several nice new quests, a new guide to pottery and a bunch of new items.  Whew.  I'm finally close to clearing out some of the backlog in my mailbox.  Verant's updates really keep me busy.  Here are the sections with new or updated information: Back SlotPiercing Weapons ; Wrist Slot ; 1 Hand Slashing1 Hand BluntNeck Slot ; Inventory SlotWaist Slot ; 2 Hand SlashingHead Slot ; Face Slot ; Arm SlotQeynos Quests ; Highkeep QuestsFreeport Quests ; Erudin Quests ; Rivervale QuestsKithicor Quests ; Grobb QuestsOggok Quests ; Everfrost Quests ; Tailoring Recipes ; Brewing RecipesPottery ; East Commonlands Zone ; Guild Links

September 18, 1999:  Sorry about the lack of updates the past few days.  Because of the flooding in the area and the power outages, I couldn't get online with my main isp and thus couldn't get through to gamestats' ftp server.  The good part is I managed to get in a lot of playing time (well good part for me anyways).  Don't ask me why I could get online but not connect to the update server.  I don't know.  Fortunately, everything seems back to normal now.  I have a lot of updates today, including the statistics for the new raw silk armor added to the tailoring skill.  Basically almost every section in the equipment list has new or updated information, so just go to equipmentand check out each link to see what's there.  There definitely are some new quests out there from the latest patch, as well as some changes in some existing quests.  As I find out the information, I'll add it to the descriptions.  If you see anything new, let me know.  Other sections with new or updated information are:  Freeport QuestsOggok Quests ; Qeynos Quests ; Neriak Quests ; Lavastorm QuestsGuild Links .

Oh yeah -- Go Penn State!

September 15, 1999:  For all of you in the Southeastern US and the Bahamas, we're all hoping you make it through the Hurricane OK.  New information from the latest patch keeps trickling in.  I have been told the shadowmen are in a lot of different zones and that the weapons they drop disappear like summoned weapons.  I'm not sure if this is on purpose or a bug so I haven't put it in the weapon section yet.  I'm guessing that there is some quest involving them somewhere.  The testament of Vanear is now equippable and a number of shield slot items now can be wielded in either hand.  There are a number of new quests that have been added and some changes have been done to several old favorites.  Check the links below to see what has changed.  The most interesting new quests are in Blackburrow and Neriak.  Also, check out the new emotes.  Some of them are pretty humorous.  One of the more useful ones is /yell which makes you yell for help.  I have also been told that invisibility actually blinks now before it runs out.

I'm glad to see people are using the chat room.  I popped in and found several people there last night when some of the servers were down.  There are a lot of updates today, so enjoy (and I didn't even get to all of the e-mails sent in):  Shields2 Hand SlashChest SlotBack Slot ; Finger Slot2 Hand Blunt ; 1 Hand Slash ; Wrist Slot ; Piercing ; ThrowingHead SlotArm SlotHands Slot ; Freeport Quests ; Grobb QuestsBefallen QuestsNeriak Quests ; Kaladim QuestsQeynos Quests ; Surefall Quests ; Blackburrow Quests ; Butcherblock QuestsQuest Items ; CommandsGuild Links

September 14, 1999:  Supplemental Update:  Several people have e-mailed me requesting that I add a chat room.  I was looking through the web for software when it occured to me that I already have one.  Doh!  Way back when, when this site was on xoom, I had signed up with delphi for a message forum.  I stopped using it when I switched to gamestats and added my own board, but it is still there.  The forum includes a nice chat feature which nobody ever used back then (but hey, most people didn't use the board either).  Of course, probably 100 times more people use this site now than did back then.  So I've added a link to that chat room in the index.  You will have to sign up for a free delphi membership to use it.   If people like it, I can try to schedule set times  and topics for discussions and such.  I'll also try to stop in now and then to see if people are really using it and answer any questions.

Whew.  Verant was busy yesterday (and so was this site - almost 35,000 visits).  I'm not going to repeat the same patch message you saw in the game and on 20 other sites.  However, there were some changes made that aren't mentioned in the patch message.  I'm sure there are others that I don't know of, but here is what I know:

    -- There is a new monster called a shadow man, which has been reported in West Commonlands, South Ro, South Karanas and Kithicor.  They are somewhere in the 20's in level, sometimes have necro pets, and drop good cash and shadowed weapons, which are warrior only magical versions of the normal weapons.  I have images for a number of them posted in the weapons section.  They also drop items which may be quest items, so I would presume there is at lest one quest out there that involves these creatures.

    -- Several items have had changes made to them.  The glowing Stein is now the Stein of Moggok and actually looks like a stein instead of a lantern.  It can be equipped in either hand and has the following stats:  +5 dex, +10 int, +10 hp, +25 sv disease,  2 charges of light healing and acts as greater light source.  The quest has changed too.  The koalindl fish and Erud's Tonic are now no drop lore items, and the honey jum costs 3 pp instead of 5 gp.  The order of Thunder no longer has an AC of 2.  The box of abu-kar now only reduces weight by 10%.  And the Flowing Black Robe has a new appearance.

    -- Several vendors now sell patterns for the missing patchwork pieces.  (I have been told of at least one in Misty Thicket)

    -- There is now a ranger guildmaster named Morin Shadowbane located in Kithicor Forest.

    -- You can no longer get Knight cards from Zenita D'Rinn, and probably can't get them from Moodoro as well.

    -- There must be a new high level quest involving collecting various spheres.  I have been told of two (sphere of fear, and sphere of unrest) dropped by high level mobs.  Keep an eye out for the quest.

    -- Several new items have been added.  I have a few listed, but if you run across anything new, please send it in.

    -- Many more quest items have become no drop.

I have updated the commands page to include all of the new emotes that were added yesterday.  Those were a nice touch.  I personally enjoy using the emotes.  Also, several of the bugs listed on the bug list were fixed in this patch, so they have been removed from the list.  Other sections with new or updated information are as follows:   1 Hand Blunt1 Hand Slash2 Hand Blunt2 Hand BluntPiercing ; ShieldsFinger SlotBack Slot ; Bard Instruments ; Neck Slot ; InventoryRivervale QuestsErudin Quests ; Freeport Quests ; Oggok QuestsQuest Items ; Guild Links

September 13, 1999:  Don't forget to check out the Cackling Klaknak, which has added a lot of new humor to the site over the past few weeks, and Mythiran Tower, still the best source for research information.  Also, remember to use my links to Amazon.com, above and in the book section, if you are planning on buying anything from amazon.

The following sections have new or updated information:   Ear Slot2 Hand BluntBard InstrumentsWrist Slot ; Chest SlotHalas QuestsNorth Ro Quests ; Kaladim QuestsQeynos Quests ; Bug ListGeneral LinksGuild Links ;

September 10, 1999:  I added a new poll.  Check it out.  The following sections have new or updated information: Shadow Knight Class ; Wizard Class ; 1 Hand BluntGeneral Links ; Guild LinksTipsCommands

September 9, 1999:  It's 9-9-99, and the world didn't blow up.  Go figure.  hehe.  Only a few updates today.  2 Hand Blunt ; Shields ; InventoryWrist SlotGrobb Quests ; Guild Links

September 8, 1999:  Tomorrow's the big day when you can buy the Sega Dreamcast.  This thing looks cool.  At launch it already has announced more interesting looking RPG's than Nintendo has released since the N64 came out (which is why mine has been sitting in a corner gathering dust for a while now).  Hey, you can't play Everquest all the time, can you?

I've gotten a number of article submissions on various problems with the game or a class or whatever, most of which I decided not to publish.  I got one the other day that I thought was interesting, so check out  Mills Lifestream's Suggestions on Improving Everquest in the editorial section.  Other sections with new or updated information are:  Neck Slot ; 1 Hand BluntInventory SlotOcean of Tears QuestsQuest ItemsCommandsChat TermsBug ListGuild LinksFaction

September 7, 1999:  A lot of new images have been added to the item lists.  The following sections have new or updated information: Face Slot1 Hand Slashing ; Head SlotFinger Slot ; Shields ; 1 Hand BluntThrowingNeck SlotGrobb QuestsQeynos Quests ; Freeport QuestsBefallen QuestsNeriak Quests ; Guild Links

September 3, 1999:  Three days of solid Everquest?  I added a lot of new item images, especially in the weapon sections.  The following sections have new or updated information: Neriak QuestsOcean of Tears Quests1 Hand Slashing ; Legs SlotChest Slot ; Neck Slot ; Finger SlotBug ListGuild Links

September 2, 1999:  I don't know if anyone noticed that Lum the Mad had posted the guidebook Verant sends out to it's Guides and GM's.  I wouldn't have bothered reading it except that after Verant basically threatened to sue him for everything he is worth to get him to take it down, I figured there had to be a real time bomb in there.  Alas, there's very little there that would surprise anyone who has played the game for more than a few weeks, and since it consistantly emphasizes that the players should be treated with respect, it might have done Verant more good than harm to allow its circulation.  Instead, by throwing such a hissy fit, they look like they have something to hide and will just make people even more suspicious of the guides and gms, who already have a pretty thankless job.  Just more proof that technical genius doesn't always translate into common sense.

Luthair sent in a nice table showing the starting stats for each race/class combination.  It is listed under classes and races.  In addition, the following sections have new or updated information:   Chest SlotFinger Slot ; 1 Hand SlashNeck Slot ; Piercing ; ThrowingHead SlotBefallen Quests ; Neriak Quests ; Eruds Crossing QuestsHalas QuestsHighpass Zone ; Beholder ZoneEastern Karana ZoneBug List ; General LinksGuild LinksFaction ;

September 1, 1999:  If you didn't try out Jeff's EQ Stats CGI Log Parser, give it a try.  It is improved from the initial version, and it's kind of cool to get a full report of how your day went in the game.  The following sections have new or updated information:   Shoulder SlotArm SlotBack SlotFeet Slot ; Hands SlotHead Slot ; Neck Slot ; Legs Slot1 Hand Blunt ; 1 Hand Slashing ; 2 Hand Slashing ; Throwing ; E Karana QuestsQeynos QuestsErud's Crossing Quests ; Ak'Anon QuestsBug ListGuild Links