
July, 2000

July 31, 2000:  I promised you a large update, so here it is.  Lots of new information in several different areas of the site.

Equipment Updates: 1 Handed Blunt Weapons ; Chest Slot ; Face Slot ; Head Slot ; Neck Slot ; Shoulder Slot ; Wrist Slot
Updated Quests:   Halas - Trubunal InitiateCabilis - Necro 6th Rank SkullcapRogue Test of Cunning
Skill Updates:   Tailoring RecipesBlacksmithing Recipes
Class Updates:   Bard ClassMonk Class
Other Updates:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 28, 2000: I'm sorry my updates have been so sporadic the last few weeks.  I've had to commute from Philly to Baltimore every day for the past few weeks, putting in unusually long hours for my job, which has seriously cut into my time to work on the site (and my time to do much of anything else really).  And some serious family matters have taken up my last few weekends.  However, I have this weekend free and will be out of Baltimore after Tuesday, so things should basically go back to normal next week (I hope).  Please indulge me another day without an update.  Tonight I intend to do two things I haven't been able to do in the last few weeks, namely get drunk and play Everquest.  I'm hoping tomorrow to work through a kicking hangover and get the backlogged information up for you.

July 26, 2000:  Just when I start to think I must have just about everything covered here, a whole load of new information comes in.  So today I have a nice large update for you.  Also, just another reminder to check out the platinum piece auction section.  There are currently almost 400 items listed for sale there covering every server.  Spend less time /auctioning and more time fighting.

Equipment Updates: 1 Handed Blunt Weapons2 Handed Blunt Weapons2 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Arm Slot ; Back Slot ;Chest Slot ; Head Slot ; Neck Slot Waist Slot ; Wrist Slot
New Quests:  Halas - Tribunal Initiate
Updated Quests: Beholder - The Bones of Darak LightforgeCabilis - Shackle of Bronze Qeynos - Fleshy OrbsPlane of Sky - Necromancer Test of Power

July 25, 2000:  For those interested in Diablo 2 as well as Everquest, the Diablo 2 site is coming along (if a bit slowly).  Although everything else is still under construction, I have put up a Diablo 2 Forum there for you to post about the game.  Head on over and post a few things.  I hope it can develop discussions as interesting as those seen on the Everquest forum.

July 24, 2000:  A nice update today, including an as yet unsolved high level Paladin (who else?) Quest.

Equipment Updates:  1 Handed Blunt Weapons1 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Chest Slot ; Packs and Bags
New Quests:   Beholder - The Bones of Darak LightforgeCabilis - Shackle of Bronze
Updated Quests: Qeynos - Tesch Val Scrolls
Zone Updates:   FreeportThe ArenaEruds CrossingQeynos AqueductsSurefall Glades ; Kedge Keep
Other Updates:  Guild Links

July 21, 2000:  Ironically, right after I put back up the old quest lists, I get a load of new quests.  I have a number of new items as well.

Equipment Updates:  1 Handed Blunt Weapons1 Handed Slashing Weapons ; 2 Handed Blunt Weapons Back SlotInventory ItemsPotions
New Quests:   Qeynos - Tesch Val ScrollsMisty Thicket - Mooto's ProofFiriona Vie - The LoomWestern Karana - Plains Pebble
Updated Quests:   Crushbone - Taskmaster EarringQeynos - Aegis of Life

July 20, 2000:  I have put the old quest lists back up and will try to keep both those lists and the database updated, at least until I am sure the database is completely stable and until I can get a way to have it generate a printable list for those who like to print out the zone lists.  It is listed in the index as Quest Lists.  When there is too much of a load to get to the database, this will still let you search the old lists, as the html pages are not slowing down.  Again, I apologize for the site being slower than normal recently.  I am in the process of ordering upgrades that will hopefully speed it up significantly.

July 19, 2000:  Wow.  Today's load on the server tells me I had better do something to speed things up.  I'm checking with my ISP to see what can be done.  If you are trying unsuccessfully to get to the quest database, basically so many people are trying to use it that it is just overloading, causing some people to have problems.  We just added a huge amount of Ram to the server, but it obviously wasn't enough.  I'll do whatever I need to do to get that fixed as soon as possible, and apologize for the slow down.  Hopefully, when the servers go back up, things will be better, and then I can get it fixed before the next outage.

The following sections have new or updated information:

Equipment Updates: 1 Handed Slashing Weapons2 Handed Blunt Weapons2 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Chest Slot ; Face Slot ;
Other Updates:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 17, 2000:  I now have plenty of volunteers to help put together a Diablo 2 site for all those eq/diablo players (you know you are out there).  We are now setting out to get together the information and organize the site.  Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for more information.  Of course, the Everquest information keeps on coming in.  The following sections have new or updated information:

Equipment Updates:  1 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Bard Instruments ; Hands Slot ;
Quest Updates:  Rivervale - Hungry DeputyQeynos Hills - Gnoll Slayer
New Quests:   Greater Faydark - Wine-O
Zone Updates:   Old Sebilis
Other Updates:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 14, 2000:  Have you checked out the auction section yet?   This is the best way out there that I know of to buy or sell an item in the game without going through the hassle of running around /auctioning all the time.  (This is for pp, not $, and Verant has stated that it is perfectly legitimate).  Right now, there are 29 items up on the Bertox server, 25 on Solusek Ro, 24 on Tarew Marr, 21 on Brell Serilis ... right down to zero on Mithaniel Marr. (What? You people don't have anyting to sell over there?).  The items listed range from ultra rare items (Blight - Hammer of the Scourge on Rodcet Nife) to class-specific items (Darkforge Breastplate on Tallon Zek) to very common items (Bear Hide Boots on Tarew Marr).  It is completely free of charge to use.  Be sure to check it regularly if you are looking to buy something and register and post anything that you want to sell.

July 13, 2000:  The following sections have new or updated information:

Equipment Updates:   2 Handed Slashing Weapons Bard Instruments
Quest Updates:   Sky - Bard Test of PitchCabilis - Crusader's Test of the PawnFironia Vie - Charm Plant
Zone Updates:   Lower Guk
Skill Updates:   Blacksmithing Recipes
Other Updates:  Guild Links

July 12, 2000:  I am putting together a Diablo 2 site and am looking for qualified and dedicated people who are into Diablo 2 and are interested in helping to develop the site and keep it updated.  You don't need to be a programmer, but a basic background in html and good writing skills are important.  It is a good opportunity to get involved in developing a website from the start.  If you are interested, please e-mail me your background and qualifications. Also, if you have any basic Diablo 2 information, such as quest and item information, feel free to send it in to me.

I know the site has been slow lately.  We are in the process of upgrading the server to handle the additional load.  In the meantime, one of the more intensive processes is the search engine that comes with the ubb forums, so I have turned it off for now to keep it from slowing down the rest of the site.  You can still search the ubb forum through the general search engine.  The following sections have new or updated information:

Equipment Updates:  1 Handed Blunt Weapons1 Handed Slashing Weapons2 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Chest Slot ; Piercing Weapons
Quest Updates:   Fironia Vie - Kwinn's Quest
Other Updates:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 11, 2000:  Someone went way back into his archives and dug up a map of Velious that was published during beta.  Considering how close the beta map of Kunark ended up relating to the real thing, I figured it would be worth putting up.  Thus, I added Velious to the Zone Listings.

July 10, 2000:  An interesting piece of news was posted on Everlore that I thought I would share here.  It seems that Brad McQuaid announced at the EQ Gathering in Las Vegas that there is going to be a new expansion based upon the Continent of Velious.  It is supposed to be a cold-based continent with ice dragons and such.  I have no idea how many new zones that would be.  The release date is slated for December.  Well I guess we all know what to put on this year's Christmas list.  I have quite a few updates for you today:

Equipment Updates:   1 Handed Blunt Weapons1 Handed Slashing Weapons2 Handed Blunt Weapons2 Handed Slashing WeaponsFinger SlotLegs SlotNeck SlotPiercing WeaponsWrist Slot
Quest Updates:   Sky - Enchanter Test of MetamorphismSky - Ranger Test of Earth
Other Updates:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 7, 2000:  Just a few updates today.
Equipment updates:  Chest Slot ; Neck Slot
Quest Updates:   Cabilis - Soldier's PikeCabilis - Trooper's Pike Cabilis - Shackle of Copper

July 6, 2000:  A couple of nice equipment updates for you today:  1 Handed Slashing Weapons ; Chest Slot ; Head Slot ; Neck Slot ; Wrist Slot ;
Quest Update:   Sky - Shaman Test of Health
Other: Guild Links

July 5, 2000:  The only bad thing about a 4 day weekend is that it is so much harder to go back to work when you are done.  Then again, only 2 more days after this one until the weekend.  Here are a few updates to help you kill off time thinking EQ at your boss's expense.

Equipment updates:   Chest SlotFace SlotShoulder Slot
New Quests:   Paineel - Herb Shop
Updated Quests:   Sky - Rogue Test of Silence
Zone Updates:   Solusek's EyeOld Sebilis Feerrott Zone
Skill Updates:   Blacksmithing
Other:  General Links ; Guild Links

July 4, 2000:  Happy birthday America!  I hope everyone has a great Independance Day.

July 3, 2000:  All of the equipment items now point to the appropriate quest database description, as opposed to the old descriptions.  As you look through the quest database, you may notice a number of quests that are listed as newly updated (the symbol with the star), even though I don't mention them in the news section as being updated.  Basically, I probably made a minor correction to the quest (corrected a typo, linked up an item or picture that was missing, etc.) that I figured most people wouldn't be so concerned with that they need to be pointed to the correction.  This will especially be true as I continue to fine tune the database information.  Any time I make a significant change or addition to a quest, or add a new quest, I will put it in this section with a link as before.

The following sections have new or updated information:

Equipment Updates: 1 Handed Blunt Weapons ; Arm Slot ; Chest Slot ; Feet Slot ; Legs Slot ; Head Slot ; Neck Slot ; Packs and Bags ; Shields ; Wrist Slot
New Quests:  Dai Key ; Fire Beetle Eyes
Updated Quests:   Breastplate of RoFabian's Strings
Zone Updates:   Nagafen's LairLake of Ill Omen Karnor's Castle
Other Updates: Guild Links

July 2, 2000:  I think some people aren't sure how to use the new quest database.  I'll set the main things out here, and then put something together that can be accessed from the main page of the database.  On the first screen that comes up, you basically have 5 choices.  On the top line, you can list the quests by zone, quest item or faction raised.  Below that you can do a general term search, similar to your standard search engine.  Below that you can search for quests specific to a single class (this will not bring up the all classes quests, as that would be way too large a list - also keep in mind that any class can do almost any quest if their faction is high enough).  Clicking on "Zone" will basically bring up the same list I had on the old quest page.  That lists the number of quests that start in that zone and also the number of quests that start somewhere else, but involve that zone.  Clicking on the zone itself (or faction or item) brings up a summary page.  This is to help you figure out which ones you want to look at in more detail, and for those who don't want the spoilers, let you know what quests exist without giving away how to do them.  If you click on the header of each column (quest, level range, starts in, best class, reward, rating) it will sort the quests by that column.  It also shows a symbol to tell you if it is unsolved, incomplete or newly updated.  Click on the quest name to get the detailed information.  Within the quest information, you can click on any of the Mobs that are highlighted to get information on them, the zone names to get to the zone description, and the reward to get the reward item picture.  You can also comment on the quest and rate it.

July 1, 2000:  Just wanted to post a happy Canada Day for all the Canadians who visit the site.