June, 2001

June 29, 2001:  I'm repeating yesterday's request for voluntary payments for those who don't scroll down, and because it bears repeating and is important:  If you can afford it, please make a voluntary payment to cover your use of the site last month.  Our expenses are even higher this month because we bought an additional, dual processor server to try to speed things up for you (it finally cleared customs and should be hooked up next week -- whoohoo).  Just click on this link and use Paypal, the most trusted payment service on the web, to transfer over whatever amount you feel is fair to cover your use of the site for the past month.  Or if you prefer snail mail, you can send a check to:  Allakhazam.com, P.O. Box 8035, Wilmington, DE 19803-0035.

As many as 300,000 people use this site each month, with over 80,000 coming here every day, yet the number of people making voluntary contributions numbers in the low hundreds.  We generate more than 2 million page views every day, and our bandwidth costs run close to $6,000 per month.  I know some of you spend a lot of time here.  If you come here a lot, check out the new items, read the thought for the day, post and read on the forums, post and read comments, revamp your character's stats and use any the other features we have developed, think about how much time and effort goes into this and how much you enjoy using it and ask yourself whether this is something you value.  If it is, click here and make a payment and let us know that you value our efforts.  Even a small payment really does make a difference.  (Geeze, now I really am sounding like PBS)

OK enough sermonizing.  Now for today's update.  In addition to Befallen, Cazic Thule, Velketor's Labyrinth and the Temple of Veeshan seem to have gotten facelifts and upgrades, and some other zones have new items and Mobs as well.  Many of the items in Velketor's had their stats upgraded.  I'm correcting them as I get the new information.  Here are a bunch of new items for you:

New Equipment:   Enchanted Teir'Dal Chain Bracelet ;  Kelciferous' Armband of Artistry ;  Mrylokar's Dagger of Blood ;  Feeliux's Cord of Velocity ;  Pristine Studded Leather Gloves ;  Pristine Studded Leather Sleeves ;  Bronze Sigil of T'Vyl ;  Ritualist's Gown ;  Cast-Iron Mace ;  Velketor's Spellbook ;  Wu's Fist of Mastery ;  Breastplate of Eradication ;  Spiked Seahorse Hide Belt ;  Imbued Mithril Studded Cloak (Tunare) ;

June 28, 2001: We're coming up on the end of the month again.  That means it is time again to ask you to contribute by making a voluntary payment for your use of the site.  Our revenue is very low and our costs are very high.  Therefore, we need to rely upon your contributions to keep the site up and running and continue to bring you up to date and accurate information about the game.  We understand that there are people who use the site who cannot afford to pay for it, and that is why we are trying to keep it free for everyone.  If you can afford to pay for it, please take a minute to consider all that you get out of the site and what it is worth to you and make a payment accordingly.  Your payment is vital!  How many of you went out and payed $20 for the strategy guide only to find that you could find better and more accurate information right here?  Just because it is on the web and not sold in stores does not make the information we provide any less valuable.  Making a payment is quick and easy.  Just click on this link and use Paypal, the most trusted payment service on the web, to transfer over whatever amount you feel is fair to cover your use of the site for the past month.  Or if you prefer snail mail, you can send a check to:  Allakhazam.com, P.O. Box 8035, Wilmington, DE 19803-0035.

The visitors to this site count in the hundreds of thousands, yet the contributors number in the hundreds.  Don't rely upon the other guy, because he's relying upon you.  Even a small payment really does make a difference.  Please do your part.

OK on to the updates.  I have a pile of new items that were found in the revamped Befallen and Cazic Thule, plus the start of a new quest series in Qeynos.

New Equipment:  Pristine Studded Leather Legs ;  Robe of the Primordial Ritualist ;  Scepter of the Darkened Rite ;  Hollowed Koada'Dal Rib Cage ;  Pristine Studded Leather Tunic ;  A Guardian's Dagger ;  Veil of the Vortex Weaver ;  Pristine Studded Leather Bracer ;  Grimy Lance ;  A Servant's Blade ;  Pristine Studded Leather Boots ;  Golden Sigil of T'Vyl ;  Platinum Sigil of T'Vyl ;  Investigator's Badge ;
New Quests:  Investigator's Badge No 1 ;

June 27, 2001: For those of you who are interested, we have now opened an Anarchy Online Site.  On the scale of these things, the game seems to have gotten off to a pretty good start.  There's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition to keep the Everquest folks hopping.  Other than that, just a small update today.

New Equipment:  Narandi's Lance ;  Steelsilk Greaves ;

June 26, 2001: I've been working all day on the Anarchy Online site (must ... get ... site ... done), so I don't have any updates today.  Just a reminder that the EQ servers will be down tomorrow.  Since U.S. customs is still hanging onto our new server, apparantly in an attempt to make sure we are not importing some sort of dangerous Canadian technology, the site is bound to be excruciatingly slow tomorrow (nafta, what's that?).

June 25, 2001:  For those of you who have not yet read the Curt Schilling or R.A. Salvatore interviews, I have put up links to them in the editorial section.  They have been scrolling down the news section and thus have been harder to find.  I'll continue to link future interviews from there, and perhaps if I accumulate enough of them I'll create a separate section for them (and I may just have another one heading your way in a little bit).

New Equipment:  Vambraces of the Untamed ;  Amcilla's Talisman ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Collar (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Gauntlets (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Girdle (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Paudron (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Visor (Tunare) ;

June 22, 2001: Today's update consists mostly of player-crafted items.  I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

New Equipment:  Glimmering War Axe ;  Teir'Dal Adamantite Vambraces (Innoruuk) ;  Velium Amber Ring ;  Velium Bloodstone Earring ;  Velium Carnelian Wedding Ring ;  Velium Hematite Ring ;  Velium Lapis Lazuli Necklace ;

June 21, 2001: I just wanted to let you know that RPGwear has added a couple of new T-Shirt designs and has changed around some of their prices.  Check out the cool new Shadowknight T-Shirt and the Minneapolis Fan Faire shirt with the Luclin Box Art Design.  They tell me that they are working hard on putting together the other class designs (right now, they only have the Druid and Shadowknight).  Be sure to check out their entire inventory of official EQ merchandise at this link.

New Equipment:  Face Mask of Bumblok ;  Troubadour's Breastplate ;  Troubadour's Helm ;  Golden Star Chest Wraps ;  Malevolent Breastplate ;  Amulet of the Storm ;  Jaded Velium Ring ;  Velium Turquoise Bracelet ;  Velium Opal Engagement Ring ;  Velium Onyx Bracelet ;
Updated Quests:  Bard Kael Breastplate ;  Bard Kael Helm ;  Monk Kael Tunic ;  Shadowknight Kael Breastplate ;

June 20, 2001: The quality of comments on the items has been dropping alarmingly lately, so we've decided to do something about it.  We have changed it so that only registered users are allowed to post comments on items (the other sections will still allow anyone to post).  Once you register, you can still post anonymously if you want, but we will know who you are, and if you continue to post up inane and offensive comments you will just be banned from posting.  I really hate to do this, since I much prefer to allow everything to be completely open, but after spending several hours today deleting the offensive posts, I decided enough is enough.  As usual, a few idiots mess up things for everyone.

Now for some good news.  Thanks to your continuing voluntary payments, we were able to purchase an additional, extra powerful, server for the site (to go with the three we are already running on).  It is going to take another week or so to configure and install, but hopefully (knock on wood) it will significantly speed things up.  I know I can't be the only one beating my head against the wall every time I click on a link and have to wait for the servers to slowly grind it up for me.  Of course, every time we've added a new server, the traffic has just increased to match it, but one can only hope this one will do it. :)

New Equipment:  Myga's Talisman ;

June 19, 2001: I have a very nice update today -- lots of new items.  Hopefully, it will keep you busy for a little while.

New Equipment:   Gloves of Stability ;  Choker of the Wretched ;  Imbued Field Plate Cloak (Rodcet Nife) ;  Short Sword of Yalrek ;  Withered Leather Tunic ;  Dabner's Stud of Introspection ;  Gaudralek, Sword of the Sky ;  Ancient Wurm Hide Robe ;  Vyemm's Left Eye ;  Medal of Deep Thought ;  Windraider's Belt ;  White Lotus Headband ;  Blood Lord's Vambraces ;
Updated Quests:  Monk Skyshrine Cap ;  Shadowknight Skyshrine Armplates ;

Don't forget to do your shopping through our amazon.com link.

June 18, 2001:  I have another treat for you today.  Many of you probably know the works of R.A. Salvatore.  If you don't, you should!  He's one of the finest science fiction/fantasy writers of our times.  He is also an Everquest player, and has agreed to answer a few questions for me about Everquest and the art of writing.  So in the second of what I hope will be a continuing series of interviews with celebrity Everquest players (assuming that I can track some others down that is), I present An Interview with R.A. Salvatore.

June 15, 2001:  I hope those of you going to the fan faire in Minneapolis this weekend have a great time.  I'm not going to be at this one, but hopefully I'll be able to make the next one, wherever that may be.  I have a couple of new quests in today's update.

New Equipment:  Unicorn Horn Fragments ;  Poison Etched Wristband ;  Blackstone Maul ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Bracers (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Breastplate (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Greaves (Tunare) ;  Koada'Dal Mithril Helm (Tunare) ;  Shield of the Tsunami ;  Midnight Sea Leggings ;  Deluxe Tool Kit ;
New Quests:  Child of Innoruuk ;  The Lorekeeper's Scrolls ;  Catman Alliance ;
Updated Quests:  Kobold Shaman Artifacts ;

Go Sixers.

June 14, 2001:  Only a few new items today.

New Equipment:  Visage of Life ;  Etched Velium Brawl Stick ;  Fleeting Quiver ;  Mask of the Silver Eyes ;
Updated Quests:  Scrolls of the Ancient Totem ;  Request of the Arcane ;

June 13, 2001:  We're working hard on getting an Anarchy Online site up in time for the big launch.  For those who don't know, it is a new, science fiction themed MMORPG scheduled for release June 27th.  For those who are interested, you can pre-order it from amazon.com at this link.  Don't worry.  That hasn't stopped me from putting up a bunch of new Everquest items.

New Equipment:  Blackened Alloy Collar ;  Velium War Maul ;  Ivory Blade ;  Fire Emerald Velium Ring ;  Helm of the Untamed ;  Reinforced Dragonhide Gauntlets ;  Dark Muslin Bracers ;  Jaded Platinum Ring ;  Velium Blade of Superiority ;  Peerless Dragonhide Breastplate ;  Primal Velium Warsword ;  Wrist Guard of Thunder ;  Yunnb's Earring ;  Earring of the Living Flame ;
Updated Quests:  Test of the Living Flame ;

Go Sixers!  Beat L.A.!

June 12, 2001:  Just a couple of updates today.

New Equipment:  Deluxe Sewing Kit ;  A Red Gift Box ;  A Wily Warlock Doll ;  A Blue Gift Box ;  A Sly Summoner Doll ;  Slate Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Bamboo Splint Coif ;  Cold Iron Shackle ;
New Quests:  The Gift Box ;

June 11, 2001:  Thanks for all the positive feedback on the Curt Schilling interview.  It went over so well, I'm hoping to continue to track down other celebrity EQ'ers (come on, you know you're out there).  Expect another interview soon.

New Equipment:  Emerald Bastardsword of Purity ;  Dark Muslin Tunic ;  Gnomish Vanishing Device ;  Edge of the Taskmaster ;  Blackened Alloy Bracers ;  Blackened Alloy Waistband ;  White Dragon Statue ;  Draazak's Talisman ;  Crown of the Kromzek Kings ;
Updated Quests:  The First Arcane Test ;

Have you made your voluntary payment for the month?

June 8, 2001:  I have a special treat for you today.  After the recent writeup in espn.com, many of you may know that Curt Schilling, the all star pitcher from the Arizona Diamondbacks, is an avid Everquest player.  Well, I managed to track him down and get him to agree to an interview.  The result is now up in the news section.  It makes you wonder who else you are grouping with doesn't it?  I also put up another poll, since I was getting tired of looking at the old one.

And if that isn't enough for you, I also have a ton of updates today.

New Equipment:  Enchanted & Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril Cloak (Tunare) ;  Enchanted & Imbued Koada'Dal Mithril Vambraces (Tunare) ;  Enchanted Teir'Dal Adamantite Collar ;  Enchanted Teir'Dal Adamantite Pauldron ;  Enchanted Teir'Dal Adamantite Visor ;  Sage's Boots ;  Sage's Pantaloons ; Green Flower of Functionality ;  Black Flower of Functionality ;  Globe of Darkness (quest version) ;  Crown of Distraction ;  Onyx Wristbands ;  Silver Wristguards ;  Breastplate of Distraction ;
Updated Quests:  Wizard's Velium Leggings ;  Wizard's Velium Boots ;  Deck of Spontaneous Generation ;

Go Sixers!

June 7, 2001:  Did you hear it?  That piercing, mournful sound?  That could only mean one thing -- a vast disturbance in the dark side of the force. It can only be the sound of millions of Lakers fans' jaws hitting the floor.  The light side wins.  Go Sixers!!!!!

OK I'm celebrating a little.  I'll probably regret it later :)

New Equipment:  Golden Leaf Greaves ;  Silver Bracelet of Speed ;  Boots of Deep Thought ;  Ionat's Talisman ;  Very Large Coin Purse ;  Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings ;  Belt of the Destroyer ;  Silent Fang Necklace ;
Updated Quests:  Ranger Skyshrine Leggings ;  Test of the Platinum Tear ;  The Second Arcane Test ;

June 6, 2001:  I believe that tomorrow is election day in Great Britain, so I figured I would put up a reminder to the Brits who visit here to go out and vote.  Also, don't forget to keep checking the news section for updates on Everquest and other MMORPG's.  Today's update includes the walkthroughs for the 6th and 7th coldain prayer shawl quests.

New Equipment:  Embroidered Coldain Prayer Shawl ;  Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl ;  Runed Sea Shell ;  Zavo's Stud of Mortality ;  Bratavar's Talisman ;  Rose Velium Engagement Ring ;  Primal Velium Brawl Stick ;  Primal Velium Claidhmore ;  Sceptre of Destruction ;  Smolder ;  White Resistance Stone ;  The Horn of Hsagra ;  Axe of the Kromzek Kings ;
New Quests:  Embroidered Prayer Shawl ;  Runed Prayer Shawl ;

Go Sixers!  Beat L.A.

June 5, 2001:  Things have been slow lately, which means I just have a couple of updates today.

New Equipment:  Mrylokar's Gauntlets ;  Zavo's Cloak of the Mortals ;  Peerless Dragonskull Helm ;  Clockwork Watchman Bracer ;  Cold Iron Collar ;  Velium Maul of Superiority ;  Pauldrons of Power ;

June 4, 2001:  Whoohoo the Sixers are going to the NBA finals!  We're partying here in the city of brotherly love.  Don't worry.  I'm not so hung over that I didn't get some updates for you.

New Equipment:  Silver Gilded Tiny Skull Earring ;  Emerald Cloak of the Faydark ;  Weighted Velium Battlehammer ;  Dark Muslin Cap ;  Ashteth's Bejeweled Dagger ;  Crown of Rile ;  Infestation ;
New Quests:  The Frightlings ;

June 1, 2001:  I have a lot of new items for you from all corners of the globe.

New Equipment:  Forged Velium Short Sword ;  Blackened Alloy Gloves ;  Blackened Alloy Longsword ;  Supple Black Cloak ;  Azibelle's Scarf of the Night ;  Onyxbrand ;  Imbued Platinum Ruby Veil ;  Dark Muslin Sash ;  Enchanted Koada'Dal Mithril Breastplate ;  Bronzewood Staff ;  Etched Velium Warsword ;  Siren Hair Earring ;  Honed Velium Warsword ;  Dark Cloak of the Sky ;
Updated Quests:  Ranger Test of Defense ;

Go Sixers!!!!