March, 1999

March 31, 1999:  I have written a Guide to Playing an Erudite Wizard which is linked through the player's guide sections on wizards and erudites.  It covers creating and playing an Erudite Wizard through level 8.  For those of you who have tried to get onto the message board and not enjoyed the hassle Delphi puts you through, I have been assured that they are changing their codes to make it easier to use.  This should be done within a week.  I like the layout of the Delphi board, and it even has a nice chat feature.  I figure most people will go to EQ Vault or EQ Stratics for messages, but feel free to use the board and chat as much as you want.  At least it won't overload when the server goes down.  Also added links to the following areas:  Steamfont.

March 30, 1999:  Added links to two nice personal pages dedicated to specific classes:  The Enchanter's Realm and Bohica's Lair (Troll Shaman).  These are in the player's guide and the general links section.   Bohica also had maps to Grobb and Innothule which are now linked.  Also added 2 new map links for Kelethin.

March 29, 1999:  I must say I'm amazed.  I've gone over 10,000 hits since I put this up somewhat on a whim 2 weeks ago.  I appreciate all the people who have come here to get information and have e-mailed me with suggestions.  Keep it up.  Thank you to Games First for mentioning my player's guide in their review of Everquest.  You can read the review HERE . I updated the links to the Norrathian travel agency to reflect that it is now part of EQ Stratics.  They should be good again.  I have changed the frames to make the index frames smaller and less obtrusive.  Hopefully, it will satisfy both the people who want easy navigation and those who don't want any clutter (then again probably not).

March 27, 1999:  Thank you to Sony for mentioning my page in its news section.  Because it seemed to be the most requested feature, I have added a new section to the player's guide listing the commands in the game.  I also added links to the following sections:  Qeynos, Halas, Grobb,  Jewelry making, Brewing.  For those of you who don't want to view the Player's Guide in Frames, simply bring it up in a separate window.  I have left the table of contents at the top of the guide so that it can be used without the index frame if you prefer it that way.

March 26, 1999:  Assuming you came through the first page and don't have this page bookmarked, you should notice a dramatic improvement in the look of this page.  If you bookmarked this and wonder where to find the guide,click the link above to get the framed page.   I still have a lot to do, but the main Everquest page and the Player's guide should now be in frames and hopefully easier to use and nicer to look at.  I also added a tip on the /loc command in the tips section.  I have chosen to keep the player's guide intact despite the size of it so that it can be easily downloaded or printed.   I of course welcome feedback on the design.  It is my hope to make this as user friendly as possible.

March 25, 1999:   Big addition today.  I have finished my guide to the cities and zones of Norrath.  Most of the cities and zones are covered, with some having more detail than others.  I would appreciate any feedback on this, especially as to monsters or zones I missed or mistakes I have made on descriptions or playing levels.  Because of its size, I have made it a separate area from the Player's Guide.  You can either access it from the table of contents of the player's guide or from the link on this page.  I also added links to the following sections:  Ranger, Druid, Shaman, Necromancer, Magician, Rogue and Tailoring.

March 23, 1999:  Congratulations to Sony for having the sense to give everyone 2 extra free weeks for going through the hassle of playing (or not playing) over the past week.  This is a great game, and they should keep their fans happy.  More updates.  I added a lot of new links to the maps section, with links to the maps on EQ Online and the official maps on Sony's Everquest home page.  There are now maps to every major city and many of the more popular hunting grounds.  If you know of more maps. I also added links for several of the major trade skills.  There are now links to guides for Baking, Blacksmithing, Bowyering, Fishing, Fletching, Jewelry Making, Pottery and Tailoring.  As I find out more information, I will flesh out those guides.

March 22, 1999:  Added a new section to the Player's Guide for maps and travel guides.  There are now links in that section to maps or guides for most of the major cities in Norrath through EQ Vault, EQ Stratics and The Norrathian Travel Agency.  As with the rest of the guide, I will add more as I find them.  I also added links to the following sections:  Shadow Knight, Rogue, Warrior, General Classes, Wood Elf, Erudin, Gnome, High Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Troll, Barbarian and Half Elf.  If you know of other links I should add, let me know.  I am working on my own guide to playing an Erudite Wizard, and should have it done in a few days.

March 19, 1999:    Added links to the following sections:  Magician, Enchanter, Necromancer, Wizard, Group Combat.  Changed the skills section so that I can start to add links and information about the various trade skills.  The only one on there right now is fishing.  I will add others as I get the time.  I'm trying to make this more user friendly.  If you want any other feature added, please e-mail me and let me know.  Also, if you know of a good link to add, e-mail me and I will check it out.

March 18, 1999:    Changed the format of the Everquest Main Page to keep the updates up front so that you can tell when changes have been made to the Guide.  I'll jazz it up a little when I get more time.  Added Links in Player's Guide to several new Ranger Guides on EQ Stratics.  Added more tips.

March 17, 1999:    Added a section on choosing a server to the EQ player's guide.  Made some updates and changes to the section on starting statistics.  Added new links to the following sections: Cleric, Monk, Necomancer, Paladin, Ranger, Shadow Knight, Wizard, Statistics, Deities, Trades.

March 16, 1999:    Site is now included in Everring.  Added some new links and graphics to several sections of the player's guide.  Added some new links to the general links section.

March 14, 1999:    Some serious updates made to the classes section of the players guide with more information and additional links.

March 13, 1999:    Updated the Players Guide with some new graphics and additional links to the players guides located on EQ'Lizer.  This should provide a lot more information than before.  Also Changed the layout of the Everquest main page.

March 11, 1999:    Whew!  Added this nice new update section which will track the additions made to the page.  Added a page dedicated to the game Infinite Worlds.  Added a page dedicated to The Realm.  Created a Delphi discussion Forum (message board) and placed a link on the Everquest page.  Also updated Players guide with some additional links and added a Table of Contents.