69 Iksar Necromancer

Gear, etc: Equipment Effects Skills Expansions
AA skills: General Archetype Class PoP Advance PoP Ability Gates Omens Group Raid Veteran
Stat:Base+ Mods=Total
Strength: 70 110 180
Stamina: 70 343 325 (413)
Agility: 90 198 288
Dexterity: 100 268 325 (368)
Wisdom: 80 197 277
Intelligence: 110 383 375 (493)
Charisma: 55 178 233
Sv Poison: 15 245 260
Sv Magic: 25 183 208
Sv Disease: 15 263 278
Sv Fire: 30 301 331
Sv Cold: 15 235 250
HP Regen:
- 18 Base
- 27 Worn
- 3 from AA
- 48 Total HP Regen
Mana Regen:
- 3 Base
- 15 Worn
- 1 from AA
- 19 Total Mana Regen
Hit Points:
- 1026 base HP
- 3350 + HP items
- 607 + Sta items
- 497 + AA Effects
- 5480 total HP
- 1681 base Mana
- 3530 + Mana items
- 2288 + Int items
- 7499 total Mana
- 3348 base End
- 655 + End items
- 4003 total End
Other Modifiers:
DoT Shielding:2%
Mana Regeneration:15%
Specialize Abjure:3%
Specialize Alteration:8%
Specialize Evocation:3%
Spell Shield:14%
Stun Resist:22%
Secondary Stats:
Attack: 50
Mana Regeneration: 20
HP Regen 27
Heroic Stats:
Stamina: 19
Agility: 13
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 13
Other Info:
Weight:35.6 / 180
Money: 0 pp
Deity: Cazic Thule
Total AA: 248
Total Group Points: 0
Total Raid Points: 0
Highest Haste: 41%
Dmg 29, Dly 27.
ac: +10 sta: +20 dex: +20 int: +30 cha: +20
pr: +25 mr: +20 dr: +25
hp: +190 mana: +200

Effect: Servant of Blood (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Effect: Shadow Whisper (Worn)
Spell Shield: +2%
Slot 1, Type 4: Empty
Slot 2, Type 8: Empty
Slot 3, Type 20: Empty
Secondary:Aegis of Blackscales
ac: +60 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15
pr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +180 mana: +180 end: +180

Attack: +25
DoT Shielding: +2%
Mana Regeneration: +5
Shielding: +2%
Spell Shield: +2%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 20: Empty

Ranged:Wand of the Vortex
ac: +20 sta: +15 dex: +20 wis: +20 int: +20
dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +140 mana: +150

Effect: Annul Magic (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Neck:Haggard Trusik Shawl
ac: +18 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 int: +15
pr: +15 mr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +160 mana: +180

Effect: Preservation of Solusek (Focus)
Regeneration: +4
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty

Left Ear:Hoop of the Enlightened
ac: +22 sta: +20 dex: +18 wis: +17 int: +17
mr: +20 dr: +10 fr: +20
hp: +150 mana: +140

Effect: Druzzil's Distance (Focus)
Mana Regeneration: +3
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Right Ear:Earring of Eternal Flame
ac: +20 str: +20 sta: +25 dex: +25 int: +25 cha: +20
pr: +8 mr: +8 dr: +8 fr: +8 cr: +35
hp: +140 mana: +155

Effect: Flame of the Lightbringer (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Face:Mask of Conceptual Energy
ac: +20 sta: +15 agi: +15 wis: +20 int: +20 cha: +15
fr: +20 cr: +20
hp: +130 mana: +140

Effect: Fury of Ro (Focus)
Specialize Abjure: +3%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Head:Bands of Earthen Energy
ac: +15 sta: +20 wis: +20 int: +20 cha: +10
pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +15
hp: +145 mana: +145

Effect: Haste of Druzzil (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Shoulder:Mantle of Mending
ac: +28 str: +15 sta: +20 agi: +15 dex: +20
pr: +20 dr: +20 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +215 mana: +220

Effect: Vengeance of Magic (Focus)
Regeneration: +5
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Arm:Protective Sleeves
ac: +25 sta: +18 dex: +15 int: +18 cha: +10
pr: +30 fr: +30
hp: +145 mana: +160 end: +150

Attack: +25
Regeneration: +5
Stun Resist: +5%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Left Finger:Tiny Jade Ring
ac: +18 sta: +18 agi: +20 wis: +15 int: +15
mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15
hp: +140 mana: +150

Effect: Arcane Conservation (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Right Finger:Band of Swirling Air
ac: +9 sta: +15 agi: +30 dex: +30
pr: +20 dr: +20
hp: +135 mana: +145 end: +145

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Left Wrist:Wristguard of Keen Vision
ac: +30 sta: +10 dex: +20 wis: +15 int: +15
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +135 mana: +140

Effect: Druzzil's Distance (Focus)
Mana Regeneration: +3
Specialize Evocation: +3%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Right Wrist:Zealot's Spiked Bracer
ac: +20 str: +15 agi: +20 int: +18 cha: +18
pr: +20 fr: +20 cr: +20
hp: +175 mana: +195

Effect: Druzzil's Range (Focus)
Mana Regeneration: +3
Regeneration: +3
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Chest:Miragul's Shroud of Risen Souls
ac: +35 sta: +30 agi: +25 dex: +25 int: +30 cha: +15
pr: +20 mr: +20 dr: +20 fr: +20 cr: +20
hp: +185 mana: +200

Effect: Vengeance of Eternity (Focus)
Specialize Alteration: +8%
Spell Shield: +6%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Back:Cape of Endless Torment
ac: +25 dex: +25 wis: +20 int: +20 cha: +15
fr: +35 cr: +35
hp: +170 mana: +175

Effect: Wrath of Ro (Focus)
Mana Regeneration: +6
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty

Feet:Sandals of Empowerment
ac: +19 str: +10 sta: +20 wis: +30 int: +30 cha: +15
dr: +25 fr: +25 cr: +25
hp: +180 mana: +190

Effect: Faerune (Worn)
Stun Resist: +5%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Legs:Ethereal Silk Leggings
ac: +32 sta: +25 dex: +30 int: +25 cha: +15
pr: +30 mr: +30 dr: +30
hp: +220 mana: +225

Effect: Quickening of Druzzil (Focus)
Avoidance: +20
Regeneration: +10
Stun Resist: +5%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Waist:Plaited Slave-Hair Sash
ac: +14 str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +15 dex: +10 wis: +15 int: +15
pr: +17 dr: +15 fr: +18 cr: +10
hp: +180 mana: +180 end: +180

Strikethrough: +12%
Stun Resist: +7%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Hands:Gloves of the Unseen
ac: +22 sta: +22 agi: +18 int: +25 cha: +10
mr: +20 dr: +20 fr: +20
hp: +160 mana: +185

Effect: Conservation of Xegony (Focus)
Spell Shield: +4%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Ammo:Giant Green Drum
Effect: Summon Drogmor (Any Slot)
Charm:Intricate Wooden Figurine
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Food:Bristlebanes Party Platter
str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +10 int: +10
hp: +75 mana: +75
Drink:Water of Eternity

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Combat Agility 3 / 59 2 2 each
Combat Stability 3 / 66 2 2 each
Natural Durability 3 / 11 2 2 each
Jewelcraft Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Planar Power 5 / 70 2 2 each
First Aid 0 / 13 1 1 each
Innate Run Speed 3 / 7 1 1 each
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1 1 each
Innate Metabolism 3 / 3 - 1 each
Innate Regeneration 3 / 40 1 1 each
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 4 / 6 3 3 each
Item: Disable Item Abilities 0 / 0 - 0 each
Item: Grim Aura 0 / 0 - 0 each
Innate Eminence 0 / 25 7 7 each
Innate Spell Resistance 0 / 30 5 5 each
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 1 1
Baking Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Channeling Focus 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Mental Clarity 1 / 3 4 2/4/6
Spell Casting Deftness 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Expertise 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Fury 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Mastery 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Subtlety 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Innate Enlightenment 5 / 5 - 3 each
Fury of Magic 1 / 30 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Call to Corpse 1 / 1 - 6
Dead Mesmerization 1 / 1 - 3
Dire Charm 0 / 1 9 9
Fearstorm 0 / 1 5 5
Flesh to Bone 1 / 1 - 3
Innate Invisibility vs Undead 0 / 1 3 3
Lifeburn 1 / 1 - 9
Mass Group Buff 1 / 1 - 9
Mend Companion 0 / 1 5 5
Pet Discipline 1 / 1 - 6
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Warding of Solusek 0 / 10 1 1 each
Blessing of E'ci 0 / 10 1 1 each
Marr's Protection 0 / 10 1 1 each
Shroud of the Faceless 0 / 10 1 1 each
Bertoxxulous' Gift 0 / 10 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Feigned Minion 3 / 3 - 3 each
Hastened Mending 0 / 3 2 2 each
Innate Defense 0 / 5 3 3 each
Lightning Reflexes 0 / 5 3 3 each
Mastery of the Past 0 / 3 3 3 each
Suspended Minion 2 / 2 - 5/3
Theft of Life 3 / 3 - 1/2/3
Wake the Dead 3 / 3 - 5/4/3
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Swift Journey 0 / 2 5 5 each
Convalescence 0 / 2 3 3 each
Lasting Breath 0 / 2 2 2/3
Packrat 0 / 5 3 3 each
Secondary Forte 0 / 1 9 9
Persistent Casting 2 / 3 9 3/6/9
Pet Affinity 1 / 1 - 12
Critical Affliction 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Fury of Magic Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Swarm of Decay 1 / 3 6 3/6/9
Death's Fury 1 / 5 3 3 each
Quickening of Death 1 / 5 5 5 each
Advanced Theft of Life 0 / 2 5 5 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Eternal Breath 0 / 1 5 5
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Salvage 0 / 3 5 5 each
Origin 0 / 1 7 7
Chaotic Potential 0 / 5 5 5 each
Discordant Defiance 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mystical Attuning 0 / 5 5 5 each
Delay Death 0 / 5 3 3 each
Healthy Aura 0 / 5 3 3 each
Reflexive Mastery 0 / 5 5 5 each
Defensive Instincts 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mnemonic Retention 0 / 1 3 3
Expansive Mind 0 / 5 5 5 each
Arcane Tongues 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Improved Critical Affliction 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Persistent Minion 0 / 1 7 7
Replenish Companion 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Advanced Pet Discipline 0 / 2 5 5/3
Destructive Fury 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Death Peace 0 / 1 5 5
Army of the Dead 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Soul Thief 0 / 3 5 5 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 248
Total Points: 248

Lesson of the Devoted 0 / 1 0 0
Infusion of the Faithful 0 / 1 0 0
Chaotic Jester 0 / 1 0 0
Expedient Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Steadfast Servant 0 / 1 0 0
Staunch Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0 0
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Tribute Master 0 / 1 0 0
Annul Magic (Any Slot/Can Equip) 1: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Cancel Magic (9)
Arcane Conservation (Focus) 1: Decrease Chance of Using Reagent by 1%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Summon Item excluded)
4: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Conservation of Xegony (Focus) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Effect (Percentage Heal excluded)
5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Druzzil's Distance (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Range by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Druzzil's Distance (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Range by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Druzzil's Range (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Range by 25%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Faerune (Worn) 1: See Invisible (1)
2: Ultravision
3: Water Breathing (1)
Flame of the Lightbringer (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Min Casting Time (3.00 sec)
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Fury of Ro (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 30%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Instant spells only
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target (Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target (Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Resist (Fire allowed)
12: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Haste of Druzzil (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 18%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Min Casting Time (3.00 sec)
5: Limit: Effect (Percentage Heal excluded)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Preservation of Solusek (Focus) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Quickening of Druzzil (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 23%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Min Casting Time (3.00 sec)
5: Limit: Effect (Percentage Heal excluded)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Servant of Blood (Any Slot/Can Equip) 1: Summon Pets: blood_skeleton x 1 for 30 sec
Shadow Whisper (Worn) 1: Critical DoT (4%)

Summon Drogmor (Any Slot) 1: Summon Horse: SumLizardGrnRun2
Vengeance of Eternity (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 30%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
4: Limit: Min Duration (30.00 sec)
5: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Vengeance of Magic (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 40%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Instant spells only
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target (Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target (Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Resist (Magic allowed)
12: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Wrath of Ro (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 35%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Instant spells only
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target (Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target (Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Resist (Fire allowed)
12: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Combat Skills Level

1H Blunt 118
2H Blunt 52
Defense 153
Dodge 79
Hand To Hand 2
Offense 148
Throwing 2
Magic Skills Level

Abjuration 235
Alteration 235
Channeling 220
Conjuration 235
Divination 235
Evocation 235
Meditate 252
Specialize Abjure 50
Specialize Alteration 50
Specialize Conjuration 200
Specialize Divinatation 50
Specialize Evocation 50
Music Skills Level

None found
Other Skills Level

Bind Wound 29
Forage 50
Sense Heading 200
Swimming 200
Alcohol Tolerance 177
Begging 182
Tradeskills Level

Fishing 200
Research 200
Baking 250
Tailoring 133
Blacksmithing 227
Fletching 206
Brewing 250
Jewelry Making 220
Pottery 200
Languages Level

Common Tongue 100
Barbarian 100
Erudian 100
Elvish 100
Dark Elvish 100
Dwarvish 100
Troll 100
Ogre 100
Gnomish 100
Halfling 100
Thieves Cant 100
Old Erudian 100
Elder Elvish 100
Froglok 100
Goblin 100
Gnoll 100
Combine Tongue 100
Elder Teir Dal 100
Lizardman 100
Orcish 100
Faerie 100
Dragon 100
Elder Dragon 100
Dark Speech 100
Vah Shir 100
< td colspan=2> 

Adventure Points Points

Deepest Guk819
Miragul's Menagerie1026
Mistmoore Catacombs1131
Rujarkian Hills981
Total Points 4840
Available Points 1910
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