24 High Elf Enchanter

Gear, etc: Equipment Effects Skills Expansions
AA skills: General Archetype Class PoP Advance PoP Ability Gates Omens Group Raid Veteran
Stat:Base+ Mods=Total
Strength: 55 13 68
Stamina: 65 6 71
Agility: 85 8 93
Dexterity: 85 12 97
Wisdom: 100 11 111
Intelligence: 102 18 120
Charisma: 100 26 126
Sv Poison: 15 0 15
Sv Magic: 25 5 30
Sv Disease: 25 0 25
Sv Fire: 15 0 15
Sv Cold: 25 25 50
HP Regen:
- 1 Base
- 1 Total HP Regen
Mana Regen:
- 1 Base
- 1 Total Mana Regen
Hit Points:
- 355 base HP
- 50 + HP items
- 6 + Sta items
- 411 total HP
- 549 base Mana
- 70 + Mana items
- 81 + Int items
- 700 total Mana
- 507 base End
- 20 + End items
- 527 total End
Other Info:
Weight:19.6 / 68
Money: 0 pp
Deity: Karana
Total AA: 0
Total Group Points: 0
Total Raid Points: 0
Highest Haste: 0%
Primary:Walrus Tooth
Dmg 6, Dly 22.
str: +3 sta: +6

Slot 1, Type 4: Empty
Slot 2, Type 20: Empty

Ranged:Cheetah Paw Fetish
wis: +3 int: +3 cha: +2
hp: +10 mana: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Neck:Silver Cat Eye Necklace
cha: +3

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Left Ear:Golden Ear Stud
int: +3

Effect: Burning Affliction I (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Right Ear:Inlaid Jade Hoop
ac: +2 cha: +3
hp: +35 mana: +35

Effect: Illusion High Elf (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Face:Silvered Star Ruby Veil
dex: +5 cha: +5

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Head:Runed Circlet
ac: +4 wis: +4 int: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Shoulder:Frozen Mantle
ac: +6
mana: +10 end: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Arm:Art Keeper Initiate Sleeves
ac: +2 str: +3
mr: +5
hp: +5 mana: +5

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Left Finger:Silver Rose Engagement Ring
int: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Right Finger:Gem Inlaid Band
ac: +2 str: +3
mana: +10 end: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Left Wrist:Electrum Cat Eye Bracelet
cha: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Right Wrist:Electrum Cat Eye Bracelet
cha: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Chest:Crystal Covered Shroud
ac: +12 str: +4 wis: +4 int: +4
cr: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Back:Polar Bear Cloak
ac: +5
cr: +15

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Feet:Bear-Hide Boots
ac: +5

Effect: Extended Enhancement I (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Legs:Drake-Hide Leggings
ac: +5 dex: +5 cha: +5

Effect: Reagent Conservation I (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Waist:Black Lace Sash
ac: +2 agi: +2 dex: +2 int: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Hands:Art Keeper Initiate Gloves
ac: +3 agi: +6

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Ammo:Empty Charm:Empty

Food:Batwing Crunchies Drink:Empty

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Combat Agility 0 / 59 2 2 each
Combat Stability 0 / 66 2 2 each
Natural Durability 0 / 11 2 2 each
Jewelcraft Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Planar Power 0 / 70 2 2 each
First Aid 0 / 13 1 1 each
Innate Run Speed 0 / 7 1 1 each
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1 1 each
Innate Metabolism 0 / 3 1 1 each
Innate Regeneration 0 / 40 1 1 each
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3 3 each
Item: Disable Item Abilities 0 / 0 - 0 each
Item: Grim Aura 0 / 0 - 0 each
Innate Eminence 0 / 25 7 7 each
Innate Spell Resistance 0 / 30 5 5 each
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 1 1
Baking Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Channeling Focus 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Mental Clarity 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Deftness 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Expertise 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Fury 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Mastery 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Reinforcement 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Subtlety 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Innate Enlightenment 0 / 5 3 3 each
Fury of Magic 0 / 30 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Dire Charm 0 / 1 9 9
Gather Mana 0 / 1 5 5
Mass Group Buff 0 / 1 9 9
Permanent Illusion 0 / 1 3 3
Quick Buff 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery 0 / 1 8 8
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Warding of Solusek 0 / 10 1 1 each
Blessing of E'ci 0 / 10 1 1 each
Marr's Protection 0 / 10 1 1 each
Shroud of the Faceless 0 / 10 1 1 each
Bertoxxulous' Gift 0 / 10 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Animation Empathy 0 / 3 4 4/3/2
Eldrich Rune 0 / 3 3 3 each
Hastened Gathering 0 / 3 2 2 each
Innate Defense 0 / 5 3 3 each
Lightning Reflexes 0 / 5 3 3 each
Mastery of the Past 0 / 3 3 3 each
Project Illusion 0 / 1 4 4
Suspended Minion 0 / 2 5 5/3
Total Domination 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Swift Journey 0 / 2 5 5 each
Convalescence 0 / 2 3 3 each
Lasting Breath 0 / 2 2 2/3
Packrat 0 / 5 3 3 each
Secondary Forte 0 / 1 9 9
Persistent Casting 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pet Affinity 0 / 1 12 12
Fury of Magic Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Doppelganger 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Enhanced Forgetfulness 0 / 5 3 3 each
Mesmerization Mastery 0 / 1 12 12
Quick Mass Group Buff 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Eternal Breath 0 / 1 5 5
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Salvage 0 / 3 5 5 each
Origin 0 / 1 7 7
Chaotic Potential 0 / 5 5 5 each
Discordant Defiance 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mystical Attuning 0 / 5 5 5 each
Delay Death 0 / 5 3 3 each
Healthy Aura 0 / 5 3 3 each
Reflexive Mastery 0 / 5 5 5 each
Defensive Instincts 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mnemonic Retention 0 / 1 3 3
Expansive Mind 0 / 5 5 5 each
Arcane Tongues 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Persistent Minion 0 / 1 7 7
Destructive Fury 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Stasis 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Color Shock 0 / 1 12 12
Mind Over Matter 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Soothing Words 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Lesson of the Devoted 0 / 1 0 0
Infusion of the Faithful 0 / 1 0 0
Chaotic Jester 0 / 1 0 0
Expedient Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Steadfast Servant 0 / 1 0 0
Staunch Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0 0
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Tribute Master 0 / 1 0 0
Burning Affliction I (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
4: Limit: Min Duration (24.00 sec)
5: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Extended Enhancement I (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Duration by 15%
2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type (Beneficial only)
4: Limit: Effect (Complete Heal (with duration) excluded)
5: Limit: Effect (Invulnerability excluded)
6: Limit: Min Duration (24.00 sec)
7: Limit: Effect (Reaction Radius excluded)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Illusion High Elf (Any Slot/Can Equip) 1: Illusion: High Elf
Reagent Conservation I (Focus) 1: Decrease Chance of Using Reagent by 1%
2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Summon Item excluded)
4: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Combat Skills Level

1H Blunt 36
2H Blunt 21
Defense 83
Dodge 41
Hand To Hand 3
Offense 90
Throwing 11
Magic Skills Level

Abjuration 123
Alteration 125
Channeling 125
Conjuration 122
Divination 121
Evocation 120
Meditate 125
Specialize Abjure 28
Specialize Alteration 58
Specialize Conjuration 37
Specialize Divinatation 33
Specialize Evocation 32
Music Skills Level

None found
Other Skills Level

Bind Wound 25
Sense Heading 200
Swimming 52
Alcohol Tolerance 6
Tradeskills Level

Fishing 55
Research 18
Baking 40
Tailoring 71
Blacksmithing 5
Fletching 59
Brewing 2
Jewelry Making 91
Pottery 1
Languages Level

None found
< td colspan=2> 

Adventure Points Points

Mistmoore Catacombs2
Rujarkian Hills1
Total Points 3
Available Points 3
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