19 Halfling Druid

Gear, etc: Equipment Effects Skills Expansions
AA skills: General Archetype Class PoP Advance PoP Ability Gates Omens Group Raid Veteran
Stat:Base+ Mods=Total
Strength: 75 0 75
Stamina: 85 0 85
Agility: 95 0 95
Dexterity: 90 0 90
Wisdom: 115 0 115
Intelligence: 65 0 65
Charisma: 50 4 54
Sv Poison: 0 17 17
Sv Magic: 0 10 10
Sv Disease: 0 0 0
Sv Fire: 0 0 0
Sv Cold: 0 0 0
HP Regen:
- 1 Base
- 1 Total HP Regen
Mana Regen:
- 1 Base
- 1 Total Mana Regen
Hit Points:
- 370 base HP
- 370 total HP
- 480 base Mana
- + Mana items
- 0 + Wis items
- 480 total Mana
- 407 base End
- 407 total End
Other Info:
Weight:38.3 / 75
Money: 1 pp
Deity: Tunare
Total AA: 0
Total Group Points: 0
Total Raid Points: 0
Highest Haste: 0%
Primary:Well-Balanced Scimitar
Dmg 5, Dly 21.

Slot 1, Type 4: Empty
Slot 2, Type 20: Empty
Secondary:Shiny Brass Shield
ac: +10
mr: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 20: Empty

Ranged:Empty Neck:Leather Gorget
ac: +3

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Left Ear:Brass Earring
ac: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Right Ear:Brass Earring
ac: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Face:Leather Mask
ac: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Head:Shestar's Scaled Coif
ac: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Shoulder:Leather Shoulderpads
ac: +3

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Arm:Leather Sleeves
ac: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Left Finger:Squad Ring
Effect: Healing (Any Slot)
Right Finger:Silver Malachite Ring
pr: +2

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Left Wrist:Leather Wristbands
ac: +3

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Right Wrist:Electrum Cat Eye Bracelet
cha: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Chest:Split Paw Hide Tunic
ac: +9
pr: +10

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Back:Leather Cloak
ac: +4

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty

Feet:Bear-Hide Boots
ac: +5

Effect: Extended Enhancement I (Focus)
Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Legs:Leather Leggings
ac: +5

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Waist:Split Paw Hide Belt
ac: +5
pr: +5

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Hands:Bearskin Gloves
ac: +5

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Ammo:Empty Charm:Empty

Food:Empty Drink:Empty

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Combat Agility 0 / 59 2 2 each
Combat Stability 0 / 66 2 2 each
Natural Durability 0 / 11 2 2 each
Jewelcraft Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Planar Power 0 / 70 2 2 each
First Aid 0 / 13 1 1 each
Innate Run Speed 0 / 7 1 1 each
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1 1 each
Innate Metabolism 0 / 3 1 1 each
Innate Regeneration 0 / 40 1 1 each
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3 3 each
Item: Disable Item Abilities 0 / 0 - 0 each
Item: Grim Aura 0 / 0 - 0 each
Innate Eminence 0 / 25 7 7 each
Innate Spell Resistance 0 / 30 5 5 each
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 1 1
Baking Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Channeling Focus 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Healing Adept 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Healing Gift 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Mental Clarity 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Fury 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Mastery 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spell Casting Reinforcement 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Innate Enlightenment 0 / 5 3 3 each
Fury of Magic 0 / 30 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Dire Charm 0 / 1 9 9
Enhanced Root 0 / 1 5 5
Exodus 0 / 1 6 6
Innate Camouflage 0 / 1 5 5
Mass Group Buff 0 / 1 9 9
Quick Damage 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Quick Evacuation 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery 0 / 1 8 8
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Warding of Solusek 0 / 10 1 1 each
Blessing of E'ci 0 / 10 1 1 each
Marr's Protection 0 / 10 1 1 each
Shroud of the Faceless 0 / 10 1 1 each
Bertoxxulous' Gift 0 / 10 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Advanced Healing Adept 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Advanced Healing Gift 0 / 3 2 2/3/4
Hastened Exodus 0 / 3 2 2 each
Innate Defense 0 / 5 3 3 each
Lightning Reflexes 0 / 5 3 3 each
Radiant Cure 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Spirit of the Wood 0 / 3 4 4/3/2
Viscid Roots 0 / 1 5 5
Wrath of the Wild 0 / 3 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Swift Journey 0 / 2 5 5 each
Convalescence 0 / 2 3 3 each
Lasting Breath 0 / 2 2 2/3
Packrat 0 / 5 3 3 each
Secondary Forte 0 / 1 9 9
Persistent Casting 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Spell Casting Subtlety 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Quickened Curing 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Nature's Boon 0 / 5 5 5 each
Advanced Tracking 0 / 5 4 4 each
Critical Affliction 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fury of Magic Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Eternal Breath 0 / 1 5 5
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Salvage 0 / 3 5 5 each
Origin 0 / 1 7 7
Chaotic Potential 0 / 5 5 5 each
Discordant Defiance 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mystical Attuning 0 / 5 5 5 each
Delay Death 0 / 5 3 3 each
Healthy Aura 0 / 5 3 3 each
Reflexive Mastery 0 / 5 5 5 each
Defensive Instincts 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mnemonic Retention 0 / 1 3 3
Expansive Mind 0 / 5 5 5 each
Healing Adept Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Healing Gift Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Improved Critical Affliction 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Resplendent Cure 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Destructive Fury 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Boon of the Forest 0 / 3 5 5 each
Spirit of the Grove 0 / 3 5 5 each
Call of the Wild 0 / 1 9 9
Spiritual Channeling 0 / 1 12 12
Secondary Recall 0 / 1 7 7
Nature's Bounty 0 / 3 1 1/2/3
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Lesson of the Devoted 0 / 1 0 0
Infusion of the Faithful 0 / 1 0 0
Chaotic Jester 0 / 1 0 0
Expedient Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Steadfast Servant 0 / 1 0 0
Staunch Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0 0
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Tribute Master 0 / 1 0 0
Extended Enhancement I (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Duration by 15%
2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell Type (Beneficial only)
4: Limit: Effect (Complete Heal (with duration) excluded)
5: Limit: Effect (Invulnerability excluded)
6: Limit: Min Duration (24.00 sec)
7: Limit: Effect (Reaction Radius excluded)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Healing (Any Slot) 1: Increase Hitpoints by 95. Max: 175

Combat Skills Level

None found
Magic Skills Level

None found
Music Skills Level

None found
Other Skills Level

None found
Tradeskills Level

None found
Languages Level

None found
< td colspan=2> 

Adventure Points Points

Total Points 0
Available Points 0 Profile System