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Who am I?

Well, easy stuff out of the way first, I suppose. I'm a human; a male member of the species homo sapiens on the planet scientifically designated Sol III. For those already familiar with that locale, I live in the United States and am in the central time zone. Despite any rumors you may hear to the contrary, let me assure you now that while I may, in fact, be evil, my parents were married well before I was born, therefore I am not technically a bastard.

Who am I not?

I'm not an admin of this domain or this domain's game site in particular. I'm not nocturnal... well, not as much anymore. I am not vegetarian; soy beef is just quicker to prepare than a pound of ground hamburger. Anyone who knows how much Greek yogurt I go thru in a month will tell you I'm not a vegan. I'm not wealthy. I am not a fluent speaker of any language other than English, and even that may be open for debate under the correct circumstances.

Games I've played

Oh boy... This could go on for a while. If I limit to games I've played in the last year...
City of Heroes (Fare thee well, friend)
Champions Online
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas

Purpose for being

Well that's a little broad. I mean if you want to talk about my DNA and its reason for being, I suppose you could --

This page's reason for being

Oh! Mostly to give me a chance to stretch, try things out, give myself a sandbox to play with this wiki in and, failing all other potential reasons for being, giving others a place to find out about the weirdo who's editing pages on a game like EQ2.


It's true! I do consume media other than video games! Oh don't look so surprised. -.-

I've just finished watching Red Dwarf series 1 thru 8 and Ah My Goddess! and am looking forward to whatever movies arrive next from Netflix. I've started a re-reading of Animal Farm by George Orwell and I still find time to sneak in bits of books by Douglas Adams when Orwell gets to be too much heavy reading.

Red Dwarf: The Complete Collection (2006)
Animal Farm

This page last modified 2013-01-08 18:03:26.