You say, 'Hail, Belious Naliedin'
Belious Naliedin says 'Welcome, my name is Belious Naliedin of the League of Antonican Bards. A few years ago, I finally saved up the money and bought this place. I settled in and have been [working] here ever since.'
You say, 'Working?'
Belious Naliedin says 'Ah, this is my shop. I am a musician, well known for my ability both in tuning, and [building instruments.]'
You say, 'Building instruments?'
Belious Naliedin says 'Young bards are often not the wealthiest people in Norrath, and oftentimes, they have nothing to accompany their beautiful voices when they sing. If young bards are able to locate, and bring to me the [various parts] to assemble a lute with, I provide the labor for free.'