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Falienu had always been interested in magic. Leaving her family in Felwithe at an early age, she tried at first to earn the respect of her guild and money to purchase her first spells by delivering mail for the Songweavers' bard guild. Little did she know that little Fal would be embarking on a great adventure. Fal was a late bloomer, and often plagued with fizzles, even after she moved from her native Faydwer to the continent of Antonica to obtain some much needed solace from the loud children that inhabited Greater Faydark. In the Desert of Ro, Fal met many friends who would become important in her later development as a mage. Fal frequents the commonlands outside of Freeport, though she often makes trips back to Faydwer to see her beloved homeland. She is an accomplished potter and a budding tailor, and is never far from her trustworthy elemental pet.