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Aeyarel was born to a Wood Elf merchant from Kelethin in the wilds of the Greater Faydark forest. Her mother had gotten seperated from a foraging party by a gang of Crushbone orcs but managed to escape safely. The stress of the chase forced young Aeya's mother into labor far from help. Infant Aeyarel was born into a bed of ivy and violets. Perhaps the circumstances of her birth fortold it, but as she grew into maturity, the city held less and less appeal for her. She spent little time in the platform city and spent most of her time exploring the forests of her home. Tolerant of most other races, she has a joy, however, in killing orcs. She travels Norrath now, putting down no roots but fairly well known in most cities in Antonica and Faydwer. She travels to Halas often to hunt mammoths and Snow orcs with her barbarian friends. Mostly a loner, she groups rarely but will occasionally in the Deserts of Ro.