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Posts: 8
Tavic Straywolf, a wise and noble Halfling born in the Misty Thicket shire just outside of Rivervale. Being a kind of loner, Tavic, finds tranquility and peace of mind outside of large groups. In this he is not good in the party situation, and tends to to shy away from the overwelming envornment of worryiing about multiple people. Though this is not to say that , Tavic, does not like people. He enjoys the company of his close friends and family, and the occasional casual conversation with a newly met companion. In times of need he is willing to help most anyone out if they are in danger, and of good alignment..An exeption, dark elves!! Tavic has a natural hetred fer the inky colored devils, and well go out of his way to terminate all that are with in his power.