Patch Notes for April 12, 2005

A big patch went in for April 12th, 2005: ........................................................... *** Headlines *** ------------------------------------ - A new button has been added to character select: Return Home. If a character has not been played in the past 6 hours, this button is enabled and pressing it will log the character into the game in their starting city. - If a character is logged out for more than an hour, full health, mana, and endurance will be granted upon logging in. This is still a bit under development. You may not be quite at 100% but very close. - Re-envisioning has begun! - Over 600 Spell modifications. - New zone art for the character select screen and character creation. Crossing the bridge while in Explore mode will allow you to enter the world. Note that all characters are in the same area now. There are no longer class specific areas. - New Hot Spots!* The Warrens Netherbian Lair Echo Caverns The Scarlet Desert The Tower of Frozen Shadow The Hole The Grey Howling Stones The Halls of Betrayal (Chardok B) - There are 2 new keyboard shortcuts in the Command section in the Options menu, Open Inventory Bags and Close Inventory Bags. Setting these, then using them will open/close all your general inventory slot bags (bag1-bag8). - Added a teleportation stone to Arena in Plane of Knowledge.* *** Re-envisioning Specifics *** ------------------------------------ - Many modifications have been made to the cast times, recast times, mana costs, and damage potential of many single target direct damage spells. The largest changes have been in level 1-50 spells, but many 50+ spells have been adjusted as well. These changes have caused the damage-per-second potential and/or the damage-per-mana values of these spells to be increased and should benefit the classes who use these spells in nearly all cases. Note that this also includes special purpose spells such as undead and summoned direct damage spells. Please check the in game descriptions for specific changes.* - The 750 cap on mana increase spells has been removed.* - The hard-coded level 52 NPC cap on Fear spells has been removed. We will be adding new fear spells in the near future which will allow players to fear higher level NPCs.* - Assassin’s Feint will now work on NPCs level 60 and higher.* - Spells with poison counters no longer have innate agro added. The spells themselves still generate aggro based on their other properities, but you will see a reduction in the amount of aggro generated in many cases.* - NPC’s innate 20% resistance against rain spells has been removed.* - You will now receive messages in your chat window when you are healed by any heal-over-time spell. This includes both short term HOT spells as well as long term regen spells. You will receive the message if the spell actually gave you health back, so will not receive messages when at full health. These messages can be turned off through a new filter in the options window.* - Ranger, Beastlord, and Paladin heals have been upgraded. See the spell descriptions in game for details.* - The AC cap and percentage return on AC over the cap for monks has been increased.* - Increased the knock back effect on the Warrior AA Press the Attack. - Theft of Thought will no longer return only partial mana from NPCs over level 52. In addition, the spell was changed so that it will only return as much mana as the NPC has if that is less than the amount that the spell is trying to steal. So it will steal 400 mana from an NPC that has 1000 mana, but it will only steal 100 mana from a NPC that has 100 mana.* *** Spells, Skills & AAs *** ------------------------------------ - Increased the effectiveness and decreased the casting time of the Ranger AA Auspice of the Hunter.* - Increased the amount of damage absorbed by the Bard AA Shield of Notes.* - Increased the damage done while using the Bard AA Dance of Blades.* - Added a negative resistance mod to the Shaman AA Virulent Paralysis so it is more likely to land on NPCs now.* - Modified the proc chance on spell Lightning Channeling and Storm Channeling. Both of these spells now have an increased proc chance. - Sound of Divinity and Sound of Might will now use their own separate shared spell timer. - The spell enhanced learning can no longer have its duration increased by Alternate advancement skills and/or focus effects. - Flames of the Valiant and Flames of Redemption should now proc more often and be resisted much less often. - Protection of the Wild should no longer be overwritten by Strength of the Hunter.* - Spirit of the Panther and Spirit of the Leopard have been modified. NPCs were able to trigger the effects of these spells at a much higher rate then players. The rate of NPCs triggering these effects has been lowered to match PCs. Additionally, the base damage of the effect has been lowered, and the spell will now only land on PCs and pets that are a part of your group. - Removed the focus effect limiters from Persuasive Gaze, the focus effect found on the enchanter epic 1.5. It now works on any detrimental spells up to level 70 the same way the focus effect on the enchanter epic 2.0 does.* - Fixed a problem with focus effects that reduce hate. It was not using the highest effect if more than one focus effect was worn. - Dragon Fang and Leopard Claw will now generate less hate. *** Items *** ------------------------------------ - Items that have a combat or clickable spell effect that was changed due to the spell changes in this patch have either had their proc rate adjusted to compensate or use a new spell to maintain their damage potential. - The Anguish chest pieces now have additional worn mods and a new spell focus effect. - The Anguish wrist pieces now have additional worn mods. - Mirrored Mask will no longer conflict with other recast timer based items such as the Soul Orb. - Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts is now a 39/25 weapon with a 225pt proc. - Dragonkiller is now a 34 (+2 magic)/21 weapon. - Mace of Grim Tidings is a 32/22 weapon. - Broken Mandible of the Broodqueen is now a 12/18 weapon and has a +5% mod to backstab. - Fang of Kessdona now has +12% mod to backstab. - Crescent Palemoon now has the focus Aneuk Glare. It also has +15 avoid, +4 spell rune and +4 regen. - Aegis of the Amber Moon now has +3 shielding, +4 dot rune, +6 regen. - Bladewhisper Chain Gloves of Journeys now has Cleave V as the worn effect. - Bladewhisper Chain Legguards of Journeys now has the focus of Alacrity of the Ikaav. - Summoned: Burning Shank should proc more often. - Eye of Yar`Lir is now called “Oculus of Yar`Lir”. - Bracelet of the Corrupter now has +2 mana regen. - Wristband of Spectral Corruption now has +2 mana regen and +20 attack. - Bracer of Corrupted Souls now has +2 mana regen and +20 attack. - Bracer of the Debauched now has +2 mana regen and +20 attack. *** Missions, Quests & Events *** ------------------------------------ - Added the following new Dragons of Norrath missions House of the Autumn Rose (Norrath's Keepers Only) Plunder the Hoard (Dark Reign Only) A Goblin's Escort Halfling's Treasure Map Signal Fires Sudden Tremors These will show up on the usual mission givers once you have enough faction. - Modified the shards awarded for many of the Dragons of Norrath missions to better reflect how long they are taking to complete. - Changed the adventure “The Gilded Scroll” to fix some situations that could cause players to be unable to finish the mission. Now the Noble Kirin Scholar will not spawn before the real scroll is found. We also fixed a problem that could, in very rare cases, cause the real scroll not to be placed on an NPC. - The corrupted drake adds in the Vishimtar encounter will now respawn correctly after a failure. - Made a change to Burning Woods that should reduce the number of NPCs that get stuck under the world . This should make the hornets easier to find. - Increased the drop rate for the Collector's Fire Hornet Wing and Collector's Iksar Witch Doll. - We've extended the 6th anniversary scavenger hunt so that it will be available through Sunday, the 17th. - Changes were made to all Muramite Proving Ground trials. The major changes are: Adaptation is slightly easier, the trial of Ingenuity was significantly changed, and NPC resists in all single group trials were lowered. - Corrected a problem that was causing some NPCs in the Muramite Proving Grounds to show up in the wrong part of the zone. - In the Citadel of Anguish it's no longer possible to fight Arch Mage Vangl without completing the Keldovan, Jelvan, and Hanvar events first. - The Warden Hanvar encounter has been made more challenging; you may wish to bring some extra allies with you. - Beware, if you are too close to a wall the swarm adds in the Mata Muram encounter will spawn directly on top of you. - Increased the drop rate for the Tongue of the Zun’muram off Zun’Murum Tkarish Zyk in Txevu. - Changed the quest that gives alternative access to Txevu. When you hail the golem at the end of Inktu`ta it will check your items and flags and do the following: If you do not yet have a Qvic flag, the golem will give you the Splinter of the High Temple. If you do have a Qvic flag, the golem will give you whichever High Temple pieces you are missing. If you already have a Txevu flag, the Cipher of Txevu item, or all three fragments of the High Temple, the golem will ignore you. Likewise, when you complete the Qvic backflag, if you have the Splinter of the High Temple from completing Inktu`ta you will automatically receive whichever High Temple pieces you are missing. This change allows the combination of Inktu`ta and the Qvic backflag quest to count for Txevu access and the two can be completed in any order. This change is not retroactive. - A bug was fixed so that Alkron Wyrmsong will no longer give bards a cloth cap when an error is made during the quest for Epic 2.0 *** NPCs *** ------------------------------------ - Modified King Xorbb in Beholder. He will now drop Slime Crystal Staff 100% of the time. - Players can no longer attempt to give stacks of items to NPCs. The NPC would treat the stack as one item and you would lose the rest. There is now a check to help with people putting in a stack of items and losing them. - Items given to an NPC by a PC will no longer count as a Task item when looted. - NPC pathing code has been reviewed and some changes have been made which should prevent NPCs from becoming stuck and eventually becoming invisible. Please let us know if you see this happen any more. - The Cube Fragments in the Gates of Discord Sewer trials will no longer get stuck in the geometry. - The Soulbinder at the Firiona Vie outpost is now able to bind you to that area. *** Tradeskills *** ------------------------------------ We have changed the chance to gain a skill up when using tradeskills. Previously there was a large increase in the average number of combines needed for a skill increase for skill values of 160 through 190. This made sense when 200 was the skill cap. We have changed the algorithm to remove the harsh spike in combines required for skill ups from 160 to 190, making it a more reasonable to increase all the way up to 300. For more details please see the post here: - Alabaster Beak and Ivory Stormrider Canine are now marked as usable in tradeskills. - Dragons of Norrath brewing items now drop off NPCs. They were only available through foraging before. - Added the race name to the Unfired Cookie Cutters. New item names are: Unfired Barbarian Cookie Cutter, Unfired Gnome Cookie Cutter, Unfired Troll Cookie Cutter and Unfired Animal Cookie Cutter. - Added the recipes for four cookie cutters for Luclin beasties. The sketches and molds should be easily found on vendors. - Added the appropriate effects to Dragons of Norrath potions. - The recipe for dough made from Rock Hopper Egg now uses Rockhopper Egg. It turns out that there were two items with similar names, but the one used in the recipe doesn't drop in game. - Removed the recipe for chain jointing that was used in Planes of Power armor. This recipe was removed because the jointing is no longer used in any recipes. - You will now only need to collect half the number of items for the level 65+ Vah Shir racial armor pattern book quest. *** Server stability *** ------------------------------------ - We believe we have corrected the problem with the excessive server lag that has been happening in most raid zones. A guild from one of our live servers was willing to come over to our test server and verify the raid in pofire was working properly without causing the zone to lag out. They were able to complete many of the stages of the raid successfully and even multiple times without issue. There was one instance of a mob warping after getting in a bad location, but we have made vast improvements from its current state. We have also improved our logging code to better detect similar problems should they occur again in the future. Please let us know if you experience any problems related to this. - The memory leak problems that have recently been affecting the world servers has had much progress. Several memory leaks related to the previous update have been corrected, and server stability has improved measurably as a result. We will continue to monitor the servers closely for memory leak issues. - A zone crash in Chardokb related to the Korucust encounter has been fixed. - A zone crash related to guild tribute being toggled while a player was being charmed or feared has been fixed. *** Chat filtering *** ------------------------------------ - Pet responses to commands (except for /pet leader) are no longer broadcast, but go only to the owner of the pet.* - Pet responses to commands can now have a selected color and be redirected to any chat window.* - Pet spell-casting messages can now have a selected color, be redirected to any chat window, and be filtered to not show at all.* - Assassinate, Deadly Strike, Slay Undead, and Finishing Blow messages will now be displayed in the Melee Critical message color and redirect/filter as other crits.* *** Mail System *** ------------------------------------ - You now have quick access to all of your character mailboxes on the current server from any of your characters. *** Title Suffixes *** ------------------------------------ - The title system now supports title suffixes. The first use of this new feature are the server titles. *** Guild Hall (Guilds) *** ------------------------------------ - Added a guild tribute master to the guild hall. - The guild bank no longer accepts NORENT items. - Fixed a bug that allowed players with out the proper flags to remove items from the Guild bank. - Using any Eye of Zomm type spells in a guild hall will no longer take the client to server select. *** Bazaar/Barter *** ------------------------------------ - Added and Augment pool and Augment Solvent Merchant in the Bazaar. - Added new search criteria to the Bazaar search: min level, max level. Any items which match all other search criteria, yet have a rec or req level outside the boundaries set in the new fields will not be returned by the search. - The barter UI code has been improved. There were some issues related to keeping the client properly synchronized with the server which have been fixed. It now more accurately tracks changes in inventory when multiple players are interacting with a buyer. Also, if a buyer has a LORE item, any buy-lines that require the LORE item will now automatically disable because the buyer would not be able to complete the transaction (because it would result in two lore items on the buyer). Previously this was causing a client-server sync issue that would result in a player being disconnected. - Barter Search Window: Right-clicking on the item sought by Buyers found in a search will display that item. You now have to right click on the Buyer's name to get the search path. *** UI *** ------------------------------------ - Fixed an issue causing custom UIs to show bad data in unused buff slots. - The Task display now properly displays tasks with a large number of elements. - On character select, if you want to go back into the tutorial, just click the tutorial button below the list of characters. It is no longer a toggle button. *** Miscellaneous *** ------------------------------------ - Increased the maximum level range spread for LDoN adventures from 7 to 10 so you can now group with someone 10 levels above or below you. - Critical heals now produce a message similar to other spells that crit. - Fixed corpse looting bugs for corpses that have been summoned or moved out of dynamic zones. - Closing multiple bags while using the bank no longer causes the client to crash. - The raid locking system had various bugs which are now fixed. Please let us know if you encounter any problems with the raid tool. * Denotes a community request. -- The EverQuest Team


Post Comment
# May 24 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
- Increased the maximum level range spread for LDoN adventures from 7 to 10 so you can now group with someone 10 levels above or below you.

They should have done this a couple weeks after LDON came out.
So basically...
# Apr 14 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
30 posts
All this talk of re-envisionment really only effects you when you're at 65+(at least for rangers, anyways). Supposedly, this was to help balance out all classes and allow them to solo easier in the difficult levels(30-50, IMO). SOE has really gone out of it's way in the past year or so to say if you're under level 50, you're really not worth our time in expansions. Maybe it's the depleted populations, but it seems even more difficult lately to make progress in these levels.
RE: So basically...
# Apr 15 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Depleted Populations. We lets take a real good look why from someone who had 2 accounts and played over 5 years with Epic toons. 1) Ebay .. anyone who has really played this game for years was disgusted by the contamination of Gimps into the game.Ebay farmed items loot and sold even toons. They ruined the bazaar and how many people sold their toons and we had to play with characters we once new as uber only to find Monks that didn't know what FD was or Clerics who didnt know what CH was. 2) Killed the solo game. Everyone b--ched and moaned that Druids and Necros could solo mobs now their making the game so everyone has a chance to solo but hmmm its a group game you cant do that. The totally set the game against solo'ers by making all the higher mobs summon .... Unsnareable and rootable and hitting for insane amounts of damage. Sorry but when your lvl 70 and your in Oasis and you see a Fabled Lockjaw and you cant snare him Give me a break. This infact changed the game for everyone because now you have 3 friends who want to play but Oh yeah we dont have the "PERFECT GROUP" 3 casters cant play EQ I guess. < nice to have other games online now > 3) KEYING! ... Oh how nice to have 1 toon keyed but wait I cant get my alts into that zone or my friends cause Im not in a guild thats backflagging or that can I guess Ill just stop at lvl 65 here and go < play another online game > 5) The Moral of the Story....... If you cant get your toon to lvl 70 with at least 200 AA's and Flagged for POP and GOD you cant get in a decent guild that is left because they wont take you. You cant get to lvl 70 because you cant find a group in EQ anymore because the players that level are guilded and your not and there are no MORE Pick up groups.OPTIONS...... BUY all your Toons off Ebay making sure they are lvl 70 with over 200 aa's and flagged or ...... PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT!
RE: So basically...
# Apr 14 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
551 posts
I really wish there was a better idiot filter on both these boards and the eqlive boards.

The class re-envisioning designs are focused MAINLY on the lvl 1-50 crowd. Less aggro on tash for chanters, direct damage spells now more mana efficient, especially the specific target spells (i.e. undead or summoned nukes), faster recasts. They've specifically stated that they haven't even BEGUN working on re-envisioning the raid aspects of the game.

The problem with leveling between 30-50 is that many people either do it too fast now, or do it with close knit guild friends that they KNOW will play well. Pick up groups with one idiot can really ruin your time. My suggestion, find some friends.

And if you're upset because so much of the patch message contains high level content... it's because it's newer and is more prone to mistakes/errors.

There already is plenty of content for the lower and mid level crowd... They're not ignoring players under 50, they're making more content for them for when they get passed the already well established mid-level challenges.
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
RE: So basically...
# Apr 16 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
If you are s interested in WoW, why are you posting on an EQ board?

Oh, and WoW is not the perfect game you made it out to be.
RE: So basically...
# Apr 18 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
Why am I posting on the EQ board hmmm 2 reasons ....... 1) To let the noobies know whats ahead of them in the high end game and 2) Maybe just maybe someone from SOE will take a look and change things finally b4 the rest of the veteran players get fed up and leave as well.
RE: So basically...
# May 24 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
The more the merrier. Whether its a current player or a temporarily retired player vacationing in another game.
LOD Bias
# Apr 14 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
So, did anyone catch what the LOD Bias is/does in the display options window? I didn't see this addressed in the patch notes, but this is the first time I've seen it?

BTW: For what it's worth... I like most of the patches in general. Which they could patch more, I liked riding boats. At least I can get away from MOBS using the teleys for now....
SoE >>>>> Shamans
# Apr 13 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
i'm not even going to start up on my shammy flame.

i am just gonna say - SoE hates us
RE: SoE >>>>> Shamans
# Apr 13 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Not as much as they hate monks. Hehe
RE: SoE >>>>> Shamans
# May 24 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
SOE loves everyone .... 's money
Icicle Shock spell
# Apr 13 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Says this spell was updated? I cant even find where to get this spell...anyone know where to obtain this for lvl 12 wizards. Icicle Shock spell
no changes for clerics yet
# Apr 13 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Well this patch didnt help clerics at all....but im sure theres something coming for least i hope there is.....i am glad they helped the beasties out with their nuke casts and i havent spoken with any rangers on their heals but i hope the changes are helpful for them
RE: no changes for clerics yet
# Apr 16 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
They gave us back our 2nd stun for encounters >65. Changed timers on the stuns so we can use Sound of Divinity and Shock of Wonder like we used to do with Sound of Might and Tarnation. (Prior to those 2 combos we could have up to like 4 stuns all on different timers.)

Also you'll notice you now only must wait 2.2 seconds, rather then about 6 seconds to recast your nukes, making it so we do not have to mem 2 (different timer) nukes in order to "chain nuke" anymore.

Also you will note the comparative damage/mana ratio has been improved on our nukes as a whole (Damage increased, mana consumed decreased).

Related to the nuke revamp, the summoned/undead lines we have have also been juiced up, they totally rawk now.

Our AA abilities have been increased, making some previously useless AA's something to consider... *cough* Turn Undead *cough*.

Keeping all that in mind, remember that Clerics can wear platemail, heal really well (HoT = uber) and our proc hammers are terribly fun.

The bottom line is, if you know how to play a cleric right, you could also solo reasonably well anyway, so we didn't *need* a lot of help, whereas other classes really had a hard time trying to solo so the revamp was for them.

I'm glad for what they did for clerics, WTG Sony!

Elisaren Silverymoon
68th Cleric on Luclin Server

Edited, Sat Apr 16 10:41:08 2005
RE: no changes for clerics yet
# May 24 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I'm glad for what they did for clerics, WTG Sony!

Yes, clerics were retiring too fast, now more will stick around. Its a tough role to play and they should get a benefit for their sacrifices.
# Apr 13 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
/sigh.....damn lazy database triple posting me LOL
RE: /sigh
# Apr 13 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
Double and triple posts occur when you hit Post Message,get an error on page,hit <-Back button,then hit Post Message again.
Instead,when you get the Error message just hit the Refresh button. This will reload the posting and show a blank page,as it should. THEN,press the <-Back button twice and Refresh to see your message.
I hope this helps. :-)

Newbies are just experts who haven't yet learned what the rest of us know.
RE: /sigh
# May 24 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
I have gotten mulit posts without hitting return and repost. Sometimes the webpage will hang after post and when it finally gets to the landing screen you have mulitposts. I think its a glitch of some sort, its very apprent in the price entry screen when you see multi posts from the same person at the same price. Once you enter a price you can't enter another. The only way to have multi prices like that is thruough a glitch like I mentioned above.

Edited, Wed May 25 09:16:39 2005
Happy and unhappy
# Apr 13 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
One thing that doesnt make me happy is they changed the log in screen....To make a long story short i have 3 computers...i 3 is a p4 2.8ghz laptop that cant play in any outdoor zones under any settings from luclin or newer expansions (Sony basically told me they dont support laptops)...funny i had NO PROBLEMS before OOW was released...So now my login on my 1 year old laptop that played EQ awsome before OOW is now running at 1 frame every 5 seconds....THANKS SONY....bastards!

Second thing i didnt get was my 54 ranger has the same identical heal as before....but its actually nerfed...was 100-100 on the is 70-100 on the heal....same wtf is up with that.

I do like some of the things they have done like the go home feature (you can all thank WoW for that one).

I like that the fear cap is removed too.....been way overdue..

I like that the levels in LDoN's was made larger as well..

Pretty much the rest of the changes seem to be ok...but time will tell what side effects it causes to the game.
Hot Zones
# Apr 13 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Gives the Hot-Zones, but doesn't list the levels. I know the approximate levels of the zones, but that doesn't always coincide with the Hot-Zone exp. Actually I just like saying the word Hot-Zone
# Apr 13 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 70 Beastlord and i have to say i couldn't be happier with the changes. First off i can heal for 1165, upgraded from 680. With my improved healing 5 item i can make a decent patch healer. :) The other change for Beastlords that i have seen is the reduction of mana and cast time for nukes. Yes they did reduce damage but by only 15pts, but at a .5 casting time im not gonna complain. :) Thats my opinion, and i dont want any shammy flames :)

Trudar Serg
70 Wildblood of Rodcet
<Couch Potatoes>

Edited, Wed Apr 13 10:59:36 2005
healin changes
# Apr 13 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
My level 68 paladin with 440+ AAs has noticed a stealth nerf regarding critical heals. Some of my healing spells were slightly improved but in almost 4 hours of play I noticed that I only had two crit heals during tons of casts. I normaly get crit heals 40% of the time with all the time I have invested in getting AAs to do just that! I am not sure if this was intended on SOE's part or if it's a problem that they are working to resolve, but I for one will be using /feedback in game everytime I log on and I encourage anyone else who has noticed this to do the same!
leave Mob like the Fableds
# Apr 13 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
They SOE should leave some Mobs like the Fableds in the old world zones,makes it worth while and fun once again to go exploring,Now I guess its just back to WOS. Get with it SOE.
RE: leave Mob like the Fableds
# Apr 16 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Its not all about the lewt Nevernow; its fun to go to old world once and a while regardless of the fabled mobs, camp some twink gear or something; I know I had an awesome time futzing around in Nurga Solo at 68, good chance of scenery, soloable for a cleric, yest still a challenge in a light blue zone with lots of chances to get lots of adds.

Sony has to leave SOME content for the low level crowd, and if you were just starting out, wouldn't you hold off buying expansions until you knew you really liked the game? I'd say thats sound thinking, so it also makes sense to leave the older expansions for accessable to the lower level group, so they will like the game and move forward, and buy expansions as they go along to join us in the top-end game.

Elisaren Silvermoon
68th Cleric on Luclin Server
RE: leave Mob like the Fableds
# May 24 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
Its not all about the lewt Nevernow; its fun to go to old world once and a while regardless of the fabled mobs, camp some twink gear or something; I know I had an awesome time futzing around in Nurga Solo at 68, good chance of scenery, soloable for a cleric, yest still a challenge in a light blue zone with lots of chances to get lots of adds.

Sony has to leave SOME content for the low level crowd, and if you were just starting out, wouldn't you hold off buying expansions until you knew you really liked the game? I'd say thats sound thinking, so it also makes sense to leave the older expansions for accessable to the lower level group, so they will like the game and move forward, and buy expansions as they go along to join us in the top-end game.

I agree, get some new people hooked an Evercrack by giving the old game away free so we can get some fresh addi.. , er I mean players =)
RE: leave Mob like the Fableds
# Jul 02 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
LOL The only problem with giving the original game free is that the population of lazy idiots will increase. If you think you hear "Can sumone giv me sum mone or geer?" a lot now,just imagine what it would be like if thousands of people who'd never worked for anything in their lives got access to a free version of EQ!!! Ow,my head hurts!

"Newbies are just experts who haven't yet learned what the rest of us already know."--RWM
Low skill Tradeskilling
# Apr 13 2005 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
After this patch I decided to work on tailoring since I haven't really done any tailoring on one of my new chars. Had a skill of 21 on him. ~350 combines later I had a skill of 31. That does not seem right at all. I dont exactly know what they did with tradeskilling but low level tradeskilling seems messed up. I couldn't test this with any other tradeskills because on this char tailoring was the only skill I hadn't worked on yet. Anyone else notice this?

(Edit: Had 220 int at the time. Not the greatest, but I am a bard and have little need for int over 200 aside from tradeskilling atm. =))

Edited, Thu Apr 14 08:54:16 2005
RE: Low skill Tradeskilling
# Apr 14 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
551 posts
4/14/2005 - There is currently a bug on ALL skills from 0 to 150. Message was posted by the devs on the eqlive boards.

I suggest playing your higher level toons and not starting any new tradeskills or decide to finally start bringing up your piercing skill.

The skillup problems DO NOT affect skills above 150. So 350+ combines to get from 151 to 152... now that's bad luck.
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
RE: Low skill Tradeskilling
# Apr 13 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
I had an experience like this also.. my wis is 295 unbuffed, and in 400+ combines I went from 0 to 20 in fletching! ugh.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 18:36:02 2005
RE: Low skill Tradeskilling
# Apr 13 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
The change I believe is for the difficulty going from 160 through to 190.
You either had extremely bad luck going from 21 to 31 (350 combines - sheesh)
Or.. you have really bad INT or WIS - that might explain your trouble in getting the rises.
Or.. yes, there is a problem with this change - I'm blacksmithing at mo trying to raise from 143, so will wait on further combines until this is comfirmed.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 10:37:22 2005
# Apr 13 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
I am stoked about this update! I have been feeling better about EQ in general with the launch of DoN, which added new things into the game that were long overdue. And with this and the other upcoming game-changing updates, I really feel that Sony has wizened up and is really paying attention to us as a community. It gives me greater hope that EQ will be around for a long time and that it has a real hope of continuing to evolve into an even better game.

Way to go, Sony!

Oh, and the Fableds are still up. Guildy just took one down.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 01:35:43 2005
say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 12 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
Have the fableds gone bye-bye?!?
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 13 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
Try reading it throughly..
- We've extended the 6th anniversary scavenger hunt so that it will be available through Sunday, the 17th.

if they extended the scavenger hunt, they extended the fableds..

Edited, Wed Apr 13 18:21:42 2005
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 15 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Not necessarily...

I was with a group in Warslik's Woods when midnight Eastern rolled around, and the fableds stopped spawning. We kept playing for an hour after that without a fabled coming up. Bad luck, maybe, but I'll bet they're gone...
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 12 2005 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
Supposedly Heal spells were improved,but my level 41 Paladin had his Healing spell decreased!! It used to say something like "This spell heals from 100 to 100 damage." I thought it was weird it worded it that way,but it always healed for 100 HPs,but now it says "....72 to 100 damage"!!!! This is SOE's idea of improving??? Retards!
Hopefully this is an error and will be corrected,but I won't hold my breath considering their track record. LOL
And the mana cost is exactly the same--60 mana so that hasn't changed.
As for the Fableds,they'll be going around the 15th(Friday),but I'm sure they'll be back next spring at this time-line :-)
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 16 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
They changed the way the spells ramp up, and I'll bet if you look at the mana cost, its much lower.

Elisaren Silverymoon
68th Cleric on Luclin Server
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 13 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
My guess is that the heal spells they are talkin about are the unique, class specific ones. My Greater Healing spell is the same, but in two levels I will get a ranger specific one that I expect will be better than it is now.
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# May 08 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
"Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

If a man in a forest speaks, and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?"

LOL Hilarious!! :-)

Plus,you may be right about the Heal spells(crosses fingers). Also,I'm an idiot. I forgot to get Greater Healing;I was still using Healing...but at least I was right about it not getting better....

Newbies are just experts who haven't yet learned what the rest of us know.--RWM

Edited, Sun May 8 19:25:17 2005
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# May 24 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
RE: say it ain't so!!!
# Apr 12 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
No. That wont be until the 15-16. I dont remember which. That is what we were told previously, if they ended it sooner dont get mad at me
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