July 7, 2014
Here are some updates for today:
New Items: Hoplon of the Tactician ; Heroic Incarnadine Gemstone ; Crushing Fallen Dragon Ornamentation
New Recipes: Simple Blank Book ; Simple Book Binding
New Quests: Achievement: Flamewarder ; COTF Pre-Launch (Argin-Hiz): Topple the Ash Giants ; COTF Pre-Launch (Argin-Hiz): Embers of the Giants ; COTF Pre-Launch (Argin-Hiz): Still the Ash Hurricane ; Simple Book Binding for Crescent Reach ; Simple Blank Book for Crescent Reach
New Bestiary: Ash Hurricane ; a burning ash giant ; a corpse seeker ; a desiccated traveler ; a Freeport guard ; Guard Mulk
Updated Items: Barbed Dragonscale Boots ; Medium Quality Horse Skin ; Nightmare Eyes ; Immaculate Silk ; Stack of Blank Pages ; Simple Book Binding Glue ; Simple Book Binding Leather ; Simple Book Binding Lining ; Simple Book Binding ; Squid Ink ; Simple Ink Bottle ; Flask of Purified Water ; Simple Ink ; Things I Seen ; Heart of the Ash Hurricane ; Analyzed Ash Giant Ember ; Ash Giant Ember ; Brilliant Flame Edged Cleaver ; Loop of Lingering Decay ; Band of Vile Putrescence ; Decaying Sorcerer's Mask ; Rosette of the Restless Dead ; Officer's Ornamental Gladius ; Peerless Platinum Band ; Royal Guardian's Vermillion Saber ; Crumbling Facade of the Fool ; Decaying Oculus Ring ; Veil of Dark Rites ; Longbow of Intermittent Flame ; Royal Vicar's Ornamental Buckler ; Brilliant Sorcerer's Anelace ; Steel Visage of Boundless Sight ; Visor of the Stone Scowl
Updated Quests: Monk Epic: Celestial Fists ; Simple Ink for Crescent Reach ; Special Inventory ; Kraklest #1: Endless War ; Plane of War: Tamrel #2 - A New Colonel In Town ; COTF Pre-Launch Events: An Overview
Updated Recipe: Simple Ink
Updated Bestiary: Kyenka ; Pixtt Annihilator ; Vrex Xalkak Nixki ; Guardian of Glorification ; Guardian of Righteousness ; Guardian of Transcendence ; Flesh Hunter ; Crumbling Monolith ; Dire Illusion ; a pile of bones (Temple of the Damned) ; Researcher Akila ; Tranixx Darkpaw (live) ; General Bardak ; Giliferd the Spider ; a Rulnavian prophet ; a chest (Tower of Rot Raid)