March 26, 2014
Just a reminder! This is the last day that you can take advantage of the free Heroic Character offer. It expires tonight at 11:59 P.M. Pacific Time. (They will, of course, remain available for 3,500 Station Cash.)
Here are some midweek updates for you:
New Items: Prime Animist Shoulders ; Veiled Leather Helm Seal of the Defiler ; Golden Hero Leather Chest Ornament ; Golden Hero Chain Chest Ornament ; Griffin Sword Ornament ; Veiled Leather Boot Seal of the Mariner ; Veiled Leather Wrist Seal of the Healer ; Veiled Leather Leg Seal of the Duelist ; Veiled Leather Sleeve Seal of the Pyromancer
New Recipes: Elaborate Brambleborn Gloves ; Elaborate Brambleborn Armband ; Elaborate Brambleborn Boots ; Elaborate Brambleborn Cuirass ; Veiled Leather Sleeve Seal of the Pyromancer ; Veiled Leather Wrist Seal of the Healer ; Veiled Leather Boot Seal of the Mariner ; Veiled Leather Leg Seal of the Duelist
Updated Items: Briar Thistle Thorn ; Spit ; Kirin Horn
Updated Quests: The Donations ; Lydl Mastat ; Battlemaster Important Mission ; Shard's #6: The Believers ; Zeixshi-Kar #2: Indoctrination ; Home on the Planes ; Crystal Caverns #2: Ry`Gorr Reconnaissance
Updated Bestiary: The Fabled Coloth Meadowgreen ; The Fabled Lord Ghiosk ; Master of the Herd ; Giblets ; a spinechiller spider ; Arachnox, the Dread Widow ; Doomscale Diabolist