Primary: | Mace of the Ancients Dmg 22, Dly 23. ac: +15 str: +18 dex: +25 wis: +15 mr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +160 mana: +155 end: +155 Effect: Ancient Call (Combat) Slot 1, Type 8: Empty Slot 2, Type 20: Empty |
Secondary: | Stone Etched Mallet Dmg 26, Dly 28. ac: +15 str: +20 sta: +10 dex: +15 wis: +15 mr: +25 dr: +25 hp: +135 mana: +135 end: +135 Effect: Rune II (Combat) Slot 1, Type 4: Empty Slot 2, Type 20: Empty |
Ranged: | Fabled Secrets of the Planes ac: +65 str: +25 sta: +25 agi: +25 dex: +25 wis: +25 int: +25 pr: +30 mr: +30 dr: +30 fr: +30 cr: +30 hp: +550 mana: +550 end: +550 Effect: Conservation of Solusek (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Neck: | Choker of Centaur Slaying ac: +22 str: +17 sta: +10 agi: +18 wis: +20 int: +20 pr: +20 mr: +8 dr: +15 fr: +8 cr: +15 hp: +195 mana: +195 end: +195 Effect: Quickening of Mithaniel (Focus) Slot 1, Type 8: Empty |
Left Ear: | Spiritlight Earring ac: +24 str: +17 sta: +17 agi: +17 dex: +17 wis: +17 int: +17 cha: +17 pr: +15 mr: +25 dr: +15 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +335 mana: +335 end: +335 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 3: Empty |
Right Ear: | Barnacle Encrusted Stud ac: +17 str: +13 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +13 int: +13 pr: +10 fr: +30 cr: +10 hp: +160 mana: +150 end: +150 Attack: +10 Regeneration: +3 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Face: | The Skull of Den Lord Rakban ac: +40 str: +18 sta: +18 agi: +18 dex: +18 wis: +18 int: +18 cha: +18 pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15 hp: +250 mana: +250 Effect: Aura of Pure Arcanum (Any Slot) Attack: +25 Damage Shield: +3 Mana Regeneration: +3 Regeneration: +3 Stun Resist: +5% Slot 1, Type 8: Empty |
Head: | Circlet of Disguise ac: +35 pr: +12 mr: +12 dr: +12 fr: +12 cr: +12 hp: +125 mana: +75 end: +75 Effect: Illusion Human (Any Slot/Can Equip) Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Shoulder: | Gilded Shoulderpads ac: +18 str: +13 sta: +9 dex: +9 wis: +13 int: +13 pr: +25 dr: +25 hp: +160 mana: +150 end: +150 Damage Shield: +2 Regeneration: +5 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Arm: | Cerulean Sleeves ac: +25 str: +10 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +6 int: +6 pr: +35 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +125 mana: +75 end: +75 Parry: +5% Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Left Finger: | Gilded Ring ac: +14 str: +12 sta: +8 agi: +8 dex: +8 wis: +12 int: +12 pr: +30 dr: +20 hp: +150 mana: +140 end: +140 Avoidance: +3 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Right Finger: | Ring of the Sleeping Leviathan ac: +16 str: +13 sta: +9 dex: +9 wis: +13 int: +13 mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +10 hp: +160 mana: +150 end: +150 Shielding: +1% Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Left Wrist: | Wristband of the Icewalker ac: +16 str: +12 sta: +12 wis: +10 cha: +12 pr: +14 mr: +14 fr: +13 hp: +130 mana: +125 end: +125 Slot 1, Type 8: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Right Wrist: | Silver Bracelet of Speed ac: +38 str: +10 sta: +10 wis: +10 int: +10 pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +100 end: +100 Haste: +41% Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Chest: | Intricate Consigned Leather Tunic ac: +49 str: +16 sta: +9 agi: +18 dex: +23 wis: +16 int: +8 cha: +13 pr: +16 mr: +13 dr: +14 fr: +13 cr: +10 hp: +161 mana: +149 end: +148 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 13: Empty Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Empty Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Back: | Cloak of the Spirit Hunter ac: +35 str: +25 sta: +30 agi: +20 wis: +25 int: +25 mr: +30 fr: +30 cr: +30 hp: +250 mana: +250 end: +250 Effect: Faerune (Worn) Attack: +30 Avoidance: +10 DoT Shielding: +1% Mana Regeneration: +3 Regeneration: +3 Shielding: +1% Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Feet: | Boots of the Warmaster ac: +18 str: +15 sta: +15 dex: +20 wis: +10 int: +10 mr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15 hp: +125 mana: +100 end: +100 Attack: +20 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Legs: | Intricate Consigned Leather Trousers ac: +37 str: +9 sta: +14 agi: +13 dex: +16 wis: +26 int: +8 cha: +16 pr: +13 mr: +14 dr: +13 fr: +9 cr: +15 hp: +140 mana: +139 end: +129 Effect: Ferocity I (Worn) Effect: Speed of the Aneuk (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 13: Empty Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Empty Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Waist: | Assistant Researcher's Symbol ac: +42 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +25 dex: +25 wis: +25 int: +25 cha: +15 pr: +25 mr: +25 dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +25 hp: +285 mana: +285 end: +285 Effect: Alacrity of the Aneuk (Focus) Accuracy: +3 Attack: +20 Combat Effects: +3 DoT Shielding: +3% Dodge: +8% Mana Regeneration: +2 Regeneration: +2 Spell Shield: +3% Strikethrough: +3% Stun Resist: +3% Slot 1, Type 8: Empty |
Hands: | Do`Vassir's Gauntlets of Might ac: +40 str: +20 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Ammo: | Shuriken of the Tranquil Dmg 100, Dly 20. Range 200. |
Charm: | Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore ac: +40 str: +26 sta: +26 agi: +26 dex: +26 wis: +26 int: +26 cha: +26 pr: +25 mr: +25 dr: +25 fr: +25 cr: +25 hp: +495 mana: +495 end: +495 Attack: +15 Mana Regeneration: +4 Regeneration: +4 Shielding: +2% Slot 1, Type 7: Empty |
Food: | Bristlebane's Challenge str: +5 sta: +5 agi: +5 dex: +5 wis: +5 int: +5 pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +150 mana: +150 end: +150 |
Drink: | Drink of Timeless Energy str: +5 sta: +5 agi: +5 dex: +5 wis: +5 int: +5 cha: +5 pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +75 mana: +75 end: +75 |