Zenov Graveblade
74 Dark Elf Rogue

Gear, etc: Equipment Effects Skills Expansions
AA skills: General Archetype Class PoP Advance PoP Ability Gates Omens Group Raid Veteran
Stat:Base+ Mods=Total
Strength: 83 261 344
Stamina: 0 246 246
Agility: 0 235 235
Dexterity: 0 195 195
Wisdom: 0 200 200
Intelligence: 0 121 121
Charisma: 0 52 52
Sv Poison: 0 198 198
Sv Magic: 0 184 184
Sv Disease: 0 207 207
Sv Fire: 0 243 243
Sv Cold: 0 212 212
HP Regen:
- 7 Base
- 11 Worn
- 3 from AA
- 21 Total HP Regen
Mana Regen:
- 9 Worn
- 9 Total Mana Regen
- 36% Worn
- 36% Total Haste
Hit Points:
- 1485 base HP
- 3090 + HP items
- 1213 + Sta items
- 693 + AA Effects
- 6481 total HP
- 3424 base End
- 3025 + End items
- 6449 total End
Other Modifiers:
Backstab DMG:5%
Mana Regeneration:9%
Poison DMG:1%
Secondary Stats:
Attack: 95
Mana Regeneration: 9
HP Regen 16
Heroic Stats:
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 1
Agility: 8
Other Info:
Weight:36.2 / 344
Money: 0 pp
Deity: Brell Serilis
Total AA: 186
Total Group Points: 0
Total Raid Points: 0
Highest Haste: 36%
Dmg 21, Dly 20.
ac: +20 str: +20 sta: +20 agi: +30 dex: +25
pr: +25 fr: +20 cr: +20
hp: +205 end: +190

Effect: Assassin's Taint (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Effect: Seething Frenzy (Focus)
Backstab: +12%
Backstab DMG: +5
Poison DMG: +1
Slot 1, Type 4: Radiant Permafrost
Effect: Permafrost (Combat)
Slot 2, Type 8: Empty
Slot 3, Type 20: Empty
Dmg 24, Dly 21.
ac: +15 str: +20 sta: +20 agi: +15 dex: +15
pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15
hp: +190 mana: +190 end: +190

Effect: Serpent's Bite (Combat)
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 20: Empty

Ranged:Horn of Doomcalling
ac: +30 str: +18 sta: +18 dex: +17 wis: +17 int: +17
pr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +30 cr: +10
hp: +200 mana: +200 end: +200

Attack: +20
Avoidance: +5
Mana Regeneration: +2
Regeneration: +2
Shielding: +1%
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Neck:Drachnid Skin Necklace
ac: +20 str: +13 sta: +19 agi: +14 wis: +12 int: +12
mr: +20 fr: +25 cr: +25
hp: +200 mana: +190 end: +190

Accuracy: +10
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
sta: +6

Left Ear:Earring of the Arts
ac: +23 str: +14 sta: +14 agi: +14 dex: +14 wis: +14 int: +14
mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +215 mana: +215 end: +215

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Right Ear:Rugged Earring of Infestation
ac: +10 sta: +8 agi: +8 wis: +7 int: +7 cha: +6
dr: +10 fr: +6 cr: +10
hp: +65 mana: +65 end: +65

Attack: +10
Regeneration: +2
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Green Shard of Might
str: +6

Face:Cavefish Goggles
ac: +20 str: +13 sta: +13 agi: +19 wis: +13 int: +13
pr: +20 mr: +25 fr: +25
hp: +205 mana: +215 end: +215

Effect: Faerune (Worn)
Attack: +20
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Head:Dawn Forged Chain Hood
ac: +32 str: +10 sta: +10 wis: +9 cha: +11
dr: +12 fr: +15 cr: +10
hp: +110 mana: +105 end: +105

Slot 1, Type 7: Pristine Pearl of Magical Warding
mr: +6

Slot 2, Type 9: Empty
Slot 3, Type 21: Empty

Shoulder:Cursed Pauldrons of Defiance
ac: +18 str: +11 agi: +10 dex: +8 wis: +9 int: +9
pr: +11 dr: +13 cr: +11
hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100

Attack: +20
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
agi: +5
Arm:Ukun Chained Armplates
ac: +33 str: +6 sta: +10 dex: +10 wis: +6
pr: +9 mr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +65 mana: +60 end: +60

Slot 1, Type 7: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Left Finger:Maze Runner's Ring
ac: +13 str: +9 sta: +12 agi: +12 dex: +12 wis: +9 int: +9
pr: +12 mr: +12 dr: +12 fr: +13
hp: +145 mana: +145 end: +145

Effect: Cleave I (Worn)
Regeneration: +2
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Green Shard of Might
str: +6
Right Finger:Ring of Dark Mists
ac: +12 str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +13 wis: +11 int: +11
pr: +15 dr: +15 cr: +11
hp: +200 mana: +210 end: +210

Avoidance: +10
Slot 1, Type 8: Empty

Left Wrist:Runelinked Bracer
ac: +43 str: +12 sta: +12 agi: +12 dex: +12 wis: +12
pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +10 fr: +5 cr: +15
hp: +205 mana: +205 end: +205

Mana Regeneration: +5
Regeneration: +5
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawed Purple Gem of Deftness
dex: +5

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Right Wrist:Bracer of Burning Links
ac: +25 agi: +12 dex: +12 wis: +10 cha: +12
pr: +14 mr: +13 dr: +14
hp: +130 mana: +125 end: +125

Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Chest:Incorporeal Chain of the Specter
ac: +61 str: +13 dex: +11 wis: +10
pr: +12 fr: +12 cr: +12
hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100

Slot 1, Type 1: Empty
Slot 2, Type 2: Empty
Slot 3, Type 3: Empty
Slot 4, Type 21: Empty
Back:Cape of Broken Enchantments
ac: +17 str: +10 agi: +15
mr: +15
hp: +90 mana: +65 end: +65

Haste: +36%
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Green Shard of Might
str: +6

Feet:Feranskin Sandals
ac: +20 str: +11 sta: +9 dex: +11 wis: +9
pr: +12 dr: +12 cr: +11
hp: +75 mana: +70 end: +70

Slot 1, Type 7: Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
agi: +5

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Legs:Chain Greaves of Chaos
ac: +40 str: +12 sta: +6 dex: +6 wis: +8
pr: +8 dr: +7 fr: +7 cr: +7
hp: +70 mana: +70 end: +70

Slot 1, Type 7: Flawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
agi: +5

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Waist:Drachnid Skin Girdle
ac: +21 sta: +14 dex: +12 wis: +19 int: +19 cha: +13
dr: +25 fr: +20 cr: +25
hp: +195 mana: +195 end: +195

Avoidance: +10
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
agi: +6
Hands:Crystal Linked Gauntlets
ac: +40 str: +10 sta: +15 agi: +20 wis: +15
mr: +18 dr: +17 fr: +15
hp: +135 mana: +130 end: +130

Attack: +25
Mana Regeneration: +2
Slot 1, Type 7: Flawless Green Shard of Might
str: +6

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Ammo:Empty Charm:Intricate Wooden Figurine
ac: +17 str: +15 sta: +10 agi: +10 dex: +15
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +90 end: +80

Slot 1, Type 7: Adventurer's Stone
ac: +10 str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +10 int: +10 cha: +10
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100

Food:Empty Drink:Empty

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Combat Agility 3 / 59 2 2 each
Combat Stability 3 / 66 2 2 each
Natural Durability 3 / 11 2 2 each
Jewelcraft Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Planar Power 5 / 70 2 2 each
First Aid 0 / 13 1 1 each
Innate Run Speed 3 / 7 1 1 each
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1 1 each
Innate Metabolism 0 / 3 1 1 each
Innate Regeneration 3 / 40 1 1 each
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3 3 each
Item: Disable Item Abilities 0 / 0 - 0 each
Item: Grim Aura 0 / 0 - 0 each
Innate Eminence 0 / 25 7 7 each
Innate Spell Resistance 0 / 30 5 5 each
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 1 1
Baking Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Combat Fury 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Fear Resistance 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Finishing Blow 0 / 3 2 2/4/6
Natural Healing 1 / 3 4 2/4/6
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Acrobatics 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Advanced Trap Negotiation 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Ambidexterity 1 / 1 - 9
Chaotic Stab 1 / 1 - 6
Double Riposte 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Escape 1 / 1 - 9
Physical Enhancement 1 / 1 - 5
Poison Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Purge Poison 0 / 1 5 5
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Warding of Solusek 0 / 10 1 1 each
Blessing of E'ci 0 / 10 1 1 each
Marr's Protection 0 / 10 1 1 each
Shroud of the Faceless 0 / 10 1 1 each
Bertoxxulous' Gift 0 / 10 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Coup de Grace 0 / 3 2 2 each
Ferocity 3 / 3 - 3 each
Flash of Steel 0 / 3 3 3 each
Fury of the Ages 3 / 3 - 3 each
Hastened Purification 0 / 3 2 2 each
Hastened Stealth 0 / 3 3 3 each
Hasty Exit 1 / 3 2 2 each
Ingenuity 2 / 3 3 1/2/3
Innate Defense 2 / 5 3 3 each
Lightning Reflexes 0 / 5 3 3 each
Nimble Evasion 5 / 5 - 1 each
Shroud of Stealth 1 / 1 - 6
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Swift Journey 2 / 2 - 5 each
Convalescence 0 / 2 3 3 each
Lasting Breath 0 / 2 2 2/3
Packrat 0 / 5 3 3 each
Heightened Endurance 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Weapon Affinity 1 / 5 5 5 each
Sinister Strikes 1 / 1 - 12
Triple Backstab 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Seized Opportunity 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Trap Circumvention 0 / 5 3 3 each
Improved Hasty Exit 0 / 2 5 5 each
Virulent Venom 0 / 5 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Eternal Breath 0 / 1 5 5
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Salvage 0 / 3 5 5 each
Origin 0 / 1 7 7
Chaotic Potential 0 / 5 5 5 each
Discordant Defiance 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mystical Attuning 0 / 5 5 5 each
Delay Death 0 / 5 3 3 each
Healthy Aura 0 / 5 3 3 each
Reflexive Mastery 0 / 5 5 5 each
Defensive Instincts 0 / 5 5 5 each
Fitness 0 / 3 5 5 each
Veteran's Wrath 1 / 3 6 3/6/9
Deathblow 0 / 3 3 3 each
Master of Disguise 0 / 1 7 7
Slippery Attacks 0 / 5 3 3 each
Shielding Resistance 0 / 5 3 3 each
Flurry of Knives 1 / 3 6 3/6/9
Precision 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Nerves of Steel 0 / 5 5 5 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 186
Total Points: 186

Lesson of the Devoted 0 / 1 0 0
Infusion of the Faithful 0 / 1 0 0
Chaotic Jester 0 / 1 0 0
Expedient Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Steadfast Servant 0 / 1 0 0
Staunch Recovery 0 / 1 0 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0 0
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Tribute Master 0 / 1 0 0
Assassin's Taint (Any Slot/Can Equip) 1: Triple Backstab (35)
4: Add Proc: Assassin's Taint Strike
Cleave I (Worn) 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with 1H Blunt
2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with 1H Slashing
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with 2H Blunt
4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with 2H Slashing
5: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Backstab
6: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Bash
7: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Flying Kick
8: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Hand To Hand
9: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Kick
10: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Piercing
11: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with Frenzy
12: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% with 2H Piercing

Faerune (Worn) 1: See Invisible (1)
2: Ultravision
3: Water Breathing (1)
Permafrost (Combat) 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 150.

Seething Frenzy (Focus) 1: Decrease Reuse Timer by 240.00 sec
2: Limit: Spell (Duelist Discipline allowed)
Serpent's Bite (Combat) 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 100.

Combat Skills Level

None found
Magic Skills Level

None found
Music Skills Level

None found
Other Skills Level

None found
Tradeskills Level

None found
Languages Level

None found
< td colspan=2> 

Adventure Points Points

Deepest Guk87
Miragul's Menagerie2190
Mistmoore Catacombs1148
Rujarkian Hills20
Total Points 5011
Available Points 585
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