Primary: | Arcane Tome of the Gelidran ac: +10 agi: +12 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +7 pr: +15 mr: +15 fr: +14 hp: +130 mana: +130 Slot 1, Type 8: Empty |
Secondary: | Blood Fire Wand ac: +12 str: +12 sta: +10 agi: +10 wis: +12 int: +12 pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +160 mana: +170 Effect: Draught of Ro (Any Slot/Can Equip) Slot 1, Type 7: Sparkling Nest Ornament hp: +60 mana: +60 end: +60 |
Ranged: | Bloody Drachnid Collarbone ac: +21 str: +13 sta: +19 agi: +14 wis: +12 int: +12 pr: +25 dr: +20 cr: +20 hp: +190 mana: +200 Effect: Druzzil's Range (Focus) DoT Shielding: +3% Slot 1, Type 7: Hivegrime Stone of Nullification hp: +20 mana: +20 end: +20 DoT Shielding: +2% |
Neck: | Talisman of Tainted Energy ac: +20 str: +10 sta: +15 agi: +15 int: +20 cha: +10 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +40 cr: +10 hp: +160 mana: +185 Effect: Preservation of Solusek (Focus) Mana Regeneration: +5 Regeneration: +5 Slot 1, Type 8: Marbled Shard of Relic pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40 |
Left Ear: | Earring of Spiritual Fury ac: +13 str: +14 sta: +10 agi: +10 wis: +14 int: +14 cha: +8 pr: +15 mr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15 hp: +165 mana: +175 Mana Regeneration: +2 Stun Resist: +3% Slot 1, Type 7: Heatstone of Memory mana: +70 end: +70 |
Right Ear: | Relic Shopkeeper's Earring ac: +18 str: +12 sta: +13 agi: +7 dex: +6 wis: +14 int: +14 cha: +12 pr: +12 mr: +14 dr: +7 fr: +10 cr: +8 hp: +200 mana: +190 Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory mana: +70 end: +70 |
Face: | Hive Silk Mask ac: +19 sta: +19 dex: +12 wis: +13 int: +13 cha: +14 mr: +20 fr: +20 cr: +25 hp: +190 mana: +200 Effect: Wrath of Druzzil (Focus) Spell Shield: +2% Slot 1, Type 7: Shiliskin Reef Navigator Fetish mana: +35 Avoidance: +10 |
Head: | Jennu's Circlet of Creation ac: +20 str: +20 sta: +17 agi: +8 dex: +25 int: +25 cha: +5 pr: +20 mr: +20 dr: +15 fr: +15 hp: +200 mana: +220 DoT Shielding: +3% Shielding: +1% Slot 1, Type 8: Jewel of Focus hp: +90 Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Shoulder: | Dark Void Shoulders ac: +16 sta: +10 dex: +11 wis: +13 int: +13 cha: +10 pr: +15 dr: +15 cr: +11 hp: +210 mana: +200 Effect: Form of Protection I (Any Slot/Can Equip) Slot 1, Type 8: Relic Shopkeeper's Charm hp: +55 mana: +55 end: +55 |
Arm: | Empty |
Left Finger: | Warped Emerald Ring of Insanity ac: +32 sta: +28 agi: +18 wis: +24 int: +24 cha: +20 pr: +25 mr: +15 dr: +20 cr: +10 hp: +260 mana: +260 end: +260 Effect: Pyrilen Vengeance (Focus) DoT Shielding: +3% Regeneration: +5 Spell Shield: +3% Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory mana: +70 end: +70 |
Right Finger: | Borso's Prized Ring ac: +16 str: +13 sta: +12 agi: +7 dex: +8 wis: +8 int: +8 cha: +9 pr: +13 mr: +8 dr: +7 fr: +12 cr: +12 hp: +195 mana: +200 Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory mana: +70 end: +70 |
Left Wrist: | Jennu's Bracer of Creation ac: +15 str: +10 sta: +20 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +13 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +15 hp: +190 mana: +210 Mana Regeneration: +3 Regeneration: +3 Spell Shield: +2% Slot 1, Type 8: Hivegrime Stone of Faith hp: +35 mana: +35 end: +35 Regeneration: +4 Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Right Wrist: | Jennu's Bracer of Creation ac: +15 str: +10 sta: +20 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +13 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +15 hp: +190 mana: +210 Mana Regeneration: +3 Regeneration: +3 Spell Shield: +2% Slot 1, Type 8: Hivegrime Stone of Thinking hp: +20 mana: +20 Mana Regeneration: +2 Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Chest: | Shadow Skin Vest ac: +25 sta: +12 agi: +12 dex: +12 int: +12 pr: +13 dr: +13 fr: +13 cr: +13 hp: +120 mana: +125 Slot 1, Type 7: Diamond Studded Coldain Historical Seal ac: +14 str: +7 sta: +7 wis: +7 int: +7 pr: +7 mr: +7 dr: +7 fr: +7 cr: +7 hp: +70 mana: +70 end: +70 Avoidance: +15 Regeneration: +7 Slot 2, Type 9: Radiant Ametrine Garnet pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40 Slot 3, Type 21: Empty |
Back: | Cloak of the Spirit Hunter ac: +35 str: +25 sta: +30 agi: +20 wis: +25 int: +25 mr: +30 fr: +30 cr: +30 hp: +250 mana: +250 end: +250 Effect: Faerune (Worn) Attack: +30 Avoidance: +10 DoT Shielding: +1% Mana Regeneration: +3 Regeneration: +3 Shielding: +1% Slot 1, Type 7: Stone of Mind Control mana: +65 end: +65 |
Feet: | Jennu's Sandals of Creation ac: +20 str: +16 sta: +21 dex: +23 int: +20 cha: +10 dr: +25 fr: +25 cr: +25 hp: +205 mana: +215 Mana Regeneration: +5 Stun Resist: +8% Slot 1, Type 8: Preserved Shiliskin Brain mana: +80 end: +80 Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Legs: | Shadow Skin Leggings ac: +19 str: +12 sta: +12 int: +12 cha: +12 mr: +13 dr: +13 fr: +13 cr: +13 hp: +120 mana: +125 Slot 1, Type 7: Blighted Stone of the Heathen hp: +65 mana: +65 end: +65 Slot 2, Type 9: Radiant Ametrine Garnet pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5 hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40 Slot 3, Type 21: Empty |
Waist: | Faithful Templar Belt ac: +20 sta: +13 dex: +13 wis: +19 int: +19 cha: +13 pr: +20 mr: +25 fr: +25 hp: +215 mana: +205 Effect: Form of Rejuvenation I (Any Slot/Can Equip) Mana Regeneration: +3 Slot 1, Type 8: Glyph of Souls mana: +90 |
Hands: | Jennu's Gloves of Creation ac: +17 str: +15 sta: +13 agi: +12 dex: +22 int: +18 cha: +10 pr: +25 mr: +25 cr: +25 hp: +205 mana: +215 Effect: Taelosian Geomancy (Focus) Avoidance: +8 DoT Shielding: +3% Slot 1, Type 8: Orichalcum Gem mana: +50 Regeneration: +5 Slot 2, Type 21: Empty |
Ammo: | Black Chain Bridle Effect: Summon Horse (Any Slot) |
Charm: | Talisman of the Spellweaver ac: +12 sta: +8 agi: +8 dex: +8 int: +8 cha: +8 pr: +8 mr: +8 dr: +8 fr: +8 cr: +8 hp: +75 mana: +75 Slot 1, Type 7: Adventurer's Stone ac: +10 str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +10 int: +10 cha: +10 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100 Slot 2, Type 9: Slipgear's Gem ac: +10 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +50 mana: +50 end: +50 |
Food: | Summoned: Black Bread |
Drink: | Summoned: Globe of Water |