Xantu (Retired)
75 Human Magician

The Rathe
Gear, etc: Equipment Effects Skills Expansions
AA skills: General Archetype Class PoP Advance PoP Ability Gates Omens Group Raid Veteran
Stat:Base+ Mods=Total
Strength: 75 214 289
Stamina: 90 334 380 (424)
Agility: 75 178 253
Dexterity: 75 201 276
Wisdom: 75 186 261
Intelligence: 110 365 430 (475)
Charisma: 75 199 274
Sv Poison: 15 323 338
Sv Magic: 25 325 350
Sv Disease: 15 260 275
Sv Fire: 25 337 362
Sv Cold: 25 332 357
HP Regen:
- 7 Base
- 30 Worn
- 8 from AA
- 45 Total HP Regen
Mana Regen:
- 3 Base
- 15 Worn
- 3 from AA
- 21 Total Mana Regen
Hit Points:
- 1175 base HP
- 4315 + HP items
- 681 + Sta items
- 617 + AA Effects
- 6788 total HP
- 1828 base Mana
- 4955 + Mana items
- 2880 + Int items
- 9663 total Mana
- 3780 base End
- 1510 + End items
- 5290 total End
Other Modifiers:
DoT Shielding:15%
Mana Regeneration:15%
Spell Shield:9%
Stun Resist:11%
Secondary Stats:
Attack: 30
Mana Regeneration: 26
HP Regen 35
Heroic Stats:
Agility: 13
Intelligence: 21
Stamina: 11
Wisdom: 21
Other Info:
Weight:23.7 / 289
Money: 0 pp
Deity: Agnostic
Total AA: 830
Total Group Points: 0
Total Raid Points: 0
Highest Haste: 0%
Primary:Arcane Tome of the Gelidran
ac: +10 agi: +12 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +7
pr: +15 mr: +15 fr: +14
hp: +130 mana: +130

Slot 1, Type 8: Empty
Secondary:Blood Fire Wand
ac: +12 str: +12 sta: +10 agi: +10 wis: +12 int: +12
pr: +15 mr: +15 dr: +15 fr: +5 cr: +5
hp: +160 mana: +170

Effect: Draught of Ro (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Slot 1, Type 7: Sparkling Nest Ornament
hp: +60 mana: +60 end: +60

Ranged:Bloody Drachnid Collarbone
ac: +21 str: +13 sta: +19 agi: +14 wis: +12 int: +12
pr: +25 dr: +20 cr: +20
hp: +190 mana: +200

Effect: Druzzil's Range (Focus)
DoT Shielding: +3%
Slot 1, Type 7: Hivegrime Stone of Nullification
hp: +20 mana: +20 end: +20

DoT Shielding: +2%
Neck:Talisman of Tainted Energy
ac: +20 str: +10 sta: +15 agi: +15 int: +20 cha: +10
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +40 cr: +10
hp: +160 mana: +185

Effect: Preservation of Solusek (Focus)
Mana Regeneration: +5
Regeneration: +5
Slot 1, Type 8: Marbled Shard of Relic
pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5
hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40

Left Ear:Earring of Spiritual Fury
ac: +13 str: +14 sta: +10 agi: +10 wis: +14 int: +14 cha: +8
pr: +15 mr: +15 fr: +15 cr: +15
hp: +165 mana: +175

Mana Regeneration: +2
Stun Resist: +3%
Slot 1, Type 7: Heatstone of Memory
mana: +70 end: +70
Right Ear:Relic Shopkeeper's Earring
ac: +18 str: +12 sta: +13 agi: +7 dex: +6 wis: +14 int: +14 cha: +12
pr: +12 mr: +14 dr: +7 fr: +10 cr: +8
hp: +200 mana: +190

Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory
mana: +70 end: +70

Face:Hive Silk Mask
ac: +19 sta: +19 dex: +12 wis: +13 int: +13 cha: +14
mr: +20 fr: +20 cr: +25
hp: +190 mana: +200

Effect: Wrath of Druzzil (Focus)
Spell Shield: +2%
Slot 1, Type 7: Shiliskin Reef Navigator Fetish
mana: +35

Avoidance: +10
Head:Jennu's Circlet of Creation
ac: +20 str: +20 sta: +17 agi: +8 dex: +25 int: +25 cha: +5
pr: +20 mr: +20 dr: +15 fr: +15
hp: +200 mana: +220

DoT Shielding: +3%
Shielding: +1%
Slot 1, Type 8: Jewel of Focus
hp: +90

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Shoulder:Dark Void Shoulders
ac: +16 sta: +10 dex: +11 wis: +13 int: +13 cha: +10
pr: +15 dr: +15 cr: +11
hp: +210 mana: +200

Effect: Form of Protection I (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Slot 1, Type 8: Relic Shopkeeper's Charm
hp: +55 mana: +55 end: +55

Left Finger:Warped Emerald Ring of Insanity
ac: +32 sta: +28 agi: +18 wis: +24 int: +24 cha: +20
pr: +25 mr: +15 dr: +20 cr: +10
hp: +260 mana: +260 end: +260

Effect: Pyrilen Vengeance (Focus)
DoT Shielding: +3%
Regeneration: +5
Spell Shield: +3%
Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory
mana: +70 end: +70
Right Finger:Borso's Prized Ring
ac: +16 str: +13 sta: +12 agi: +7 dex: +8 wis: +8 int: +8 cha: +9
pr: +13 mr: +8 dr: +7 fr: +12 cr: +12
hp: +195 mana: +200

Slot 1, Type 8: Heatstone of Memory
mana: +70 end: +70

Left Wrist:Jennu's Bracer of Creation
ac: +15 str: +10 sta: +20 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +13
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +15
hp: +190 mana: +210

Mana Regeneration: +3
Regeneration: +3
Spell Shield: +2%
Slot 1, Type 8: Hivegrime Stone of Faith
hp: +35 mana: +35 end: +35

Regeneration: +4
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Right Wrist:Jennu's Bracer of Creation
ac: +15 str: +10 sta: +20 dex: +12 int: +18 cha: +13
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +15
hp: +190 mana: +210

Mana Regeneration: +3
Regeneration: +3
Spell Shield: +2%
Slot 1, Type 8: Hivegrime Stone of Thinking
hp: +20 mana: +20

Mana Regeneration: +2
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Chest:Shadow Skin Vest
ac: +25 sta: +12 agi: +12 dex: +12 int: +12
pr: +13 dr: +13 fr: +13 cr: +13
hp: +120 mana: +125

Slot 1, Type 7: Diamond Studded Coldain Historical Seal
ac: +14 str: +7 sta: +7 wis: +7 int: +7
pr: +7 mr: +7 dr: +7 fr: +7 cr: +7
hp: +70 mana: +70 end: +70

Avoidance: +15
Regeneration: +7
Slot 2, Type 9: Radiant Ametrine Garnet
pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5
hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40

Slot 3, Type 21: Empty
Back:Cloak of the Spirit Hunter
ac: +35 str: +25 sta: +30 agi: +20 wis: +25 int: +25
mr: +30 fr: +30 cr: +30
hp: +250 mana: +250 end: +250

Effect: Faerune (Worn)
Attack: +30
Avoidance: +10
DoT Shielding: +1%
Mana Regeneration: +3
Regeneration: +3
Shielding: +1%
Slot 1, Type 7: Stone of Mind Control
mana: +65 end: +65

Feet:Jennu's Sandals of Creation
ac: +20 str: +16 sta: +21 dex: +23 int: +20 cha: +10
dr: +25 fr: +25 cr: +25
hp: +205 mana: +215

Mana Regeneration: +5
Stun Resist: +8%
Slot 1, Type 8: Preserved Shiliskin Brain
mana: +80 end: +80

Slot 2, Type 21: Empty
Legs:Shadow Skin Leggings
ac: +19 str: +12 sta: +12 int: +12 cha: +12
mr: +13 dr: +13 fr: +13 cr: +13
hp: +120 mana: +125

Slot 1, Type 7: Blighted Stone of the Heathen
hp: +65 mana: +65 end: +65

Slot 2, Type 9: Radiant Ametrine Garnet
pr: +5 mr: +5 dr: +5 fr: +5 cr: +5
hp: +40 mana: +40 end: +40

Slot 3, Type 21: Empty

Waist:Faithful Templar Belt
ac: +20 sta: +13 dex: +13 wis: +19 int: +19 cha: +13
pr: +20 mr: +25 fr: +25
hp: +215 mana: +205

Effect: Form of Rejuvenation I (Any Slot/Can Equip)
Mana Regeneration: +3
Slot 1, Type 8: Glyph of Souls
mana: +90
Hands:Jennu's Gloves of Creation
ac: +17 str: +15 sta: +13 agi: +12 dex: +22 int: +18 cha: +10
pr: +25 mr: +25 cr: +25
hp: +205 mana: +215

Effect: Taelosian Geomancy (Focus)
Avoidance: +8
DoT Shielding: +3%
Slot 1, Type 8: Orichalcum Gem
mana: +50

Regeneration: +5
Slot 2, Type 21: Empty

Ammo:Black Chain Bridle
Effect: Summon Horse (Any Slot)
Charm:Talisman of the Spellweaver
ac: +12 sta: +8 agi: +8 dex: +8 int: +8 cha: +8
pr: +8 mr: +8 dr: +8 fr: +8 cr: +8
hp: +75 mana: +75

Slot 1, Type 7: Adventurer's Stone
ac: +10 str: +10 sta: +10 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +10 int: +10 cha: +10
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +100 mana: +100 end: +100

Slot 2, Type 9: Slipgear's Gem
ac: +10 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15
pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10
hp: +50 mana: +50 end: +50

Food:Summoned: Black Bread Drink:Summoned: Globe of Water

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Combat Agility 3 / 59 2 2 each
Combat Stability 3 / 66 2 2 each
Natural Durability 3 / 11 2 2 each
Jewelcraft Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Planar Power 5 / 70 2 2 each
First Aid 0 / 13 1 1 each
Innate Run Speed 3 / 7 1 1 each
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1 1 each
Innate Metabolism 3 / 3 - 1 each
Innate Regeneration 3 / 40 1 1 each
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3 3 each
Item: Disable Item Abilities 0 / 0 - 0 each
Item: Grim Aura 0 / 0 - 0 each
Innate Eminence 0 / 25 7 7 each
Innate Spell Resistance 0 / 30 5 5 each
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 1 1
Baking Mastery 0 / 13 3 3 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Channeling Focus 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Mental Clarity 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Deftness 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Expertise 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Fury 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Mastery 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Spell Casting Subtlety 3 / 3 - 2/4/6
Innate Enlightenment 5 / 5 - 3 each
Fury of Magic 3 / 30 1 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Elemental Form: Air 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Elemental Form: Earth 1 / 3 6 3/6/9
Elemental Form: Fire 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Elemental Form: Water 1 / 3 6 3/6/9
Elemental Pact 1 / 1 - 5
Frenzied Burnout 1 / 1 - 6
Improved Reclaim Energy 1 / 1 - 3
Mass Group Buff 0 / 1 9 9
Mend Companion 1 / 1 - 5
Pet Discipline 1 / 1 - 6
Quick Damage 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Quick Summoning 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Turn Summoned 0 / 1 5 5
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Warding of Solusek 10 / 10 - 1 each
Blessing of E'ci 10 / 10 - 1 each
Marr's Protection 10 / 10 - 1 each
Shroud of the Faceless 10 / 10 - 1 each
Bertoxxulous' Gift 10 / 10 - 1 each
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Wrack Summoned 0 / 1 9 9
Hastened Mending 3 / 3 - 2 each
Host of the Elements 3 / 3 - 5/4/3
Innate Defense 5 / 5 - 3 each
Lightning Reflexes 5 / 5 - 3 each
Mastery of the Past 3 / 3 - 3 each
Servant of Ro 3 / 3 - 3 each
Suspended Minion 2 / 2 - 5/3
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Swift Journey 2 / 2 - 5 each
Convalescence 2 / 2 - 3 each
Lasting Breath 0 / 2 2 2/3
Packrat 0 / 5 3 3 each
Secondary Forte 0 / 1 9 9
Persistent Casting 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Pet Affinity 1 / 1 - 12
Fury of Magic Mastery 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Shared Health 5 / 5 - 5 each
Elemental Fury 5 / 5 - 3 each
Elemental Alacrity 5 / 5 - 5 each
Elemental Agility 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Elemental Durability 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Eternal Breath 0 / 1 5 5
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3 3/6/9
Salvage 0 / 3 5 5 each
Origin 0 / 1 7 7
Chaotic Potential 5 / 5 - 5 each
Discordant Defiance 5 / 5 - 5 each
Mystical Attuning 5 / 5 - 5 each
Delay Death 0 / 5 3 3 each
Healthy Aura 5 / 5 - 3 each
Reflexive Mastery 0 / 5 5 5 each
Defensive Instincts 0 / 5 5 5 each
Mnemonic Retention 1 / 1 - 3
Expansive Mind 5 / 5 - 5 each
Arcane Tongues 2 / 3 9 3/6/9
Persistent Minion 1 / 1 - 7
Replenish Companion 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Advanced Pet Discipline 2 / 2 - 5/3
Destructive Fury 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Elemental Swarm 3 / 3 - 3/6/9
Heart of Flames 0 / 1 9 9
Heart of Vapor 0 / 1 9 9
Heart of Ice 0 / 1 9 9
Heart of Stone 1 / 1 - 9
Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 0
Total Points: 0

Skill Name LevelCostCost/Level
Unspent Points: 0
Spent Points: 830
Total Points: 830

Lesson of the Devoted 1 / 1 - 0
Infusion of the Faithful 1 / 1 - 0
Chaotic Jester 1 / 1 - 0
Expedient Recovery 1 / 1 - 0
Steadfast Servant 1 / 1 - 0
Staunch Recovery 1 / 1 - 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0 0
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0 0
Summon Tribute Master 0 / 1 0 0
Draught of Ro (Any Slot/Can Equip) 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 980.
Druzzil's Range (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Range by 25%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Faerune (Worn) 1: See Invisible (1)
2: Ultravision
3: Water Breathing (1)
Form of Protection I (Any Slot/Can Equip) 3: Increase All Resists by 10
6: Screech

Form of Rejuvenation I (Any Slot/Can Equip) 6: Screech
12: Increase Hitpoints by 4 per tick.
Preservation of Solusek (Focus) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 20%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Spell (Complete Heal excluded)
4: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Pyrilen Vengeance (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 40%
2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target (Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target (Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
12: Limit: Resist (Fire allowed)
Summon Horse (Any Slot) 1: Summon Horse: SumHorseBlRun2

Taelosian Geomancy (Focus) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 25%
2: Limit: Max Level(65)
3: Limit: Min Level (65)
4: Limit: Instant spells only
5: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
6: Limit: Spell (Sun Vortex excluded)
7: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Wrath of Druzzil (Focus) 1: Increase Spell Damage (Before DoT Crit) by 1% to 35%
2: Limit: Max Level(67) (lose 5% per level over cap)
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Instant spells only
5: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
6: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded)
7: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded)
8: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
9: Limit: Target (Uber Giants excluded)
10: Limit: Target (Uber Dragons excluded)
11: Limit: Resist (Magic allowed)
12: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed

Combat Skills Level

1H Blunt 60
Defense 151
Dodge 80
Offense 63
Throwing 11
Magic Skills Level

Abjuration 255
Alteration 255
Channeling 255
Conjuration 255
Divination 234
Evocation 255
Meditate 252
Specialize Abjure 50
Specialize Alteration 50
Specialize Conjuration 200
Specialize Divinatation 50
Specialize Evocation 50
Music Skills Level

None found
Other Skills Level

Bind Wound 100
Sense Heading 200
Swimming 198
Alcohol Tolerance 115
Tradeskills Level

Fishing 72
Research 200
Baking 191
Tailoring 169
Blacksmithing 161
Fletching 200
Brewing 151
Jewelry Making 180
Pottery 174
Languages Level

Common Tongue 100
Barbarian 100
Erudian 100
Elvish 100
Dark Elvish 100
Dwarvish 100
Troll 100
Ogre 100
Gnomish 100
Halfling 100
Thieves Cant 100
Old Erudian 100
Elder Elvish 100
Froglok 100
Goblin 100
Gnoll 100
Combine Tongue 100
Elder Teir Dal 100
Lizardman 100
Orcish 100
Faerie 100
Dragon 100
Elder Dragon 100
Dark Speech 100
Vah Shir 100
< td colspan=2> 

Adventure Points Points

Deepest Guk408
Miragul's Menagerie1058
Mistmoore Catacombs650
Rujarkian Hills759
Total Points 4896
Available Points 1085
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