Primary: | Savage Spiritblade Dmg 71, Dly 21. ac: +59 str: +31 sta: +41 agi: +19 dex: +23 wis: +24 int: +18 cha: +27 pr: +60 mr: +35 dr: +20 fr: +44 cr: +41 hp: +1506 mana: +1452 end: +1452 Effect: Force of Magic II (Combat) Slot 1, Type 4: Blessing of Might Dmg 8, Dly 0. Slot 2, Type 20: Empty |
Secondary: | Adamantine Spellblade Dmg 75, Dly 22. ac: +59 str: +20 sta: +29 agi: +14 dex: +48 wis: +20 int: +25 cha: +22 pr: +40 mr: +54 dr: +25 fr: +27 cr: +54 hp: +1500 mana: +1447 end: +1447 Effect: Stunning Strike II (Combat) Slot 1, Type 4: Slime Coated Pebble of the Deep Dmg 6, Dly 0. Slot 2, Type 20: Empty |
Ranged: | Worn Children's Doll ac: +81 str: +22 sta: +21 agi: +35 dex: +29 wis: +25 int: +32 cha: +45 pr: +35 mr: +49 dr: +57 fr: +28 cr: +36 hp: +1450 mana: +1507 end: +1443 Effect: Prismatic Ward IV (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Improved Dodge V (Worn) Slot 1, Type 7: Platinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XX ac: +27 hp: +160 mana: +160 end: +160 Slot 2, Type 3: Empty |
Neck: | Necklace of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +80 str: +31 sta: +33 agi: +14 dex: +37 wis: +29 int: +21 cha: +24 pr: +25 mr: +39 dr: +27 fr: +48 cr: +49 hp: +1443 mana: +1444 end: +1417 Effect: Improved Parry / Block V (Worn) Effect: Somnial Respite IV (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Dark Soul Crystal ac: +25 hp: +155 mana: +155 end: +155 |
Left Ear: | Stud of Decomposing Foliage ac: +75 str: +30 sta: +22 agi: +38 dex: +28 wis: +28 int: +25 cha: +41 pr: +38 mr: +33 dr: +44 fr: +39 cr: +49 hp: +1447 mana: +1464 end: +1488 Effect: Tiny Companion (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Sharpshooting VII (Worn) Effect: Spite of the Immortal (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Lifeweaver's Symbol ac: +38 pr: +10 mr: +10 hp: +115 Slot 2, Type 3: Empty |
Right Ear: | Coiled Bauble of Broken Gears ac: +85 str: +33 sta: +24 agi: +34 dex: +26 wis: +36 int: +30 cha: +27 pr: +34 mr: +61 dr: +82 fr: +87 cr: +29 hp: +1547 mana: +1513 end: +1529 Effect: Soothing Breath IV (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Sharpshooting IX (Worn) Effect: Baleful Will of the Lich (Focus) Slot 1, Type 8: Golden Nugget of the Eleventh Hour ac: +25 hp: +200 mana: +200 end: +200 Slot 2, Type 3: Irae Faycite Shard: Lyrin's Insult Effect: Irae Faycite Shard: Lyrin's Insult (Focus) |
Face: | Visage of the Somnium Minion ac: +95 str: +27 sta: +14 agi: +30 dex: +49 wis: +15 int: +46 cha: +15 pr: +29 mr: +36 dr: +44 fr: +34 cr: +57 hp: +1413 mana: +1490 end: +1490 Effect: Illusion Satyr (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Extension of the Alliz Tae Ew (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Model XLII Spatial Temporal Oculus ac: +25 str: +3 sta: +4 agi: +6 dex: +9 wis: -4 int: +7 hp: +155 mana: +155 end: +155 Slot 2, Type 3: Icy Prism of Avoidance Dodge: +8% |
Head: | Lucid Dreamhunter Helm ac: +154 str: +44 sta: +49 agi: +20 dex: +33 wis: +11 int: +21 cha: +9 pr: +46 mr: +52 dr: +39 fr: +38 cr: +38 hp: +1475 mana: +1380 end: +1460 Effect: Faerune (Worn) Slot 1, Type 7: Gem of the Eleventh Defender ac: +35 hp: +100 Slot 2, Type 13: Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +10 str: +20 sta: +20 agi: +20 dex: +20 wis: +20 int: +20 cha: +20 pr: +30 mr: +30 dr: +30 fr: +30 cr: +30 hp: +100 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Shoulder: | Iron Vestment of Control ac: +92 str: +36 sta: +45 agi: +42 dex: +21 wis: +30 int: +20 cha: +27 pr: +45 mr: +40 dr: +51 fr: +43 cr: +23 hp: +1491 mana: +1445 end: +1498 Effect: Myrmidon's Skill IV (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Librarian's Tenacity (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Bayle's Heraldic Crest ac: +32 cha: +15 pr: +10 mr: +10 dr: +10 fr: +10 cr: +10 hp: +75 mana: +75 end: +75 |
Arm: | Lucid Dreamhunter Vambraces ac: +145 str: +10 sta: +46 agi: +37 dex: +35 wis: +17 int: +12 cha: +17 pr: +41 mr: +33 dr: +40 fr: +49 cr: +45 hp: +1490 mana: +1375 end: +1450 Effect: Cleave VII - 20 (Worn) Slot 1, Type 7: Bonegrinder's Bauble ac: +25 hp: +100 mana: +100 Slot 2, Type 13: Purified Flawless Faycite Triad Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Left Finger: | Band of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +74 str: +26 sta: +33 agi: +30 dex: +18 wis: +22 int: +32 cha: +27 pr: +47 mr: +27 dr: +53 fr: +28 cr: +47 hp: +1424 mana: +1443 end: +1454 Effect: Vision of the Living Spirit (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Ireblind Imp Heart ac: +33 pr: +10 mr: +5 dr: +5 hp: +60 mana: +60 end: +60 |
Right Finger: | Band of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +74 str: +26 sta: +33 agi: +30 dex: +18 wis: +22 int: +32 cha: +27 pr: +47 mr: +27 dr: +53 fr: +28 cr: +47 hp: +1424 mana: +1443 end: +1454 Effect: Vision of the Living Spirit (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XLIII ac: +30 hp: +100 mana: +200 end: +100 |
Left Wrist: | Lucid Dreamhunter Bracer ac: +115 str: +37 sta: +18 agi: +23 dex: +26 wis: +21 int: +11 cha: +32 pr: +26 mr: +52 dr: +37 fr: +40 cr: +35 hp: +1445 mana: +1345 end: +1425 Slot 1, Type 7: Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXVIII ac: +25 pr: +20 dr: +20 fr: +20 cr: +20 hp: +168 mana: +168 end: +168 Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Right Wrist: | Lucid Dreamhunter Bracer ac: +115 str: +37 sta: +18 agi: +23 dex: +26 wis: +21 int: +11 cha: +32 pr: +26 mr: +52 dr: +37 fr: +40 cr: +35 hp: +1445 mana: +1345 end: +1425 Slot 1, Type 7: Empty Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliant Fragment of an Innocent Dream Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Chest: | Lucid Dreamhunter Breastplate ac: +237 str: +35 sta: +36 agi: +30 dex: +16 wis: +17 int: +12 cha: +33 pr: +45 mr: +31 dr: +50 fr: +46 cr: +29 hp: +1530 mana: +1435 end: +1485 Effect: Locrian Arpeggio (Any Slot/Can Equip) Effect: Thousand Blades Quickening (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXVII ac: +30 hp: +170 mana: +170 Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliant Fragment of an Innocent Dream Slot 3, Type 15: Emblem of Aggressive Dreams ac: +50 pr: +35 mr: +30 dr: +35 fr: +25 cr: +25 hp: +795 mana: +675 end: +675 Slot 4, Type 21: Empty Slot 5, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 |
Back: | Cloak of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +88 str: +27 sta: +20 agi: +22 dex: +17 wis: +34 int: +26 cha: +33 pr: +31 mr: +33 dr: +55 fr: +38 cr: +47 hp: +1402 mana: +1454 end: +1454 Effect: Lucid Expansion (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Eye of the Spitting Firebug dr: +10 fr: +10 hp: +130 mana: +135 end: +135 |
Feet: | Lucid Dreamhunter Boots ac: +135 str: +17 sta: +34 agi: +28 dex: +36 wis: +6 int: +26 cha: +32 pr: +50 mr: +36 dr: +38 fr: +29 cr: +47 hp: +1480 mana: +1375 end: +1455 Effect: Kintorom's Urgency (Focus) Slot 1, Type 7: Ksathrax's Amber ac: +30 hp: +90 end: +90 Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Legs: | Lucid Dreamhunter Greaves ac: +180 str: +21 sta: +22 agi: +34 dex: +31 wis: +12 int: +15 cha: +40 pr: +45 mr: +35 dr: +33 fr: +32 cr: +41 hp: +1510 mana: +1415 end: +1470 Effect: Ferocity VII (Worn) Slot 1, Type 7: Gem of the Eleventh Seer ac: +28 hp: +60 mana: +120 end: +120 Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Waist: | Belt of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +89 str: +27 sta: +28 agi: +27 dex: +29 wis: +30 int: +13 cha: +29 pr: +25 mr: +33 dr: +50 fr: +37 cr: +35 hp: +1424 mana: +1444 end: +1444 Slot 1, Type 7: Polished Stone of the Eleventh Hour ac: +35 hp: +140 mana: +140 end: +140 |
Hands: | Lucid Dreamhunter Gauntlets ac: +136 str: +39 sta: +17 agi: +45 dex: +37 wis: +15 int: +12 cha: +20 pr: +41 mr: +29 dr: +46 fr: +46 cr: +50 hp: +1455 mana: +1350 end: +1430 Slot 1, Type 7: Blood of the Fallen ac: +20 agi: +3 dr: +25 hp: +135 mana: +135 end: +135 Slot 2, Type 13: Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear Slot 3, Type 21: Empty Slot 4, Type 1: Elemental ac: +8 str: +15 sta: +15 agi: +15 dex: +15 wis: +15 int: +15 cha: +15 pr: +23 mr: +23 dr: +23 fr: +23 cr: +23 hp: +75 Slot 5, Type 2: Empty |
Ammo: | Death and Decay Nimbus Effect: Death and Decay Nimbus (Any Slot/Can Equip) |
Charm: | Charm of the Elusive Eidolon ac: +74 str: +18 sta: +27 agi: +30 dex: +32 wis: +12 int: +29 cha: +31 pr: +34 mr: +37 dr: +31 fr: +42 cr: +39 hp: +1413 mana: +1408 end: +1424 Slot 1, Type 7: Gold Plated Spiked Gear Model XIV ac: +20 pr: +22 mr: +22 dr: +22 fr: +22 cr: +22 hp: +175 mana: +175 end: +175 |
Food: | Dreamburger Paradise str: +12 sta: +12 agi: +10 dex: +10 wis: +12 int: +12 cha: +8 pr: +20 mr: +15 dr: +20 fr: +15 cr: +15 hp: +80 mana: +70 end: +80 |
Drink: | Hazenfranze str: +15 sta: +11 agi: +15 dex: +11 wis: +12 int: +12 cha: +8 pr: +18 mr: +21 dr: +21 fr: +18 cr: +20 hp: +74 mana: +69 end: +73 |