The Depths of Darkhollow: It's Official

Sony has made it official: The 10th EverQuest expansion, Depths of Darkhollow, is set to be released in September of 2005. Details can be found on the newly opened official Depths of Darkhollow website. The official plug: On the surface, as the battle between Firionia Vie and Lanys T’Vyl continues to rage throughout the lands of Nektulos, an expedition of Qeynosian miners breached the barrier of Darkhollow. Only then was the first werewolf seen and the first human bitten. Now a new evil begins to emerge from the underground; far beneath the surface of Norrath. Join EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow and journey into a world of immorality and devastation, a world that has existed purely as a vast wilderness filled with intelligent predators, destruction and disease. Go forth with courage as the terror that lies deep within these grounds must not be allowed to spread to the surface – to Norrath. EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow will have you adventuring in raw, bleak caverns and facing the most formidable monsters yet! Featuring 5 new feral predators, spectacular new underground environments and countless new missions, raids and events! Monster Missions: Play EverQuest as you never have before and see Norrath through the eyes of some of its fearsome and powerful creatures as you step into their form to do battle against their ancient foes! Change into a creature with different abilities from your own to experience. Experience EverQuest lore first hand through the eyes of another character in Monster Missions and unlock the ability to use more powerful monsters! Spirit Shrouds: Adventure with your friends of any levels. Spirit Shrouds will allow you to play as a creature at any level below your own. So don the form of a lower level creature and join your friends in battle while earning experience for your normal character! Evolving Items: Earn new items that advance as you use them, becoming more powerful over time and unlocking hidden abilities and wield intelligent items with a personality of their own! New Missions: Battle your way through over 60 new missions. New Creatures, New Environments and New Encounters: Over 30 unique creatures and 7 Zones, 15 Small Instances, with a re-envisioned Nektulos Forest. New Crafting, Spells, Items and More: New items and tradeskill recipes! Also new spells and alternate advancement abilities!


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# Jun 26 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
I quit playing EQ a while ago, and this is the first time I have come back to this site since I quit, and it still inpires me to chortle. To deny that Sony Online Ent. has all but abanodoned the players of EQ to further other exploits is at best naive. They will keep throwing expansions at the EQ clientell until it's not fruitful anymore, and then most likey abandon EQ all together. Their marketing history and patterns is pretty much public domain, and you can see the proof of their ignorance found therein.

SOE is just like any other business that is seeing loss. They are allocating their money to areas that will prove to be efficient in maintaining a reasonable profit margin. For SOE to "fix" all the problems that have festered in the game, along with all the new problems that arise, would be a seriously pricey undertaking. And seeing that SOE is just a branch of Sony, the tech industry juggernaut and the source of SOE's funding, it's unlikely they will be able to ever justify that sort of expense to the higher powers who don't give two looks at SOE in any light other than profit vs. expense.

So what does all this mean? It means that in order for SOE to continue to operate, they need to continue to turn a profit that is comparable to their market history, and to attempt to fix all the programming bugs would not do that. Expansions are the equivalent to quick cash that turns into profit that can be reported to the higher boss.

With that in mind, it seems almost fruitless to voice complaints. However, it is the responsibility of the consumer to do just that. If he/she doesn't, then the company will lose sight (even more?) of their consumer and the product will drop in demand, with the potential of being taken from the shelf. If you don't want to play, it's still important to voice displeasure so as to improve the product to a point where it might become desirable again. To criticize people for voicing complaints is absolutely ludircous. That is ignorant and foolish, and is completely anti-productive for both the company and the consumer.

As has been stated in this thread as well as in others, this website is the most frequently visited sight in relation to EQ outside the official site of SOE. If you want your voice to be heard, you use it where it will be heard. Keep voicing your displeasure. It may or may not pay off, but you do yourself and all that play this game a disservice if you don't.

Edited, Sun Jun 26 21:24:40 2005
RE: /chuckle
# Jun 29 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
I have never seen someone try so hard to sound smart in an anonymous forum. Was there a reason you were trying to come off like a corporate rep? How many times did you edit that post before finally breaking down and closing the window feeling incomplete lol.

Here let me sum up what he said for everyone.

Complaining about what SOE isn't doing right will not force them to change their ways BUT it will ensure they continue to do the bare minimum until the cash cow turns over and begins to actually LOSING them money.
# Jun 26 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
I quit playing EQ a while ago, and this is the first time I have come back to this site since I quit, and it still inpires me to chortle. To deny that Sony Online Ent. has all but abanodoned the players of EQ to further other exploits is at best naive. They will keep throwing expansions at the EQ clientell until it's not fruitful anymore, and then most likey abandon EQ all together. Their marketing history and patterns is pretty much public domain, and you can see the proof of their ignorance found therein.

SOE is just like any other business that is seeing loss. They are allocating their money to areas that will prove to be efficient in maintaining a reasonable profit margin. For SOE to "fix" all the problems that have festered in the game, along with all the new problems that arise, would be a seriously pricey undertaking. And seeing that SOE is just a branch of Sony, the tech industry juggernaut and the source of SOE's funding, it's unlikely they will be able to ever justify that sort of expense to the higher powers who don't give two looks at SOE in any light other than profit vs. expense.

So what does all this mean? It means that in order for SOE to continue to operate, they need to continue to turn a profit that is comparable to their market history, and to attempt to fix all the programming bugs would not do that. Expansions are the equivalent to quick cash that turns into profit that can be reported to the higher boss.

With that in mind, it seems almost fruitless to voice complaints. However, it is the responsibility of the consumer to do just that. If he/she doesn't, then the company will lose sight (even more?) of their consumer and the product will drop in demand, with the potential of being taken from the shelf. If you don't want to play, it's still important to voice displeasure so as to improve the product to a point where it might become desirable again. To criticize people for voicing complaints is absolutely ludircous. That is ignorant and foolish, and is completely anti-productive for both the company and the consumer.

As has been stated in this thread as well as in others, this website is the most frequently visited sight in relation to EQ outside the official site of SOE. If you want your voice to be heard, you use it where it will be heard. Keep voicing your displeasure. It may or may not pay off, but you do yourself and all that play this game a disservice if you don't.
RE: /chuckle
# Jun 29 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
if ya don't like it, don't play it.....we do like it.

P.S.-blow me
Please update some quests in next release
# Jun 23 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
Update all items with (Find True North) change it to some thing else so the item is usable.
Bless Shawl Quest - Make it level 70 or add some other ability to it.
Review old quests and Hard vs easy update the items according.

It's a game man... get real.
# Jun 22 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing about 6 months. Love the GAME. Server mergers were great, now I can find or make a group even late, late at night (I work till midnight and play after work). Yes the population has declined, and as new zones are added players are more spread out. I have not been to all of the zones, but that just leaves more game play for when I develope alts. I won't have to grind exp in the same old zones (right now it's Dulak... Ugh!). If you don't like the GAME, don't pay, don't play. Pretty simple really...
This is what it's all about LOL
# Jun 22 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Just think without all the complaining going on what would you have to talk about.

new proble?
This sux!
More content than we will ever see!
No new expansion!
Quit wining!
Dont buy it then!
Too many zones!
It's to buggy!
Never anyone to group with!
Thay only after money!
Too soon!
Too late!
,and many more!!!!
PPL just make up your mind!
Play it or dont play it!!!

I love reading all this gives me a good laugh!!!

Edited, Wed Jun 22 15:29:26 2005
My 2cp
# Jun 22 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
Here we go. More Ldon / DoN Style Stuff.
Like i needed this. And playing as monsters uh. no, it was fun for less then hour chasing noobs in the forest on druid with group of friends as wolfs. 'Back in the days'.
Watching them run and try to cast is fun. But then they notice and oh never mind.

Not only did ldon give poor gear, unless you have 2k points, DoN items/gear is too ubber. ONLY if your lvl 70. then its just ok. (to a lvl 50 drool)
Iv had DoN from the start. im just now getting into it. DB Mobs that hit for 400-500 swing. i felt like im in a raid. for few crystals.
823187 more DoNs ill get UBBER Gear.. so when i ding 70 ill have some ok stuff.
For the new Adventures. What? 5x better gear then what DoN can offer? So OoW gear WAS pawn. but now its all about what you can get from Adventure camp. Great.. " /ooc WTB DoD Stones to buy gear at camps " .

Yeah, lots of LFG but no groups. Ever since servers join. Cant figure out why. My guess on $2 more month on EQ because more people is gone. So they need that extra money. But that $2 aint helping. So lets make some NEW expansion. Make money off something we could just patch in. Could be just a guess. but i think its obious.Why the money, why people leave EQ. Whats really going on. and for EQ2 never. ill just stop playing games like this. no GW, no WoW. enough is enough.

Hell SOE has said that theres still 3000 items in the game that NO ONE has seen yet...

Just an opinion But, maybe because they keep adding stuff? and Trivia on to make these things!
Look at main page " Added new stuff for you to drool over " Its over flow of that stuff.

Im not saying i wont buy the new expansion. I just dont see this as " Helping " to survive EQ1.
This is to have fun sure. Quest aint for me. and Adventures not my thing after getting killed 3x.
Oops. timer is up. Sorry. Please try again... .Now Loading... .
Too soon for casual players.
# Jun 18 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't even bought the last 2 expansions yet. There are so many places still to explore for my wife and I.
# Jun 17 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
if they didnt come out with an expansion you would complaine about that, if you dont like it go play ultima online.
# Jun 17 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
I can't believe there are people out there whining about this. New expsansions have to come out, to keep the game moving forward. When the expansions stop, that's death for EQ. I think the game is doing great and is getting better. WoW and EQ2 were the best things to happen to EQ in a long time! Since they came out, Sony has been working harder than ever to keep the game alive and up to date against strong competition! And they are continuing to not only expand the game, but work in much needed changes to it's gameplay. I'm excited about Darkhollow, because looking over the latest patches, and all the changes they've made, a new expansion holds even more promise for improvement to what they have already done! You don't like, don't buy it! And as for your money, give me a freakin break! $15 a month, with another $30 every 6 months or so for an expansion! Think about how much money you spend goin to a movie or the arcade or anything you might do on a weekend! You'll spend way more money doing that stuff than you ever will on EQ! Except in EQ you don't have to get dressed up, you don't have to go anywhere, and you're sitting around with friends just laughing about this or that. And that's beside the fact that it's a great game! So put up or shut up! Some of you have this pre-determined attitude that no matter what Sony does or tries, you already have a negative attitude before you know anything about it!

Edited, Fri Jun 17 02:12:15 2005
RE: Amazing
# Jun 21 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
Is it Amazing or just Attention Deficit Disorder ( A.D.D ) or perhaps Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( A.D.H.D )?

Look folks I have been playing the game for 5 years now, 6 hours per night on average give or take 4 hours depending upon the day of the week. That is 42 hours per week Average. OMG please someone just shoot me. Keeping up with the game is tough.

I own all the expantions and enjoy everything they add to the game. However, as someone who remembers the 'good old days' you lose a little bit more of the human interaction each time the game expands. For example when I first started playing back in 2000 You would leave your vibrant home city zone full of players coming and going visit another city zone and find the same thing. Folks tended to bond more in the home city zones. I use to love taking my Dark Elf friends to Oggok to meet some Ogre friends of mine. When was the last time you seen someone role play an Ogre? Joo hab any froglok guddies for Gronk?
Now I have no illusions about going back in time but I do wish to point out that every time the game exapnds you add extra zones. Adding extra zones spreads out the server population. The game tends to become a very lonely place when you go to a hot zone(or any zone)in hopes you will find others your level only to find it empty.

Yes SoE needs to keep adding to the game to spark Interest but when the game appears to lack anyone to group with, that will also cause folks to lose interest. Catch 22. Now upper end characters dont have much of a problem with groups but lower level grouping pools are nothing close to what they use to be.

They did not merge half of the total servers together because EQ has a influx of new players.
I see friends that leave the game after they find themselves one expantion behind. The Gear , Keys, Flags , Levels , AA's , of one expantion can make someone feel like they are light years behind. Forget finishing up something from a past expantion with the *Yawn* been there done that attitudes of players now days.

The game was doing great untill the Greed kicked in and now it seems we have a new expantion every 6 months. No one wants the new material to stop I think people just want it to slow down.

If you people have been to every zone of every expantion you are Hard Core and should seek some help or just go get a Job. It sure is eazy when Mommy is buying your new expantion along with flipping the bill for Food , Rent , DSL , monthly dues and your Weed. Sure wish I could stay in my old bedroom and play EQ so much that I have to have a new expantion every 3-6 months or go nuts.

RE: Amazing
# Jun 24 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
I'm playing the tiniest violin ever for you people (you know who you are.)

Meh, it's Everquest. That's always been my argument. You get what you pay $15.00 a month for. You can't really complain if SoE is catering to the people that play enough/hardcore enough to get to end of the expansions that fast, it's called good business.

I miss the good old days too, back when you could get a SOW at the Freeport gate and NFP was the trade capital of the server. I remember looking at merchant's wares by waiting in a line of people just so they could open the trade window and show me some bags of stuff. It was wicked cool.

Edited, Fri Jun 24 10:50:20 2005
sounds interesting
# Jun 16 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
Stop complaining, dont like it dont buy it. in my opinion it sounds interesting, just one thing missing. the graphics upgrade for PC's the promised. That would realy make this expansion sell. however this monster thing sounds stupid, project m was indeed fun.

evolving weapons...
sounds interesting. sounds like it could be usefull for noob gear as well, weapon evolves with you so u dont need to buy gear as often. that be awsome.

the lore sounds cool for the expansion as well. i felt the lore lacked in OoW and GoD. but perhaps because it just jumped into the story, and had nothing to do with what was happeneing in norrath at the time. this however sounds very interesting and cant wait to see how it turns out.
quit complaining
# Jun 16 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Granted, Ive only been playing a little over a year, now, but I am up to lvl 69 with 205 AAs, and personally loved the last 2 expansions. OoW gave me a chance to work my faction, and get damn good gear for it. DoN is a lot of fun, and you can get great augs by doing missions. If you dont like it, thats fine... play in old world zones. I personally missed out on a lot of the old world stuff, as I wasnt playing when they came out. But, once OoW came out, it gave me, and others that are not in large raiding guilds, a good way to get good armor. Yeah, it may take months of factioning to get it, but is well worth the work. I am a DE SK, and am happy to see Nektulos getting revamped. I will be getting this as soon as it comes out, and I hope all you complainers dont get it, as I dont want to hear your whining in shouts in the new zones... If you dont like it, thats fine... who cares... quit posting... find a new game and whine on thier boards
RE: quit complaining
# Jun 16 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I'm with you Jud. I have a question for the complainerz. Why do I keep hearing that Sony/Verant is FORCING you to buy "new expansions every 6 months? Nobody is forcing you guys to log-in every day for 12 hours, it is YOUR choice. Stop playing if you don't like the way Sony/Verant does things, WHICH I might add is the SAME way they've been doing things since Kunark. . .and we hear idiots with the SAME rants, and the SAME laughable, whiny, "Sony's kicking sand in my nerdy face" complaints. Itz a GAME, did you hear that whinerz, A GAME!!! Nobody is FORCING you guys to buy the expansion, nor WILL anyone force you to. . .

It will be your choice to buy it, because you will see other, more progressive gamers playing and talking about it until YOU decide YOU can't live without paying the exorbitant amount of (OMG) TWENTY BUCKS so that you can enjoy the new content as well. Hope this brings at least one of you back with us in the real world. . .
RE: quit complaining
# Jun 17 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
Honestly you can't say that...

You obviously haven't been here long enough.

Because frankly... people WILL stop playing.

It's not an empty threat or something you want to see happen. When large numbers drop off the game. Guilds crash everywhere... Groups are hard to find and the game's level of suck goes up exponentially.

We JUST finished merging all the servers and getting to a place where we have enough people to play.

But believe this... if there is another mass exodus... or people continue to stream away from the game... the expansions will stop... money will stop being placed into improving the game and it will be left to rot and die.

One day... eventually there will be no more everquest... I hope that day is a long time from now.. but eventually... its bound to happen. Nothing lasts forever.

Encouraging people to leave if you dont like there point of view helps no one. Shhhhsh for a minute and hear what they have to say... they pay the same money you do to play and deserve to have a voice.
# Jun 16 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
I love expansions, some more than others. and I dont mind that I dont/cant use most of the " features" that any given expansion offers ( have yet to do a successful DoN ) the only problem I have is the price of the digital download expansion. we are already paying customers, how bout 15.00 bucks we dont get any packaging, maps in game items anyway so cut your loyal players a break!

Safe hunts and rare drops!
which monsters /zones?
# Jun 16 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Having a 70 warrior means what as far as being able to play a monster below him? Play a giant in BoT for example? Just wondering.
More money? I don't think so.
# Jun 16 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
Fanboy ************ aside, nobody thinks EQ needs any more money but EQ. They're raping us for higher monthly fees and they still want to gouge us for another expansion? I'm sick of paying to cover SoE's costly marketing blunders and greedy execs. Bye EQ. Helloooo Dungeons and Dragons Online!
reason for expantions
# Jun 16 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
i think the real reason for all the new expantions is that they want people to leave EQ1 so they can stop worring about it and spend all there time and money on EQ2 they think that people will finally give up EQ1 and all go to EQ2 but when i leave EQ1 i wont be going to EQ2
# Jun 16 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
Hate to hear people complaining on these boards. I think SONY is doing a freeking great job!...I have yet to hear ANYONE say anything GOOD about the game, your comming HERE (alla) the biggest site in the world totally dedicated to the game, to complain about paying a few bucks....yer most likely the same person that plays for like 40 hours a week. I personally think more expansions are great...and I'm sry if yer broke and have to spend money, Get a job...or just don't buy it and stop complaining!!!! But you will buy it cause yer addicted to the game and you will probably like it too, (never hear them say that tho). Look at DoN...everyone complained at that too...but look you see more people in DoN's than in POK now. In Fact everyone's always complained about every single expansion ...guess I'm just wasting my breath
RE: Whiners.....
# Jun 19 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
your a dolt, read the rest of all the posts, people ARE saying good things about this game, but the prices are out of proportion to the quality
RE: Whiners.....
# Jun 27 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
WOW, the prices are out of proportion to the quality? Let's see; it costs $.50 per day to play EQ; it costs $.10 per day to buy an expansion every six months. What does a hershey bar cost? A coke? A gallon of gas? A pack of cigerettes? I want to the movies over the weekend with my fiance and it cost $17 to get in and $10 for our popcorn and soda. We enjoyed the movie and were entertained; FOR TWO HOURS! For that two hours we spent almost as much as we spend together for a MONTH of EQ each.

I agree the game has some problems that could be improved on, there are bugs everyone hates, but lets stop talking about the "Big Ripoff" of SOE. They provide CHEAP entertainment. If you play two hours per day, it costs you $.25 per hour to play. What other entertainment can you find for that price?
RE: Whiners.....
# Jun 20 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
That would be a matter of opinion, I don't think its "out of proportion" and they were/always will be whining, just sick of hearing about it, don't buy the game if you think it is...yer just like everyone else dork.
I CAN contain my excitement
# Jun 16 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Come September, I know how I am going to spend my $29.95--I will host a BBQ for my friends or take my honey out on the town.

Remembering the fun of Kunark & Velious CONTINENTS of dozens of zones, multiple cities, factions to choose from, & varied zone terrain, I have little enthusiam for the buggy-grind-this-now expansions foisted off on the public every 6 months. IMO, LoY + GoD + OoW + DoN make one good expansion combined, maybe worth 50 bucks instead of the 100-120 bucks combined.

Adding EQ2 features (gimping down, I mean mentoring down in levels) is not what EQ needs, but its what they will try to sell us anyway. Expect more of it, as EQ2 is not the runaway success Sony hoped.

# Jun 16 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
if they wanted to add new content... they could always just add-on all the missing zones in the game, or add a sixth LDoN camp, or do something else other than having to make us waste our money again. Smiley: rolleyes
Oh Well, I guess I will get it
# Jun 16 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Truth of the matter, I hate to spend more money for something that I may not use, but I will buy it, More for the fact that my Guild may want to start going there. I use to wait and buy the BOX, not for the free item but for a manual, then they did away with that, bummer.

Fen 67 Sham
EQ Timeline
# Jun 16 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
If you payed any attention to the EQ timeline you would have noticed that a new expansion was imminent. Over at Wikipedia is an EQ timeline that mentions two events in game year according to EQII lore: first one is called "The War of the Fay" and the second is called "The Sealing of Neriak." Both of them take place in the game year 3221 and it is currently game year 3201, about May I think. So unless SoE decides not to do anything with this (and it's doubtful because it's from EQII lore) then this expansion's going to coincide with this.

It explains why they're revamping Nektulos. I'm hoping more old world zones get revamped too, more than just for expansions.
RE: EQ Timeline
# Jun 18 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
and SOEs has stated millions of times.

EQ adn EQ2 take palce in diffrent Realitys. They not teh same place. EQ is in Realty 1 and EQ2 is in Reality 2. So all teh lore from EQ2 doesnt neeed to happen. hell in EQ1 univese we still have a moon in 500 years.
RE: EQ Timeline
# Jun 18 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
Actually, each server has a different year and date.
RE: EQ Timeline
# Jun 24 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Default
Well, that blows.

That's also kind of retarded that SoE would do that, make them alternate realities. Why not just have it not take place on Norrath? That would work a lot better for continuity's sake.

Edited, Fri Jun 24 10:47:16 2005
New name
# Jun 16 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
I have a suggestion for the developers: why dont they just go ahead and change the name of the game to "Evergrind" and get it over with. It's no longer a questing game any way. And while I'm at it I have a few names for new expansions "More for those that dont need and nothing for casual player" or "***** problems, you'll still pay us anyway" or how about "Addiction+supplier=$$$". And whats this about playing monsters? They made berserker class which is pure hack and slash, without strategy, and now "evening the classes" is turning into every class can fit every role. Next thing you know we'll all just be shooting each other or eating mushrooms so we can grow taller and break bricks with our heads. I'll save the rest of this rant for /feedback. I'm not buying ANY expansions that dont improve a fun questing game. If i wanted to play the sims I would.
playing monsters
# Jun 16 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
i see several issues with this but lets start with playing monsters, anyone remember on the test server when you could log in as a random monster in low level areas, it was the funiest thing ever being in greater fay grouping with a bunch of other people doing same thing with reg chars shout to watch for the smart orcs as we would put like 15 orcs into a spot where only one or two were suppose to be, granted there were probs in that you could not speak as the mob and had to do things like jump up and down to communicate with others and you could not pick which zone you wanted to play mob in but it gave whole new meaning to game in that you could not say what a mob would do. now something like this i would love but the issues are by what i read that you could basically play a mob up to your level. don't see the prob yet well here it is, someone in your friends list plays the mob you want dead person comes up to kill you do not fight back they kill what they should not be able to. we shall see how they handle it.

ok next issue the shrowd that lets you play lower level char. Do i get to keep equipment or is that gonna be reduced. says i will get xp but at level i am or level i am playing? do i get to keep aa. what about combat skills? Now i am level 70 xp is a grind or aa but if i delevel with shrowd i can go back to fungi with friends and AoE groups for 20 aa a day. Whats this mean classes that are great for xp at lower levels will have easy ways to gain xp without the risk but no loot. ie above AoE groups or druids quad kiting, etc etc.
also if i go back to level 1 and gain 3 levels killing rats does that count for 3 level at 60, if that were the case then we are talking having a level 70 with max aa in what 2 days. so they really can't do this, thus lower your level and get what a chance to play with lower level friends for no xp and loot you can kill yourself solo without blinking an eye or watching your health bar even go below 99%. So who does this help, new players, yet how many new players have there been in last year.
I see no content for higher end players listed no new skills levels ablities, class advancement, and so on and they consider this an expansion. Do they have a clue any more? Oh wait lets go back to OOW expansion with new epics which they said there would be 2 one a small family guild could complete and one for raiding guilds, great, name one small guild that has finished wiz epic 1.5 or any 1.5 epic for that matter. Did they fix the fact that i bought dire charm for 9 aa and have not been able to use it for more then farming or that a wiz bought mana burn yet can cast a nuke for a tenth of the mana that does more damage. and so on

ok I am venting now will stop here before i say thing i will regret.

Edited, Thu Jun 16 11:15:39 2005
RE: playing monsters
# Jun 16 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
there are several issues you bring up that are kind of interesting and i figured i would comment on them.
we'll start with the first one... playing monsters and possibly exploiting it... odds are they did away with that obvious problem by simply removing the loot table from any pc that's playing a monster. that wasn't really needed as a lvl 1 decaying skele on test because well, not too many people die from a lvl 1 skele as it is.

next thing was the whole new players comment.. there's actually been a lot of new players... but the low end game has quite honestly had all of the fun in it removed. i think they're trying to turn the game back into an all around fun game by doing this.

third, while they didn't list exact skills and abilities/AAs; the official blurb DOES say that there are new ones for this expansion.

by the way, the epic 1.5 CAN be completed by a decent sized family guild. most of the raid encounters don't take more than 3-5 groups if you're wearing OoW single groupable/questable gear (or better). just because it's not EASY to do doesn't make it impossible to do, any raider can tell ya that.

the problems you listed with other aas... well lets see... DC is a nice added dps. it's not meant for you to be able to charm a mob to tank with and thereby get insane exp charm kiting... if you wanted to be a mage, you should have made one.
Mana burn was a FANTASTIC AA for the timeframe it came out. back then the max nuke was for probably around 3500 even with max spell crits that wizards got. on the same note a wizard might have 6-7k mana if he's well geared... so you effectively have a single shot last ditch effort to kill something that might take out your group. oh, and show me a lvl 60 wizard that could nuke for 6k before aas came out. hell they actually had to nerf MB because wizards were getting into groups, going to raid level zones (for that time period) and taking out mobs that were intended to be 20+ people targets by just close coordination of mana burn. same with lifeburn for necros.

in short, the primary things that people say are bad about the game and the abilities in the game were great ideas for their time, but like most abilities they fall off in usefulness as you get further in game progression. OoW and DoN made questing useful again and gave the ability to make massive improvements to gear simply by investing some time and/or pp into your character. alright /rant off =)
--Faedarr Diesquick
69ENC / 70aa
--Athenya Diesquick
67DRU / 100aa

Edited, Thu Jun 16 14:45:48 2005
Sony = Money Sponge
# Jun 16 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I for one will not be buying anymore expansions. This game is already filled with more than enough content to last me, the casual player, another 10 years of enjoyment. This is severe overkill if you ask me.

I agre with alot of the posters....fix old zones/ quests and forget about the new expansions short of a lvl increase.
# Jun 16 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
There's a very simple answer to all of these problems... Just don't BUY any more expansions until they fix what they have.
New PROBLEM (expansion), Not AGAIN
# Jun 16 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
WOOT ... A NEW PROBLEM, I call any new expansion a new problem. I cant wait to sit there all day on problem day (day of new expansion) for the Time I can play EQ for maybe 3 hours before an emergency patch comes out. I swear Sony has taken thier business model from Microsoft. Every, time they come out with a new problem (expansion) Sony says it will fix problem with the old expansion. Only to create more problems so you have to buy the new problem (expansion) just so you can play with the old problem. WHY, cant Sony fix the problems they have NOW. I have four accounts right now, two are inactive because, I cant play them on the systems I would normally use. Sony is aware of the problem according to all the boards I am ready they are just not in any hurry to fix the problem. I am getting very tired of this and seriously thinking about leaving the game. AND now they are coming out with a new Problem OH BOY, I am all ready feeling my money should be spent elsewhere.
New PROBLEM (expansion), Not AGAIN
# Jun 16 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
WOOT ... A NEW PROBLEM, I call any new expansion a new problem. I cant wait to sit there all day on problem day (day of new expansion) for the Time I can play EQ for maybe 3 hours before an emergency patch comes out. I swear Sony has taken thier business model from Microsoft. Every, time they come out with a new problem (expansion) Sony says it will fix problem with the old expansion. Only to create more problems so you have to buy the new problem (expansion) just so you can play with the old problem. WHY, cant Sony fix the problems they have NOW. I have four accounts right now, two are inactive because, I cant play them on the systems I would normally use. Sony is aware of the problem according to all the boards I am ready they are just not in any hurry to fix the problem. I am getting very tired of this and seriously thinking about leaving the game. AND now they are coming out with a new Problem OH BOY, I am all ready feeling my money should be spent elsewhere.
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