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Pets and WeaponsFollow

#1 Aug 17 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good

I am curious about pets and weapons. What advantage does your
pet get from give it a weapon?

I am now playing a lvl 34 Necro. I have watched the dmg with and without a weapon, and I don't seem to notice any difference in dmg.

Is there a difference between how Necro pets use weapons vs. Mage pets or any other classes?

Please enlighten me.

#2 Aug 17 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
i dont think your gonna notice a diff in dmg, on my necro the only reason i will give my pet weapons is
1. it makes him look cool
2. give him a weapon/s that procs. cuz they will proc even if your pet uses them.
#3 Aug 17 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
hmmm... I totally agree they do look very cool with the weapons (and shield).

proc'ing weapons to a pet... good idea. Now i have to find some cheap proc'ing weapons.
#4 Aug 17 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
High lvl mage pet toys proc...the Fist of Ixiblat, the Blade of Walnan, and the Blade of the Kedge. (Sword of Runes, a lower lvl mage spell, procs a DD against summoned creatures.) You can usually find a mage in POK willing to summon them for a donation. I'm pretty sure the fist would proc for your pet at 34, but not positive about the others.

Edited, Tue Aug 17 18:31:43 2004 by Lierta
#5 Aug 17 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
As far as the damage that your pet does with weapons, it will take the higher max damage of either it's natural attacks, or the weapon damage x2. So if you give your pet a 6dmg weapon it will either have a max hit of 12 or it's natural max hit, depending on which is higher.

Weapons are mainly useful for processes and stat bonuses as it's hard to find a weapon worth giving to a pet that would up it's max damage.
#6 Aug 17 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
The advantage of giving my pet (warder) a weapon is I get 2X 150DD possibilities from Fist of Ixiblat. That's a pretty significant advantage over no weapon.

For lower level pets, look for weapons that have higher damage than their innate damage...
#7 Aug 17 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
684 posts
For *very* low levels, giving a pet a weapon with base damage higher than the pet will increase damage...but that's like levels 1/4/8(maybe) pets...after that it's just for looks or proc.
#8 Aug 17 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
The advantage of giving my pet (warder) a weapon is I get 2X 150DD possibilities from Fist of Ixiblat. That's a pretty significant advantage over no weapon.
Actually, I just learned a new tidbit about proccing weapons. There is a limit on how often the same proc can go off, so you'll actually get more procs if you use weapons with different procs (and yes, a warder will use the blades.

Try a fist of ixiblat and kedge blade. You should see an increase in procs.

The item pages for the summoned: Hand of Ixiblat, Blade of the Kedge, and Blade of Walnan all say required level 40 for the proc, fyi.

Another advantage to the high level magician summoned weapons is that even if your pet is too low a level to proc the effect, there's 50 HP on them. Extra HP on the pet is always good.

One last point, check to see when your pet can dual wield. At 24 the magician can dual wield, but only if he's holding two weapons. At 39 it can dual wield with or without weapons in his hands. It could be the same for necromancer pets, but I'm not sure.

Edited, Tue Aug 17 19:45:34 2004 by Yanari
#9 Aug 17 2004 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
My buddy said when he put the mage weapons on his bst, it seemed like his pet proced its spell less. Anyone heard of this, and is there any reason for it?
#10 Aug 17 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
So if my lvl 28 pet's regular attack is supposed to be 28, then I could only benifit from either giving him a proc'ing weapon or a weapon with a dmg higher than 28...? Is this correct?
#11 Aug 18 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,252 posts
Lierta wrote:
You can usually find a mage in POK willing to summon them for a donation.

yes, or, alternatively, try the bazaar. do a search for "summoned".

I usually get a
Summoned: Girdle of Magi`kot plus 500 HP
Summoned: Hand of Ixiblat DD proc
Summoned: Muzzle of Mardu 11% haste

all together for 15-20 PP on FV - well worth the money.

here a link which you might find useful too.

Edit: as for the question, if there are differences betwen Necro and Mage pets weapon wise, I don't know. if, then I would like to know too. :)

Edited, Wed Aug 18 05:58:18 2004 by Kajolus
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#12 Aug 18 2004 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
In my limited experience (my main is a 53 Iksar Necro that I've been playing for 11 months) my pet seems to get max damage more often with a weapon in each hand then without weapons. At level 29 our pet will dual wield if you give him two weapons, at level 34 our pets dual wield with or without weapons. And to get your pet to do more damage than his natural attack you have to give him a weapon that does more than half of his max damage, i.e. if he does 28 points max and you give him a weapon that does 15, he'll do a max of 30. You simply double the damage of the weapon you are giving him and, if it's higher than his natural damage, that will be his new max.

I hope that helps...
#13 Aug 18 2004 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Mage toys are a great help for the pet classes. I have a 65 mage on brell and regularly summon the fists, girdle, and mask for my beastlord who is only 32. Be aware that while the fists will proc for a sub 60 pet the post 60 summoned blades will only proc for a post 60 pet. Also know that the proc will not be the full 150hp proc for a lower level pet. Higher level pets get a higher proc from these weapons.
#14 Aug 18 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
My buddy said when he put the mage weapons on his bst, it seemed like his pet procced its spell less. Anyone heard of this, and is there any reason for it?
I've heard this, but I don't remember seeing anything posted on the various magician forums about it. My best advice would be to check the beastlord class sites and read from people who parse things out.

A bst friend last night said that giving weapons to his pet decreased it's DPS, and that he had parsed this out. Keep in mind, in his method of parsing (and this may be how everyone does it), the damage from the weapon procs was not factored in as (he said) proc rates are variable depending on the dex of the pet.

Personally I'd want to figure out a different way to calculate DPS then, because multiple hits of 150 in every fight is a bit too much damage to simply disregard.
#15 Aug 18 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
A bst friend last night said that giving weapons to his pet decreased it's DPS, and that he had parsed this out. Keep in mind, in his method of parsing (and this may be how everyone does it), the damage from the weapon procs was not factored in as (he said) proc rates are variable depending on the dex of the pet.

Personally I'd want to figure out a different way to calculate DPS then, because multiple hits of 150 in every fight is a bit too much damage to simply disregard.

YALP, (Yet Another Log Parser), factors in weapon procs and will also break out the data so you know how much trauma your pet is causing.

I've been using it for a few months now and quite like it.
#16 Aug 19 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Good information... We need more mages on Mordan Rasp, those three summoned pet items are for a total 80 pp in the bazaar at the moment.

Excellent information on having weaps with over half pets dmg too. I now need to get familiar with what weapons (cheap or easy to get) have a nice high dmg. Any help with that would be good.

Ahhh, I can feel my pet becoming more powerful as I speak.

#17 Aug 19 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
YALP, (Yet Another Log Parser), factors in weapon procs and will also break out the data so you know how much trauma your pet is causing.
So what's the verdict for beastlord pets? More DPS with the weapons or without?
#18 Aug 19 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
Good information... We need more mages on Mordan Rasp, those three summoned pet items are for a total 80 pp in the bazaar at the moment.

Excellent information on having weaps with over half pets dmg too. I now need to get familiar with what weapons (cheap or easy to get) have a nice high dmg. Any help with that would be good.

Yeah, I've noticed that the economy on Morden Rasp is totally whack. It's interesting, anyway. I am enjoying the server termendously, overall.
#19 Aug 19 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
What's the deal with the prices on Morden Rasp? Isn't this a server for newbies? If so, why the hell are things like a Green Silken Drape, which has become virtually vendor trash on other servers, selling for around 800pp on MR?

Okay, I don't really remember the exact price, but I remember that it was hundreds.
#20 Aug 19 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
It's been a long time since I've played my necro, but one of the things I used to do is farm the whips that drop off of splitpaw gnolls. They proc a stun, and even low level pets can use it. The worse part is the farming, but with zoning pets, that should be less of a problem since the whips will last longer. The added benefit of the stun is it gives your pet really good aggro, making it easier for you to sit and med if you don't have a mount.
#21 Aug 19 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
So what's the verdict for beastlord pets? More DPS with the weapons or without?

I'd say if you handed a warder 2 swords it would drop their DPS since their modelled after a beastlord. Hence their hand to hand attack rating would be highest.

Shaman should always hand their pet two weapons otherwise their companions forget to dual weild. Since shaman pets are based off a warrior model their slashing, piercing, and blunt skill is much higher than hand to hand so handing even one weapon should slightly increase DPS. However you might have to parse for 18 hours to even notice a 2% increase.

65 shaman
#22 Aug 19 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
Urak is correct.. pet weapons are most important for shaman. The puppy will increase damage with a single weapon, then more with two weapons 'cause it will dual wield.

Proc weapons are level limited for pets and high mage proc weapons will no proc for pup at lower levels, including the pup my lvl 60 sham still has. I belive it all starts working on the pet at lvl 62.

For shams the pet weapons don't appear as such.

Don't forget the options of attack and strength buffs for pet.. or don't those make a difference?
#23 Aug 20 2004 at 1:48 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
The way I have been told it in the past - which seems supported by experience - is that the pet will get the damage of the weapon but still use it's own attack delay.

I was wandering Shadeweaver thicket recently with a low level Necro. Without weapon max damage was 14. Giving the pet a Crude Boned Halibut (10/56) gave me max damage 20 and didn't make any difference to frequency of attack.

There obviously comes a point where it is pretty hard to find a disposable weapon that outdoes the pet's innate attack.

On Targor's comment:
Shaman should always hand their pet two weapons otherwise their companions forget to dual weild. Since shaman pets are based off a warrior model their slashing, piercing, and blunt skill is much higher than hand to hand so handing even one weapon should slightly increase DPS. However you might have to parse for 18 hours to even notice a 2% increase.

I have had my pet handed two weapons and seen a decrease in damage so severe that I had to recast the pet. This by the way is a major point of etiquette. Always give weapons to the master not the pet.

As for Morden Rasp and the
What's the deal with the prices on Morden Rasp? Isn't this a server for newbies? If so, why the hell are things like a Green Silken Drape, which has become virtually vendor trash on other servers, selling for around 800pp on MR?

The server opened with a few high level guilds and otherwise complete newbies. Many areas that are farmed extensively on normal servers are not touched.

For example Chitinous Belt is a byproduct of VT key questing and on most servers is pretty cheap. On MR it is 1-2k. The top guilds are either already keyed or not interested and the newbies haven't even begun to think about such things.

There is also a degreee of price inertia although this is being eroded. If you can sell SCHW for 8k then why sell for less? Only when enough people are doing Velks to create a steady flow will it start to slide.

Meanwhile the vast number of newbies is saturating the normal newbie money-makers like spider silk etc and they are well below the prices on normal servers. So on a normal server 200 Spider Silk might buy you SCHW - on MR you are looking at 2500 to do the same thing.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Aug 20 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
Giving the pet a Crude Boned Halibut (10/56) gave me max damage 20 and didn't make any difference to frequency of attack.

Umm, a halibut is a fish...I thought most people used trout for fighting Smiley: lol
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#25 Sep 14 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
New question on an old topic.

Do pet classes matter with some weapons. Ie if a junk weapon is say cleric only can an enchanter give it to his summoned pet and it will still wield it?

I'll check this tonight when I get home just wondered if any of you have already done the experiment.

I know the mages can get a water pets that is a rouges and necros can get thier monk pet ... wasn't sure if these pets can only use rogue/monk usable weapons.

Any insight?
#26 Sep 14 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Useable class is not relevant when giving to pets. Any pet will use any weapon that can be given to them.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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