Velious Armour Information

With the release of the continent of Velious, four lines of high end armour becamse available for each class. This page hopes to shed some light on these armour sets.

General Information: For each class, three of the armour sets are the result of very similair quests, while the fourth is dropped off planar creatures. While the dropped armour is often considered the easiest set to attain, the level to attain these armour sets is about level 55 or higher. A person in a guild who is lower level may be able to attain the odd piece, but you're going to need people of level 55 or higher to work on most of these pieces.

In order of difficulty, the Skyshrine quest armours of often considered the hardest, followed by the Kael Drakkel quest armour, followed by the Thurgadin quest armour, with the Plane of Growth/Plane of Hate dropped armour being the easiest to attain. As a rule, the armour sets which are dropped in the planes of Growth and Hate are about equal, the Skyshrine armour has the highest statistics, while the Kael Drakkel armour has the highest armour class.

Dropped Armour: For each class, the (possibly) easiest and certainly fastest to aquire set of armour is the dropped set. For most classes, the armour may be found in the Plane of Growth, for Druids, Rangers and Paladins the armour may be found on the second floor of the Plane of Hate. The creatures which drop the armour do so very rarely, but as a rule in the Plane of Growth you can expect to see about 8 to 10 pieces in an 8 hour session clearing the plane. The armour pieces tend to be found on level 55+ creatures.

In each case the armour may be worn by all races which can play the class, including Iksar.

ClassLocation of ArmourArmour Name
WarriorPlane of GrowthBerserkers'
RoguePlane of GrowthAssassins'
MonkPlane of GrowthSilver Moon
Shadow KnightPlane of GrowthNoctivagant
PaladinPlane of HateArmour of the Righteous
RangerPlane of HateArmour of the Untamed
BardPlane of GrowthMelodic
ClericPlane of GrowthArmour of Stability
DruidPlane of HateArmour of Harmony
ShamanPlane of GrowthSpirit Weavers'
EnchanterPlane of GrowthResplendent
WizardPlane of GrowthSorcerers'
MagicianPlane of GrowthConjuration
NecromancerPlane of GrowthBonecaster

Quest Armour: Three sets of quested armour are available for each class in velious, one per major faction group. The Thurgadin quests require the "Coldain" faction which all players start with at apprehensive. The Kael and Skyshrine quests both require the "King" factions, Tormax and Yelinek respectively. In each case, in order to perform the quests, you need to have your faction at the highest possible level.

In each quest, you are reuired to turn in three gem components plus one armour component. For each particular piece and class, the gem component always remains the same. The armour piece is the differenciating component which makes the quests specific to city. In other words, if you have attained the gems for the Enchanter Thurgadin Leggings, the same gems will work for the quest from Kael or the quest from Skyshrine. All items for these quests are dropped.

The following table reflects which faction and zones you'll need for the quests:

Quest CityFaction RequiredZone for Armour Component
ThurgadinColdainKael Drakkel
Kael DrakkelKing TormaxTemple of Veeshan
SkyshrineLord YelinekTemple of Veeshan

In all cases, many of the quest armour components are shared between classes.

  • Plate: Warrior, Shadow Knight, Paladin, Cleric, Bard
  • Chain: Ranger, Rogue, Shaman
  • Leather: Druid, Monk
  • Cloth:Enchanter, Magician, Wizard, Necromancer
The gems components are split into three groups:
  • Melee: Warrior, Monk, Rogue, Paladin, Shadow Knight, Ranger, Bard
  • Priest: Cleric, Druid, Shaman
  • Caster: Enchanter, Magician, Wizard, Necromancer

The following table shows which classes need which gems:

Gem NameMeleePriestCasterDrop Info
Black Marble N/A Breastplate N/A Dragon Necropolis,Siren's Grotto,Velketor's Labyrinth
Flawless Diamond Breastplate N/A N/A Dragon Necropolis,Siren's Grotto,Velketor's Labyrinth
Pristine Emerald N/A N/A Breastplate Dragon Necropolis,Siren's Grotto,Velketor's Labyrinth
Chipped Onyx Sapphire N/A Legs N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands
Crushed Black Marble Boots N/A N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Coral Helmet N/A N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Flame Emerald Bracer Boots N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Flame Opal N/A N/A Helm Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Jaundice N/A N/A Boots Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Lava Ruby N/A Gloves N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Onyx Sapphire N/A Helmet Bracer Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Opal N/A Bracer N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Crushed Topaz Gloves N/A Gloves Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands, Icewell Keep
Flawed Emerald Arms N/A N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands
Flawed Sea Sapphire Legs N/A N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands
Flawed Topaz N/A N/A Arms Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands
Jaundiced Gem N/A Arms N/A Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands
Nephrite N/A N/A Legs Cobalt Scar,Dragon Necropolis,Sirens Grotto,Velketors Labyrinth,Wakening Lands

The following table reflects where the various armour pieces are found:

Type of ArmourType NeededZone for Armour Component
Plate: ThurgadinCorroded PlateKael Drakkel (In and around Arena)
Chain: ThurgadinCorroded ChainKael Drakkel (In and around Arena)
Leather: ThurgadinEroded LeatherKael Drakkel (In and around Arena)
Cloth: ThurgadinTorn Enchanted SilkKael Drakkel (In and around Arena)
Plate: KaelAncient Tarnished PlateTemple of Veeshan (West Wing)
Chain: KaelAncient Tarnished ChainTemple of Veeshan (West Wing)
Leather: KaelAncient LeatherTemple of Veeshan (West Wing)
Cloth: KaelAncient SilkTemple of Veeshan (West Wing)
Plate: SkyshrineUnadorned PlateTemple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Chain: SkyshrineUnadorned ChainTemple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Leather: SkyshrineUnadorned LeatherTemple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Cloth: SkyshrineTattered SilkTemple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)

For the Thurgadin quests, you will need to hunt in Kael Drakkel near the Arena. You should look for the level 53+ Veterans, Adjudants and Legionnaires since they seem to have the best chance of dropping the amour components. A typical hunt of 6 hours tends to yeild about 1 or two pieces, though it can be done with one high level group.

For the Kael Drakkel quests, you will need to hunt in the Temple of Veeshan in any area except the Testing Halls and the Entry. Since everything here is level 60+ you will need a minimum of 18 high level people. Typical drops are 8 pieces in an 8 hour hunt.

For the Skyshrine quests, you will need to again hunt in the Temple of Veeshan - though this time in the "Testing Halls". The testing halls are again a very high level area - requiring about 24 people. I'm not familair with the drop rates here.

Armour Set Names:

ClassThurgadin ArmourKael ArmourSkyshrine Armour
WarriorChampion'sWarlord'sArmour of the Myrmidon
MonkGrand Master'sGolden StarWhite Lotus
PaladinRuned ProtectorShiningScaled Knights
Shadow KnightDark RunedMalevolentBlood Lord's
RangerRuned ScoutsForest StalkersGolden Leaf
ShamanRune CraftersSpirit CallersWolf Caller's
ClericForbidden RitesTemplarsArmour of the Risen
DruidRowyl's Armour of NatureNature Walker'sWoven Grass
MagicianArch Mage'sSummoner'sPrestidigitator's
NecromancerWarlock'sPlague Bearer'sRotting