Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Quick Facts


The Broken Mirror



Level Range:
104 - 109

Send a correction
When Anashti Sul, a goddess, entered this Norrath for the first time through the rift created by the arrival of Lady Lendiniara, an alternate plane was formed. This plane is held together solely by her power. But like her nature, the plane created by Anashti Sul has two sides as mirrors of each other, one light and one dark.

Partisan Tasks
[ ] We Make Our Own Rewards - Tarl Punox in The Plane of Health (6x) "Interesting things"

Mercenary Tasks:
[ ] Into the Temple - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
- Prelooting is possible atm

[ ] Faith in Relife - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Crypt Crimes - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Lost or Found - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Deaths of the Unliving - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Feather in the Wind - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Familiar Haunts - Anna Broth
[ ] Recruitment Poster - Remember the Good Times

Hero Tasks:
[ ] Under the Robe - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Assist"
Named: Arsin the Blaze (Ubah-Mana-Sucker, have fun)
[ ] The Handmaiden - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Mirror" - "willing"
[ ] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life - Lashun Novashine in the Plane of Health

Hunter Achievement:
[ ] Arsin the Blaze (Under the Robe)
[ ] Commissioner Edrun
[ ] The Darkseer
[ ] Exalted Dromond
[ ] Glorious Cistina
[ ] Guardian Jenat
[ ] Gurndal the Graceful (We Make Our Own Rewards)
[ ] Mad Merchant Marv
[ ] Render (The Handmaiden)
[ ] Terrance the Admired
[ ] Vizier Albert

Post Comment
Missing mob
# Jul 30 2017 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Bokon Boles - hit like normal mob. located near building near "Sergio the Suave." Casted <Corporeal Empathy>, <Plague>, <Insidious Retrogression>, and despawned before i could kill him. not sure whats he's for.
Plough E'mundar
Tradeskilling fiend of :
Baking (304)+15% - Brewing (309)+15%
Fletching (305)+15% - Fishing (205)+7%
Pottery (314)+15% - Jewellery (305)+15%
Smithing (313)+15% - Tailoring (312)+15%
Tinkering (300)+15% - Research (313)+15%
(Alt) Alchemy (300)+15% - (Alt) Make Poison (300)+15%
Unliving Relics (Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life)
# Oct 23 2016 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
This collection set are ground spawns, mainly around the merchant tents as you zone in, and in the mayor's building
Hunter / rares in static zone
# Feb 16 2016 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
770 posts
Demi-Life (exalted)

P 368.0214, 270.9348, -193.2719, 240, 0, 0, 3, Jenat
P 266.5074, 193.1278, -193.3218, 240, 0, 0, 3, Jenat
P 83.0437, 59.8232, -198.6498, 240, 0, 0, 3, Jenat
P -25.4110, 194.3579, -310.6348, 240, 0, 0, 3, Darkseer
P 34.2145, 140.3572, -373.2890, 240, 0, 0, 3, Darkseer
P -10.8697, 78.2568, -424.1883, 240, 0, 0, 3, Darkseer
P 65.2388, -244.0647, -7.1373, 240, 0, 0, 3, Albert
P -80.9490, -402.5786, -22.2645, 240, 0, 0, 3, Albert
P -84.0816, -194.3829, -7.1200, 240, 0, 0, 3, Albert
P 562.7711, 226.5365, 44.8496, 240, 0, 0, 3, Terrance
P 611.9455, -209.9487, 108.4987, 240, 0, 0, 3, Terrance
P 542.8335, -244.1017, 27.2096, 240, 0, 0, 3, Terrance
P 881.7314, 491.3478, 59.1738, 240, 0, 0, 3, Marv
P 949.2067, 678.4896, 39.4350, 240, 0, 0, 3, Marv
P 606.4135, 489.1094, 13.7972, 240, 0, 0, 3, Marv
P -24.9431, 526.6898, -16.1559, 240, 0, 0, 3, Dromund
P -272.7904, 730.3527, -16.9867, 240, 0, 0, 3, Dromund
P 276.6753, 843.6345, -1.3698, 240, 0, 0, 3, Dromund
P -530.1741, 541.5341, -2.2108, 240, 0, 0, 3, Edrun
P -735.3877, 494.7636, 2.5348, 240, 0, 0, 3, Edrun
P -565.3749, 410.9528, 60.2682, 240, 0, 0, 3, Edrun
P -519.6830, -96.5211, 7.8011, 240, 0, 0, 3, Cistina
P -768.2515, -55.1207, 12.0069, 240, 0, 0, 3, Cistina
P -510.9818, -193.6384, 82.9013, 240, 0, 0, 3, Cistina
As Per Request
# Dec 28 2015 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
234 posts
We need confirmation of the raid mobs for The Broken Mirror in respects to their names and zone locations. Example: Is Vim and Vigor one NPC or two? Please post corrections and new information under the zone pages if there is no NPC page yet.

Vim is one mob. Vigor is a second mob. Both are located at the bottom of the pit within the raid instanced and are inactive until triggered.
As Per Request
# Dec 29 2015 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
undeadmasters wrote:
We need confirmation of the raid mobs for The Broken Mirror in respects to their names and zone locations. Example: Is Vim and Vigor one NPC or two? Please post corrections and new information under the zone pages if there is no NPC page yet.

Vim is one mob. Vigor is a second mob. Both are located at the bottom of the pit within the raid instanced and are inactive until triggered.

arkadykappa wrote:
For the Demiplane of Life: Vim and Vigor event, off of 'a wooden chest'

Damsel of Decay Cloth Robe Ornament
Damsel of Decay Leather Chest Ornament
Glowing Essence of Decay
Lesser Essence of Decay
Monsoon, Sword of the Swiftwind
Raw Deathseeker's Leggings
Raw Deathseeker's Tunic
Skinner's Belt (x2)

Updated, thanks. NOTE: this is a new version of "Monsoon, Sword of the Swiftwind"? that might actually appeal to a higher level character? (No Lucy entry from the item collector exists for it yet if so).
As Per Request
# Dec 29 2015 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
Monsoon, Sword of the Swiftwind Stats:

Magic, Lore, No Trade, Prestige
Race: ALL

Slot 2, type 20 (ornamentation)

Weight: 7.7
Req Level: 100
Skill: 2H Slashing

AC: 199
HP: 9068
Mana: 8555
End: 8555
Haste 74%

Base Dmg: 340
Cold Dmg: 40
Delay: 33
Dmg Bon: 323 (at 105)

Strength: 47+46
Stamina: 59+46
Intelligence: 67+38
Wisdom: 64+43
Agility: 64+46
Dexterity: 80+41
Charisma: 58+38

Attack: 61
HP Regen: 7
Mana Regen: 8
Spell Shield: 5
Combat Eff: 11
Shielding: 5
Dmg Shield: 4
Dot Shield: 5
Dmg Shld Mit: 4
Avoidance: 12
Accuracy: 15
Stun Resist: 6
Strike Thr: 4
Heal Amount: 66
Spell Dmg: 83
Clairvoyance: 119

Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)

Effect: Stunning Command V (Combat)
Focus Effect: Sympathetic Alleviating Burst VII
Image uploaded to this page.

Edited, Dec 29th 2015 9:41pm by arkadykappa
Long Live Clan Rundeep!
All tradeskills maxed.
Shadow Knight: 1.0. Warrior, Shaman, Wizard, Druid, Ranger, Bard, Paladin, Berserker, Rogue, Enchanter: 1.0-.20. Necromancer: 1.0-2.5.
As Per Request
# Jan 01 2016 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
arkadykappa wrote:
Monsoon, Sword of the Swiftwind Stats:

Magic, Lore, No Trade, Prestige
Race: ALL

Slot 2, type 20 (ornamentation)

Weight: 7.7
Req Level: 100
Skill: 2H Slashing

AC: 199
HP: 9068
Mana: 8555
End: 8555
Haste 74%

Base Dmg: 340
Cold Dmg: 40
Delay: 33
Dmg Bon: 323 (at 105)

Strength: 47+46
Stamina: 59+46
Intelligence: 67+38
Wisdom: 64+43
Agility: 64+46
Dexterity: 80+41
Charisma: 58+38

Attack: 61
HP Regen: 7
Mana Regen: 8
Spell Shield: 5
Combat Eff: 11
Shielding: 5
Dmg Shield: 4
Dot Shield: 5
Dmg Shld Mit: 4
Avoidance: 12
Accuracy: 15
Stun Resist: 6
Strike Thr: 4
Heal Amount: 66
Spell Dmg: 83
Clairvoyance: 119

Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid)

Effect: Stunning Command V (Combat)
Focus Effect: Sympathetic Alleviating Burst VII
Image uploaded to this page.

Edited, Dec 29th 2015 9:41pm by arkadykappa

Thanks. Still no item collector entry on this new version, but I have cross-posted this info to the old item to at least help people see that there is two of them now.
Vim and Vigor Loot Info
# Dec 22 2015 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
For the Demiplane of Life: Vim and Vigor event, off of 'a wooden chest'

Damsel of Decay Cloth Robe Ornament
Damsel of Decay Leather Chest Ornament
Glowing Essence of Decay
Lesser Essence of Decay
Monsoon, Sword of the Swiftwind
Raw Deathseeker's Leggings
Raw Deathseeker's Tunic
Skinner's Belt (x2)
Long Live Clan Rundeep!
All tradeskills maxed.
Shadow Knight: 1.0. Warrior, Shaman, Wizard, Druid, Ranger, Bard, Paladin, Berserker, Rogue, Enchanter: 1.0-.20. Necromancer: 1.0-2.5.
Quest: Grubbonion's Locked Tower
# Dec 14 2015 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
Into the temple ( B ) needs to be moved to here
# Dec 11 2015 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Since this quests starts with the Mayor please move it to this zone instead of Plane of Health
Quest: The Handmaiden
# Nov 30 2015 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
1. Find the handmaiden's coffin
2. Recover the handmaiden's skull
3. Take the skull to the Statue of Eternity and perform the ritual
4. Defeat the fanatics!
5. ....

1. At the secret underground passage entry in the big house in the south section there will spawn a big named when close to the underground doors. It is recommendable to kill the yellow roamer before approaching the underground passage. The way can be found directly via the center area to the south. Mobs have a small aggro range so it is possible to wander the zone without fight. One single mob will stand in the way to the entry of the big house and needs to be dispatched.

2. After approaching the secret door, the big guy spawns and needs to be killed -> you get the skull. He has some AE but with a Dru/Clr/War/Enc/Mag/Bst-config at lvl105 without mercs it is not very difficult.

3. In the pit down in the center dispatch all mobs to have free area. Equip the baton and the skull. But you have to be in the center and if you move from your spot then the whole task fails.

4. After a very short time, 10 fanatics wander and attack. They come mostly in pairs. The last one is a lvl 109 High Bokon Fanatic, all others are Lvl 107 (a bokon, a fanatic citizen/remnant). The mobs are all mezzable but the big guy is not very nice. He casts a spell (assume Spite, DoT HP-25000/Tick, Mana-10000/Tick, AE-Range >200) which makes you empty very fast. In this case again the task failed. The first time the holder stepped accidently a bit in direction of the bridge -> Task failed again.

If the DoT is cured with Radiant Cure than you have a bit more time but he casts it regularly so another Cure should be up. A setup with Cure for the Dot, Mezz for all adds and a usual tank/healer combo should make that task. So if you failed the task, port again into the task and experiment with that setup till it works. Mobs are still up, testing can be done. Then it is not the need to get the whole task again to that point only to find out how to beat that nasty Bokon.

The named reminds me on Arsin the Blaze, only that his DoT/Nuke is surely at about Mana-25000. This really sucks, the only idea so far is endless DPS. Happy luck for all raiders and the group or casual players will be pissed....

This task is a bit overpowered. Like Arsin there is little balance in that progression. While this expansion proofs more and more being a beta with bugs like hell, many items (range/charm/jewelry/weapons) are not possible to equip with decent armor and the new raw-crypt armor misses "Focus Effects" I really cannot recommend spending money on that crap as long as the bugs are not gone and it is possible to get better equipment to "perhaps" be able to kill some of the "Mana-Sucker-Mobs".

After 24 tasks (lesser spirit achievement, 6x 4 different tasks to get that) the so-called expansion (which has not slightly the content to be called expansion) disappoints step by step :(

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 9:31pm by Fayman
Quest: The Handmaiden
# Dec 05 2015 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Fayman wrote:
1. Find the handmaiden's coffin
2. Recover the handmaiden's skull
3. Take the skull to the Statue of Eternity and perform the ritual
4. Defeat the fanatics!
5. ....

1. At the secret underground passage entry in the big house in the south section there will spawn a big named when close to the underground doors. It is recommendable to kill the yellow roamer before approaching the underground passage. The way can be found directly via the center area to the south. Mobs have a small aggro range so it is possible to wander the zone without fight. One single mob will stand in the way to the entry of the big house and needs to be dispatched.

2. After approaching the secret door, the big guy spawns and needs to be killed -> you get the skull. He has some AE but with a Dru/Clr/War/Enc/Mag/Bst-config at lvl105 without mercs it is not very difficult.

3. In the pit down in the center dispatch all mobs to have free area. Equip the baton and the skull. But you have to be in the center and if you move from your spot then the whole task fails.

4. After a very short time, 10 fanatics wander and attack. They come mostly in pairs. The last one is a lvl 109 High Bokon Fanatic, all others are Lvl 107 (a bokon, a fanatic citizen/remnant). The mobs are all mezzable but the big guy is not very nice. He casts a spell (assume Spite, DoT HP-25000/Tick, Mana-10000/Tick, AE-Range >200) which makes you empty very fast. In this case again the task failed. The first time the holder stepped accidently a bit in direction of the bridge -> Task failed again.

If the DoT is cured with Radiant Cure than you have a bit more time but he casts it regularly so another Cure should be up. A setup with Cure for the Dot, Mezz for all adds and a usual tank/healer combo should make that task. So if you failed the task, port again into the task and experiment with that setup till it works. Mobs are still up, testing can be done. Then it is not the need to get the whole task again to that point only to find out how to beat that nasty Bokon.

The named reminds me on Arsin the Blaze, only that his DoT/Nuke is surely at about Mana-25000. This really sucks, the only idea so far is endless DPS. Happy luck for all raiders and the group or casual players will be **********

This task is a bit overpowered. Like Arsin there is little balance in that progression. While this expansion proofs more and more being a beta with bugs like ****, many items (range/charm/jewelry/weapons) are not possible to equip with decent armor and the new raw-crypt armor misses "Focus Effects" I really cannot recommend spending money on that crap as long as the bugs are not gone and it is possible to get better equipment to "perhaps" be able to kill some of the "Mana-Sucker-Mobs".

After 24 tasks (lesser spirit achievement, 6x 4 different tasks to get that) the so-called expansion (which has not slightly the content to be called expansion) disappoints step by step :(

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 9:31pm by Fayman

Updated, thanks.
NPC: Lapa the Escaped
# Nov 30 2015 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
293 posts
NPC: Lapa the Escaped
Sees through invis and IVU.

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 1:41pm by Tarvas
NPC: Lapa the Escaped
# Dec 05 2015 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Tarvas wrote:
NPC: Lapa the Escaped
Sees through invis and IVU.

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 1:41pm by Tarvas

Added, thanks.
Task Summary
# Nov 30 2015 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Partisan Tasks
[ ] We Make Our Own Rewards - Tarl Punox in The Plane of Health (6x) "Interesting things"

Mercenary Tasks:
[ ] Into the Temple - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
- Prelooting is possible atm

[ ] Faith in Relife - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Crypt Crimes - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Lost or Found - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Deaths of the Unliving - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Feather in the Wind - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Familiar Haunts - Anna Broth
[ ] Recruitment Poster - Remember the Good Times

Hero Tasks:
[ ] Under the Robe - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Assist"
Named: Arsin the Blaze (Ubah-Mana-Sucker, have fun)
[ ] The Handmaiden - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Mirror" - "willing"
[ ] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life - Lashun Novashine in the Plane of Health

Hunter Achievement:
[ ] Arsin the Blaze (Under the Robe)
[ ] Commissioner Edrun
[ ] The Darkseer
[ ] Exalted Dromond
[ ] Glorious Cistina
[ ] Guardian Jenat
[ ] Gurndal the Graceful (We Make Our Own Rewards)
[ ] Mad Merchant Marv
[ ] Render (The Handmaiden)
[ ] Terrance the Admired
[ ] Vizier Albert

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 1:21pm by Fayman
Task Summary
# Dec 05 2015 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Fayman wrote:
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Partisan Tasks
[ ] We Make Our Own Rewards - Tarl Punox in The Plane of Health (6x) "Interesting things"

Mercenary Tasks:
[ ] Into the Temple - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
- Prelooting is possible atm

[ ] Faith in Relife - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Crypt Crimes - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Lost or Found - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Deaths of the Unliving - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Feather in the Wind - Bokon Karass in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
[ ] Familiar Haunts - Anna Broth
[ ] Recruitment Poster - Remember the Good Times

Hero Tasks:
[ ] Under the Robe - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Assist"
Named: Arsin the Blaze (Ubah-Mana-Sucker, have fun)
[ ] The Handmaiden - Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay "Mirror" - "willing"
[ ] Anashti Sul, Lady of Life - Lashun Novashine in the Plane of Health

Hunter Achievement:
[ ] Arsin the Blaze (Under the Robe)
[ ] Commissioner Edrun
[ ] The Darkseer
[ ] Exalted Dromond
[ ] Glorious Cistina
[ ] Guardian Jenat
[ ] Gurndal the Graceful (We Make Our Own Rewards)
[ ] Mad Merchant Marv
[ ] Render (The Handmaiden)
[ ] Terrance the Admired
[ ] Vizier Albert

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 1:21pm by Fayman

Great post, mostly entered. Is the "recruitment poster" the quest giver and the task is named "Remember the Good Times"?
Heroic Adventure: The Handmaiden
# Nov 28 2015 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
From Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life.

Mayor Salvador West says 'Ah, welcome to our fair city, Sul Vius! It is wonderful to see a new face. Feel free to explore and have fun. This is a place of infinite life and joy all provided by the lady [Anashti Sul]. Here we serve those that have been [relifed]. They have, after all, earned our respect and are the most worthy of Her followers. All I ask is that you show them the same respect. You may even wish to visit the [dead man's party]. We hold it in the circle outside every midnight. Or are you here to help me with an [task] that needs doing, or perhaps you are interested in a more [heroic adventure?]'

You say, 'heroic adventure'

Mayor Salvador West says 'I don't really know how to ask you this. It's a delicate thing, asking you to interfere with our citizens, but something is wrong. For some reason some of those recently blessed with transition have become, well, upset. They are harming other citizens and they need to be stopped, but frankly speaking, I don't want to ask my guards to raise their hands against our most cherished citizens. Those that have been given the gift of relife have proven their faith, or they would not have been transitioned. Their unusual, poor behavior has put me in a difficult position. Are you that person that came to me about that odd [mirror]? Or have you stopped by to [assist] me with this problem?'

You say, 'mirror'

Mayor Salvador West looks into the fragment of mirror you obtained from the Crypt of Sul. He peers deeply into it for a moment, then you see understanding and shock sweep across his face in equal measure. 'I see truth in this thing, but not a current truth, if that makes any sense. I see myself, but completely different. It's disturbing. I can't tell you anything about it, other than I know it is linked to the Goddess. I can, however, tell you who might know. The Handmaiden would know, if anyone does. But you will have to gather her from her crypt and take her to the Waters of Eternity, if you are [willing].'

You say, 'willing'

Mayor Salvador West says 'You will need to perform a ritual, I hope you are up to it. Please leave through the front doors.'
You received the Baton of Office.

You can get into the HA by leaving from the front door or zoning into Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life.

Objective Instructions

1. Find the handmaiden's coffin 0/1 (Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life)
The handmaiden's coffin is in the main crypt, disguised as a broken, shattered coffin of no note.
Auto updates as you run over the coffin at /loc -685.52, -65.89, -5,57.

2. Recover the handmaiden's skull 0/1
The monster that guards the coffin grabbed the handmaiden's skull! You must defeat it and recover the skull
Immediately spawns a terrible monster (red con) when you get the update for running over the coffin. See through IVU and Invis. Casts Tash and Voidstorm (1: Decrease Hitpoints by 65539, 2: Stun (1.50 sec/999)).

3. Take the skull to the Statue of Eternity and perform the ritual 0/1
The mayor taught yo the ritual you will need. Take the skull to the Statue of Eternity. To perform the ritual you must hold the skull in one hand and the baton in the other while next to the statue. Once you start you must not stop, or all will be lost.
There are five an honored citizen and/or an honored resident around the statue. Cleared them away before starting this step.

4. Defeat the fanatics! 0/10
Defeat the bokon and their servants or they will disrupt the ritual! Do NOT let them force you away from the Statue of Eternity.

5. ??? Because this is where I got my butt handed to me.

Edited, Nov 30th 2015 8:52pm by Tarvas
Heroic Adventure: Under the Robe
# Nov 28 2015 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
From Mayor Salvador West in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life.

You say, 'Hail, Mayor Salvador West'

Mayor Salvador West says 'Ah, welcome to our fair city, Sul Vius! It is wonderful to see a new face. Feel free to explore and have fun. This is a place of infinite life and joy all provided by the lady [Anashti Sul]. Here we serve those that have been [relifed]. They have, after all, earned our respect and are the most worthy of Her followers. All I ask is that you show them the same respect. You may even wish to visit the [dead man's party]. We hold it in the circle outside every midnight. Or are you here to help me with an [task] that needs doing, or perhaps you are interested in a more [heroic adventure?]'

You say, 'heroic adventure'

Mayor Salvador West says 'I don't really know how to ask you this. It's a delicate thing, asking you to interfere with our citizens, but something is wrong. For some reason some of those recently blessed with transition have become, well, upset. They are harming other citizens and they need to be stopped, but frankly speaking, I don't want to ask my guards to raise their hands against our most cherished citizens. Those that have been given the gift of relife have proven their faith, or they would not have been transitioned. Their unusual, poor behavior has put me in a difficult position. Are you that person that came to me about that odd [mirror]? Or have you stopped by to [assist] me with this problem?'

You say, 'assist'

Mayor Salvador West says 'Wonderful! Thank you very much. Head out through the front door, please.'

You can get into the HA by leaving from the front door or zoning into Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life.

Objective Instructions

1. Stop the unruly citizens from destroying the town 0/18 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life (you can find these in the south east section of the city)

2. Find some indication about why such exalted citizens are acting so strange 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life (I looted this off the last mob I killed in the about step: A Symbol of Marr).

3. Deliver the item to the Mayor 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life (he hands it back)

Mayor Salvador West says 'What is this? A symbol to one of the lesser gods? No citizen would carry that, especially not one with enough faith to earn relife. This must be from one of you outsiders. But, why would... This makes no sense. The Bokon should not even bother taking one of your kind into the Crypt, much less allow one to transition. This is hard to believe, but I need you to confront the Bokon and find out why they would do such a thing!'

4. Hand the item to Bokon Karass, see if he can explain why intruders are being relifed 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life (found at the first landing going down into the pit)

Bokon Karass says 'What is this? Some trinket? I don't care if you think you found it on one of our exalted citizens. I don't care if that fool Mayor has some ridiculous theory. It is none of his business what we Bokon do. We are the hands of the Goddess, he is just the mouth of the people. We make Her will into action. You should leave now. These priests will show you the way out.'

Task locks here

5. Defeat the Bokon 0/4 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life (4 an aggressive bokon spawn, be ready to fight as they see through invis)

Collectibles spawn here.

6. Speak with the Mayor 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

You say, 'Hail, Mayor Salvador West'

Mayor Salvador West says 'That arrogant jerk! He refused to deny that the Bokon are transitioning nonbelievers. I can only imagine that means that they are relifing the unworthy, which might explain why so many of my people are so disturbed. Relife is a gift, to be sure, but only for the worthy. Others could certainly respond poorly. I must speak with someone about this... But there is no one to speak with other than the Bokon. I am sorry, but I must think about this. Thank you for your assistance, but I would ask you to please leave me now. Please leave through the front door.'
The Mayor, though confused about what you discovered, was grateful to you for your help protecting his citizens.

7. Open the chest 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

In the chest was Manual of Severity and Lesser Essence of Life.

Reward: 225 platium
2 AAs
500 Remnants of Tranquility

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 6:40pm by Tarvas
We Make Our Own Rewards
# Nov 27 2015 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
3,036 posts
This is a Heroic Adventure which is all you need to do to merit the achievement Partisan of Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life. The requirements for various achievements are weirdly very very variable. Some require just ONE relatively easy mission; others have as many as 24! For example, Lesser Spirit Armor requires performing 4 missions SIX TIMES EACH. THIS is one of those missions. And you need to complete this to be able to get Heroic Adventures in the Crypt of Sul. I'm not even remotely close to this and before I tackle the mind-numbing task of doing these 4 missions 6 times each I'll need to read some good pitches as to why I will care about Crypt of Sul HA's.

For THIS mission, the steps are as follows:

Kill mobs in different parts of the instanced DemiPlane of Life to collect between 1 and 5 of 3 different items that the quest-giver wants to stock his shop, evidently. The drop rate is rather low, probably around 20%. The worst thing is the "drop zones" are rather imprecise. The game text mentions parts of the city which do not appear on the in-game map and the walk-thru on EQResource, which is about the best we have so far, is incomplete and not entirely accurate. Like the task step to acquire items of clothing from the NPCs in the theater. Well, I cleared the ENTIRE theater, audience AND stage and got only 2 of the 3 I needed. Fearing I was working on a bugged mission I moved "upstairs" in a building which did not really appear to be part of the theater. Killing there I acquired all 4 of the drops from a DIFFERENT step which ostensibly are supposed to fall in the SOUTHWEST section of the zone. (This upstairs area is distinctly NOT southwest.) Still needing one theater drop, I reasoned that since the theater is accessed from "the pit" (a name which appears nowhere on the map or the in-game mission guide, but is so described on EQResource) I would just slaughter any mobs in the pit---essentially anything below ground level---and sure enough on the 4th kill I got my last drop.

Once you get all the drops you have to return to the quest-giver (his instanced persona) and turn them all. Be forewarned, however, when you do so the named mob whose death is required by the last step spawns immediately. He spawns and attacks the quest-giver, both of whom are ON THE EVAC SPOT. So if you do what I did, send one toon to do the turn-in and then evac the rest of the group to move them there you will be in combat immediately upon touchdown.

4 AA's the reward for completing this, and that's with LotD ON. I should have turned LotD during the mission and skipped having it up for the final turn-in. Mobs give 40-50% of an AA of XP with no XP enhancement and since you have to kill probably 30-50 mobs to get all the drops, you can expect to earn a lot more AAXP's from this slaughtering than from completion. Which is a 360-degree reversal of what EQ was doing with HA's prior to this xpac. Weird, that...

We got the in-game notification that 4 "shining lights" (collectibles) had spawned. Now, after spending 2 hours doing this mission (albeit longer than it could have been, but I was watching Game of Thrones at the same time) I wasn't about to try to locate the 4 tiny needles in this ridiculously gigantic and convoluted haystack of a zone. Not to mention there are see-thru-all-invis mobs scattered hither and thither throughout. And I'm still trying to figure out how the tunnels and corridors all work. Since people craving progression will need to do this mission SIX times I'll bank that collectibles will appear in the Bazaar, and hopefully at reasonable prices.

5 more times for this mission.... somehow I doubt I'm going to be up for that "challenge." It's not really a challenge... just a timesink. I have a feeling DBG has designed this expansion as a giant timesink, with mission repetition requirements and hugely expensive AA's in order to keep even the most dedicated players on the treadmill until the next xpac. But stuff like this feels like makework. Instead of designing 24 distinct missions, they just build 4 and force you do them 6x each. It's fun to do 24 different missions, particularly with a generous reward at the end, like was the case with TDS. But this timesink burden doesn't have close to the same good feeling.

I believe the 24 missions have to be completed to meet the requirement to request certain raids. So some GL is going to be assigning some raiders to this grind, you betcha. The day those assignments are made might be a good day for a raider to have RL commitments keeping him off-line. If you get my drift. Smiley: sly

Edited, Nov 27th 2015 12:11pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
We Make Our Own Rewards
# Nov 28 2015 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
293 posts
From Tarl Punox in Plane of Life (HA is Partisan Task for Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life - zone in by zoning over to Sul Vius like other HAs)

You say, 'Hail, Tarl Punox'
Tarl Punox says 'Well, now isn't this a pretty place? So calm and annoyingly peaceful. Bothersome, isn't it? No matter, there is [business] to be found anywhere.'
Tarl Punox says 'Business here is pretty bad. These folks have no needs and no desires, it seems. But I know of others not so far away that can use the services of an adventurer like yourself. I know the people and can put the right ones in touch with each other. You might able to benefit from my information, if you are [interested].'
You say, 'interested'
Tarl Punox says 'There are a few places where [trinkets] and other [interesting things] can be found, and I know the people that would find such things valuable. I keep myself busy, and as long as there is profit to be made, I'll be there.'
You say, 'interesting things'
Tarl Punox says 'If you can find some things that some of my special customers have shown interest in, I would be suitably grateful. These should be found in Sul Vius, the Demiplane of Life.'

You have been assigned the task 'We Make Our Own Rewards'.

Collect Keys from the government offices 0/5 (drops from a favored functionary and a functionary in the western section) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Loot Kitschy Art from that big housing building 0/4 (drops from a favored functionary, a functionary. and an honored guard in the north western section) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Loot Interesting Clothing from their underground theater 0/3 (drops from an honored resident, an honored citizen, and a bokon at the bottom of the central pit) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Task Locks here when you collect last of the collectiables.

Deliver 5 A Bone Key to Tarl Punox 0/5 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Deliver 4 A Kitschy Art to Tarl Punox 0/4 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Deliver 3 A Piece of Theater Clothing to Tarl Punox 0/3 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Turn in all the pieces and a name spawns immediately and attacks: Exalted Guardian Relp.

Kill the guard threatening Tarl 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Open the chest 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

In the chest was Minor Essence of Life, Greater Essence of Life, and Severed Hooplet.

For completing Partisan you get a Lesser Spirit of Life plus the standard 4 AAs, etc.

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 3:53pm by Tarvas

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 3:55pm by Tarvas
We Make Our Own Rewards
# Nov 29 2015 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Sippin wrote:
This is a Heroic Adventure which is all you need to do to merit the achievement Partisan of Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life. The requirements for various achievements are weirdly very very variable. Some require just ONE relatively easy mission; others have as many as 24! For example, Lesser Spirit Armor requires performing 4 missions SIX TIMES EACH. THIS is one of those missions. And you need to complete this to be able to get Heroic Adventures in the Crypt of Sul. I'm not even remotely close to this and before I tackle the mind-numbing task of doing these 4 missions 6 times each I'll need to read some good pitches as to why I will care about Crypt of Sul HA's.

For THIS mission, the steps are as follows:

Kill mobs in different parts of the instanced DemiPlane of Life to collect between 1 and 5 of 3 different items that the quest-giver wants to stock his shop, evidently. The drop rate is rather low, probably around 20%. The worst thing is the "drop zones" are rather imprecise. The game text mentions parts of the city which do not appear on the in-game map and the walk-thru on EQResource, which is about the best we have so far, is incomplete and not entirely accurate. Like the task step to acquire items of clothing from the NPCs in the theater. Well, I cleared the ENTIRE theater, audience AND stage and got only 2 of the 3 I needed. Fearing I was working on a bugged mission I moved "upstairs" in a building which did not really appear to be part of the theater. Killing there I acquired all 4 of the drops from a DIFFERENT step which ostensibly are supposed to fall in the SOUTHWEST section of the zone. (This upstairs area is distinctly NOT southwest.) Still needing one theater drop, I reasoned that since the theater is accessed from "the pit" (a name which appears nowhere on the map or the in-game mission guide, but is so described on EQResource) I would just slaughter any mobs in the pit---essentially anything below ground level---and sure enough on the 4th kill I got my last drop.

Once you get all the drops you have to return to the quest-giver (his instanced persona) and turn them all. Be forewarned, however, when you do so the named mob whose death is required by the last step spawns immediately. He spawns and attacks the quest-giver, both of whom are ON THE EVAC SPOT. So if you do what I did, send one toon to do the turn-in and then evac the rest of the group to move them there you will be in combat immediately upon touchdown.

4 AA's the reward for completing this, and that's with LotD ON. I should have turned LotD during the mission and skipped having it up for the final turn-in. Mobs give 40-50% of an AA of XP with no XP enhancement and since you have to kill probably 30-50 mobs to get all the drops, you can expect to earn a lot more AAXP's from this slaughtering than from completion. Which is a 360-degree reversal of what EQ was doing with HA's prior to this xpac. Weird, that...

We got the in-game notification that 4 "shining lights" (collectibles) had spawned. Now, after spending 2 hours doing this mission (albeit longer than it could have been, but I was watching Game of Thrones at the same time) I wasn't about to try to locate the 4 tiny needles in this ridiculously gigantic and convoluted haystack of a zone. Not to mention there are see-thru-all-invis mobs scattered hither and thither throughout. And I'm still trying to figure out how the tunnels and corridors all work. Since people craving progression will need to do this mission SIX times I'll bank that collectibles will appear in the Bazaar, and hopefully at reasonable prices.

5 more times for this mission.... somehow I doubt I'm going to be up for that "challenge." It's not really a challenge... just a timesink. I have a feeling DBG has designed this expansion as a giant timesink, with mission repetition requirements and hugely expensive AA's in order to keep even the most dedicated players on the treadmill until the next xpac. But stuff like this feels like makework. Instead of designing 24 distinct missions, they just build 4 and force you do them 6x each. It's fun to do 24 different missions, particularly with a generous reward at the end, like was the case with TDS. But this timesink burden doesn't have close to the same good feeling.

I believe the 24 missions have to be completed to meet the requirement to request certain raids. So some GL is going to be assigning some raiders to this grind, you betcha. The day those assignments are made might be a good day for a raider to have RL commitments keeping him off-line. If you get my drift. Smiley: sly

Edited, Nov 27th 2015 12:11pm by Sippin

Tarvas wrote:
From Tarl Punox in Plane of Life (HA is Partisan Task for Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life - zone in by zoning over to Sul Vius like other HAs)

You say, 'Hail, Tarl Punox'
Tarl Punox says 'Well, now isn't this a pretty place? So calm and annoyingly peaceful. Bothersome, isn't it? No matter, there is [business] to be found anywhere.'
Tarl Punox says 'Business here is pretty bad. These folks have no needs and no desires, it seems. But I know of others not so far away that can use the services of an adventurer like yourself. I know the people and can put the right ones in touch with each other. You might able to benefit from my information, if you are [interested].'
You say, 'interested'
Tarl Punox says 'There are a few places where [trinkets] and other [interesting things] can be found, and I know the people that would find such things valuable. I keep myself busy, and as long as there is profit to be made, I'll be there.'
You say, 'interesting things'
Tarl Punox says 'If you can find some things that some of my special customers have shown interest in, I would be suitably grateful. These should be found in Sul Vius, the Demiplane of Life.'

You have been assigned the task 'We Make Our Own Rewards'.

Collect Keys from the government offices 0/5 (drops from a favored functionary and a functionary in the western section) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Loot Kitschy Art from that big housing building 0/4 (drops from a favored functionary, a functionary. and an honored guard in the north western section) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Loot Interesting Clothing from their underground theater 0/3 (drops from an honored resident, an honored citizen, and a bokon at the bottom of the central pit) Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Task Locks here when you collect last of the collectiables.

Deliver 5 A Bone Key to Tarl Punox 0/5 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Deliver 4 A Kitschy Art to Tarl Punox 0/4 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Deliver 3 A Piece of Theater Clothing to Tarl Punox 0/3 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

Turn in all the pieces and a name spawns immediately and attacks: Exalted Guardian Relp.

Kill the guard threatening Tarl 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life
Open the chest 0/1 Zone: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life

In the chest was Minor Essence of Life, Greater Essence of Life, and Severed Hooplet.

For completing Partisan you get a Lesser Spirit of Life plus the standard 4 AAs, etc.

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 3:53pm by Tarvas

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 3:55pm by Tarvas

Rough quest entry created. Thanks to you both.
List of NPCs
# Nov 27 2015 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Tracked from zone in (105 druid) :

a bartender (yellow)
a bokon (yellow)
a butcher (yellow)
a cherished citizen (dark blue, yellow)
a citizen (dark blue, yellow)
a cracked guardian (dark blue)
a delighted citizen (yellow)
a diligent guard (yellow)
a doubtful functionary (yellow)
a dutiful cleaner (yellow)
a favored functionary (yellow)
a functionary (yellow)
a gleeful citizen (yellow)
a guard (yellow)
a lost scout (dark blue)
a luscent presence (dark blue)
a merchant (dark blue, yellow)
a respected mortician (yellow)
a respectful curator (yellow)
a retired merchant (yellow)
a shopkeeper (yellow)
a stern guard (white)
a superintendent (yellow)
a vandal (yellow)
a vendor (yellow)
a venerated guard (yellow)
an admired citizen (yellow)
an aloof bokon (yellow)
an aloof maiden (yellow)
an exalted citizen (yellow)
an honorable citizen (yellow)
an honored citizen (yellow)
an honored guard (yellow)
an honored resident (yellow)
an overworked functionary (yellow)
Anna Broth (white)
Bokon Karass (yellow)
Evay Smit (dark blue)
Filius Quill (white)
Grubbonion (white)
Kerath Punox (dark blue)
Mayor Salvador West (yellow)
Sergio the Suave (dark blue)
Thiroc the redeemer (dark blue)
Varnor Clegg (yellow)

Edit : nameds listed in Hunter of the Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life achievement

Commissioner Edrun
The Darkseer
Exalted Dromond
Glorious Cistina
Guardian Jenat
Mad Merchant Marv
Terrance the Admired
Vizier Albert

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 12:36pm by Drewinette
List of NPCs
# Nov 29 2015 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Drewinette wrote:
Tracked from zone in (105 druid) :

a bartender (yellow)
a bokon (yellow)
a butcher (yellow)
a cherished citizen (dark blue, yellow)
a citizen (dark blue, yellow)
a cracked guardian (dark blue)
a delighted citizen (yellow)
a diligent guard (yellow)
a doubtful functionary (yellow)
a dutiful cleaner (yellow)
a favored functionary (yellow)
a functionary (yellow)
a gleeful citizen (yellow)
a guard (yellow)
a lost scout (dark blue)
a luscent presence (dark blue)
a merchant (dark blue, yellow)
a respected mortician (yellow)
a respectful curator (yellow)
a retired merchant (yellow)
a shopkeeper (yellow)
a stern guard (white)
a superintendent (yellow)
a vandal (yellow)
a vendor (yellow)
a venerated guard (yellow)
an admired citizen (yellow)
an aloof bokon (yellow)
an aloof maiden (yellow)
an exalted citizen (yellow)
an honorable citizen (yellow)
an honored citizen (yellow)
an honored guard (yellow)
an honored resident (yellow)
an overworked functionary (yellow)
Anna Broth (white)
Bokon Karass (yellow)
Evay Smit (dark blue)
Filius Quill (white)
Grubbonion (white)
Kerath Punox (dark blue)
Mayor Salvador West (yellow)
Sergio the Suave (dark blue)
Thiroc the redeemer (dark blue)
Varnor Clegg (yellow)

Edit : nameds listed in Hunter of the Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life achievement

Commissioner Edrun
The Darkseer
Exalted Dromond
Glorious Cistina
Guardian Jenat
Mad Merchant Marv
Terrance the Admired
Vizier Albert

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 12:36pm by Drewinette

Great post! Updated, thanks.
Not bindable
# Nov 23 2015 at 7:25 AM Rating: Excellent
3,036 posts
Not bindable so expect to be tripping over campfires everywhere---even indoors! Where are the Sul Vius fire inspectors when you need them!?
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Not bindable
# Nov 23 2015 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
1,738 posts
Ah, I wonder why I tripped over one when I walked into the joint.
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