Plane of Sky

Quick Facts





Level Range:
46 - 65

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As of May 2008, you can teleport to the Plane of Sky via the Guild Hall portal (Cloudy Stone of Veeshan) or get a port from Relm M`Loch in the Plane of Tranquility.

In the alternative, a wizard can cast their Alter Plane Sky spell to port up a group. Once in this plane, you cannot levitate, gate, or use any sort of evacuation spells (with the exception of the Alter Plane spell which still works).

The only way out is to jump off. Upon doing so, you will fall safely to the water near the docks of East Freeport, (provided you don't hit another island below you and die as a result). This is a one-way trip, obviously. You can get CoH by a mage and use fellowship fires however.

Level 46 is required to enter the zone.
The Plane of Sky The Key Master Efreeti Room Azarack IslandGorgalosk Temple Crystalline Cloud Storm Mistress Pegasus IsleOn the Spiroc Island Sister of the Spire's Temple She's Tougher Than She Looks...
Post Comment
Taking the Tour with Drexxell
# Apr 05 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Last night I returned to PoSky with Drexx and a small raid force. We can confirm that Island 2 appears to be borked and thus keys to Island 3 could not be procured for those new to the plane. Necro-COH was the only method available to get unkeyed folks past that point (mage COH spell, COH AA, and Call Hither AA are all disabled in PoSky). Also...due to the way that dying/rezzing works now, the corpses poof in an inconvenient amount of time when dying via dueling, so the best bet is to have those who need to be summoned get killed by the KeyMaster on Island 1. Once killed...DO NOT REZ. Have the person either re-zone into sky (via guild port, wizard port, or the PoTranq porter) OR have them Dru/Shm "call"'d back. This will prevent the corpse from auto-poofing, and allow for the necro/sk to summon the corpse to island 3 where an experience rez can be given..thus pulling the character past the broken island 2 onto 3. And of course, this means that you're going to need a minimum of a necro keyed for island 3 from a previous time (when island 2 worked) in order to drag an otherwise unkeyed raid beyond island 2.

I'm sure Drex will update his guide with that info, but in the mean time hope that helps :)

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 1:04pm by Taldiwen

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 1:06pm by Taldiwen
Taking the Tour with Drexxell
# Jun 06 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Whatever issues you were having at the time seem to be fixed. There is still really messed up pathing issues but root seems to be quite effective. I was able to get my key for the next island np.
Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters.

70 Necro Blacklottus of the Nameless
65 Enchanter Samantha of Mayong
bypassing DT
# Mar 10 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Well, being DTs are no longer 20k hits (much higher now) and are not resistable, sony thought they made things a little more difficult when it came to soloing old school raid mobs. They forgot one thing though. For those of you who haven't noticed, monks get a disc in their 70s called Impenetrable. This disc basically makes it so they take absolutely no damage over something like 30 seconds, but also uses up the whirlwind timer. It's downtime is 3 mins. This disc makes it so that monks can eat a DT and live through it with no questions asked... Now, as far as delivering the 32k dmg in the next 30-40 seconds, that's up to you. I generally invis to the mob, hit impen, wait for it to turn on then engage on monk and beat the snot outta the mob in like 15 seconds. Makes it easy to farm sky mobs and golems in fear.

Edited, Mar 10th 2009 1:59pm by TheDankins
bypassing DT
# Mar 11 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Impenetrable disc will eat a Cazic's Touch?!

....or are you sitting in PoS laughing hysterically when all the monks who read your post die while you watch, lol.

bypassing DT
# Mar 11 2009 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Impenetrable WILL in fact negate 100% the effect of DT.
bypassing DT
# Mar 11 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you so much, to both of you for providing and confirming this information!
Now it will take me 45 seconds to die /grin
shaman 1.5
# Mar 03 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
i thought there was a enlightened spirit on the horse island for the shaman epic 1.5.. in the guide there is no /loc so if anyone has some information that would be great! thanks =)
shaman 1.5
# Apr 16 2009 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Eternal Spirit is a roaming mob on Island 4 (horse and griffin island). It's not hard to find, and since nothing is KOS up there, just roam around til you find it. For the most part, the roaming mobs tend to circle the windmill.

Plane of Sky Guild Hall Stone
# Jan 23 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
It is called "Cloudy Stone of Veeshan" for approx. 105pp
Islands 1 & 2 soloable for 64 necro?
# Jan 06 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Never been to PoS before, but working on my epic so wanted to know if it's possible.
I have pretty good gear I'd say, at least for my level. ~7200hps / 8k mana unbuffed.
All stats maxed at 265 or at least very close.

I realize the mob on isle 3 that DT's will require a pretty solid group, but wanted to at least get everything else I need up there before I ask folks to come up and help me, I want to solo as much of it as possible.

64 DE necro
Islands 1 & 2 soloable for 64 necro?
# Feb 07 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
island 1 will be soloable, island 2 will require a healer or another maybe, the mobs proc a levi thing on hit and it interupts casting, hard to kill them and you get alot of adds pretty easily.

it probably is doable just going to be a pain =p
Plane of Sky
# Dec 20 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
If anyones goes up to Plane of Sky I suggest making friends with a Monk to absorb the DTs.
Drexxell's new site
# Dec 09 2008 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
FYI, I've switched from Comcast to Verizon FIOS and therefore am being hosted on verizon from now on,
though I've switched my email to ymail.

Here are the relevant links:

Update January 2016:
Drexxell's general games page:
EQ page:
Plane of Sky:
Necro Epic:
Necro 1.5:

New email:

Still working out a few dead links, but should be mostly up and running now.

Edited, Jan 11th 2016 10:13am by DrexelNecromancer
Campfires work
# Aug 29 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Interestingly enough, you can campfire from island to island. Did not check if you could campfire to PoS, but it seems likely.
Mage pets
# Aug 01 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Can confirm today btw the Mage swarm pets Rancorous Servant, Host of the Elements and Servant of Ro do NOT work up here.....Companion of Necessity (Mem blur pet AA) how ever DOES.
Buffs in Sky
# Jul 30 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
Just entered Plane of Sky via guild portal, and did NOT lose all my buffs....

seems to be a glitch with the mobs on isle 2, nobody here.....

Tantelus Manydeaths
Can't Use Complete Heal Potions
# Jul 09 2008 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Add that one to the list, the Potions you receive from Mirao Frostpouch in PoK after turning in the /claimed Darvual Crystal do not work in here. Well, at least they didn't 5 minutes ago. Consumed the potion on Azerack Island, one potion disappeared, recast timer started I receive the message that "this spell does not work on this plane"
Can't Use Complete Heal Potions
# Jul 09 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
swwiggs wrote:
Add that one to the list, the Potions you receive from Mirao Frostpouch in PoK after turning in the /claimed Darvual Crystal do not work in here. Well, at least they didn't 5 minutes ago. Consumed the potion on Azerack Island, one potion disappeared, recast timer started I receive the message that "this spell does not work on this plane"

Sounds like it's worth filing a /bug report.
Dangerous Island 2
# Jul 09 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I don't know if anyone's mentioned it yet, but after thoroughly reading the Plane of Sky guide from Drexxel I thought I'd be ready for all the surprises PoSky had to throw at me. Not quite so...while the port in to island 2 may have been safe before, it no longer is. I got aggro immediately after porting in... I suppose this has to do with the Azarack pathing glitches (although after entering 3 times I have not aggro'd anything from another island).

I advise casting invisibility before entering any aggressive island instead of making assumptions that you'll be safe.
Dangerous Island 2
# Jul 01 2013 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
for ever since the beginning, azarack island has never been 'safe' to zone to without invis. so just invis. in fact why dont u just invis before porting to every island.....
Gozar the Gozarian
# May 29 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
I am the gatekeeper, are you the key master?
Entering PoSky
# Dec 13 2007 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
78 cleric here and box 55warrior, will be needing to get spiroc wingblade but firstly id just like to know how to get into PoSky from PoK like alla leads me to believe, exact info would be greatly appreciated. and to answer any questions, im not stupid lol i cant duo PoS but i cant do anything until i get into the zone hehe, on Luclin server here, pst in game if interested in taking down spiroc lord, would greatly appreciate it, thankies -)
plz and ty, later
Entering PoSky
# Mar 23 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Just a few other people to take the death touches, a good tank, same damage dealers and someone for crowd control.

Edited, Mar 24th 2008 1:52am by SSJGhol
Entering PoSky
# May 01 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Oh lol, I guess I never posted hehe, none of that is needed nowadays, I did successfully complete Plane of Sky romp with me(78cleric), 75Sk, 70+ Necro, and my warrior lvl55. What we did when doing the DT mobs was this... mind you, you need to be quick and collected, no lag would be best and you can't fool around. My warrior ran up to the mob and ate DT, Sk got agro and started pawning the mob of course, I immediately rezzed my warrior, (the necro was timer keeper) around 45seconds after DT, SK fd'ed then War ate DT again, rezzed, FD, etc etc, rinse and repeat until mob is downed, was very successful despite my heart was pounding the whole time =) that was for the Pegasus mob on Isle 4 i believe. We did the same thing on Isle 5, and we did clear both isles though before attempting named BTW, hope this helps anyone
Entering PoSky
# Jul 16 2008 at 3:06 AM Rating: Default
Wow, reading your posts gave me a headache.
Entering PoSky
# Feb 13 2008 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
I have never ever heard of a way to get to plane of sky except a wizard port...

They put in a port to plane of Hate that's in plane of tranquility, but I don't think they ever put one in for plane of sky...
Entering PoSky
# May 27 2008 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
As of 22 May 2008 The DE in Tranquility will port singles to Sky. The Guild Portal can also port to Sky to make it easier to port your guild groups up.
Entering PoSky
# May 27 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
also porting in from Guild Port does not strip your buffs, not sure if other methods do or not.
Entering PoSky
# May 28 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
I also noticed that porting to plane of sky from plane of tranquility via relm m`loch did NOT strip your buffs. that will probably be fixed in tomorrow's update
Entering PoSky
# May 29 2008 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
NO buffs EXCEPT any lev (SOE or FOE) or just plain ol' levitation spells will be stripped. You can cast SoW or Billie after you get back up there though. Just can't recast any lev spells.
Entering PoSky
# Dec 19 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Default
166 posts

Update January 2016:

Best of luck to you,


Edited, Jan 3rd 2012 8:20am by DrexelNecromancer

Edited, Jan 11th 2016 10:16am by DrexelNecromancer
Entering PoSky
# Feb 03 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
Wow! To critisize people for not using punctuations and capitalizations on a forum is juvenile at best!I had no problem reading or understanding the question.Please try to get over yourself.Thank you.
Entering PoSky
# Dec 27 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
lol. Sorry about that, i suppose i could use some grammar in my posts, thank you!!!

# Sep 21 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Since the launch of TBS pathing in Sky went completely ape ****.

The (KOS) azeracks from 2 visit near every other island now, including 1 and 7.

Technically they are wimpy but... they are KOS. And everything in Sky assists them.

So if you happen to suddenly get attacked by everything on island 1 - that's why. Well, unless you managed to destroy your Sky faction.

Given the popularity of the zone I expect a fix not before 2030.
# Jul 27 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Fellowships work in PoS, you can just port 3 people up, make a fellowship, and port whoever else you want. You can also bypass keys by doing this. For some reason, if you port onto an island other than 1 your buffs stay on. Like my bro's alt ported up to the fourth island and he had buffs on when we didn't cast any.
Killing Sirran
# May 18 2007 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Went up to this zone recently knowing a fair amount about what to do and what not to do.

Unfortunatly I wasnt in charge and was not listened to. People seem to have the attitude that this is such a low old world zone that they can just zerg up here with their uber gear.

If you go to POS read Drexels guide link is posted below.

This guide is very well thought out and has key progression charts, graphics, information on every mob spawn cycle and lots of tips. Also dispells many rumors such as "hailing sirran" causing him to agro you (no longer true if it ever was).

In my last experience a supposedly semi decent guild went up and didn't completely clear the islands, or save the boss mobs for last (in their arogance) despite my warnings so three times in a row (3 islands)Sirran went agro at some point during key trades shrinking the raid force each time. To make matters worse they killed Sirran despite my warning not to.

From then on each time sirran spawned it would agro the people that killed it on previous islands, so they killed it again. It is my understanding that this will permantly destroy inhabitants of sky faction including most or all of the quest mobs (Djinn's, Summoners, and other usually non kos mobs).

So, word to the wise. Do it right unless you want to deprive unsuspecting guildies of the ability to quest or progress here forever.

Won't be raiding with that guild again.

Edited, May 18th 2007 1:32am by Databyter

Edited, May 18th 2007 1:36am by Databyter

Edited, May 18th 2007 1:45am by Databyter
Killing Sirran
# Dec 31 2010 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Databyter wrote:
If you go to POS read Drexels guide link is posted below.


The new/current url is:
# Apr 21 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
Do your Job Allakh delete most of these Posts and only leave the ones that says what key how to get the key and what island to use the key
I don't care about anything else and i'm sure most other people don't care how people killed what and what they used on every freaking post like all the other ones
# May 17 2008 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
319 posts
Besides the work involved in delteting posts with dated information, there are other reasons to not deltete older posts. Among them are the amusement value of reading old posts, historical value of reading old posts and for me on occasion important information is occasionally held in old posts which pertain to tactics for that mob, suggest tactics which can be used on other mobs, tradeskill information, etc. For some mobs and zones, I have been known to start with the oldest post and work to the newest post to fully understand what was and is known about the topic of interest, and how it evolved over time.

If you want information on Plane of Sky keys, go to Drexell's very informative and useful post here: Sure it is long, complex and dense, but it is almost entirely correct, and Plane of Sky is not a place that is easy to simplfy.
pok npc
# Dec 07 2006 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
any one know the pok npc i need to tolk to get there
pok npc
# Dec 07 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
no one

only a wizard can take you here, like it says
pok npc
# Jan 12 2007 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, it says, "Plane of Sky: To enter the zone, you must have a wizard cast Alter Plane Sky, or see an NPC in the Plane of Knowledge with a particular stone (details needed)," which is obviously why the question was asked.
pok npc
# Jan 29 2007 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
The answer is "No such NPC exists".

I've looked for this NPC systematically. The reason it is mentioned at all is because an NPC *was* introduced to take a player from PoTranquility to PoHate (and thus avoiding the need for a Wizard). So, naturally, a rumor sprang up which indicated such an NPC *must* exist for PoSky. However it remains an unproven rumor (at least to the point that I can't find such a person in PoK or PoT, nor has it been posted on the 'net that I can google my way to).
hate this zone
# Oct 27 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default
Had used hail of arrows on accident not thinking on island 1, got a fton of mobs on me and ended up killing on on the way out, now i am kos to quest mobs, soon as i zone in all of em swarm me everytime cannot use this zone anymore now
RE: hate this zone
# Oct 28 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
see if you can find out what faction they were on.
Beta neutral maybe? Raise it again.

If anything like that happens again, don't kill them.
Just hop off.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
New Loot?
# Aug 12 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
15 posts
I just looted a "Sphinx Tallow" from a drake on the 7th island. Won't sell to merchants. Looks like a cauldron. Lore item. 1.0 wt. Size: medium Class: all. Race: all.
# Jun 15 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Was standing on the Noble island and aggroed an Azarack somehow... Just an FYI incase you feel like AFKing there
# Jul 17 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
The Azaraks seem to be all screwy at the moment and I've seen them on several islands where they shouldn't be.
*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
Warrior Epic 1.0
# May 17 2006 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
Forget it...Don't waste your time trying to do 1.0 warrior epic. We gave up and I did the prequest. In about 10 days I did my pre-quest and epic 1.5. Its more fun to do than 1.0. I have a friend who is on the Firiona Vie server and NO TRADE does not exist. Therefore you can buy all items. BUT,,there was no SPIROC Blade for sale. No ones wants to do Plane of Sky to get the blade to sell because its too much of a pain to do..Waste a lot of time....Not worth the effort..unless you want a trophy.

Oh almost forgot...if you have the keys to the islands...DON'T destroy may need for another class. I believe there are potions of 2.0 epic that have to be done there..they have no choice..
Warrior Epic 1.0
# Apr 30 2006 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default
The process of getting the warrior epic done on this plane is such a pain and absurd compare to all other classes even for the 1.5 epic. 3 attempts so far with lvl 70 peeps..1st attempt with over 18 peeps, 2nd attempt with 12 peeps and 3rd attempt with 7. Its not the fact that we cant bring down the mobs. Its the bugs that happen each time and so unreliable. 1 more attempt and I forget teh whole thing. Lemme outline a few things.
1) You need a wizard to get up there
2) You loose all bufs when you zone in on 1st island
3) You cannot leviate
4) You cannot port out or succor or use origin.
Only way to leave island is to jump off.
5) Sirren the Lunatic spawns sometimes but way over peoples heads, therefore unable to do turn-ins to get key for next island. It seems debuffing him makes him come down but yet to be confirmed.
6) You have a limited time to do turn-ins for next key even if there are mobs corpses with the item to turn in. Sirren the Lunatic will despawn. NOw that makes sense..:((
7) You cannot go back to previous island even if you have the key.
8) The keys do not go on your key chain, therefore keep them once you have them unless you are 100% sure you will never go back.
9) Always check that all mobs are there before attempting to bring full groups. It occurred to us as we got to the 4th island that there were not enough mobs to spawn Sirren the Lunatic for turn-ins
10) Prepared for the named mob that spawns Sirren the Lunatic will NOT spawn Sirren.
11) Be prepared to scarifice multiple deaths. Sirren has a nasty habit of spawning on top of the mob you are fighting and he will DT you.
12) Be very careful to hail Sirren the Lunatic or aggro him.. He will DT you.

Now isnt that 12 lousy reasons not to do this epic..:((
Good Luck and if I give up, I will post it..

You have no Clue !!
# Jan 10 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
122 posts
The correct answer to your 1-12 scenario is you do not have a)patience b) a clue. I have 4 boxed PoSky up to the Spiroc Lord but, as of yet I have not moved on to the Bizzzatt Island.

During the Epic kills and Epic turn in's I have only encountered 2 problems. These 2 problems have been in existence since not long after PoSky came into existence.
a) There can be any number of Roaming Azzuracks(sp) pathing across any island they so choose. During Monk Epic 1.0 pull/fight with Gwan and Azzurack aggro's thus adding aggro to the Blades of Storm from another island.
b) Siran the Lunatic always seems to spawn very high above the boss mob *Keeper of Souls* on the Pegasus island. Once we were able touse Shaman-grow to reach him. Another time we were able to stand under him and look straight up and trade. There was one time nobody could trade key piece ... a Necro took one for the group and casted on him. Siran came down stomped the life out of him ... we Rezz'd him, all did turn in's and we moved on.

Lastly the Epic is a Challenge of knowledge / ability / Team-work. It is not about running tothe Bazaar and buying all of your drops. There are so many lazy people it ain't funny. Why don't you do like my 6 year old ... play Mario after you look up and print out all the cheat codes. Makes it super fun when you know how it ends ... NOT !!

PS: As I have said before feel free to flame, hagger me about my spelling and punctuation or lack of. I really do not carebecause I came ... read ... posted .. and will never see this page again. And if you are one of those lazy people in need of PoSky Epic drops .. just ask in /general channel on Nameless. My bank's (4 boxer) is full of rotting pieces ... always free.
Feel free to nail me with your flames .. check my spelling .. punctuation .. what ever makes you happy. I am not here for an E-***** building Experience ... these forums are for info not Ego's.
# Feb 21 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
do not use AoE nukes on island one... efreeti's in the quest hall below get angry
# May 25 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
It is not just AOE Nukes that set them off. We had about 30 people on the first island last week and a Druid accidentally set off an AoE Slow spell while testing a hotbutton and aggroed the whole island killing 25+ people, needless to say the raid ended up being called off after that.
# Jun 28 2006 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
Ok so dont use AoEs at all. Dipshi t
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