Description |
1: Decrease Spell/Bash Hate by 6% 2: Limit: Max Level(75) (lose 5% per level over cap) 3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed) 4: Limit: Target (AE PC v1 excluded) 5: Limit: Target (PB AE excluded) 6: Limit: Target (Targeted AE excluded)
Mana: |
0 |
Casting Time: |
Instant |
Recast Time: |
0 |
Fizzle Time: |
0 |
Range: |
100 |
Location: |
Any |
Time of Day: |
Any |
Blockable: |
Yes |
Focusable: |
Yes |
Dispellable: |
Yes |
Interruptable: |
Yes |
Short Buff Box: |
No |
Target Type: |
Self |
Spell Type: |
Beneficial |
Source: |
Live 04/23 |
Game Description |
Causes creatures to be less hateful of any heal or damage spell that you cast. |
Items with this effect |