Spell Icon Daluda's Mending  


1: Increase Hitpoints by 1494. Max: 2144

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 607 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.75 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: You feel the mending of Daluda.
Cast on other: Soandso is filled with the healing power of Daluda.

Game Description

Mends your target's wounds with a healing touch, restoring up to @1 damage.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Daluda's Mending


Gates of Discord

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# Dec 28 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
This spell is player made now and outrragouly expensive on CT. Thx for my necro friend for making me all 3 god spells 40kp ish each for free.
# Mar 16 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
Is this a dropped spell in GoD? If so, anyone know the name of the mob that drops it?
Thank you. =)
RE: Where?
# Jun 13 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped tonight off Rigara the Lost in the sewers.
# Mar 16 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
Is this a dropped spell in GoD? If so, anyone know the name of the mob that drops it?
Thank you. =)
disease dot
# Mar 16 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
This was originally listed as a disease DoT, not a quick heal.
# Mar 15 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
Changed to a 1550 pt fast heal on test. Hopefully it will go live

Edited, Mon Mar 15 00:31:45 2004
How To Get This Spell
# Mar 04 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
Where can i get this spell?
# Feb 01 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Why oh why does all of our disease stuff suck. The last disease based dot was 111 per tic and this one is 140/tic. Not horrible but holy low dps batman. The curse line is MUCH more valuable since all of our dots stack now. If I'm casting for some damage, I do the 65 dot, bane of nife and the 64 curse dot. That is close to 1k hp's/tic. Throwing this pathetic dot on doesn't do crap.

I know someone will say...but it is disease and maybe it will be the only thing that will stick. If that is the case, you will never kill a mob with 140 damage every 6 seconds.
RE: Sucks
# Feb 10 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Try playing a shaman, if you ain't using disease dots you must be ebayed. Do some math, if your best ratio dots are disease how can they suck? If they last longer it only means less casting/work for you. In elemental plains soloing would totally suck with only 30sec dots, I already constantly have to cast them. No way I would choose to use more mana to kill mobs slower and cast more spells to kill the mobs and ignore the 12k+ damage I get from the disease dots per mob. If I am casting for some damage I am certainly gonna add 200 maybe 300 even with this new dot. Course then again might just take advantage of the fact that it has no dd component and use it to replace pox but that is doubtful since pox is right click on ele legs.
RE: Sucks
# Feb 11 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe soloing it is ok, but not in any a group. Yes I do play a 65 shaman, and very well thank you. This dot is for solo only...
RE: Sucks
# Feb 16 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
I agree the only time I EVER use Diease DoTs is soloing, any other time they are way to slow and why waste the mana on 300 or 400 HP's when in the samw time you can take off 1200 1600. this would be a nice spell to have but not going to waste time looking for it
RE: Sucks
# Mar 16 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
You also might wanna try it on raid mobs. I lead in with a disease debuff. Some of those mobs can take a half hour to kill.
RE: Sucks
# Feb 19 2004 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
Necros have similiar long-duration dots and they are usually the better dots since most mobs don't die in less than a minute. Obviously, this isn't a spell for fast DPS, low Hps mobs and I don't even see why you are arguing that point.

I know a shaman who does nothing but solo and raid, for his play style this is a very very useful spell. Call it a bad spell is just crazy talk.
RE: Sucks
# Feb 22 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Yes "crazy talk".
This has the best mana/dot ratio.
Fantastic for raid mobs and soloing.
RE: Sucks
# Aug 05 2004 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
This is kinda in the worng place now this has been changed to a heal, but felt I had to respond...

When soloing my first dot is Breath of Ultor, then I stack Blood of Saryrn & Bane on top. That takes you up to 871dam/tick. If a mob doesn't die from these (+pet+melee)then I recast Bane (which runs out first) & then Blood of Saryrn. I find that'll deal with any mob with up to about 15k hps. If they have more then I recast Blood & Bane yet again (for mobs up to about 20-22k hps). If a mob is still alive when Breath runs out then I start to reconsider whether it was a wise solo pull!!

In LDoN etc. I drop breath & load a nuke instead coz it's not efficient when it only runs for 30 secs.
this spell
# Jan 09 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
this a new one coming out?
RE: this spell
# Jan 13 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
My guess is the new Discord expansion...
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