Spell Icon Reclaim Energy  


1: Reclaim Energy

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 5 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 2.5 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 100
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 25 Deletable: Yes
Blockable: No Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Pet Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 04/23


You cast: You reclaim energy from your pet.
Cast on other: Soandso disperses.

Game Description

Reclaims the energy needed to maintain your pet, causing the pet to dissipate and restore #1% of the mana cost spent to summon it.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Reclaim Energy
Spell: Reclaim Energy



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Mage Blunt Summoning
# Mar 01 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
Dear god no wonder I never wanted to play a Mage. Why?, Because a Mage does not get the spell Summon da Weed. Yes It would take a nice fat blunt to dull my mind so I could play the second most boring class in the game; The Mage.

Ohh take it eazy folks. Different Strokes for dullard folks. err.. Different folks. It is just a joke.

I play a Necromancer & Enchanter. This spell a long time ago use to give back enough mana that you would see your bar move. I do not see that anymore. Now maybe the Mage Class has a special kickback on this spell. Who am I to deny them that advantage.

Just like when you take the 6 bags of Smashed soda cans to the recycle center. You dream of a stack of crisp green $$ cash $$ only to get 2 tattered bucks and a handful of change when it is all over. :(
Mage Blunt Summoning
# Feb 17 2008 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Yes,,, time to go cash in some more Aluminum Cans and Soda Bottles ,,, Hurry before the prices go down again,,, LOL ,,,, :P
Helpful in LDoNs
# Jul 28 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a chanter and always go into a LDoN with a pet. (It is even easier now that they can zone with you). When the puller accidentally pulls a few extras right after I buffed the group (and am nearly OOM), I load up reclaim energy, kill my pet, and save the day!

I'm in my 50's now and still find it useful.
i as thinking ...
# Oct 22 2003 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
my pet was about 8% hp and i reclaimed it , i don't learned that much mana back ...
I think you get the % of mana on the healthof your ept so if you reclaim it half dead ,don't exepct to get tones of mana ...
(necromancer here)
# Sep 13 2003 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Sold by the clockwork merchant standing near Wuggan Azusphere who is in the enchant/mage/wizard guildhall in Ak'Anon. Facing Wuggan its the merchant on the left.

Edited, Fri Oct 17 01:05:06 2003
# Jun 19 2003 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
at higher lvls and the rite effects magicians can get back more mana then spent summoning it which is a great way to get mana. It also helps to have reagent conservations 3 or 4 to that u can save malachite although its only a few silver
RE: lvl
# Apr 03 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
no, what the "trick" is, that you do a monster summon 2 or 3 im not sure which, and then you use any type of item with relaim energy, i saw a friend go from, oom to FM in like 5 casts
RE: lvl
# Aug 18 2003 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Really? At what higher lvl? And with what effects? Explain how we can regen mana by summoning pets and then reclaiming energy.
RE: lvl
# Sep 26 2003 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
It involved having the right focus items. I think you needed a mana-saving focus. It reduced your cost to cast, but not the amount you got back from reclaiming, thus you ended up gaining mana after casting/reclaiming a pet.

Edited, Fri Sep 26 11:52:14 2003
RE: lvl
# Oct 24 2003 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
You need a summoning efficiency item, to reduce the cost of casting the pet, and a horse/drogmar so you dont loose med time while casting. Reagent conservation is nice too.
RE: lvl
# Sep 14 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Don't forget that having a high conjuration will save you on some of the "sticker" mana that the spell supposedly takes.
Use of this spell
# Jun 16 2003 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
The purpose of this spell (or even better, a clicky effect like on the mage pet focus items) is to recover some mana when you are going to destroy your pet anyway (for example by zoning), or when it is about to die.

A common mage strategy is to "chain cast" pets. Don't bother equipping the pet with armor, weapons, etc.; just burn it out and let it go. When it is about to die, reclaim it to get some mana back, and immediately summon another.

When you consider that it costs 200 mana to summon a new pet (which summons at full health), and 200 mana to cast Refresh Summoning which only heals for a maximum of 380 points at level 65, it's more mana efficient to summon a new pet rather than heal an existing one, if healing the existing one would require more than one cast of Refresh Summoning. If you reclaim before casting, the mana cost is effectively even lower.
Reclaim Energy
# Apr 12 2003 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
You use mana to cast this spell and gain back a small amount of mana? I rather Meditate.
# Feb 21 2003 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
So what does this spell do?

Fennin Ro
Reclaim Energy
# Mar 06 2003 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
It destroys your pet, and returns a small amount of the mana used to call it.
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