
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
a good guide
# Dec 20 2000 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
I have been away from EQ for a few months. Now that I am back time to start smithing again. Where can I find a good smithing guide that to get my skill lvl up fast? Thanks
A good guide? The best is here!
# Dec 20 2000 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
196 posts
I have not found a better source of info than this board. The only other source I might think of would be the secret libraries of some large guild. Just read the board and click the 'Skills' link to the left for Allakhazam's compiled info.

BTW, if you can confirm a recipie for silver weapons (enchanted or not), I'd greatly appreciate it.
smithing guides
# Dec 21 2000 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Allakhazam's links are first stop as above. They range from short and sweet, to specialized. ALWAYS go there first.

My personal encyclopedia is at my clan web site below. It is very detailed, giving success rates at skill levels, and where to find stuff that is missing from most web sites. May be too detailed for most players. It is meant to be printed out (90 pages) and used as a reference book while you smith. It has no internal hyperlinks.

Using this board is a skill.
Scan the subjects, don't overlook that there are 19 plus pages now (don't know why they have 65 pages listed)
don't post a question without looking at prior posts, chances are it is already there.

This board is most useful for new knowledge, and specific questions, though I tend to answer all the questions I can, cuz I enjoy doing so.
smithing guides ???
# Jan 07 2001 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
Maybe I am having a bad internet day but is not a valid URL? any hoo sorry bout the blank post =)
RE: smithing guides
# Jan 07 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
Skill req for Teir'dal Chain
# Dec 20 2000 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know what skill level is required or
suggested in order to have a reasonable chance
to make a Teir'dal tunic?
RE: Skill req for Teir'dal Chain
# Dec 20 2000 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
286 posts
I have yet to attempt a chain tunic, as I am waiting to get a good supply of Blue Diamonds. I would suggest you make the non-enchanted, non-imbued tunics, starting at skill 175. Don't attempt the imbued/enchanted stuff until 200 or so.
skill required linked to item location
# Dec 21 2000 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
A general trend is that certain items across across all armor types are consistently with higher trivial levels. Tunics, legs, cloaks seem to consistently have very very high trivials. Cultural armor seems to parallel fine plate/steel armor, somewhat with trivial levels, and I have lots of experience with fine plate. At skill 178 I fail 2/3 times with fine plate breastplates, so I would count the available money, components and you decide. I think if money and parts are low for you make fine plate for resale, and when your fine plate bp have decent success rates try the specialized stuff. Likely will be 200 level.

Mithril Bits
# Dec 19 2000 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
I am getting back into playing the game after 6 months off. Blacksmithing has changed. I am trying to locate Mithril Bits. I have found the Small piece of Mithril, but no Mithril Bits. I went to Kel and tried the Standard metal bit recipe with the Small Mithril. It did not work. Any ideas where to get those bits? I am a wood elf. Thanks
RE: Mithril Bits
# Dec 19 2000 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
2 small pieces of mithril ore (sold in felwithe) plus one morning dew (foraged in lfay or gfay). Combine in the Wood Elf forge (up from the normal one in kelethin). Skill level same as metal bits.
what skill is required to make armor
# Dec 19 2000 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
i have 40 skill now and i still cant make any kind of armor :(
Notes on failure rates and armor making
# Dec 20 2000 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
Routine smithing data is voluminous, and easily accessable at allakhazams web sites. Always go there first, then scan prior pages of this discussion board, I've posted this info before. Your particular question though, IS a bit hard to tease out of the web sites. The first armor you will be able to make is banded. You can start making one sheet items of banded with tolerable failure rates (1/2) at skill level 115. It isn't until skill level 145 that all items have tolerable failure rates. The document I've compiled is the only one that actually reports success rates for given items of armor for a variety of skill levels. See go to vault, go to crafts, go to blacksmithing. It is my clan web site. The next step up armor to make is ornate, need skill levels 150-175 or higher, but this consumes vast quantities if high quality ore, a dropped, and therefore tedious item to get. It is lighter than banded, has 1AC more, and costs 5 times as much as banded to make at least.

The next step up is fine plate/fine steel. You need skill level 175 plus to make it.

All the race specific armor needs skill levels 175 to 200 to make, sometimes a bit less, but they are ungodly tedious to get components for, and a success rate of less that 100% is reason for a loud outcry of anguish. Success rate is governed mainly by your skill level.

SOOOOOO.... decide your motivations, and link your target skill level and go for it.

My document is the only one that gives rational for each potential strategy for for skilling up.

I've tried 5 times to get Allakhazam to link to it directly, and he hasn't. Perhaps if people email him, that find it useful, he might.

It is made to be printed out or used in a word processor. It has no tables, no hyperlinks, for ease in copying and sharing, and easy importing into any wordprocessor. Just select all, copy, then paste. If you get too much html garbage, past special unformated. There are tables of contents throughout each section, and at the beginning.

Knarmon Ironsmyth
Smith of 178
look up the links on the same page as link for this forum..
# Dec 19 2000 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
erudite armor race???
# Dec 19 2000 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
I m a cleric master smithing lv 186 (skill)
but i have never see if erudite have a special armor too like (humain, dwarf, ect...)

if someone know something about this please tell me

Bisounours Cleric lv 23
Webmaster of : La confrerie de norrath
the namless server!
Erudite armor
# Dec 20 2000 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I have my share of Erudite characters but I haven't played them in a while. With the emergence of the new racial tailoring, has anyone looked around Erudin or Tox for info on that for Erudites? It would explain the Erud Forge.

Also I was under the impression that Erudites could wear human armor, or at least some of it. I do not remember if I ever saw the stats for any human armor but maybe someone can verify the wearability. For example, I believe mithril chain is wearable by any elf, including the tree and dark varieties. The ogre armor can be worn by trolls, I am 95% sure of that. It is probable that you'll have to make friends wirh someone to get the "hummie armer" as my troll would say, at least when he is trying to act stupid. Remember this game is not meant to be played solo (except by mages and necros).
Heard that they were going to implement it.. they should.. e
# Dec 19 2000 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
there is an erudite only forge...
# Dec 20 2000 at 6:48 AM Rating: Default
But like many things in this game, it takes much time to write code, and it can't be done all at once. Patience patience. You know the classes were never meant to be equal.

It is a game. It is their game, that they invite us into. You don't have to play it. It is not a matter of fairness, as if it were a moral issue.

Why Cloaks???
# Dec 19 2000 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
Why is everybody advising to make banded cloaks to rise the skill above 135? I m doing really fine and a lot cheaper with making banded gloves because they need also 2 sheets of metal but the mold is quiet a bit less expensive than the mold of a cloak, and banded gauntlets trivials at 168 as far as i know so u could easily go up to 168 with gauntlets and then do the remaining 7 points with cloaks...
RE: Why Cloaks???
# Dec 20 2000 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Gauntlets will not take you to the magic number of 175 as quickly, as they are not as difficult as cloaks. Also, gauntlets appear to be bugged, as they are unnecessarily difficult, trivial as they may be.
By difficult, what do you mean?
# Dec 20 2000 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Do you mean that the success rate for gauntlets is terrible, or the skilling-up is terrible? Or both? I'm still in the 'banded boot' phase, having been neglecting smithing for now while I am broke, so I'd be interested if cloaks are faster-skilling even if I won't be able to make a single one.
RE: By difficult, what do you mean?
# Dec 22 2000 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
What I meant by more difficult is, compared to pieces that are trivial at the same level, failures seem much more common with banded gauntlets. This may have been fixed...
Is there a place where the stats for all basic forged items
# Dec 19 2000 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
Just was wondering if someone or some site has a table of all stats for Smithed items..

Like AC rating for Banded and Fine Steel..

The delay and damage for Various Forged Weapons..

P.S. If I could some how get my hands on a Iskar weapon mold.. Could I make a forged Iskar weapon.. or they just iskar only for some reason ?
RE: Is there a place where the stats for all basic forged it
# Dec 19 2000 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Not trying to sound like im flaming you, BUT.
Allakhazam's site, under equipment has all the known smithed items in it. just look under the catagory you are looking for. His site is full of usefull infromation and is much faster than taking up space in the board. If you cant find what your looking for after really checking out the site then any of us would be more than happy to help to the best of our ablity.

In short to all who post here asking questions, PLEASE, use Allakhazam's site. its there for our use and is full of great stuff.

Additional word of advice..
# Dec 19 2000 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
When you start of a post by saying not trying to sound like a flame.. You already started your flame..

If you would just get rid of that opening line.. You might not rub people the wrong way..

And of course telling me I'm wasting space on this board don't help out much either..

Just a word of advice on being polite.. Not that this is a Flame of any sort..

Would have not asked if I could not find it..
# Dec 19 2000 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
I've been there and did a search..

after typing in forged long sword.. or just forged.. I received tons of misc. info related to other magic items.. I was not interested in..

Nonetheless I found what I was looking for on another site. Stats & Pics of all smithed Items...
It is worth learning to use Allakhazam's data base
# Dec 20 2000 at 6:54 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Flames aside, and it is getting warm here...

By learning to use the search parameters, you get a wealth of data. For instance all crafted items can be made at player level 1, so enter 1 there, and enter your body part (eg chest), and you will get a managable list that you can quickly search. There are MANY ways you can limit searches, and allakhazam provides several doors into the data base, each of which is slightly different and semi automatic (less control) to various degrees. Learn.

Also, as a reminder, this is the doorway into which you report selling prices of stuff. Even if you sell ONE item, report it. That is how he builds up a valid data base. 20 people reporting one item is useful. Right now, many items have 0 to 5 people reporting in, with poor reliability as to the data.
Skill Development Beyond 135
# Dec 19 2000 at 12:35 AM Rating: Default
What is the quickest and cheapest way to move your skill from 135 to 200? I want to get my skill as high as possible before trying the cultural armour with the very hard to collect for and make tempers.

Does anyone have a link to a sight with good trivial listings for 135-200 skill level? What are the trivial levels for weapons?

RE: Skill Development Beyond 135
# Dec 19 2000 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Weapons aren't worth smithing for skill, as they are only slightly better than FS, and are trivial too soon. Your best bet is to make banded cloaks (2 sheets of metal, 1 cloak mold, and 1 flask of water), which will take you to 175. As far as those last 25 points, you may not need them to get reasonable successes with cultural armor. At 178 skill, I've managed to make a nearly full suit of Adamantite Plate with relative (85%)success. May be best, though, to smith Fine Plate Collars until they trivialize at 182, then bracers until the 200s. Both take only 1 sheet of Folded MQ metal, 1 leather padding, the smithy hammer (not the cultural one, mind you), the plate mold, and a flask of water. A word of warning: As Knarmon has stated, those smithing raises after 175 are random and might have 30 successes and not a single raise, then get raises on the next 3 pieces. Hope this helps!
New troll blacksmith
# Dec 18 2000 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
im a troll blacksmith tring to find a npc who has a sharping sale in the grobb ogguk area but had no luck could someone please tell me were to pick one up.
RE: New troll blacksmith
# Dec 18 2000 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
Just memory,
but I belive the vendor in the passage to NightKeep, right after the little bridge, has sharpening stones and ore.
I miss Grobb.*sniff*

Smert, Shammy of Grobb
RE: New troll blacksmith
# Dec 18 2000 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
Just memory,
but I belive the vendor in the passage to NightKeep, right after the little bridge, has sharpening stones and ore.
I miss Grobb.*sniff*

Smert, Shammy of Grobb
Okum is name of vendor
# Dec 20 2000 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
talk about trivia, I have it all!
New Lizard Smith Help
# Dec 18 2000 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
Can someone give me the formula for making metal bits in Cabilis?

2 Small pieces of ore and 1 flask of bloodwater

give me the "These items do not combine..." message. Can't find any other flasks of water in Cabilis. Any lizard smiths willing to help?

What do Iksar do with metal bits?
# Dec 20 2000 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Aside from the obvious (to a non Kunark race), regular forge, 2 small pieces ore, regular flask of water to make a metal bit, for basic armor recipies.

Is it that plain water is not available to Iksar? So rare in fact, you don't even know what to call it?

The race specific recipes call for titanium items, skyorin bricks, all which use blood water... Could you tell me what forge you make these items in? These race specific armors are for smiths of 175 and higher by the way, unless you like dozens of failures in a row.

I will add this to my data base if answered.
RE: New Lizard Smith Help
# Dec 18 2000 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
In West Cabilis there is a Merchant that will sell you the correct Water. I forget the exact name right off hand, but I had the same trouble when I was trying to Brew. There are some merchants close to the Necro's Guild, and the vendor you are looking for will be on the lower level of these merchants. It sholdn't be too hard to find, but if you still have trouble I may be able to provide a loc at a later date. Hope this solves your problem. Good Luck!!!
Looking For Halfling smith on Saryrn
# Dec 18 2000 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
I need a halfling smith to make the specialty tailoring kit on Saryrn server.

Please email me at

I am willing to pay well for this item.
Has vale sewing kit been debugged yet?
# Dec 20 2000 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Last I knew, the recipe yielded a slot slot kit, and all halfling recipies need more slots than that for tailoring. I should check the tailoring discussion group.

Just checked, it has been debugged.
The small bits of HQ ore are available off Gobs in Runnyeye
Dark Elf Racial Armor
# Dec 18 2000 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
I would like to know what the Dark Elf Racial armor is, how you make it, and what classes can equip it. This info would be much appreciated!
RE: Dark Elf Racial Armor
# Dec 19 2000 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
We have two types: Adamantite Chain and Adamantite Plate. Without going into huge detail, the Plate can be worn by Half and Dark Elves, Warriors/Clerics/Bards/Shadowknights. It's lighter and has a higher AC than Fine Plate. Chain...I have no idea, haven't smithed any, and not going to until I get more Blue Diamonds and 23 more points of Smithing skill. Allakhazams has the recipies, check them out for yourself.
RE: Dark Elf Racial Armor
# Dec 26 2000 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
What do you need blue diamonds for in the adamantite armor, looking at the recipes I don't see any that require blue diamonds.
posting prices
# Dec 18 2000 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Whenever you buy or sell items, please post on Allakhazam. On equipment data base, not on the discussion boards. It is very very easy. First, get logged on, quit being anomynous. Just look for "login" on this page.

Then find the menue bar at left by hitting your back key, or look at it when you first connect to Allakhazam. Click on Search UNDER Equipment.

You have lots of choices from there, all get you into the item lists with longer or shorter lists to wade through depending on your familiarity with the process. The more search parameters you describe, the shorter your list will be. Find your item, click on pricing, whether or not there is pricing data, add yours. The more data that is entered, the more valid it is. No one has entered hardly anything for fine plate!!!!!

I always add a comment, selling, buying, how many I've sold at that price (just a few words!)

If everyone does this evertime they buy and sell something, then we have a useful data base. I always turn to it when I have an item to sell. When I know the market price, it sells FAST! I then post what I sold it for when the sale is complete. It may be a littel self fullfilling, but I look at the stats, what similar items sell for, and adjust from there. I also start high, tempered with any knowledge of what I have is a fair price. For instance, if similar stat items sell for 100pp, and I see 400 pp listed as a single price, take that with a grain of salt. Either the item Looks cool, you missed something special about it, or it was a lucky sell. I believe in selling for fair prices, believe it or not we gain reputations, the world isn't that big. My reputation has served me well. People never hesitate to trust me on major transactions. This is due to many past transactions as a salesperson in the game.

Once you learn this, you will find it very valuable for upgrading armor and weapon slots. Read what you have, compare to items with similar stats, look at selling prices, and go to freeport on weekends or evenings, and watch the auctions. People don't read the auctions to much, YOU must watch them. They are too fast and furious! So you auction that you wtb (want to buy) or (want to sell) but you must be reading! if you really want success. Hardly any understands the "tell" command it seems. They will answer your auction with an ooc, or shout (shaking head), so read it all.
RE: posting prices
# Dec 18 2000 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Hear hear! My excuse is that I don't sell to players much. However the pricing info is something we all use and can benefit from.
How do you make a spit?
# Dec 17 2000 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
I can't seem to find this recipe anywhere. How do you make a spit for cooking? Is that what the skewers are use for or what? I'm so confused!
There is no spit recipe
# Dec 17 2000 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Skewers are needed by cooks for certain recipes.
There is no spit recipe
# Dec 17 2000 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Skewers are needed by cooks for certain recipes.
Teir'Dal Blacksmithy Hammer?
# Dec 15 2000 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
Does anybody know where in Neriak I can find one. I have searched all the vendors and have had no luck so far. Thanks
RE: Teir'Dal Blacksmithy Hammer?
# Dec 16 2000 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
The same merchant that sells the ore sells the Third Gate, really out of the way, too...look at the racial forging chart for the /loc.
Feir'Dal Forge Location Answer
# Dec 15 2000 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I had the /loc but left it at home today, however it is easy to find. Go to the regular forge in Kelethin, then keep going up the next ramp and there it is by the tree.

I tried to make the title of this post reflect the fact that I am posting a useful fact instead of a question in the hope that it will be easier for those who search this board for answers. I hope to post more data soon but being broke is not helping my research.
# Dec 15 2000 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
i cant find out how to make fine plate for the life of me ive been to every web page and i cant find it anywhere please tell me!
Making fine plate
# Dec 17 2000 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
My first attempt to post this failed... here it is again!
It has been posted before for veterns, always check prior pages folks.

(Vendor sold smithing book calls it fine steel) Use regular forge, not race specific, can be tinted with a vial of dye made by shaman and rogues. Dying is optional, and is done by a smith in regular forge by combining finished armor with a series of components that include vial of dye. Dying adds no stats, just changes appearance, main cost is that of resin that is used to make a vial dye, 1 resin making a very dark, dull color, 2 resins a good strong color, and 3 resins a very bright version of the color. The resin is most expensive part of dying, costs about 6pp each. Other components are cheap. There is a lot of traveling involved in making fine plate. Customers are: Barbarians, Humans, Erudites, Elves, High Elves, Dark Elves, Half Elves of following classes: warrior, cleric, Paladin, shadowknight, and Bard. Fine plate is surprisingly popular and sells for 80 to 250pp or more depending on the item, and if you make only items your have the skill for, is lucrative fast way to make money. Molds come in small, medium (unlabeled as to size), and large.

Contents of this section:
Selling notes (this knowledge governs what you make)
Tools needed, sources, recipes
Components needed, sources, recipes
Dying armor, very specific guide, procuring components
Recipes for fine plate/steel armor, stats
Brief notes on enchanting fine plate/steel armor (no reports of it being done, but looks possible)

Selling fine plate: Total ac for fine plate is about 127, compared to banded at total ac of 91. Costs to make are 10 times that of banded. Player demand is higher than I can satisfy making fine plate as fast as I can, selling it at following rates: (lower limit is my minimum to those I want to discount to (critical to know your lower price limit, affected by cost to make, and failure rates, so you don’t bankrupt yourself), and upper number is what I sell to regular players. Your lower limit you can drop as your skill rises if you desire.. Player demand for dyed armor by players exists, and they are willing to pay a premium even though there are no enhancements. Cost to dye is major hassle to you and an alchemist in time making dye, and getting components, and 6pp per resin used, with other components being cheap. One smith reports: he charges about 1kpp for a plain set, blue 1250pp. Red is 1500pp, black, green and gold can go up to 2kpp, light green 3kpp. Obviously his server has high-level players awash in money that value looks over other considerations. He cannot make it fast enough to keep up with the demand and suspects he can sell for even more. Basic dye color components are hard to come by generally, though permafrost crystals seem to be fairly plentiful from ice goblins in start of permafrost zone for those that like blue.

My selling prices: (and trivial levels to make, reported not verified, there is reason to wonder if the high numbers I list here are correct.)
Bracers AC 9, 60-90pp, trivial 181
Collars AC 8, 45-80pp, trivial 181
Visor AC 7, 55-70pp, trivial 192-203 (others report 182)
Boots AC 10, 110-120pp, trivial 192-203
Gauntlets AC 11, 100-110pp, trivial >203
Girdles AC 9, 100-120pp, trivial >203
Helm AC12, 110-150pp, trivial 188
Pauldron AC 10, 120-120pp, trivial >203
Vambrace AC 10, 105-120pp, trivial >203
Breastplate AC 19, 200-250pp, trivial >203
Cloak AC 10, 200-225pp, trivial >203
Greaves AC 12, 200-225pp, trivial >203

Success rate notes as reported by others: Knowing anticipated success rates, and your success rate determines your minimum selling price, which if greater than market, will bankrupt you. I have made at least 3 attempts at every item. The breastplate, cloak, and greaves I all succeed at 1 out of 3 times. During this time I skilled up from 175 to 178, and made at least 40 combines on all items. The single sheet items I’ve succeeded about 5/6 times, and the other items about 2/3 successes. The numbers are really too small to draw conclusions, but makes me wonder if the two sheet items are not as high a trivial as reported above. I am certainly going to avoid smithing 3 sheet items until skill level 185 based on this limited data, and experiences with making banded armor.

Success rates reported by others:
Danbu Windwolf, Level 40 Druid, Cazic-Thule Server reports, smith skill level 165: Fine Steel Bracers 4 successes on 4 attempts. He succeeded on helm and bracer one more attempt at each, then failed one attempt each Vambrace, boots, gauntlets. Overall 6 successes on 9 attempts.
Dalurs reports: Smithing skill 175, Strength 126 Wisdom 203 - Dwarven cleric, Started with 36 medium quality folded sheets. Successfully made with one failure: 1 FS helm 1 FS visor 1 FS boot 1 FS greaves 1 FS girdle 1 FS BP 1 FS Collar 1 FS Vambrace 1 FS gauntlet failed 1 attempt at making FS cloak. Skill went to 177.

Tools needed to make fine plate:
Skinning knife: use with tailor skill to lower grade of pelt one notch. Small brick of ore, Hilt Mold, Dagger blade mold, water, Trivial is 37. Molds available at following locations, and hilt molds sold at different vendors then the dagger blade:
North Qeynos: at Iron Forge Estates, man in corner
East Freeport 150, -370 Jillian Dayson General Mold vendor, Ikthar’s.
East Cabilis -425, -210 Smithy Vyx Weapon Part Molds Vendor
East Freeport Vellous and Bardoy’s Imported Goods in from Villian,
Western Karana about –13,000 north side of main east west road (by main east west road towards east end of zone, at -2000, -13000
Faydwer, Kelethin seagull reports: Molds are in shop.
Kaladim: seagull reports: same shop as small banded molds, nearest to Kaladim entrance on the Butcherblock side.
Akanon seagull reports: Pretty sure they are going to be in one of the outside huts.
Smithy hammer: They are not consumed unless you combine wrong ingredients.
Cabilis Warrior guild
East Freeport (15pp) at Ikthars
High Hold Keep near bank,
North Freeport -10, 470 at Groflah’s Kyrin Steelbone Ore Vendor.
Erudin: outside armory, my charisma 113 enchanter was charged 10pp, my charisma 66 Barbarian was charged 18pp.
Rathe Mountains (headed from Feerrott, at the bug shrine, take the left fork, and you'll see 2 Trolls and an ogre there. One of the Trolls, the female I believe, sells MQ ore, dying equipment, books, and all that stuff) Sinuuyanea Nocturne, Heretic
SF Mountains: One player reports Godbin Strumharp he ports to SF Mountains and buys. Dash says that he can verify the steam front site.
Halas: at bloody blades
Forged smithy hammer: there was one reported recipe, I could not get it to work, no other reports anywhere since then, I would assume it is not forgeable, and that the recipe was a hoax or error. Hammers are readily purchased.
Race Specific Smithy hammer: Not needed for fine plate. See under individual races, only a few races use these, Barbarians don’t. Every race has very specific circumstances, that are surprisingly unique, and hammers are not always even needed. Do not use a race specific hammer for fine plate; you will lose all your ingredients.

Components needed to make fine plate/steel:
Leather backing: (silk thread, LQ wolf/bear/or cat pelt, combine in sewing kit, trivial <102) It is stackable, cost about 3g if you buy silk and pelts, consumed with combine when used for smithing. Low quality Lion, Puma Pelts DO NOT WORK.
Silk Thread: tailor skill: in sewing kit combine two spiderling silks.
Medium Quality bricks and blocks of ore sources:
Rathe Mountains: Sinuuyanea Nocturne, Heretic reports: MQ ore is sold in Rathe Mountains (headed from Feerrott, at the bug shrine, take the left fork, and you'll see 2 Trolls and an ogre there. One of the Trolls, the female I believe, sells MQ ore, dying equipment, books, and all that stuff)
Steamfont Mountains: Strebor Meditizer reports: I can verify Godbin Strumpharp as a MQ Ore vendor. As a druid, I use him exclusively since I can port to SF Mountains and buy, then gate back to the forge I use. Dash reports: vendor is a short run from the druid circle.
High Hold Keep: Vendor around corner from banker in High Hold Keep sells medium quality bricks and blocks.
Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal: Block of Medium Quality Ore (21pp), water, Smithy Hammer, use regular forge, trivial below 127, one player reporting 6 successes on 8 tries (Roxx). Cost 21pp to high charisma player, 29pp to low charisma player. At smith level 178 I fail about 1/10 attempts.
Medium quality block of ore: make by forging in regular forge: 3 medium quality large bricks of ore, water. MQ large bricks sell for 7pp to105 charisma player. Block Weight 18.0. Or buy the blocks from venders as above for 20pp for charisma 105 player, 29pp for charisma 65 player.
Medium quality large bricks of ore: vendor in High Hold Keep near bank. Charisma 105 player is 7pp, low charisma 9.6pp. Wt. 14.0.
Dye supplies: see below under detailed dying instructions for fine plate.
Empty vials, lacquer, acid, resin: from vendor near banker in High Hold Keep. Other dropped components see below.
Location of Fine Plate/Steel molds: Note that Barbarians can wear medium or large, medium being much lighter.
Small Fine Plate Molds: none known by this author.
Medium Fine Plate Molds:
East Freeport: Upstairs in Ikthar&#8217;s (probably medium), South Qeynos: smith shop next to Bard guild, northwest corner of zone, upstairs
Large Fine Plate Molds: Oggok 290, -200 Bubbgrib Large Plate Molds, Large Shield Molds, Smithy Hammers;
Halas 320, -305 Ambril McRohrer Second floor of McDaniel&#8217;s, Large Plate Molds, Large Shield Molds, Smithy Hammers

Make in regular forge. Molds come in sizes. There are significant weight differences between small, medium, and large. Medium molds are unlabeled as to size. Match to wearer. Barbarians can wear large or medium. Cost to make entire set 620pp. Verify costs to your situation. You may save 10pp or more per piece of armor using a high charisma character to make your purchases. Have supply of leather backing, MQ folded sheet metal on hand, other components should be available near forge for purchasing. Selling prices noted have a range, the lower range I sell to friends, and is a deliberate decision so I don&#8217;t bankrupt myself with generosity. Wt.=medium wt.. Cost=cost to make.

1 medium quality folded sheet of metal items:
Bracers (Trivial 182): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Bracers Mold (7.5pp), 1 medium quality folded sheet of metal. AC 9 med wt. 4.0, lg. wt. 5.0. Cost 27pp, sell for 60-90pp.
Collars (Trivial 182): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Collars Mold (875c), 1 medium quality folded sheet of metal. Cost 22pp lg. wt. 5.0, AC 8 Sell for 45-80pp.
Visor (Trivial 192-203 per size?, one player posted 181): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Visor Mold (6pp), 1 medium quality folded sheet of metal. AC 7 med wt. 1.5 lg. wt. 1.9 cost 26pp Sell for 55-70pp.

(2 medium quality folded sheets of metal)
Boot (trivial 192-203 size?): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Boot Mold (15pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 10, wt. 6.5 cost 54pp. At skill level 152 one player reports 3 successes on 8 attempts. Sell for 110-120pp.
Gauntlet (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Gauntlet Mold (4pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 11, med wt. 6.5, lg. wt. 7.5 cost 45pp Sell for 100-110pp
Girdle (trivial >203): (Belt) Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Girdles Mold (8pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 9, med wt. 4.0, lg. wt. 5.0 cost 49pp. Sell for 100-120pp
Helm (trivial 188): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Helms Mold (12.5pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 12, med wt. 6.0, lg. wt. 7.0, cost to make 52pp, sell for 110-150.
Pauldron (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Pauldron Mold (25pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 10 med wt. 4.5, lg. wt. ?, cost to make 62pp. Sell for 120pp
Vambrace (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Vambrace Mold (12.5pp), 2 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 10 med wt. 6.5, lg. wt. ?. Cost to make 52pp. Sell for 105-120.

(3 medium quality folded sheets of metal)
Breastplate (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Breastplate Mold (25pp), 3 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 19, med wt. 10. lg. wt. 12.5. Cost to make 83pp. Sell for 200-250. (Name on armor is not Plate)
Cloak (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Cloak Mold (called field splinted cloak mold)(12.5pp), 3 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 10. med wt. 5.5, lg. wt. ?, Cost to make 72pp. Sell for 200-225pp.
Greaves (trivial >203): Smithy Hammer, leather backing, water, Plate Greaves Mold (12.5pp), 3 medium quality folded sheets of metal. AC 12, med wt. 7.5, large wt. ? Cost to make 81pp. Sell for 200-225pp.

Enchanted fine plate: theoretically this should be possible. There is an enchant steel spell, and should add enhancements to armor if race specific trials are a guide. So far only known to work on HQ bricks of ore.
Enchanting Steel: Alderon Brell server writes: An enchanter can cast enchant steel on a brick of HQ ore, giving an enchanted brick of HQ ore. Each spell takes a jacinth, a rare drop gem, that apparently vendors sell for about 1pp (when one has been sold to them)
Jacinth: Jacinth is a rare gem, drop from high-level mobs 45+, Dino in OoT or Hate / Fear planes. The gem is consumed when the enchantment spell is cast.
dying fine plate
# Dec 16 2000 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Again, this has been posted before, no need for veterns of this board to read further, other than I've cleaned it up. It is optional step, and the agrevation is such, I'd do it only for friends. The agrevation is very high, off the scale in fact. Components are miserable to find, the resins are costly, and only advantage is the colors are cool.

This is OPTIONAL. Understand the overall process. You find all the components and provide them to your alchemist/rogue friends. Making vial of dye is a shaman and rogue only skill. You will need a high level (35+?) rogue or shaman who also has a skill of 52 in alchemy, who can combine components in medicine kit, and medium sized clay jar. You will need a potter to make medium clay jars that are consumed every time you make a vial of dye. I suggest you as a smith, master pottery to the point of making this jar. The jar is a container with a combine button, so you cannot store in a container such as a backpack. You will need the potter to make the jars concurrent with making of the vial of dye by the shaman or rogue. Finished armor is dyed by the smith in a regular forge. You use a vial of dye (vials of dye stack), acid, lacquer, vial of dye, and piece of fine plate armor. Always offer to pay the shaman/rogue/potter. I am blessed with friends generous with their time, and make it up by being prepared with all components, and clear instructions. Players sell vials of dye for up to 20pp and well worth it if you find such an offer.

Needed components (sources of supply):
Resin: Steamfont 45, -615 Godbin Strumharp Med Qual Ore and Dye Materials Vendor, Middle Windmill, On vendor near bank in High Hold Keep. Used to vial of dye.
Lacquer: Steamfont 45, -615 Godbin Strumharp Med Qual Ore and Dye Materials Vendor, Middle Windmill, On vendor near bank in High Hold Keep. Used by smith in final stage of dying a finished piece of armor.
Jar of Acid: on vender near bank in High Hold Keep. Used by smith in final stage of dying a finished piece of armor
How to Dye & Stain (book): On vendor near bank in High Hold Keep, not needed with these instructions.
Dye component locations (dropped items): If you buy out vendor inventories in zones where these items drop you will likely find the needed components faster than hunting them. Auction for them, enlist the aid of your friends. Everyone with first hand experience reports these are rare drops, other than permafrost crystals are plentiful drops in entrance to permafrost. Wonderful series of pictures, showing each of 3 shades of most colors: EQ traders corners. To see pictures click on this hyperlink, go to smithing discussion board, look for dye topic, posted 11/27/00. In general lightest shades are very vibrant, require 3 resins, and dark shades are very dull, hard to see, almost grayish using only 1 resin. 2 resins give a clear color in between. Below are some names given on armor descriptions when made. There have been changes with various patches, see Sarcoscypha fungus as an example of two names for 1 resin reds.

Basic color components:
Icons are a triangle of color, and appear same as a number of other non dye components that are in the game, if you save them for a particular need, always right click to make sure that is what it is).
Permafrost Crystals: blue verified by Hallkin, in Permafrost plentiful from ice goblins near entrance, a player reports 1 in 25-30 ice goblins. I got 2 off about 10 goblins. Official names that you see when you right click on a finished vial of dye: 1 resin blue: Dark Blue, 2 resin blue: Blue, 3 resin blue: Pale Blue
Evergreen Leaves: green verified by Hallkin, spawn on ground in greater Faydark, looks like little green chip, not foraged. One player reports searching for an hour for each one found. Potion Seller in Kelethin and in Overthere. 3 resin green: Pale Green
Sarcoscypha Fungus: red: verified by Hallkin, Fungus men in Innothule, drops in Unrest, Evil Shaman Herb seller in Innothule? and in Firona Vie. Reported: spawns on the ground in Fairies camp in Lesser FD.
Pink is light pink now (3 resin, Sarcoscypha fungus), not neon pink. 1 resin red rust: Red Rust, 1 resin red: Crimson, 2 resin red: Red, 3 resin red: Rose
Russet Oxide: brown, earth elementals in Najena, merchant by the Hole that sells Medium Quality Ore, and Firona Vie (broken recipe?). 1 resin brown rust: Brown Rust
Jack o'Lantern Fungus: yellow/orange, drops off jackolanterns. Scarecrows in west Karana, Dwarven Poison Merchant in Dagnor's Cauldron and Overthere. Reported that spawns on the ground in Faires camp in Lesser Faydark. It&#8217;s around a 22-hour spawn cycle for them.
Iron Oxide: peach, earth elementals in Najena, Steamfont, Gypsy Camp in Rathe Mountains and Overthere. (Broken recipe?)
Charcoal: black, Mist elementals in East Commonlands in sandy areas, use see invisible to find, Gypsy Camp in Lavastorm and Overthere, elementals in Steamfont, Najena.
Blue fungus: Sorcha Stormseeker reports: I have found Blue Slumber Fungus in the Fairy Camp along with other Dye Components. Untried potential dye component.

Sequence for making dyed armor:
Have on hand in quantities needed determined by pieces of armor you will dye, or the number of basic dye colors that you are going to make into finished vials of dye:
1 unfinished medium clay jar (plus extras for failures), quality-firing sheets equal in number to unfinished medium clay jars, empty vial, store bought water, resins (1-3 per vial of dye depending on darkness you want). The dying of the armor you do at your own leisure and on command and likely by what you can find. You will be consuming per item of armor, 1 vial dye, 1 acid, and 1 lacquer. Perhaps if all smiths stock up on dyes we can sell or trade our excess to each other of different colors. As a Barbarian, I have lots of blue (permafrost crystals and would love to trade my excess for other colors.

Potter's Phase (this is trivial at pottery skill level 31)
1) Unfinished Medium Clay Jar: Block of Clay, Water, Medium Jar Sketch, combine on a Potter's Wheel. This is an item, fits inside other containers. You or potter should make these ahead of time; make a few more than needed, as you will lose some when fired.
2) Finished Medium Clay Jar: Fire the Jar with a Quality Firing Sheet, in a Kiln. This is a four-slot container with a Combine button. You or potter will make these one at a time and hand them to alchemist/rogue, as they are needed.
3) Empty Vial: you can buy these from vendor at High Hold Keep, the second mill in Steamfont. Empty Vials are not the same as the pottery vials, do not use potter made vials. Empty vials are stackable. Give all needed components to the alchemist/rogue at the start of process. This included the empty vials, the raw dye component, water, and resins. Right click on all components at time of transfer as so many items use same appearing icons.
Alchemist's/Poisoner's Phase (shaman/rogue only skills, I recall they need to be level 34 to even begin learning these skills)
4) Make dye extract: In medicine bag combine: water, empty vial, dye component (see above for list). Each of the 6 components makes a unique color, that in later steps you combine with resin to affect darkness of color. With alchemy skill of 39, had 11 successes on 15 attempts. The dye extracts look like a vial, of color of your component, they stack, they weigh 0.1. Making dye extracts is trivial at 39 alchemy skill level.
5) Vial of dye: Combine in medium clay jar: one dye extract and 1-3 resins. 1 resin gives dark color, 2 resins = medium color, 3 resins = light color. The medium clay jar is consumed. Since it is a container, you must have empty slots, and that means you or your potter has to make the jars, as the alchemist does the combines. At alchemy skill level of 39, 11 success with 11 attempts. I do not know if the jar is consumed with failures. Usually not if other trade situations similar to this is followed. This finished vial of dye, looks just like the vial of extract, and stacks, wt. 0.1.
Smithing Stage:
6) Colored Plate: The smith combine in regular forge: finished piece of fine plate armor, dye, lacquer, jar of acid.

Success rates of dying finished armor:
Gzar Zigdog Smith of the Saryrn reports first hand success with this recipe, and I&#8217;ve dyed 6 pieces myself with no failures at skill level 178. Gzar had 2 successes out of 3 attempts with 175 skill. Other players report with failures you get unchanged armor back, losing the other components.

Do not combine or re-dye armor:
You cannot redye a dyed piece of armor, or combine dyes. I do not know if you lose everything, I suspect so, unless you are rich, not worth experimenting. Apparently others have tried.

RE: Iron Oxide
# Dec 19 2000 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
One resin Iron Oxide is a very close color match to Imbued Erollisi plate, for those working on a matching set and needing filler pieces in fine steel. It makes "red rust plate", a slight touch darker/duller than the rose quartz Imbued Erollisi, but matching very nicely. Mine were obtained from Steamfont near the Mino Cave entrance, where they are found on the ground (about a 12 hour respawn) as well as on elementals as a rare drop.
You are a silly person
# Dec 15 2000 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
If you cannot understand the directions posted on Allakhazam's site, I fear there is no hope for you. Perhaps you should try fishing as a trade?
Next Brellium enchantment question
# Dec 15 2000 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Does anybody know if you can buy Jacinth!!! I was told by someone that there is a merchant that sells Jancinth, unfortunatly I can neither deny or confirm this, if somebody knows please let me know :). Knarmon I have tried to make some Imbued Brellium, and have had the correct components, just not the right amount of skill :), also does anybody know if the fixed the Chain jointing bug???? where you lose your Dwarven smithy hammer??
RE: Next Brellium enchantment question: I thought I saw it..
# Dec 15 2000 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
I thought I saw Jacinth in the Rathe Mountains being sold by the Gypsies or one of the Inns, either Ogre or Human. Sorry can't remember for certain.

Opps, you can buy them from the spell component vendors also I think.. I'm not sure but I coulda swore it was a spell component.

Wrenn Whitehand
Human Cleric of Erollisi Marr
Fennin Ro
Jacinth and malachite in the same store?
# Dec 15 2000 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Being a mage, I frequent the gem shops and will keep my eyes peeled. I suspect any vendor selling jacinth is probably a gnomish pirate or a Coldain. Yay, Velious!
Queries about vendors selling Jacinth
# Dec 16 2000 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
1. What price they selling it for?
2. Can you try buying them out? I bet a player sold to them, and they only have one or two on them. I bet you can resell them quite easily, very easy indeed, and pick up a nice profit.
3. Let us know! It sure would be valuable to know that there is an unlimited source.

Sorta like bat wings, who woulda guessed that a vendor at the palace of arcane sciences up on second or third floor would sell these in unlimited quantities. You never know, perhaps verant had mercy. Once we have a supply source, perhaps this endless speculation on enchanting can come to an end, and we can start making the stuff.
Velious Smithcraft?
# Dec 15 2000 at 9:17 AM Rating: Default
Ok, What forges are on Velious? I am looking for Forges for Troll or Halfelf. Prefer any info from draconic sources. Any signs at all? Please keep an Eye out for books.

An Anti-Labrent Bard.
RE: Velious Smithcraft?
# Dec 18 2000 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
This is a new one on me. Is there now a cultural armor for half elves and if so what armor and where are formulas.

RE: Velious Smithcraft?
# Dec 18 2000 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Trolls/Half Elves don't have racial smithing recipies as of yet, and probably won't get them anytime soon. Trolls can wear the racial armor of Ogres (and maybe Barbarians, not sure), and Half Elves can wear both High and Dark Elven racial armors.
Stupid Question: Wis vs Int
# Dec 14 2000 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Hello out there, this is probably a stupid questions but I keep on seeing different posting on wich attribute is better when raising your skill levels.

Wisdom or Intellegence. Now I've heard for a long time that intellegence is what raises your skill level, but I've recently heard that if your wisdom is higher then that stat takes precidence. I have a 80 Int, but a 160 wisdom.

If you can shed some light I would appreciate it.

Wrenn Whitehand
Human Cleric of Erollisi Marr
Fennin Ro
The official word
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Nothing new here for old hands, posted many times before.

This was told by game developers. Whichever is higher in your character, wisdom, vs Intelligence governs how fast our skill up. So pump up only one.

Also, based on extensive experience across mastering 6 different trades, the rate to skilling up varies tremendously, and has to be tied to a random number generator. I've taken 50 to 70 combines to go up one skill level, then gone up 3 skill levels over the next 20 combines, all in a totaly random fashion.
RE: The official word - Thank you
# Dec 15 2000 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you for your concise answer.

It's nice to get an educated answer instead of a hunch/guess or second hand information.


Wrenn Whitehand
Human Cleric of Erollisi Marr
Fennin Ro
Really ??
# Dec 17 2000 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
Ive read that shaman should try to get some intelligenz stuff before they try to enhande their alchemy skill ...... if the statement of You is correct, this is really no good idea .....

are they wrong ... ??

# Dec 17 2000 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
This has only been discussed 30 or 40 times in the past. Unless you value foundless conjectures over what verant software writers report at officialy sanctioned conventions.

Also, doesn't anyone think my observations of 1000's of combines over 6 different trade skills on the inherent variation of skilling up rates is worth anything? Anyone with a any sort of math background will rapidly see you can not prove anything in this scenerio. What the programer says is what we have. Sit on your wishful thinking stone all you want, skilling up is slow.
# Dec 29 2000 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
Ok, Knarmon, I do value your experience very much and you put together much information on many trade skils that has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all the work you have put into doing those guides, they are invaluable.

However, when it comes to Verant giving out info on things of this nature I tend to want to see it in writing. I believe that someone told you this info who is on the devlopement team. But until I get it in writing "offically" I tend to stay scepticle. So, if you do have this in writing would you post it here or the link where it came from at least?

Again thanks for all your help.

Alystra Karel
24th Season Ranger
Druzzil Ro
Enchanting Brellium
# Dec 14 2000 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering if the Enchant Brellium Spell enchants only Large Bricks, or if it will enchant at the Block lvl? Because if it does only at the Large Brick lvl the cost would be prohibitive, I have seen Jacinth(spell component for this spell) acutioned for 1K each, it would cost 10K just to enchant enough Brellium to make a Breast Plate :( I can't see how Verant in good conscious could do this?? If you had no Fails thats over 10K per shot, and I don't think that item will be trivial, so that would be and exorbinate amount of PP to spend for what most likley will be a fail . If anybody can shed some light on this I would appreciate it, also, I have heard that there is one vendor that does sell Jacinth but I can't confirm or deny this. If someone does know I would appreciate the info, and price per piece :) Thanks for your time.

Dalador Peacebring
Dwarf (Luclin Server)
Master Smith
RE: Enchanting Brellium
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
My accumulated notes on what others have written:

General Notes: Enchanted Brellium Armor:
General recipe: 1 Plate Bracer mold, 1 Earthen Temper, 1 Leather Backing, 1 DWARVEN smithy hammer, 1-3 Enchanted FOLDED sheet of Brellium, Enchanted Brellium Chain Joining

Note that you will need FOUR jacinths for one-sheet items, SEVEN for 2 sheet items and TEN for 3 sheet items. The limiting factor was not the jacinths but the lava rock need for the earthen tempers.
NGEddie writes the following:
Make enchanted folded sheet:
A. Enchanted Large Brick of Brellium: enchant a large BRICK of brellium (12.4pp) and a jacinth. This is a level 49 ENCHANTER spell and consumes the Jacinth (a rare gem dropped by mobs in planes).
B. Enchanted Block of Brellium: THREE enchanted large bricks of brellium (yes 3 jacinths), Dwarven ale, combine in the Stormguard forge. (Cost 36pp plus market cost of 3 Jacinths, listed as 1pp in Jewelry guides?).
C. Enchanted FOLDED sheet of brellium: Enchanted block of brellium, Dwarven ale, and a DWARVEN smithy hammer in the Stormguard forge.

Enchanted brellium chain Joining:
A. Enchanted Brellium Rings: Enchanted LARGE BRICK of brellium (jacinth number 4) (small bricks are wrong), a file, and Dwarven ale in the Stormguard forge.
B. Enchanted Brellium Chain Joining: Enchanted Brellium Rings, file, Dwarven ale, DWARVEN smithy hammer; combine in the Stormguard forge.

Example: enchanted plate bracer armor:
A. Bracer: 1 Plate Bracer mold, 1 Earthen Temper, 1 Leather Backing, 1 DWARVEN smithy hammer, 1 Enchanted FOLDED sheet of Brellium, 1 Enchanted Brellium Chain Joining

(Enchanted Dwarven Brellium/Plate)
This likely adds irrelevant confusion, read this little paragraph only if recipes you run across do not work and you are searching for clues. Once I see the recipes reported as working, I&#8217;m going to delete this paragraph. Spliner Etherikith writes: You MUST enchant brellium before it can be imbued. I tried the bracer (non-enchanted) with an imbued ruby and it said "This forge will not accept those items, try another forge." and it gave me all the items back. (This implies only that he used wrong ingredients not which wrong ingredient, or was in wrong city, using a race specific forge). To the inveterate experimenter who has lots of cash and components, and somehow feels limited by the smithing challenges, I suggest studying known examples of imbued armor from other classes.

RE: Enchanting Brellium
# Dec 15 2000 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
Why would you want to enchant brellium? I thought ot make imbued dwarven armor all you would need is an imbued ruby.....

RE: Enchanting Brellium
# Dec 15 2000 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
The reason you would enchant Brellium is to encrease the Magic Bonuses :)
a pox on anyone paying 1K for a jacinth
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
The buyer sets the market.

Obviously someone has plat to burn, great for the seller. Smiths seem to be losing sight of the actual value of armor, never pay more for components than the armor is worth. Just pass. Know what the armor can sell for, and set your max price for what you pay for components based on that.

Now what is distorting this market, is that the enchanted, imbued, race specific stuff isn't being made for resale, but personal use. It is just too hard to get components. So, someone who really wants a full set of what ever, and has the money, is going to distort the market temporarily.
RE: a pox on anyone paying 1K for a jacinth
# Dec 18 2000 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
Your right, except its permanently distorted. Verant made this stuff WAY to hard to get the components VS item stats. Like 9 blue diamonds for a bp .. even at vendor prices when they turn up thats about 2000pp. And oh the tempers. Now put this together with the sweet new stuff dropping in velious, market prices on lots of equipment is dropping fast.
# Dec 14 2000 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
How do you get Mithril Sheets of Metal, and how do you get leather backing and leather padding??

Also, i am at 113 blacksmithing skill, what should i make from here to gain skill? i was told banded boots but i just wanna make sure.

Mithril notes, also Read basic web sites please, and prior
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Suggest you read basic web sites that allakhazam has. You will not be needing leather backing until skill 175. Between 113 and 145 you will be able to make successfully more and more items of banded. See my very recent post on success rates at variuos skill levels for banded. Read prior pages too. This board has 19 pages now.

Mithril sheets is for race specific armor, and you don't need this until level 175 or higher also.

Since I haven't posted Mithril info here are my compiled notes on what others have written:
Mithril bits: Get 2 small pieces of Mithril and combine with morning dew in Fier'Dal Forge
Mithril bits: What doesn&#8217;t work: tried is Koada&#8217;Dal forge
2 pieces mithril + water
2 pieces mithril + morning dew
2 pieces mithril + moonlight temper
2 pieces mithril + water + elven hammer
2 pieces mithril + morning dew + elven hammer
2 pieces mithril + moonlight temper + elven hammer
Gives try another forge message.
Suggestion that Kelethin Fier&#8217;dal forge must be used has been made.

Small piece of Mithril: Shop of all Holds, Felwithe (Tanalin Silverkale at 100, -400), 625c
Small brick of Mithril: Shop of all Holds, Felwithe (Tanalin Silverkale at 100, -400), 6.5pp
Large brick of Mithril: Shop of all Holds, Felwithe (Tanalin Silverkale at 100, -400) 20pp
Block of Mithril: Shop of all Holds, Felwithe (Tanalin Silverkale at 100, -400) 59pp
Mithril sheet: can be made magical, 13pp
Mithril studs: Fier&#8217;dal forge? (Wood Elf?) Used in Wood Elf tailored armor
Mithril boning: Fier&#8217;dal forge? (Wood Elf?) Used in Wood Elf tailored armor

If you want an encyclopedia go to my clan website below, go to vault, craft skills section, and get the full scoop. 60 pages of information organized from newbie smith stuff to high level stuff. All in text format for easy copying and editing in your word processor.
RE: Question
# Dec 14 2000 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Click on the 'Skills' link to the left.
Mithrils and Bits and Bits and Bits
# Dec 14 2000 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I'm glad someone verifed the recipie, unfortuantely my poor ogre warrioress had to die for me to test last night. Oh well, my new tree elf warrior is pretty dang good. Anyway, she found a bag laying on the floor of a hut where some absent-minded Koada'Dal had left it and was able to try mithril bits. Of course she failed, but the message was "lack the skill". Like a previous post, this is the formula:

2 Pieces Mithril + Morning Dew + Feir'Dal Forge

I am very interested to find out the triv of mithril bits; perhaps it is a cheap way to skill past banded, but even if it is, it's just for tree elves. I'll have to give the Koada'Dal perspective... once I get some cash that is.

No idea how many bits I would have gotten, although I could make a guess it would be two. I would also assume that the mithril boning recipie was of the same pattern. So far I have not ever laid eyes on a mithril bit, however I have seen mithril chain jointing and it looks just like a banded wristband.
Trivial Mithril Bits
# Dec 15 2000 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Trivial about the same time as metal bits I think.

btw as the book says for some reason its water not morning dew for the wood elf sewing kit.
Entire way to make Dwarven armor
# Dec 14 2000 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Being new to this, could someone please explainhow to obtain brellium chain molding, folded sheets, and earthen temper?I loathe being a master smithe (got a high elf chanter that's 187) and kick myself everytime when i thought i'd make money off of selling FS armor. But, with a dwarven smit, i could make some serious attempt at making imbued stuff. can anyone help me out? locs/zones to the NPC vendors and mobs that the junk drop off of would help enormously. Also, if anyone wants stupid FS armor in POVAR *_* give me a ring, her name is "Chieko."

-Glodd Browbeater
RE: Entire way to make Dwarven armor
# Dec 14 2000 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
The "Key" to make PP with FSP is being able to wait for that one customer, this is the way I make tons of PP, that is if you are serious about it. I collect enough Dye components to make a Full Suit of Visable plate and then /auction Taking Orders for a Full Suit of Visable Colored Plate, Have 3 Shades of blue 2.3k, Very Dark Red 2.5K, 3 Shades of Green 3K, 3 Shades of Red or Yellow 3.5K and Black 5K send tell. I have sold about 6 Full suits at very good profit, I have spent alot of time getting the components but I love to smith, so in my book its worth it :) As for Brellium Plate, you need for the Temper 2 Mercury Drops(rare drops off of elementals-try Steamfont) 1 Lava Rock(Found in Skyfire-Better have some High lvl friends or be able to go there and buy them before the HL Chars destroy or sell for about 2gp to vendor :( ) and 1Dwaven ale, Be a Master Brewer put those in Brew Barrel, mercury unstacked and hit combine-Waalllaaa--Dwarven Temper. Brellium Ore can be bought in the mines in Kaladim along with the Dwarven Smithy Hammer(Regular Smithy Hammer will not work). To make chain Molding you need to make Rings first, then one ring, file, dwarven smithy hammer and Dwarven ale(please research this receipe, typing off the top of my head) and use the Dwarf Forge(beware, last time I make Jointing I found out its bugged, you will lose the dwarven smithy hammer on a successful attempt). The rest of the pieces are just like FSP, 1 sheet of Folded Brellium for Bracers and such, etc. Have fun, I am at skill 181 and I don't think I am going to try to make untill about 195 to 200,depends on how long I can hold out :)

Dalador Peacebringer
Dwarf(Luclin Server)
Master Smith 181
Master Bowyer 178
Master Brewer 154
Master Potter 124
Tailor 54
RE: Entire way to make Dwarven armor
# Dec 15 2000 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome, so let me get this straight:

Earthen Temper:
2 Mercury drops (from elementals in steamfront, rare drop)
1 lava rock (from in skyfire from a mob)
1 dwarven ale (made from brewing, hehe)

Brellium Chain Jointing:
1 Chain ring (how do you make that? forumla?Do you have to use Brellium in order to fashion it?)
1 file
1 darven ale
dwarven forge/hammer

Brellium Folded Sheet of Metal:
1 Brellium ore
1 Flask of water
dwarven forge/hammer???

Please edit/correct this as to your liking, as any help would be of great assistance.

On another note, i'm on POVAR! STINKING POVAR! Where every skill item is worth nothing. The highest COLORED fs armor goes for in faymart is 1500. Life is rough, but i still enjoy the fact that i sweated and made my own FS armor =)

Anyways, i would really appreciate more help on this subject, I dun wanna try it by trial and error, and i really wanna be one of the few dwarven clerics with imbued armor. And besides, it seems that it's easier to get than camping that stinking mammoth hide cloak *_*

-Glodd Browbeater

I also just found out (12-15-00) that lava rocks are obtained by fire giants in solusek b. Can anyone confirm this? My friend says he hunts there all the time and just throws the stuff away.. Still would like more updated info, as now i won a treant staff in a roll (yay!) and gonna sell it to make some money to continue smithing =)

human imbued
# Dec 14 2000 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
so again tried making imbued full plate arms,in qeynos as a human using royal temper with a plat,gold,silver,elctrum metal added,did not work as before,so came here and read posted messages and saw your post about no human qeynos imbued.So only thing i can surmise,which has been posted,but not in a way that people will automatically know what is going on,freeport is only human city where you can make imbued armors?is this so?and qeynos is only human city where you can make enchanted armors?or qeynos only has enchanted armor and freeport has both enchanted and imbued,so any human must use freeport seafarer temper and forge to make imbued items for gods normally associated with qeynos?i have read on EQtraders someone making imbued rodcet nife arms,how could he have done this if i cannot using both full plate and norm plate recipes for imbued ,cannot do same thing in qeynos.Am i missing something here?can you ONLY make imbued in freeport using all human gods?and do i have to use seafarer temper rather than royal temper.whatever,giving up in frustration for tonite.good luck
Human qeynos stuff
# Dec 15 2000 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
the whole 9 yards, again, updated since I posted this last.

The following recipes must be combined by a Human in the Royal Qeynos Forge: Plaza with clock tower in South Qeynos.

Contents of this section:
Component recipes and sources:

Component recipes and sources:
Royal temper: combine in brew Barrel with brewing skill: rain water (gnolls in Paw), griffenes blood, 2 drops sunshine. (Sand giants in oasis)
Chain Joining: Metal Ring + file + smithy hammer + water. Cost 813c
Metal Rings: water, large brick ore (small brick is error), file (combine in racial forge, in regular forge this will give steel boning)
Leather backing (padding): tailor skill trivial at 30, combine in sewing kit: silk thread, LQ wolf/bear/or cat pelt. Stacks. Costs 1g.
Enchanted metal Barbarians: Metal Barbarians sold at jewelry shops. You choose one type of metal, get it enchanted. Cost data for the armor does not include the enchanted metal. You will have to pay an enchanter to get the metal enchanted. It uses up all their mana to enchant 3 Barbarians, so this is a very time consuming process. Vendor prices: Silver is 525c, Electrum 2.6pp, Gold 11pp, Platinum 105pp. Enchant Silver is a level 8 spell, enchant electrum is level 16, enchant gold is level 24. I do not know the level for enchant platinum. High charisma can give huge cost savings.
North Qeynos: Gembox at Iron Forge Estates.
High Hold Keep: first floor. There is a jewelry shop in High Hold Keep, not sure if they sell Barbarians though.
Erudin: Jewelry shop in basement of main temple.
North Freeport: Jewelry shop is near market place, limited inventory, Southeast corner of large building as you leave the marketplace. I don&#8217;t know if they have Barbarians either.
East Commonlands: Jewelry vendor is also at one of inns if I remember correctly.
Weapon Molds:
Original weapons: Hilt mold Pommel mold Dual-Edged Blade Mold Heavy Steel Blade Mold Spiked Ball Mold: East Freeport 150, -370 Jillian Dayson General Mold Vendor, East Cabilis -425, -210 Smithy Vyx Weapon Part Molds Vendor, Vellous and Bardoy&#8217;s Imported Goods in East Freeport from Villian, Western Karana about &#8211;13,000 north side of main east west road.
New weapons of Sept 2000 Javelin, Longblade, dagger, thin blade, axe head, halbard, curved blade, mace, throwing knife, shuriken, throwing axe, hammer head, spear, pick, oak shaft, Felwithe -80, -415 Opal Leganyn Weapon Molds Vendor, North Qeynos 25, 55 Dren Ironforge Weapon Molds Vendor, Kaladim 400, -160 Bndainy Everhot Weapon Molds Vendor, upstairs, West Freeport -175, -345 Jynsa Smithson Weapon Blade Molds Vendor
Full Plate Molds: 90, -395 Nerrisia Irontree (size? Probably medium) Plate Molds Vendor Tortuk Everhot Small Plate Molds Vendordf, Felwithe, East Freeport 55, -170 Valentin Fireheart (probably medium) Plate Mold Vendor, upstairs. South Qeynos Tin Soldier Mar Seddar has full plate molds.
Smithy hammer: General smith hammer is bought in Ikthars One player reports &#8220;wrong ingredients&#8221; with hammer bought in NFP, presumably Groflah&#8217;s, making full plate (non race specific armor), so I conjecture he got a race specific hammer from Groflah&#8217;s. Recipes seem to call for regular generic smithy hammer. General smith hammer is bought in Ikthars
Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal: Medium Quality Block of Ore + water + Smithy Hammer. Cost to make 21pp Trivial below 127.
Medium Quality Block of Ore: 20,527-28,373c, wt. 18.0, Graham Embersmith at High Hold Keep, near bank. non stackable.
High Quality sheet of metal: 2 small bricks of High Quality ore, water. Confirmed by Gzar Zigdog.
High quality small brick ore 11,497-15,933c, non stackable, wt. 7.0, (HH keep, Miner Harton) (silver in color) when sold to other vendors by players 17pp. Dropped by Permafrost goblins near King room, Also DE vendor near Neriak Forge. Enchantable with enchant steel. Vendor buys for 2818c. Nintalten writes: Goblins in Solusek A also drop the small/large bricks of high quality ore. They drop fairly frequently. After spending about 1-2 hrs in Permafrost I had about 5 pieces of small ore and 2-3 pieces of the large. You can camp the rare spawns while doing it and get some half decent equipment. Used by Humans only in Freeport forge, for specialty armors and shields.
High quality large brick ore 34,650-48,109c, non stackable, (silver in color), wt. 14, (Miner Harton, High Hold keep.) Dropped by permafrost goblins near King room. Also DE vendor near Neriak Forge. Halas, magic shop 41pp (may not be regular stock item) Enchantable with enchant steel. Needed to make field plate Human race specific Freeport forge only
Metal Rings: water, large brick ore (small brick is error), file (combine in racial forge, in regular forge this will give steel boning)
HQ block of ore: 3 large bricks of HQ ore, water (Human Freeport forge, field plate)
High quality folded sheet metal: High Quality block of ore, water, smithy hammer. In regular forge. Cost to make 10pp. Confirmed by Gzar Zigdog.
Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal: Medium Quality Block of Ore + water + Smithy Hammer.
Medium Quality Block of Ore: 3 Medium Quality Large Bricks of Ore, Water (this recipe verified by Eforty Ounce), on vendor in High Hold Keep, near bank
Medium quality large brick of ore: on vendor in High Hold keep near bank. 7pp Steamfont 45, -615 Godbin Strumharp Med Qual Ore and Dye Materials Vendor, Middle Windmill

Antonian Javelin = Medium Quality Sheet Metal + Flask of Water + Javelin Mold. 4.7pp damage 8, wt. 1.5, delay 30, range 250 throwing weapon. Class: Warrior, Ranger, monk, Bard, rogue, shaman. Race: all
Antonian Long Sword = Medium Quality Folded Metal Sheet + Long Blade Mold + Hilt Mold + Pommel Mold + Water. 17pp 1HS damage 8, wt. 1.5, delay 28 race: Human Barbarian HIGH ELF erudite. Class: Warrior, Paladin, Ranger, SHADOWKNIGHT, Bard, rogue
Enchanted Antonian Emerald Long Sword = Enchanted Medium Quality (?) Folded Metal Sheet + Long Blade Mold + Hilt Mold + Pommel Mold + Vial of Distilled Mana + Royal Temper + Emerald 30pp
Enchanted Antonian RubyLong Sword = Enchanted Medium Quality (?) Folded Metal Sheet + Long Blade Mold + Hilt Mold + Pommel Mold + Vial of Distilled Mana + Royal Temper + Ruby 150pp

Full Plate Armor/Silver-electrum-gold-plat full plate armor:
Race: Human, Barbarian, Erudite, HIGH ELF. Class: Warrior Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Bard. You pick one of the four metal Barbarians types. Little comparative data available on stat differences that metals give, what I have is given below. Total cost to make about 725pp depending on your charisma.

Full Plate Bracers = Full Plate Bracer Mold + One High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 32pp AC 12 wt. 4.4
Electrum Full Plate Bracers = Full Plate Bracer Mold + One High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Jointing + Royal Temper + one bar Electrum, AC: +12 Weight: 4.4 Classes: Bard Warrior Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Races: Human Half Elf Erudite Barbarian
Full Plate Breastplates = Full Plate Breastplate Mold + Three High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 108pp
Platinum Full Breastplate: Full Breastplate mold, smithy hammer, leather padding/backing, 3 HQ folded sheets of metal, Royal temper, Chain Joining, platinum Barbarian. AC22 Wt. 11 lighter in color than cleric planer armor and darker than Mithril.
Full Plate Boots = Full Plate Boot Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 63pp
Full Plate Collars = Full Plate Collar Mold + One High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water +Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 29pp AC 9 wt. 4.5
Electrum Full Plate collar: AC: +9 Weight: 4.5 Classes: Bard Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Warrior Races: Human Half Elf Erudite Barbarian
Full Plate Cloaks = Full Plate Cloak Mold + Three High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 27pp
Full Plate Gauntlets = Full Plate Gauntlet Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 42pp
Full Plate Girdle (Belt) = Full Plate Girdle Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 53pp
Full Plate Greaves = Full Plate Greave Mold + Three High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 97pp
Full Plate Helm = Full Plate Helm Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 63pp
Full Plate Pauldron = Full Plate Pauldron Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 84pp
Full Plate Vambrace = Full Plate Vambrace Mold + Two High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 58pp
Full Plate Visors = Full Plate Visor Mold + One High Quality Folded Metal Sheet + water +Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum 41pp

Class: BARD SHADOWKNIGHT WARRIOR CLERIC PALADIN. Race: Human Barbarian Erudite Half Elf. The Barbarians of metal need to be enchanted, along with the High Quality folded sheet metal. Otherwise the recipes are the same as for full plate. For full plate armor the cost of metal Barbarian needs to be added to cost estimates noted on the recipe. Can be forged with any enchanted metal Barbarian, silver electrum gold and platinum. Each has a different stat. It seems the success rate on full plate is at minimum 5:1 at 200+ skill.

Enchanted Full Plate Bracers = Full Plate Bracer Mold + One High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Breastplates = Full Plate Breastplate Mold + Three High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Boots = Full Plate Boot Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum,
Metal unspecified, probably electrum: MAGIC ITEM AC: +13 Weight: 7.5 Classes: Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Bard Warrior Races: Barbarian Erudite Half Elf Human
Enchanted Full Plate Collars = Full Plate Collar Mold + One High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water +Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Gold enchanted Full Plate Collar: AC: +9 Wis: +2 Cha: +2 Disease Resist: +2 Weight: 4.5 Classes: Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Bard Warrior Races: Erudite Half Elf Human Barbarian
Enchanted Full Plate Cloaks = Full Plate Cloak Mold + Three High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Gauntlets = Full Plate Gauntlet Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Girdle (Belt) = Full Plate Girdle Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Greaves = Full Plate Greave Mold + Three High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Helm = Full Plate Helm Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Pauldron = Full Plate Pauldron Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Vambrace = Full Plate Vambrace Mold + Two High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water + Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum
Enchanted Full Plate Visor = Full Plate Visor Mold + One High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet + water +Smithy Hammer + Leather Padding + Chain Joining + Royal Temper + one Barbarian of Enchanted Silver/Electrum/Gold/Platinum AC 7, charisma 2, wisdom 2, disease 2 (metal used for these stats not specified)
Enchanted Gold Full Plate Visor: Full Plate Visor Mold, One High Quality enchanted Folded Metal Sheet, Royal Temper, Smithy Hammer, Leather Backing, Enchanted Chain Joining, Enchanted Gold Barbarian. Rokza/ Tribesmith Dragonforge reports: AC 7 Dex: 2 Cha: 2 SV Poi: 2 wt.: 22
RE: Human qeynos stuff
# Dec 18 2000 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
*blinks* Barbarian of silver? *laughs* You mean silver bar, right? Right?
Human freeport stuff
# Dec 15 2000 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
here is the whole 9 yards. Updated from last time I posted this info.

Freeport forge: west Freeport, on wooden deck behind warrior guild (seafarer armor).

Component recipes and sources
Armor: (this is not full plate)
Field plate armor
Imbued field plate armor
Seafarer ring/sea armor ringmail

Sea Temper is used for all the Seafarer stuff and the Field Plate: 2 Mugs of Sea Foam + 1 Saltwater Seaweed + Fish Wine (bought or brewed). (Trivial?) Make in brew Barrel
Mugs of Sea Foam: dropped by Seafury Cyclops, maybe aquagoblins , in Ocean of Tears (actually looks like a mug)
Saltwater Seaweed: occasionally received when fishing in the OoT (got two at about 85 fishing skill, so you don't need to be a Master Fisher)
Black pearls: dropped item, rare, not vendor sold, value 21pp (not sure where this comes from, perhaps what a vendor pays for it, or sells it for when a player sells one to vendor. Market value is what players are willing to buy or sell for.
Oak staff: sold by vendors that sell new weapon molds. In Halas, at Bloody Blades.
High Quality sheet of metal: 2 small bricks of High Quality ore, water. Confirmed by Gzar Zigdog.
High quality small brick ore 11,497-15,933c, non stackable, wt. 7.0, (HH keep, Miner Harton) (silver in color) when sold to other vendors by players 17pp. Dropped by Permafrost goblins near King room, Also DE vendor near Neriak Forge. Enchantable with enchant steel. Vendor buys for 2818c. Nintalten writes: Goblins in Solusek A also drop the small/large bricks of high quality ore. They drop fairly frequently. After spending about 1-2 hrs in Permafrost I had about 5 pieces of small ore and 2-3 pieces of the large. You can camp the rare spawns while doing it and get some half decent equipment. Used by Humans only in Freeport forge, for specialty armors and shields.
Smithy Hammer: sold by vendors, at Ikthars in East Freeport, see intro to race specific armors.
High quality large brick ore 34,650-48,109c, non stackable, (silver in color), wt. 14, (Miner Harton, High Hold keep.) Dropped by permafrost goblins near King room. Also DE vendor near Neriak Forge. Halas, magic shop 41pp (may not be regular stock item) Enchantable with enchant steel. Needed to make field plate Human race specific Freeport forge only
HQ block of ore: 3 large bricks of HQ ore, water (Human Freeport forge, field plate)
High quality folded sheet metal: High Quality block of ore, water, smithy hammer. In regular forge. Cost to make 10pp. Confirmed by Gzar Zigdog.
Leather backing: tailor made, sewing kit low quality wolf/cat/bear (not lion, not puma), and silk threads (made with two spiderling silks)

Conflict on rings: warning!
Medium Quality Rings: Large Brick of Ore, File, and Water. Use the Freeport forge.
This is the same recipe as regular ring but combined in specialty forge (trivial < 175) Number of rings will vary according to armor type.
Medium quality metal rings: Medium Quality Large Brick of Ore, File, and Water in the NORTHMAN forge. (Trivial <175 reported) used for Imbued Northman Armor By: Anonymous wt. 4.0, vendor sell 6.1pp, not stackable, icon looks like a metal bit. This is for Human made only, seafarer armor. For Humans use Freeport Forge. Same recipe as regular ring below.
Rings: large brick of ore, file, water. Make in regular forge, trivial <175 likely way below 175. Component for field plate Human smith only armor.
Chain Joining: metal ring, file, smithing hammer, water. Combine in regular forge. Component for field plate.

Enchanted seafarer's cutlass = Enchanted metal (I assume this is enchanted silver, gold or other Barbarians) + Curved blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel mold + Sea temper + Black pearl
Enchanted seafarer's dagger = Enchanted metal (same as above) + Dagger blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel mold + Sea temper + Black pearl
Enchanted seafarer's harpoon = Medium quality sheet of metal (not folded) + Spear head mold + Oak shaft + Sea temper + Flawless aquamarine (drops off forest giants in Kunark)
Seafarer's Cutlass = Medium quality folded sheet of metal + Curved blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel mold + Flask of water 1HS damage 7 del 23 wt. 7.0 class: Warrior Ranger Paladin Shadowknight Bard rogue. Races: all
Seafarer's Dirk = Medium quality sheet of metal (not folded) + Dagger blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel Mold + Flask of water Piercing damage 4 del 22 wt. 2.5 range 40 race: all. Class: Warrior rang Shadowknight Bard Necromancer Rogue Wizard Magician Enchanter
Seafarer's Harpoon = Medium quality sheet of metal (not folded) + Spear head mold + Oak shaft + Flask of water piercing, damage 6 del 26, wt. 7.0 range 50, class Warrior Ranger Shadowknight Bard Rogue Shaman. Race: all.

Seafarer's Buckler Shield = Buckler Mold + Flask of water + Smithy hammer + High quality sheet of metal (not folded) AC 7 dex 2 wt. 3.0 race: Human Barbarian Erudite HIGH ELF. Class: Warrior Cleric Paladin Ranger Shadowknight druid monk Bard Rogue Shaman

Field Plate: Talking to Ikthar Freehart (NPC) in Ikthar&#8217;s forge in East Freeport: Need High quality ores dropped only by goblins. (Knarmon notes showing up at vendors in Halas a lot, likely from permafrost goblins. Use race specific forge in west Freeport by Human only. Need plate mold, sea temper, smithy hammer, leather backing, and chain Joining, and 1-3 folded sheets. You must work HQ ores yourself. (Knarmon adds, likely: 3 HQ bricks ore and water into HQ block of ore (MQ blocks used for fine plate armor do not need smithy hammer, and not mentioned by Ikthar here to work the ore), add water, smithy hammer, to the HQ block of ore to get your HQ folded sheet of metal. (Knarmon: elsewhere is stated that all HQ ores and sheets must be made in either royal Qeynos forge in qeynos, or Freeport forge in West Freeport) Ikthar adds: 1 sheet for visor, Gorget, bracers, 2 sheets for helm, Pauldron, girdles, Vambrace, gauntlets, boots, and 3 sheets for bp, greaves, and cloaks.

Class: Human Bard Erudite HIGH ELF. Class: Warrior Cleric Paladin Shadowknight Bard
Field Plate Boots = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Boot Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Bracers = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Bracer Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper AC 10 wt. 4.2
Field Plate Breastplate = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Breastpiece Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper, AC 20, wt 10.5.
Field Plate Cloak = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Cloak Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Collar = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Collar Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Gauntlets = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Gauntlet Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Girdle = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Girdle Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Greaves = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Greaves Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Helm = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Helm Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Pauldron = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Pauldron Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper
Field Plate Vambrace = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Vambraces Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper AC 11 wt. 6.8
Field Plate Visor = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Visor Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper

IMBUED FIELD PLATE (plates are &#8220;plate&#8221; not &#8220;full plate&#8221; per Havers.)
Race: Human Elf, HIGH ELF. Class: Warrior Cleric Paladin Bard
Black pearls: Prexus (reported as working)
Plains pebbles: Karana
Star rose quartz/rose quartz-Erolissi Marr
Opal-Rodcet Nife
Jade-Rallos Zek

Imbued Field Plate Boots = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Boot Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item
Imbued Field Plate Bracers = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Bracer Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 10 wt. 4.2 char 2, wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Bracers (Innoruuk) +10 AC +4 Wis +2 Int Wr Sk C (Human Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Bracers (Erolissi Marr) +10 AC +4 Wis +2 Cha B Wr P C (smith unspecified)
Imbued Field Plate Bracers (Rallos Zek) +10 AC +4 Str +2 Sta B Wr (Humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Bracers (Rodcet Nife) +10 AC +2 Sta +4 Wis C P B Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Breastplate = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Breastpiece Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 20 wt. 10.5 strength 2 char 2 wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Cloak = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Cloak Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item
Imbued Field Plate Collar = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Collar Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 8 wt. 4.2 char 2 wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Collar (Erolissi Marr) +8 AC +4 Wis +2 Cha P Wr B C (smith unspecified)
Imbued Field Plate Collar (Rallos Zek) +8 AC +4 Str +2 Sta B Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Gauntlet Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item
Imbued Field Plate Girdle = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Girdle Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item
Imbued Field Plate Girdle (Rodcet Nife) +9 AC +2 Sta +4 Wis C P B Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Greaves = Three Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Greaves Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 13 wt. 8 strength 2 char 2 wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Greaves (Erolissi Marr) +13 AC +2 Str +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (Humans in Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Helm = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Helm Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item
Imbued Field Plate Helm (Innoruuk) +13 AC +2 Wis +4 Int Wr Sk C (human Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Helm (Erolissi Marr) +13 AC +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (human Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Pauldron = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Pauldron Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 11 wt. 4.8 char 2 wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Pauldron (Erolissi Marr) +11 AC +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Vambrace = Two Folded Sheets of High Quality Ore + Vambrace Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item. Havens Soulblesser reports he made it. AC 11, wisdom 4, dex 2, sta 2
Imbued Field Plate Vambrace (Erolissi Marr) +11 AC +2 Str +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (smith unspecified)
Imbued Field Plate Vambrace (Innoruuk) +11 AC +2 Str +2 Wis +4 Int C Sk Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Vambrace (Rodcet Nife) +11 AC +2 Sta +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (human Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Visor = Folded Sheet of High Quality Ore + Visor Plate Mold + Smithy Hammer + Leather Backing + Chain Joining + Sea Temper + imbued item AC 6 wt. 1.7 char 2 wisdom 4
Imbued Field Plate Visor (Erolissi Marr) +6 AC +4 Wis +2 Cha C P B Wr (humans Freeport)
Imbued Field Plate Visor (Rallos Zek) +6 AC +4 Str +2 Sta B Wr (humans Freeport)

One of the vendors on the isle with Zechariah Reigh (first stop in the Ocean of Tears when coming from Butcherblock) sells a scroll with the info on Seafarer's Ringmail, very brief as usual. Vagan of Vallon Zek 192 Blacksmithing made seafarer's armor: imbued Peridot (Bristlebane) and plains pebbles (Karana) do not work. Comes in sizes, set by leather armor used I suspect rather than pattern. I would suggest sticking to medium leather armor, which will be unlabeled as to size. Only small and large are labeled as such. I am guessing this based on classes that can use it. It is a bit pricey to do a lot of experimentation, and the listed customer base is impressive. (Size does not affect weight?) Race: Human Barbarian Erudite Elf HIGH ELF HIGH ELF dark Elf irks class: Warrior cler Paladin Ranger Shadowknight Bard rogue shaman

Seafarer's ring belt = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather belt + Chainmail skirt pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings
Seafarer's ring bracer = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather bracer + Chainmail bracer pattern + 1 medium quality metal rings AC 8 wt. 2.5
Seafarer's ring boots = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather boots + Chainmail boots pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings
Seafarers Breastplate/tunic: Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather tunic + Chainmail tunic pattern + 3 medium quality metal rings ac 19 wt.. 7.5
Seafarer's ring cloak = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather cloak + Chainmail cloak pattern + 3 medium quality metal rings AC 9 wt. 4.5
Seafarer's ring helmet = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather cap + Chainmail hat pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings
Seafarer's ring gloves = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather gloves + Chainmail glove pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings
Seafarer's ring Gorget = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather gorget + Chainmail Neckguard pattern + 1 medium quality metal rings AC 7 wt. 2.5
Seafarer's ring leggings = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather leggings + Chainmail leggings pattern + 3 medium quality metal rings (greaves ac 12 wt. 7.5)
Seafarer's ring mantle = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather mantle + Chainmail mantle pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings
Seafarer's ring mask = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather mask + 1 medium quality metal rings + Chainmail veil pattern AC 6 wt. 1.5
Seafarer's ring sleeves = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather sleeves + Chainmail sleeves pattern + 2 medium quality metal rings (note, do not stack) AC 9 wt. 4.0
Seafarer's ring tunic = Sea temper + Smithy hammer + Leather tunic + Chainmail tunic pattern + 3 medium quality metal rings AC 17 wt. 8.0
RE: HQ ore smithing
# Dec 19 2000 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
High Quality Ore can be prepared for armor making in any forge, not only the cultural ones. Only the actual armor item need be forged in the cultural ones. In other words, any forge will do to combine small HQ bricks into large, large HQ into blocks, and making HQ folded sheets from an HQ block.
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