
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
Foged Shantok recipe?
# Dec 29 2000 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
I tried block of ore+folded sheet + water
same + blood water
regular sheet + water and bloodwater, none were possible combinations, anyone got an idea??

RE: Foged Shantok recipe?
# Dec 30 2000 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
try folded sheet of skyiron+bloodwater+shan'tok blade mold+hilt mold+pommel mold. made one on fri the 29th.
Cab Scale
# Dec 29 2000 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
Quick question, does only the ACTUAL armor need to be combined in the race forge? I tried making a block of skyiron today in it, using the recipe off both knarmons, and another site(same recipe) and it said the forge did not accept them. Do i need to make the blocks/sheets/scales in a regular forge?

RE: Cab Scale
# Dec 30 2000 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
no all sky iron is worked in cabalis forge. I've been making cabalis scale by the ton(skill 193) and have had no problems. Double check that you are using bloodwater and a forging hammer and not a smithy hammer.
RE: Cab Scale
# Jan 21 2001 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
What, then is Scale Temper? I have a lvl 175 skill but can't seem to get anyone to tell me where to get this stuff
RE: Cab Scale
# Dec 31 2000 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
I was using a smithy hammer in fact.... what is the difference between forging, and smithy hammes?
RE: Cab Scale
# Dec 31 2000 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
forgeing hammers are cheaper and only work with skyiron
RE: Cab Scale
# Jan 01 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
knarmon specific question
# Dec 29 2000 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
I assume when you tried your mithral bit recipies in the high elf forge you used a high elf character? I'm a high elf master smith and have not tried racial armour yet. I find it hard to believe (if not ridiculous) that they would not make it possible for a race to make they're own racial armour without help from another. This needs to be changed if so.
a bit about Knarmon and my posts
# Dec 31 2000 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Since I post so much, I guess it is worthwhile to say hi in general. I try to post specific answers, even when answered many times before. I try to remind people to check prior posts, to use subject lines that are useful, changing them within threads if it adds clarity, and to check the web sites for basic information. Also, there are many prior pages of this discussion board. Just click on prior page, inspite of 63 pages being listed, we are up to only page 20 or thereabouts. I try to identify posts that are a repeat of old information. I get blasted from time to time by experienced players for this (hee hee). My goal is to share information. It is amazing, but people in my guild attach a huge value to that, and are all the time giving me very valuable items, to further my research. It does not pay off to be secretive.

I am a Barbarian, Level 25, Mithanial Marr Server. Through shear persistence inspite of intelligence of 65 I became a smith of 165, then I started enhancing wisdom, as skilling up became significantly expensive, and worth the many plat it takes. Also the clogging up of my bank slots is a major sacrifice.

I made Northman Imbued Chainmail, (variable cost as my clan helped me with components to make temper, the big hangup) for myself which gives me +2 wisdom per armor item, wear an iron medalian +3 30pp pp or so, purchased +7 wis vellium rings for 1000pp for two, and a few other items pushing my wisdom to 103.

Most of the non race specific stuff in my document is from first hand observations, but lots of location, and cost info is from others, and race info for non barbarian items is from others in my master document.

The master document is at my clan web site, go to vault, go to craft section, smithing. It is meant to be printed out, with side tabs in a notebook to use while playing the game. I have two computers side by side, so sometimes I just use both computers for quick reference.

For new smiths, I think the most important part of my document is the general info at the beginning, that gives the big picture. There is so much detail it gets overwhelming very very fast.

There are table of contents throughout to help navigate it, no internal hyperlinks, which does make it a bit unweildy, but getting this info together has been an overwhelming job.

Personally, I am a family doc, I'm disabled, from cancer, and my future is uncertain. For the time being I am stable, and I attribute this to the cloud of prays that real life friends are supporting me with.
RE: knarmon specific question
# Dec 29 2000 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
I've read your guide btw and found it very useful. forgive me if you have answered this question already and i just have not seen the answer.
Mithril bits rear their ugly heads again
# Jan 02 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
The bits aren't strictly required for the high elf armor, if I recall the recipies right, but are necessary for the tree elf tailoring, specifically for making the Feir'Dal sewing kit. As a high elf smith I thoroughly tested the recipies, then confirmed the correct one with a lv 1 tree elf in the Feir'Dal Forge (gave the 'not enough skill' instead of 'wrong forge' or 'do not combine'). I would post it except that I forgot what it was, so please look at my previous posts, probably titled something like "Mithril Bits Suck" or "I Hate Bits". =)
RE: knarmon specific question
# Jan 01 2001 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
np, it takes time to learn all the resources.
Hauling MQ Ore
# Dec 29 2000 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
I just made my first attempt at FS Plate. To get my ore, I went to the windmills in Steamfront, but I found it to be a very long walk back to Ak'anon to make them into folded sheets because of the weight. Is there a more convenient place to buy ore then forge it right away in the Steamfront area? How about High Hold? I heard there's a bank nearby the vendor, which may help a lot.

I succeeded on both my attempts, btw. Small bracers and vambraces, skill 168, str 77, wis 102
RE: Hauling MQ Ore
# Dec 29 2000 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
I recomend binding yourself next too the forge, running too the mills for your ore and gateing back.Of course, this only benifits casters. =)
Lowly non-caster
# Dec 29 2000 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm just a paladin, valiant, but still a paladin, so that doesn't help much.
RE: Lowly non-caster
# Jan 04 2001 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
I too am a valiant paladin, and when I can't get my enchanter friend to help with the gating thing, I like to help stimulate the local newbie economy. I simply have a hotkey advertizing for porters. Then I pay newbies 1pp a try to carry a bag full of ore from the mills. I've never gotten ripped off by one (either they're all honest or don't realize they could turn aroud and sell the ore) and they love me for it. 1pp goes a long way with newbies, but its not much if you're making fineplate.
If you get 2 or 3 of em to follow you around from the mill to the forge it goes much faster.
BTW, I find things like ebgas (bag of sewn evil eye, 75% wt reduction, lore, but only 300pp) to be more cost effective than things like tink bags which I couldn't even afford one of yet...
RE: Lowly non-caster
# Dec 30 2000 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
I have a couple of options for you as well Mr. Paladin. Invest in a few Tinkers bags, spendy, but well worth it in my opinion. 10 slot, 100% wt reduction. They are sold in Sol a by a gnome for around 5kp each. Another alternative would be to find a partner(caster of some kind, preferably with a high CHA)that can assist you carrying ore back and forth while your makeing armor, I have used this method to quickly gain skill. By the time your finished with one load of ore..the next arives. Heh...or have a Wizard with the translocate spell standing by the vendor to port you back too your bind point. New Velious spell..level 49. Its awsome. =)
RE: Lowly non-caster
# Dec 30 2000 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Well, you could use summoned packs from a Magician...the big risk is going Linkdead and losing hundreds of platinum in ore/armor, but them's the breaks...
RE: Lowly non-caster
# Jan 06 2001 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
I enjoy haveing a lovely Chanter with the joy of Gnome form and a Charisma that turns every head in the zone. Blocks cost a squeek over 6pp, she loads up, gates to the forge, hands them to my pally. Rinse and repeat. While she is running for more i have time to make blocks (dont bother with sheets now) and run them to the bank. We usually return at about the same time.
High Elf Weapons
# Dec 29 2000 at 12:50 AM Rating: Default
What else can high elves make besides the Koala'Del Falchion? Could you just make all the normal weapons except in the cultural way?
Smithy Hammer
# Dec 28 2000 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
RE: Smithy Hammer
# Dec 28 2000 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
I accidentally posted a blank message.
Anyway, I was wondering where you buy smithy hammers.
buying smithy hammers
# Dec 28 2000 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Vendors close to specialty forges have them, nearly everywhere. The more info you give (like what city you are in), the more specific we can be. Also, it is usuful to give the topic of the post in the subject space. Check out prior pages, and basic web sites for routine info.

trival smithing
# Dec 28 2000 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
I got a question for some one. Why is it that my trival lvl NEVER matches what is posted on this site? I am trying my hardest to max my smithing skill and last ngiht banded cloaks became trival to me at 171. Any ideas why I seem to be weird
triviial levels
# Dec 28 2000 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
One thing is trivial levels have changed with updates, second are simple errors. 171 is a bit strange. Poor eyesight? hee hee.
enchanted sheet of metal
# Dec 28 2000 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
how i can create enchanted sheet of metal?
making enchanted
# Dec 28 2000 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
check out prior posts, many pages, much info, very complex. What level are you.

It is ungodly difficult and expensive to make. Almost no one has done it. Most races lack basic informatin. You need an enchanter level 50 to do the spells. If you make enchanted imbued stuff depending on race you may need 10 jacinth or more, and estimated cost of a breastplate is 100,000 pp.

RE: making enchanted
# Dec 30 2000 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
holy pooo! Ungodly price probobly not worth it to make impossible to sell but to say "see that? I made it!" priceless
Erudites, get prepared
# Dec 27 2000 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I keep getting requests from erudites on info for race specific armor. This is copy of letter I just sent to one smith that outlines, how you can get ready for the big day. There is an erudite forge outside the armory, so it is coming sometime, a month, a year, 2 years? Anyones guess, but everant seems to be updating trades rapidly lately.

OK, here is the scoop so far, and how to prepare for the big day... THERE IS A LOT THAT CAN BE DONE TO PREPARE, AND PREPARATION CAN TAKE MONTHS.

There is no racial specific armor for erudites, there is a forge in place, so one day, there will be an explosion of information after a patch. Be warned for every other race it has taken MONTHS to sort out how to do the racial armor, and after 6 months, many questions remain. I suggest you monitor this discussion group.

YOU can contribute to the discussion board, when ever in Erudin, talk to the npc's around the armory as you zone into the city from the dock area, watch for appearance of new molds, and new "what looks like tailoring patterns" These will be a clue that the patch has been done.

Record name, and location of vendor (store name, or describe where standing), it is worth it but some work, but write down an post all items, costs, and your charmisma. Write down exactly the discussions with npc that respond to queries. Watch for appearance of new smithing booking.

you will need a skill of 175 to make racial stuff, preferably 200, and you can start spiffing yourself on that by making fine plate. It sells much better, and components are available. Racial armor components are NOT generally available too much, and therefore it becomes personal armor, and armor for friends, you will never make it in mass quantity, another reason to skill up in mean time.

In general you will be desiring imbued armor, and you won't know the stats for a long long time after the recipies begin to be sorted out, but you MIGHT want to start collecting the gem associated with the diety you worship, so you at least have them, and get them imbued, if you think you might be using it yourself. I've gone through about 10 gems making imbued armor for my barbarian, and only have about half a set, so aim for 20 or more.

In general plain race specific armor is disappointing. Enchanted stuff is simply impossible for most smiths, so it is imbued stuff you want to go after. Look at the diety of the person you will be making armor for, and read the following to see what gem you will need. You can always sell the gems later if the stats are not up your needs list.

Here are notes on gems and dieties.

These are for race specific smithing recipes. The needed spells are available in the shaman or cleric guilds of the home cities of each race. Each race has a limited number of deities worshipped, and the spells for these deities alone are sold. The gem used with the spell and for the armor is specific for a deity, and will define who can wear the armor. It is not clear if gems other than the deities of the home city can be used. There is no discussion of this on any boards, and all imbued recipe lists include only the deities of the home city of the smith. Agnostics cannot wear imbued armor. All this is easy to forget.

Imbued stones, and deity:
Ivory - The Tribunal (verified), dropped by mobs, a rare drop, Sarnakan in Kunark, (Barbarians in Halas), vendors buy ivory for 6pp. Vendors sell for 9pp when they have them, unimbued. Imbue ivory is level 34 spell, mana cost 232, 15pp at shaman guild Halas.

Jade - Rallos Zek, gem dealers, 4pp. (Barbarians in Halas), spell costs 12pp.

Amber - Cazic Thule, gem dealers, 3pp,l spell costs 12pp

Sapphire - Innoruuk, gem dealers, 105pp, spell costs 12pp (29th level cleric spell for dark elves)

Plains Pebble- Karana, (foraged)

Diamond - Mithaneal Marr. Rare drop, 211pp (not sure where this price comes from, perhaps what a vendor sells for when a player sells it.

Black sapphire - Bertoxxulous 105pp, dropped?

Peridot - Bristlebane, gem dealers 11pp.

Black diamond - deity? Rare drop? (Human at Freeport)

Black Pearl - Prexus, gem dealer, 21pp

Blue diamond - ? Vendor sells for 210-250pp. It is dropped in Sebilis, and plane of hate. You can buy blue diamond in FV for about 210pp. Used by HIGH ELF to enchant Mithril.

Emerald - Tunare Gem dealer, 13.6pp

Opal - Rodcet Nife Gem dealer, 18pp (human cleric

Star Rose Quartz?/Rose Quartz - Erollise Marr. Gem dealer, 1pp

Ruby - Brell Serilis. Gem dealer, 131pp

Topaz - Quellious. Gem dealer, 5.2p

Using Imbue spells: The jewel is picked up with the cursor, and then the spell is clicked on with the cursor.

RE: Erudites, get prepared
# Dec 28 2000 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
Just a question... shouldn't trolls be getting prepared too, since they have the "Grobb Forge" in their town, and have since specific city forges have gone online?
RE: Erudites, get prepared
# Dec 28 2000 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
I just wanted to add to your list of imbued gems. I am an erudite wizard and worship Solusek Ro. I have the spell "Imbue Fire Opal" inscribed, so I would think that the Fire Opal is for Solusek Ro. In addition, other wizards who do not worship solusek ro cannot scribe the spell.

Now I need to start collecting these gems rather than selling them to merchants :)

Xekl Xephyre
Master Smith (176)
Master Tailor (122)
Master Fletcher (200)
Master Baker (155)
Master Potter (168)
Master Brewer (168)
# Dec 27 2000 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
I need help starting to blacksmith. I don't know what i need to do and i don't know what i need to have.
RE: Frodan
# Dec 27 2000 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
read the web sites that allakhazam links to, or go to my clan web site below, go to vault, go to crafts. It have everything in immense detail.

There is no way to give a quick answer. My section for starting out is about 20 pages printed out.
# Dec 27 2000 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I know this has been asked before, im Warzuk a level 10 warrior
base stats are
str 100
wis 85(95 maybe)
int 80(90 maybe)

just wondering which sta affects my a)failure rates
b) skill raising

also a good page with how to imbue armor would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Bren
# Dec 27 2000 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
449 posts
# Dec 27 2000 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Very very very complex. See my web site for detailed notes, and I've copied it many many times to this board, just go through back pages.
failure rates
# Dec 27 2000 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Failure rates are very random, aside from that, your skill level relative to trivial level is critial. My web site, gives my success rates at various skill levels for a variety of items (especially banded armor).

Supposedly strength makes a difference to smiths. Hard to prove.

Skill up rates increases, are incredibly variable, according to verant programers, wis or intel, whichever is higher for your character, is a factor in the equation.
RE: failure rates
# Dec 27 2000 at 11:03 PM Rating: Default
Thanks Man!


P.S- sorry bout the misused post the new message box :)
Velium Armor?
# Dec 26 2000 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone found any recipes for making anything with the velium ore found on velius lands?
RE: Velium Armor?
# Dec 27 2000 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Sadly, until they fix the tempers, it's broken. If anyone knows otherwise, though, please post it here...
RE: Velium Armor?
# Dec 30 2000 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
What are the tempers for Velium??
imbued opals + blacksmithing
# Dec 26 2000 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone please give me directions to a reliable and accurate source for recipes and the procedure for making opal imbued armors and weapons. Many Thanks!
RE: imbued opals + blacksmithing
# Jan 01 2001 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
Imbued Opal Field Plate (Human Freeport armor) yields + STA / + WIS armor that is a light silvery blue in color for those that worship Rodcet nife. I have only been successful with the Bracer, but it was awesome at AC 10 +2 STA, +4 WIS.

Recipe - 1 Folded sheet HQ metal, 1 sea temper, 1 leather backing, smithy hammer, 1 bracer mold, 1 chain jointing, 1 imbued opal.

Rhyss Ezpieces
you start with the race of the smith
# Dec 27 2000 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
The race of smith determines what you can make. With imbued armor, the jewel used determines the diety of the armor, and this controls who wears that particular armor.

Go to Allakhazam, Blacksmithing, and look at his web sites, there is a basic web sites for race specific armor. Or go to my document at link below, go to vault, then crafts. It is for printing out, and a bit unweilding to search, but it is more complete than anything out there.
The BEST Blacksmithing guide..period
# Dec 26 2000 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Fellow smithers, I think I've found the best guide on smithing around. Knarmon Ironsmythe has done a fine job outlineing every point of smithing from cost to charisma. Fine job sir. If you need any help be sure to check out his guilds page. under the vault section. Be warned though if you wish to print this jewel out double check your printers paper tray; its 84 pages long.
go to Knarmon's page PLEASE!
# Dec 27 2000 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
this is the best site period! then go into the vault section!
RE: The BEST Blacksmithing guide..period
# Dec 26 2000 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
what do you use to make file moldes
RE: The BEST Blacksmithing guide..period
# Dec 26 2000 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
You can't make file molds
You use file molds to make files,
# Dec 27 2000 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
a smith will need at least one file to make studs and steel boning, and I think a few other items, maybe not, depending on how bad you are at destroying stuff. You can either make it with a file mold, bit, water or buy it. It is trivial at 21
Mithril Bits,Mithril Boning,Mithril Studs
# Dec 24 2000 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
Well met brothers and sisters
I had glanced over the "last" 2 or 3 pages of this discussion guide and found alot of people are having trouble with making Mithril Bits.I have had alot of success with it recently and thought I'd share my info with you.
First of all,you NEED to be a wood-elf,no ifs ands or buts about it.Secondly,you NEED to use the Fier'Dal forge in Kelething.(it is located near the newbie lift,just up the ramp from the regular forge)
Mithril Bits= 2 small pieces of Mithril Ore + 1 Morning dew
Mithril Boning= 1 small brick of Mithril Ore+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Mithril Studs= 3 Mithril Bits+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Fier'Dal Sewing Kit= 1 Mithril Bit+ 1 needle mold+ 1 thimble mold+ 1 WATER (not morning dew)
*this is a nice kit,10 slot,holds large items,and weighs only 0.4...downside,only a wood-elf making the new leather armor can use as a sewing kit,but its still a nice container,and hitting combine won't eat anything*

Mithril Ore, can be found in Felwithe in the Shop of All Holds,located on the top floor.
Morning Dew can be foraged in G-Fay,L-Fay,or Frontier Mountain.I can buy it in Faydark,for 1pp each,but in FM its over 10pp each...just FYI

Hope this info helps you out...if not,please leave a post asking any questions,or if you're on Eci,send me a tell.

Alye Catt
23 Druid, Eci server
Huzzah! much valulabel info!, question
# Dec 26 2000 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
What a meaty post, especially, the 10 slot kit, that is of use to us all. I guess only wood elves can make it though. Is that correct?

It may knock the market out of the tailored 10 slot backpack if any smith can make it. (my main money maker with tailoring skill). Though with morning dew being a component, production will be limited.

RE: Huzzah! much valulabel info!, question
# Jan 01 2001 at 2:16 AM Rating: Default
Yes, the 10 slot sewing kit is great. If I got off my **** I could make a killing... very cheap to make and only production slowdown as noted was the morning dew. Biggest benefit is that you cannot destroy the contents by hitting combine by accident... woohoo!!! Yes, only wood elves can make in the Feir'Dal Forge in Kel. My smithing skill is 177 and I have not failed yet on about 20 kits, both in making mithril bits and the sewing kit. I've dumped all my 10 slot backpacks, sold for 100pp each, and replaced them with these kits which cost me maybe 40pp to make.

Thanks for info on Mithril Boning and Studs, I assumed was similar to regular boning and studs but ya never know and I'm getting low on morning dew.

Good Luck!!
desperately seeking LAVA ROCK! on Fennin Ro
# Dec 22 2000 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
I have been searching for months now to find LAVA ROCK but have had no luck. Please post and tell me where you have personally found Lava Rock. What Zone/Crit/Frequency etc. I have slaughtered fire elementals by the score, auctioned in every zone I've been in, I've even run my tiny little 32nd level butt over to Skyfire Mountains to auction for it there. Please post only first hand knowledge. I've already heard "My friend got some off of.....".

Ragvar Cleric 32, Fennin Ro
RE: desperately seeking LAVA ROCK! on Fennin Ro
# Jan 15 2001 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
I slaughtered close to a thousand Fire Elementals in Najena and Lavastorm, got exactly one Lava Rock off a Fire Elemental PH for Najena herself. You can look for me in the Skyfire Mountains form now on.
RE: desperately seeking LAVA ROCK! on Fennin Ro
# Dec 27 2000 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
Lava Rocks drop in skyfire i looted 3 the other day in about an hour
what lvl i need
# Dec 22 2000 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
could someone tell me what lvl in blacksmithing you have to be to make a trivil for a suit.
RE: what lvl i need
# Dec 24 2000 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default
See prior pages, posted many times in detail.

To make a full suit of banded, with tolerable failure rates, you need a level of 130-140. In my document at my clan website I give success rates for each item at various skill levels.
go to vault
go to crafts
go to blacksmithing
banded suggested skilling up sequence
# Dec 24 2000 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
I suggest making a variety of banded for resale, if just speed skilling up: 123-135 banded mask, helm, belt
135-168 banded gloves, legs, mantel
168-175 banded cloak

DETAILS on rational:
Success rates at skill level 141:
All items have sporadic failure, sometimes as many as 4 failures in a row, but highly unusual.
Skill level 145 Still 10% failures with cloaks, mantels, legs but everthing else failures are less than 5%.
Skill level 160: Still about 10% failure with legs, mantels, and getting several failures in a row on gauntlets on occasion.
Skill level 175: still fails 10% with cloaks.

# Dec 22 2000 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
are leather pading and backing the same thing?
RE: pading/backing
# Dec 23 2000 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Aye. Same thing
Skill gain past 190
# Dec 22 2000 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Im not haveing much luck moving skill past 192. Fine plate bracers are not trivial too me yet, so I've been doing thies rather than moveing on to any two sheet parts. (pelt, arms, ext). My question is simple...would it be cheeper to go ahead and start makeing a more dificult piece of armor in hopes of raising skill faster, or stick with the cheep one untill its trivial? I sunk 6k into smithy for a pathetic 3pnts of skill recently, and that just isn't going to work. What do yall think, go cheeper, or go higher dificulty?
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Jan 02 2001 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
I have not lost that much PP, but I wonder the same question if I should start making the next set of items higher up to get lvl's faster. I am lvl 177 and I made 127 FS gorgets to get from 176 to 177. The time it takes is unreal. Anybody know if I step up to the 2 sheet items will I lvl up faster.
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Dec 24 2000 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Geepers, how good yah gotta be before you just enjoy smithing, and make and sell for a profit.

There is a point to all this skilling up you know.


I've been making a bundle at smithing since skill 120.

Sunk 6K pp into smithing? For 3 skill point?

"Knarmon stares incredulously at a misguided brother"
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Dec 25 2000 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
I can agree with in this exclusivly for the racial armors. Makeing a profit is not my objective. I simple want to gain skill quickly for the least amout of platinum. My question has yet too be answered or comented on: Is skill gain proportional too the difficulty of the item being made?

RE: Skill gain past 190
# Jan 01 2001 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
Sadly I know not what is best for leveling. I am at skill 177 and for me the choice is obvious, make the 1 sheet fine plate for a while throwing in a few 2 sheets for good measure (took me 6 tries and about 525pp to make a fine breastplate for a guildy). I would guess that you should be making 2 sheet items by now, heck, if I were you, I'd probably be making a bunch of 3 sheet pieces as well.

In tailoring, my skill is 98. I got it there, not by making reinforced armor which is trivial at 108, but working on quivers that aren't trivial til 115. It was too slow from 88 to 90 with reinforced, but has gone much quicker since working with quivers.

There is something to be said for doing what is cheapest until it is trivial, but with some added moderate difficulty, you could move up faster. I'd consider doing boots til trivial, then think about pauldrons, girdles, and vambraces.

Hope this helps and good luck :)
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Dec 22 2000 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
blacksmith skill 195

crackerale on the tribunale server

if you have gotten past the 188 for banded your cost should almost go away or at least it did for me making cabilis scale armor. racial armor for iksar. it is well worth the price to increase your charisma up to 105-108 i'm not sure wich but i'm at 108 and i get no increase on selling or buying. I am telling you this cause of one thing i make 5-9 pp from the merchant above the cost of meterials on all my cabilis scale i successfuly make, i made 5k going from 175 (trivial for all banded) to 188 (trivial on all but the glove and cloak cabilis scale) so if you are loosing that much first try getting your charisma up then get your prime atribute up and if that don't help go to the race spicifice armor and try that.
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Dec 22 2000 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Racial armors arent an option. Im a high elf and our temper components are scarce on The Rathe. The time invlolved getting enough temper to make mith armors for skill gain isn't worth it. Im looking for a fine plate solution. Stick to bracers..or move on to a higher dificulty item? My curent relevent stats are 200int 102 cha 100str. (damn good for a wizard)

I guess the basic question is: Is skill gain proportianal to the difficulty of the item being attempted?
RE: Skill gain past 190
# Dec 26 2000 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
I've heard they changed the attribute that increases Blacksmithing from int to str, try buying some cheap STR enhancing equip maybe that will help.
Magic Indigo Sabres???
# Dec 22 2000 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know how to make magic indigo sabres which are not embued.
RE: Magic Indigo Sabres???
# Dec 23 2000 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
I would guess that Enchant Adamantite would allow one to make a magic sabre, but the Indigo Sabre requires the embued sapphire. Although, I do not know of a recipe that would specify which temper you would use to make such a thing.
RE: Magic Indigo Sabres???
# Dec 27 2000 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
That's already been tried by others, it doesn't work. It's either normal or Imbued. Though, we should have had the ability to imbue them with gems for the other dieties we can worship, such as Rallos Zek and Solusek Ro...
Do you NEED to enchant the Berrilium?
# Dec 22 2000 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Do you have to do it? Will you still get the wis stats on the armor? Or does it only give it the +sv fire? Is it totally necesarry? OR can i bypass it altogether? Spend a ***** *** time getting Drops of mercury, got almost two stacks now. Got about half a stack of lava rocks though. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

yeah, reason for my question, is that jacinth is f-ing hard to get.

RE: Do you NEED to enchant the Berrilium?
# Dec 23 2000 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
How and where did you get half a stack of lava rocks? I'm on Fennin RO and over the last month I've been able to buy only 2!

Also, what skill do I need to make Imbued vs. Enchanted vs. Plain FP? I'd love to make Enchanted for myself and others as well as sell.

-Dwanor Bloodguard
Dwarven Paladin of the 33 circle
Fennin Ro
Master Smith (174)
RE: Do you NEED to enchant the Berrilium?
# Dec 22 2000 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
The short answer: NO.

The long answer:
Brellium comes in 3 flavors:
Regular Brellium
Imbued Brellium
Enchanted Brellium

The regular stuff only has a bonus to +FR.
The Imbued has a bonus to +WIS and +FR .
The Enchanted stuff does +STA,+STR,+WIS,+FR,+MR

The imbued is the best bargain, killer wisdom bonuses that only require the addition of an imbued ruby.(vendor cost around 132pp + bribe a cleric to imbue the ruby) A complete suit of 13 pieces of Imbued Brellium should have over +50 Wis.

The Enchanted Brellium is god like(See the examples listed below.) But you must enchant the individual brellium bricks(you need three to make a block of enchanted brellium) prior to making a folded sheet. Plus the Brellium for the joining must be enchanted. This means that for each folded sheet need for the recipe you need 3 Jacinths) plus an additional Jacinth for the joining, so from 4 to 10 jacinths are needed to make enchanted brellium. With market rates going from 300pp to 1000pp that could mean 10,000pp just for the jems to make a breastplate....Ouch! See EQmaps advanced items search for an excellent description of the process.

Here are the stats for the three flavors of the Brellium Collar:(The other items are similar)

Dwarven Plate Collar
AC: 9
+1 FR
WT: 4.5
Class: WAR, CLR, PAL

Imbued Dwarven Plate Collar
AC: 9
+3 WIS, +1 FR
WT: 4.5
Class: WAR, CLR, PAL

Dwarven Plate Collar (Enchanted)
AC: 9
+6 STA, +4 STR, +3 WIS, +1 FR, +4 MR
WT: 4.5
Class: WAR, CLR, PAL

I hope this answers your question!
Ragvar Woundbinder, Fennin Ro,
Master Smith/Brewer/Potter
RE: Do you NEED to enchant the Berrilium?
# Dec 30 2000 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
If I am not mistaken, could be wrong, but I think there is also a Enchanted Imbued Brellium. If you know better tell me :)
RE: Do you NEED to enchant the Berrilium?
# Dec 23 2000 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, that answers my question =) sorry to ask another, but does this mean that only high level characters can get dwarven imbued? Because asking around, i know no one has any jacinths at all. a high level cleric (50+) told me that she gets jacinths about 1 to every 10 diamonds...and i know how rare diamonds are....anyways, this sucks because i am one of the few people (i think) aspiring to get dwarven imbued on povar. Just need them damn jacinths!Oh the woe of a lowbie *L* Give me a tell in Povar, if anyone wants to donate to a good cause =P

-Glodd Browbeater
made any Silver Arrowheads?
# Dec 21 2000 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
Hi there,

I thought making Silver Arrowheads might be a good way to build skill from 137, but the recipe from the in-game book (Silver Bar + File + Water Flask + Block Med Qual Ore) didn't work. Can anyone else confirm/deny this? I hate losing files to recipes that have not been implemented!

Armorall Scarshielder
RE: made any Silver Arrowheads?
# Dec 23 2000 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
I've made some recently.

Make sure you have a block (not brick) of med quality ore.

Block of MQ ore = 3 large bricks MQ ore (9pp ea for me) + water = 27pp

File, Block of MQ ore, silver bar, water = Silver tipped arrow heads

Expensive suckers. Don't yet know the damage they deal. Fletching friend of mine is combining with Steel Shafts I made for him.

Dwarven Paladin of the 33rd circle
Fennin Ro
Mastersmith (174)
Cab Scale
# Dec 20 2000 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
3 questions really...
At what level can one expect to start having reasonable success making cab scale? My smithing skill is currently 142, and i have failed the 4 times i have tried(only tried 4 times, its expensive failure)
Approx how much will it cost to go from 142 to 175 (banded gauntlets to 168, banded cloaks 169-175).
Can a blacksmith make cultural armor of another race? I get conflicting answers about this(some say that a master smith can make any armor, others say you must be of that race)

RE: Cab Scale
# Dec 21 2000 at 9:10 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Answering all your questions:
This has all been posted before, check prior pages.

All racial armor seems to need skill of 175 at least, even there failure rates are significant. I make northman chain, trivials are reported about 170's by memory, and I have failures on small number of attempts. This is consistent with other reports.

YOu can make a profit skilling up, or count on spending another 40 pp or more if selling to vendors. Here are the details:
To skill up to 175 I made banded for resale and make a large profit. It just takes time, and you will need a few hundred plat to invest. I made an alternative character to stock it on. You can resell cloaks etc to vendors at slight loss, and only break even minus your failure rate. Use a high charisma mule perhaps to do this. Costs depend on your success rates, which depend on what you chose to smith (there is a progression that makes most sense) and your wisdom or intell (which ever is higher) plus the overwhelming random factor.
from my notes, personal results.

I suggest making a variety of banded for resale, if just speed skilling up: 123-135 banded mask, helm, belt
135-168 banded gloves, legs, mantel
168-175 banded cloak

DETAILS on rational:
Success rates at skill level 141:
All items have sporadic failure, sometimes as many as 4 failures in a row, but highly unusual.
Skill level 145 Still 10% failures with cloaks, mantels, legs but everthing else failures are less than 5%.
Skill level 160: Still about 10% failure with legs, mantels, and getting several failures in a row on gauntlets on occasion.
Skill level 175: still fails 10% with cloaks.

Stats, costs, selling prices, trivial levels on banded armor:
Trivial levels changed Sept 2000, the trivial levels here above 145 are personally verified. I suspect the lower levels are now a bit higher. Prices do reflect failure rates, on difficult items, such as legs players are willing to pay more than listed prices below. These prices are based on a Barbarian smith skill in 150’s. I sold many legs at 15pp to grateful players, if you decide to make these items earlier, or push the upper limits of pricing. Costs are with charisma of 65, will be lower as much as 25% with charisma 105 player buying supplies.

1 sheet of metal items
Gorget (neck) Sell for 5pp ac 5 med wt. 2.0, lg. wt. 2.5, (skill level 65-105) cost 1500c to make. Venders buy for 880
Bracer (wrist) Sell for 6pp ac 6 med wt. 2.0, lg. wt. 2.5, (skill level 65-105) cost 2600c to make. Venders pay 1085c for them.
Boots (feet), sell for 8pp ac 6 med wt.. 5, lg. wt. 6.3 (skill level 90-135) cost 4.2 plat to make, sell for 5-6 plat. Venders buy for 2160

2 sheet of metal items
Mask (face), sell for 5pp ac 4 lg. wt. 1.3, med wt. 1.0, (skill level 105 - 135) cost 3.3 plat to make, venders buy for 1920
Sleeve (arms), sell for 7 pp ac 7 lg. wt. 4.4, med wt. 3.5, (skill level 105 - 135) cost 3.2 plat to make. Venders buy for 2080
Helm (head) sell for 8 pp ac 8 lg. wt. 5.6, med wt. 4.5, small wt.. 3.4 (skill level 110 - 135) 3.4 plat to make. Venders buy for 2160
Belt, sell for 7 pp ac 6 lg. wt. 3.8, med wt. 2.5, (skill level 115 - 135), cost to make3.7 plat, vender buy for 1985
Mantel (shoulders) sell for 8 pp ac 6 lg. wt. 4.4, med wt. 3.5 (skill level 124 – 168) cost 4 plat to make. Vender buy for 2470 (charisma 105 cost to make is 3034, vendor buy is 3048)
Gauntlets (hands) sell for 7 pp ac 7, lg. wt. 3.0, med wt. 4.0 (skill level 126 - 168) (charisma 65 cost 3.2 plat to make, Vender buy for 1631) (charisma 105 cost to make 2415, vendor buy for 2190)
Cloak (back) Sell for 10 pp ac 7, lg. wt. 6.0, med wt. 4.0, small wt. 3.0 (skill level 131-175) (charisma 65 cost 4.5 plat to make Vender buy for 1566) (charisma 105 cost to make 3360, vendor buy for 3429)

3 sheet of metal items
Tunic (mail sectional mold) (chest) sell for 15 pp, ac 15 lg. wt. 9.4, med wt. 7.5 (skill level 125 – 135 old, post update trivial less than 157) (Charisma 65 cost 6 plat to make. Vender buy for 3120)
Leggings sell for 10pp ac 8 lg. wt. 6.9, med wt. 5.5, (skill level 131 – 168) (legs) cost 5.6 plat to make. Vender buy for 3242. (Charisma 105 cost to make is 4200, vendor buy for 4000)

Regarding cultural race specific armor.
You can only make the stuff for your race. Using the illusion spell, doesn't fool the forge. THis has been posted over and over, and players have tried to get around it.

Now, some additonal comments on cultural armor:
Cultural armor in general needs very hard to get components, costly components, and any failures at all are a disaster, so max out your skill with fine plate with is moderately aggrevating to make, and has a surprisingly good resale market. (see old posts for details)

I view cultural armor for personal use and friends. Stats vary a lot from race to race, and each type of armor is filling a speciallized niche of limited interest. For instance I value northman chainmail because I need the wisdom, but it's ac is less than fine plate. To battle, I wear crafted on my warrior, with the missing crafted items filled in with fine plate. When working on trades, I put on my wisdom jewelry and imbued northman chain mail. Most players have decent wisdom and therefore no interest what so ever in that armor. North man chainmail has all the same stats for every piece of armor (aside from ac), but most racial armor varies wildly from piece to piece. Also, who can wear it varies wildly.

You can never make it in enough quantity to really make a living at it. I'm trying to make a full set of imbued northman chain for myself, and after 3 months, still only have half a set, due to availabilty of components. Heh, I use it to boost my wisdom. My barbarian is 65, and with jewelry, and my imbued armor that I have so far, my wisdom is up to 99. All so I can skill up faster! Otherwise, the stats on the armor are disappointing.

More info than you wanted, but all useful and hard won knowledge on my part.

My clan web site listed below has a humongous amount of detail on cultural armor that I've written, if you want to visit it, go to vault, then crafts.
RE: Cab Scale
# Jan 10 2001 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
I have a smithing(188) and am making Cab Scale Mantles by the ton.

Here is what I have found..

1) I have a 190 WIS and all lvl14 shammy buffs
2) I have a 131 CHA when buying and selling

All non-enchanted cab scale goes trivial at 188.

With a high enough CHA you can actually turn some profit on some cab scale.

At 190 WIS, I'm getting about 1 in 30+ failures.
Vellium Ore
# Dec 20 2000 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
Was just curious if anybody has tried anything with this ore? I only have two small pieces in the bank not enought to do anything with yet.

Havens Soulblesser
Haven of Light
Karana Server
# Dec 20 2000 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
ah! I see many good mastersmith are here. I hope you can make me lucky. I am plat on SolRo. I need a imbued dwarven brestplate and imbued dwarven boots. If one you you can make me this items post here if you play on SolRo. plz!!!!!!

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