
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
# Jan 14 2001 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
449 posts
Oh my, I am touched so much, so much love everywhere I go, in the game, on the board. I've learned the more you give the more you receive I may have days I can answer questions more detailed, hope to do so.

Still up and about a bit. I sure miss playing everquest, my endurance is horrible. ;c) I'm probably just going to hang around Halas from this point out.

I am touched by the petition. Tears. What I've always wanted is a direct link from Allakhazam to my web site. Allakhazam has never seen fit to do so, though it has been a while since I asked him.

For the newby smith, first stop IS Allakhazam's web sites. They range from brief and simple (your starting point) to encyclclopedic (mine) to go to mine, go to web site below, go to clan vault, and then crafts, then pick black smithing.

I am particularilly proud that I give data so you can pick you the best path that matches your situation, and a philosophy towards smithing that includes more than just maximimizing your skill. It is written from a barbarian viewpoint, but the the very end section is an exhaustive list of vendors in all the zones that I could gain knowledge of.

I've received so many personal letters that have testified the joy smithing has brought to many people. Each one is a treasure to me.

At peace in my Lord,
Frank aka Knarmon Ironsmythe

Direct Link from Alla to ur site ??Where is the problem ?
# Jan 18 2001 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I dont see a point, why there is no direct link from Alla to ur homepage? Every second question i read in this forum could be easy anwered by taking a look over this vast masses of info on ur site, just click search and bingo ..... there a a lot strange links on this site, which a dead or with out anything new ..... this should pose no problem at all ....

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
dagger mold
# Jan 14 2001 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
I'd like to make a skinning knife to degrade pelts but cant find a dagger mold in freeport. Any suffestions?
dagger mold
# Jan 15 2001 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Skinning knife: regular forge ( may need to ask someone to buy for you if faction problems) Lots of choices

1. hilt mold: western karana just north of main path -13,000, or east freeport Vellous and Bardoy's, east cabilis -425, -210 Smith Vyx, Faydwer, Kelethin in shop, Kaladim same shop as small banded molds nearest Kaladim entrance at Butcherblock side. Akaonon one of outside huts.

2. dagger blade mold: Felwithe -80, -415 opal Leganyn weapon molds vendor.

North Qeynos 25, 55 dren iron forge Weapons molds vendor,

Kaladim 400, -345 Bndainy Everhot weapon Molds vendor upstairs.

West Freeport -175, -345 jynsa smithson, near freeport militia across from hogcallers inn, east cabilis -430, -200 Smith Krikt weapon blade molds vendor.

East freeport: Vellous and Bardoy's imported goods from Villian.

Halas at McPhersons.
RE: dagger mold
# Feb 11 2001 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
Confirmed dagger molds at Felwithe, Opal Leganyn @ Emerald Armor.

Jynsa Smithson in West Freeport across from Hogcallers Inn
How to start.
# Jan 13 2001 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Can anyone give me an idea how to start and proceed? Im new to blacksmithy. I dont have a character started, but I may use my druid. Im also quite new to the game. Any help would be appreciated.
RE: How to start.
# Jan 13 2001 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
286 posts
Well, you're off to a good start already, as you've chosen a good aligned race. Dependent on where you started, however, you may need to do some travelling to get the items you need. For your first 21 skill points, either use your training points to get to that skill, or sharpen rusty weapons. To sharpen a rusty weapon, put it and a sharpening stone in the forge, and click combine. On a success, you get back a tarnished weapon, on a fail, you get back the rusty one. Doing this will take you up to 27 before becoming trivial.
Money is good, also
# Jan 13 2001 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I took the cheap way initially, sharpening weapons, but even as a magician with my summoned bags it was a real pain. Later I decided to throw cash at the problem, and I guess I spent 150-200 platinum to master smithing. Now I can make a few banded items, namely boots and gorgets. There are many guides telling you the cheap and quick way (not the same path), Knarmon's in particular.
How To make Mithril Bits,Boning,and Studs...
# Jan 12 2001 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
Well met brothers and sisters...
I was reading through some of the pages,and it seems some peole SILL are having problems finding these recipes.Trust me,on these,I've used them many skill is currently 175,i'm a wood elf Druid of 30 seasons.

First of all,you NEED to be a wood-elf,no ifs ands or buts about it.Secondly,you NEED to use the Fier'Dal forge in Kelething.(it is located near the newbie lift,just up the ramp from the regular forge)
Mithril Bits= 2 small pieces of Mithril Ore + 1 Morning dew
Mithril Boning= 1 small brick of Mithril Ore+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Mithril Studs= 3 Mithril Bits+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Fier'Dal Sewing Kit= 1 Mithril Bit+ 1 needle mold+ 1 thimble mold+ 1 WATER (not morning dew)
*this is a nice kit,10 slot,holds large items,and weighs only 0.4...downside,only a wood-elf making the new leather armor can use as a sewing kit,but its still a nice container,and hitting combine won't eat anything*

Mithril Ore, can be found in Felwithe in the Shop of All Holds,located on the top floor.
Morning Dew can be foraged in G-Fay,L-Fay,or Frontier Mountain.I can buy it in Faydark,for 1pp each,but in FM its over 10pp each...just FYI

Hope this info helps you out...if not,please leave a post asking any questions,or if you're on Eci,send me a tell.

Alye Catt
30 Druid,wood elf
Eci server
Leather Backing Help
# Jan 12 2001 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
I am almost to the Plate stage in my smithing Career (171 and counting...) and I could use some suggestions on how to get leather backings in quantity.

I dread the thought of running through newbie zones killing spiders. Is there a good place to go to purchase them? And if so, what is a fair price?

Any suggestions would be great.
RE: Leather Backing Help
# Jan 15 2001 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
If you are on mithanial marr server I have about 6 stacks I don't need. 1pp per backing is fair.

Just hunt at times when not many players on, kill lots of spiderlings and bears, cats, and wolves. Degrade with skinning knife (lowers one level quality)

Everfrost is BEST zone by far for this. Just hunt non stop almost.
RE: Leather Backing Help
# Jan 13 2001 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Your best bet is to set aside an hour or 5 for gathering the threads. Go to Everfrost. There are a large number of spiderlings to kill, that wander around narrow pathways. I myself kill them at the the igloos. Also, the animals periodically drop quality pelts, but not as well as the lions and pumas in various other zones (South Karanas, among others), who seem to drop multiple pelts. Make a skinning knife before you start, however. And, try not to annoy the newbies ;)
RE: Leather Backing Help
# Jan 17 2001 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I would consider myself very lucky to buy Leather Backings for 1pp each on Tunare server. Typically HQ and MQ pelts are in high demand, going 2pp each, and LQs are always rare. Silk Thread alone will fetch 10pp for a stack of 20. I pay 100pp for a stack of 20 Leather Backings and consider that a fair price, given the value of the components and the inevitable combine failures. If I find somebody selling them, I put him/her on my friends list and ask them from time to time if they have any. Usually people will only make them for a few weeks, losing interest once the pelt-producing mobs stop giving exp. The need for paddings is always a good excuse to make up a new is much more fun to do this chore with a character that gets exp. :)
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
that means I have a fortune sitting in my bank... now to find the smith to buy from me!

I am blessed to be revived for the time being, and able to post a lot lately.

hee hee

Cultural Forge failures
# Jan 12 2001 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
Something you all should know:

When combining elements in the Freeport Forge, if you combine with a recipe that is broken OR if you combine the wrong stuff, your things will disappear and you will get a message that basically says, 'wrong stuff or wrong forge'. DO NOT WALK AWAY. Close the forge and immediately open it up again...your stuff is still there! I don't know if this is a bug, or a feature designed to help those experimenting with new recipes, but it is something worth knowing. I don't know if this is true of all cultural forges, but I would hope it is.
RE: Cultural Forge failures
# Jan 13 2001 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I think it's a feature, as I have heard the Feir'Dal sewing kit works the same way. I believe that Verant decided they would give us a break and not have the forge eat the rare planar drops some people will be putting in the forges.
RE: Cultural Forge failures
# Jan 18 2001 at 4:11 AM Rating: Default
all i have to say is... KEWL!

Kakaraught Sayin
Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 12 2001 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Hello all,
This is my second post and I hope you will read this board lurkers suggestion.

I am sure that everyone has noticed Knarmon's goodbye post.
I don't mean to offend anyone but it seems to me that Knarmon has helped the Smithing/Tradeskill cause more than anyone else has. I would like to show him my thanks.
I propose that we start a petition on the official EQ boards asking for the inclusion of a new NPC tradesman in Everquest, "Knarmon Ironsmythe" in recognition of all Frank (Knarmon Ironsmythe) has done for the Smiths of Everquest.

Please send me your thoughts (and the weight or your voice on the official board).
Daniel Staub
RE: Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 16 2001 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I can't say enough good things about this idea. So no all we need to do is get it done. For starters, could you tell us where you want to post the message thread, and the title? I think Frank/Knarmon has added enough to the game to merit this, and it is my hope that we can get VI to act on this in time for him to see it.

Frank, glad to see you still up and about. God be with you.
yup up and about
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I am feeling much better on new meds, posting a lot I am sure you noticed. I would love a link from Allakhazam more than an NPC named after me. Don't know if that would even be feasable! What an honor to have it even suggested. If a bunch of people just pass on my permission to to link to my clan web site to allakhazam perhaps he will link me up.

RE: yup up and about
# Jan 18 2001 at 3:58 AM Rating: Default
dude, you rock, i think there should be a NPC named after you in all of verants games

Kakaraught Sayin
RE: Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 16 2001 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Great thing !!
U´ll have my vote for this .... i keep reading and reading the stuff, knarmon ironsmith has written, allways finding something new ....


Happy to hear he is up and well !!
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 14 2001 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
As soon as anyone posts an address to email to or the web address of a petition to sign...I'll be the first to sign it. I don't know anyone on the board who has been as generous with their time and energy to onther smiths, especially beginners, than Knarmon. I can't imagine a more fitting tribute, and I'm sure that Frank would love knowing his character lives on...
Someone friendly with Verant
# Jan 13 2001 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I'm not that person, but someone who knows a GM or something should pose this idea. I for one think it would be a very nice and fitting tribute.
RE: Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 12 2001 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
For all those, like me, who are /really/ new at this; Where do we go and how do we do it? I have been reading like mad since I found this board two days ago and have to agree. There is no better fitting tribute.

Jason Honhera
RE: Knarmon - Everyone read
# Jan 12 2001 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
I am all for this. Knarmon's posts have helped me personaly a great deal. My prayers go out too him, and others like him who selflessly help others just for the joy of helping. I only hope I can help someone else as much as his work and dedication have helped me.
Wood Elf Smiothing only
# Jan 12 2001 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Ok from this web page I look for items to make as a Wood Elf. All I find is a Fier`Dal sewing kit which I sell for a ton. And a few other weapons. Are these all that is for Wood Elfs's only? If there is more please post it or e-mail me.

Mith Marr server
RE: Wood Elf Smiothing only
# Jan 13 2001 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Wood elves don't have cultural smithing, they have cultural tailoring. Check the tailoring links on this site for more details.
Ornate chain
# Jan 12 2001 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone made any of this yet? Is it made in a forge, and what patterns are needed and where are they?
RE: Ornate chain
# Jan 13 2001 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
Ornate Chainmail is made by combining (in a forge, of course), a chainmail pattern (sold in Qeynos, Neriak, possibly other places), a smithy hammer (non-cultural), a flask of water, a silver bar (non-enchanted), and 1-3 HQ metal rings. Ornate Chainmail has 1 more point of AC than banded, and is lighter than banded. Unfortunately, it looks like banded, but there may be something additional to it. Perhaps it can he dyed or imbued?
What I have, courtesy Knarmon
# Jan 13 2001 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent
196 posts
If this is hard to read, let me know. Use a regular forge.

Forged Item - Trivial - Ingredients
Ornate Chain Veil - <175 - High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Neckguard - <175 - High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Bracelet - 156 - High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Coif - <175 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Mantel - >178 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Sleeves - <175 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Gloves - >175 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Belt/Skirt - <175 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Boots - 176-192 - 2 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Leggings - 192 - 3 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Tunic - >192 - 3 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Ornate Chain Cloak - >175 - 3 High Quality Rings, Smithy Hammer, Silver Bar, Water Flask, pattern
Comments on ornate
# Jan 14 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
I"ve made 4 pieces of ornate, consuming about 20 pieces of hq ore in the process. It is 1 ac more than banded and a bit lighter. I forget the classes that can wear ornate, but not fine plate, but they will be your market. The rarity of hq ore even in dungeon zones makes it a non viable armor to make for comercial sales. I consider it a nice way to use up hq ore that comes my way, or perhaps to help out a friend, but I've yet to sell any. Very limited market.

With a name like ornate, it IS sorta disappointing.

RE: Comments on ornate
# Jan 18 2001 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
Can anyone make ornate? I may sound kinda dumb but noones ever said anything on that subject

Kakaraught Sayin
Info on Forged weapons
# Jan 12 2001 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
Well met All....
I am looking for information on the Imbued Forged Weapons...primarily the Tier dal/ follower of Tunare ones.I have seen some recipes,but was curious if there was a site with all weapons on it.I'm sure others would appreciate it also.
Also,how does one make a mithril sheet? I've seen it in recipes,but cannot find a recipe on hw to make the sheet itself...
Thank you all in advance.

Alye Catt
30 Druid Eci
You can buy the sheets
# Jan 13 2001 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I do not seem to have a recipie for a regular sheet. I can test a few, but it's really faster and ultimately cheaper to just buy them, since so far I have never failed to BUY anything even though I fail at MAKING things a whole lot. You can buy the sheets in Shop of All Holds in Felwithe. These are the recipies I have:

Folded Sheet of Mithril = Block of Mithril Ore, Morning Dew, Elven Hammer

Mithril Ring = Large Brick of Mithril Ore, File, Morning Dew

Mithril Chain Jointing = Mithril Ring, File, Elven Hammer, Morning Dew

Now, a regular sheet of metal is made like this:

Sheet of Metal = 2 Small Bricks of ore, Water Flask (triv 51)

I would assume from this info that I could make a regular sheet of mithril like so:

Sheet of Mithril = 2 Small Bricks of Mithril, Morning Dew

If you confirm this, please save me a trip to Felwithe and post here.
Small bricks of Velium
# Jan 11 2001 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
I tried to treat them like small bricks of HQ ore. 3 bricks makes a HQ block of ore and then the block can be turned into a sheet. Well I put the 3 bricks of Velium into the forge with my smithy hammer and water and lost it all. Just a warning. I hate losing that damn hammer, costs to much as it is.
RE: Small bricks of Velium
# Jan 12 2001 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
Yar, but I think if you check you might see that it takes 3 large bricks to make 1 block.....
Did it work or not ... ??
# Jan 17 2001 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
What excactly worked and what not ??? On Velium i mean ... ??

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
At 137 and Looking for Advice
# Jan 11 2001 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default

At 135 (after sewing kits) I decided that my skill was high enough that I could start taking some banded armor orders. Well, that's working out pretty good, and my business is moving along. So that's all right!

However, I have only gained a couple of skill points in about 4 nights worth of order taking. I have good wis and int (both about 90ish), and I learn pretty quickly.

What I'd like to know is what's the cheapest way to hit 200? And, just as a guesstimate, how much more into debt will I go? :)

Thanks a bunch, and forge well!
Work on 175
# Jan 18 2001 at 12:03 AM Rating: Default
I didn't have the luxury of making sewing kits to get from 115 to 135, since I'm a dark elf and couldn't find merchants that would sell me the molds.

However, I did improve my Freeport faction to the point that I could buy metal sheets and armor molds in East Freeport. I got my skill to 135 by making boots and selling them back to the merchant. Each success cost me just over 1pp net.

Since then, I've been making gauntlets. I've spent 500pp getting from about 130 to my current skill of 160. Any time my cash reserve gets down to about 150pp, I'll take a break and start marketing to make money.

I plan to practice aggressively with banded until my skill hits 175, but after that it looks too expensive to work solely on skill without selling to players.
Don't worry about getting to 200
# Jan 14 2001 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Just have fun getting there. You can climb the mountain, or you can enjoy the trip, or you can do both!

At your skill level, the smithing world is starting to open up. You can spend a fortune skilling up, or just use the time to earn money. By the way, NOW is the time to accumulate the items for the racial stuff you will be needing. By the time you hit skill 175, it will be a long time from now, and you will still have a fraction of what you will need.
Post your burning questions
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I don't mean to post your regular Joe Shmoe questions. My proposal is that I will begin a mission to test out some of these recipies that we do not have verified, and I realized that I do not have a column in my spreadsheet indicating the verified recipies. This means that I need to know which recipies are verified. I think that triv levels are now different for at least some items so I'll worry about that later.

I am going to assume the "basic" recipies that we all know. This does not include recipies that are parallel to the basic ones, such as the Feir'Dal sewing kit, since we cannot assume they are all parallel... plus some recipies are broken. What "basic" will include for me is anything up to and including banded armor. I thought about plate, but all I need is for a regular poster to say "yeah, they all work". Then the fun stuff, such as testing Seafarer's and anything else that we can think of. Once I get at least some of this I'll see about posting my spreadsheet online somewhere.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Erollisi Imbued Boots
# Jan 12 2001 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Has anybody gotten this particular item to work? How about Karana boots...what is the recipe for those? I need a comparison of a successful set of imbued boots...I think the Erollisi recipe is bugged. :(
RE: Post your burning questions
# Jan 12 2001 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
I am in a possition to begin experimentation with High Elven racial armors, specificaly Mith chain. Re post any specific recipies you would like tested for your database here, or send me Email and we can work together directly.

looking forward too working with you Yegolev.
Breaking blocks and enchanting
# Jan 12 2001 at 2:23 AM Rating: Default
I think I read somewhere that you could break a block of ore back into large bricks, something like block of ore + file = 2 large bricks. Does anyone know if this is possible, or what the recipe might be?
Also, can you enchant blocks, or just bricks? If you can enchant blocks, then break them into bricks, that might be a better way to make enchanted armor (at least elven chain, which takes mithril bricks).
RE: Breaking blocks and enchanting
# Jan 14 2001 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
all i've seen are the ways that dont work
RE: Post your burning questions
# Jan 11 2001 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
I am looking for a recipie for Enchanted Ogre War plate, as it is in according to Absor in this lastest patch. Any piece confirmed will be fine as if it works in one location it will probably work in them all
Sharpening Stones
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sure this was asked before, but I am getting lost reading the 74 pages of messages here. I am starting a low level high elf smith. I have a pile of rusty weapons, but can't seem to find sharpening stones. Are there any to be had in Faydwer? I think I have gone everywhere in Kaladim and Felwithe, but I could have missed it. What do the critters look like so I don't have to click every single picture to see what it is. Thanks a bunch.
RE: Sharpening Stones
# Jan 11 2001 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
I know for sure that you can get sharpening stones in Ak Anon from a vendor in one of the Windmills.

Since they added the ability to buy ore in Kaladim, you might be able to purchase them from ore vendor in the mines (but i am not positive on that one).

Good luck
RE: Sharpening Stones
# Jan 11 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks, I went to Everhot Forge in Kaladim, but had not thought of the mine. I've been meaning to head to Steamfont, but am a little nervous since I don't know where the nasties are. Right now I am a lowly 5 Wizard. Just about anything not in a newbie garden is scary. (I'm probably just overcautious)
RE: Sharpening Stones
# Jan 11 2001 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
If you stay along the path in Steamfront you should be okay. (although at level 5 you are never truely "safe")

The most dangerous part of the trip is in LFay. going between GFay and Steamfront. Make sure you stay along the zone wall and run fast!

Good luck
How to get to Steamfont from Felwithe when you suck
# Jan 13 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
This pertains to smithing... really.

First find the Lfay zone, it's on the left path as you leave Felwithe's gates. Once in Lfay, stay on the left wall. When you see the gnomes you'll be close. Once in Steamfont, stay on the path. When it splits, go left and you'll see the windmills. The windmills are not what I would call a safe area, so be careful. People (who shall remain nameless) like to get into trouble behind the windmills and then run for the tiny guards.
RE: How to get to Steamfont from Felwithe when you suck
# Jan 15 2001 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
If your sense of direction is at all good, you can, from the Lfay side of the zone from Gfay, head due SE--don't try when it's too dark, cause you should watch for the trail (go left when you see it). note the loc of the zone Lfay to Steamfont is pos920/neg2200, and keep checking your loc. Though Lfay is a dangerous place I've never had any problem with this route, and it's quite a bit quicker and maybe safer than the trail. Don't, of course attack anything if your lvl is<15, and check your loc frequently just in case a wandering orc notices you (rare--it's never happened to me except on the path. to return to Gfay, just reverse, going due NW from the Lfay side of the zone from Sfont--the loc of the zone on to Gfay is pos2200/neg1200. Once inside Sfont, go to the first watchman (Halv)--look out for the fork too since he's sometimes on a break. To get to windmills go left at this fork--to get to Akanon, continue straight there, then go left at next fork (Watchman Dreeb I thinK)
73 Pages!
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Holy Moly! Is there anyway for someone to go through those 73 pages and edit... make topics like
Smithing Guide

etc, otherwise, the same thing just goes round and round.

On a sad note, I saw Knarmon's post on the progress of his cancer. His work has been invaluable to me. Anyone who has not read it..should! there would only be 2 pages here then! If there is a way to keep your work updated and current, please let me know. Consider it a legacy and would be glad to help if i can (

Frank, a personal thank you (Dale). Another unknown praying for you.
big smile
# Jan 14 2001 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Each resource has its purpose.

There really aren't 73 pages, use the next page previous page to go back and forth. The most recent will be useful, and once you learn to read subject lines, is quick way to find old answers. It always opens with most recent page, go to prior page when done.

The web sites are each unique and useful.

Setting up a data base would be humongous effort.

I think my file should be preserved as is, as it is pretty comprehensive with info that dates from update of Sept 2000.

What should be started, is a new web site, in which data is compiled and updated for info starting from Vellius update. Not much now, but it grows, who ever starts it, should start it now. If it is not in my document, it belongs there probably.

My racial stuff is incomplete, and others should set up and maintain a web site for each race, similar to what I've done. There is so much. I've compiled the general information needed, especially on imbueing, which is so confusing.

metal sheets
# Jan 10 2001 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
Any one know how to make HQ folded metal sheets? or can we get them from npc's?
RE: hq metal sheets
# Jan 14 2001 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
First: cuz I get confused, this is for rings:
1. Make high quality large brick ore with: regular forge, 3 hq small bricks ore, warter. Enchantable. Use this to make hq rings to make ornate chain armor.

To make high quality folded sheet metal needed to makesearfarer armor and field plate armor by human smiths only in freeport with: regular forge, hq block of ore, water, smithiy hamer.

To make hq sheet metal reg forge 2 hq small blocks ore, water. I haven't noted what it is used for.

See my web site for lots more details on all this.
high Q ore
# Jan 10 2001 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
where does one get or can make a folded sheet of high quality ore? Thanks for the help
RE: high Q ore
# Jan 12 2001 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
High Quality Ore is dropped by goblins in SolA, Permafrost and High Keep, typically the tougher ones deeper in these dungeons. Small bricks are an uncommon drop, and large bricks are a rare drop. Those who need PIECES of ore (not bricks) can find them in Runny Eye on the more powerful goblins there.
Here is how to make a sheet. Take 3 small bricks and 1 flask of water and combine in an ordinary forge. This will make a large brick. Take 3 large bricks and 1 water to make a BLOCK of ore. Combine 1 BLOCK of ore, 1 water, and a smithy hammer to make one sheet.
Note that a sheet takes 9 small bricks to make. Large bricks count as 3 smalls.
Northman Armor?
# Jan 09 2001 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
I'm trying to find the recipes for creating the various pieces of Northman ringmail. Can anybody help me with this?
RE: Northman Armor?
# Jan 10 2001 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts

u need

-leather armor .... buy it in halas at kindl
-ivory .... it is dropped by mob .... usuallz i buy mine from players, sometimes vendors sell it if its sold to them ... remember it has to be imbued !!
u need frost temper which has to be brewed by a PC for it u need two essence of winter and one ice goblin blood .... essence is droped be z lvl 48 mob caled ice giants in EF near the blood is dropped bz ice goblins .. (lvl 12 to 35 or so) ask the high level PC which are camping the ice giants if they have spare esseence, usually they give it away free or for a change of SP and GP to PP .... brewing skill is around 130 or so ...
the ore u need can be bought in High Hold Keep near the bank (the left NPC . forgot the name)

thats all .....

u can read this also on the Web page of Knarmon (look for his homepage a few threads down) , which should be never forgotten for his unbelievable work, patience and kindness in this forum ... i hope he is up and well

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Northman Armor?
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Just a note. You can NOT buy large leather leggings at Cindl's. She has a large leather kilt that fits into the leg slot, but will NOT work in the Northman Forge

Harlye Hawgwyld
30 shaman, Terris Thule
leather armor for Northman Armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
This has been a trial and error bug a boo.

If indeed the large leather leggins not available, and the kilt fails and not other component error, you might want to see if making Northman armor with medium components works. Some missing leather armor available at sewing and leather shop in South Qeynos in medium size. Will take trial and error, and very careful notes of what you put in forge. I'd try medium patterns from Connie Link North Qeynos outside Iron forge estates, and haul back to Northman forge.

I remember having similar trouble with belt. Incidently, I notice a probable and obvious error in my smithing notes, under imbued northman chain mail I have skirt pattern listed, obviously should be belt pattern, skirt is for leg slot.
Anyone trying this should have spotted it and fixed it on their own I suspect.

RE: leather armor for Northman Armor
# Jan 24 2001 at 10:56 PM Rating: Default
no, the belt is made with the skirt pattern. the large leather legs are in So Qeynos the venfor under the tent just before you get to the dock.
Smithing Questions
# Jan 09 2001 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default
Does anybody know what lvl i should start smithing at? and can u give a rough estimatee on the total cost to get from skill 20 to say...plate armor skill?
RE: Smithing Questions
# Jan 09 2001 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
a lot of money, just stupid amounts. I have spent at least 500pp. Hope thats helps. Buy some stat enhancing rings, earins, necklaces, belts, and hats. it will save you money in the long run.
cost of smithing
# Jan 10 2001 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Hi folks, up and about somewhat. You can get to level 120 for 200 to 300pp where upon you can make profit the rest of the way. Really, there is no reason for a mad rush to skill 200.

My smithing document gives all the alternatives, and if cash poor, especially important to read about costs of each choice at each level. also at what level it makes sense to make each item of banded. by 145 you can make all items and sell at 1pp per ac and make a profit. I always maintain the tougher items are worth more than that and when explain the tiny profit profit margins for those items players pay a few extra plat gladly. If they leave in a huff, I wish them well, and they usually return. If they say they can get it for less, I tell them go for it, buy as much as they can and resell at profit. Don't sell at prices you lose money at. Have fun.

go to link below, go to vault, go to craft skills, then smithing.
How to make Imbued(tunare) ????
# Jan 08 2001 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Ok, could someone pls give me the recipes and how to get all the items in the recipes for making the Imbued(Tunare) armor? Thanks
# Jan 08 2001 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Because I was such a frequent poster, and have received so many letters of encouragement over the past few months who have found my clan website on smithing helpful (see below, go to vault, go to craft skills) I want to let you know I will be posting infreqently or not at all in future, and probably won't be able to add to my document any more. I hate to just disappear without a goodbye.

My cancer is making it more and more an agony just to sit at the keyboard. I am somewhat astonished at the number of players that have told me they are praying for me.

Because of that I will take the risk of sharing my faith briefly, I am quite aware it is not the purpose of this board. Prayer makes a difference, I've seen it. Right now pray that I make the transistion from this life to the next without too much agony, and more so with God's peace. In Christ's Name, Frank aka Knarmon Ironsmythe
RE: goodbye
# Jan 16 2001 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I wish the best for you and your family. Yet another Smith adds his prayers,and support to you.

RE: goodbye
# Jan 16 2001 at 4:21 AM Rating: Default
Though I have never met you in game, I have used your guide over and over. I belive you are the authority on smithing, and I will greve over the loss of sutch a great man if you die. Noone as will leave this world unknown, and I for one will pass your legacy to new EQ players. My hopes and prayers are with you as you fight your battle, and you will live in my heart forever as a loved friend. I am currently getting my skill to the banded levels on multiple chars, and your guide has helped enenesly. I will petition for your name to be included in the world of EQ NPCs, so that everyone will know who you were. Once again, my hopes and prayers are with you, and so are thousands of others praying for you likewise.
Go with the glory of God, and you shall live forever.

Level 20 magician
Prexus server
RE: goodbye
# Jan 14 2001 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
I know of no one on this board who has been more generous with their time and energy helping other smiths, especially beginners. May your kindness always be remembered, in this life and the next. Safe journey my friend.
RE: goodbye
# Jan 12 2001 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
ive only gone to your website once (to be honest, most of the blacksmithing stuff i was quite lost over), but now that i know who you are i would like to say that i will miss you and you made a big difference in my time on EQ (got from 21 to 115 smith with your help).

Go in gods peace

/emote prays for Knarmon
RE: goodbye
# Jan 12 2001 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
Very few people have the guts to share their faith so openly. I am a newcomer to this board, so I do not know you very well, however, I am deeply touched by your bravery. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

/salute Knarmon

Dynali Warstorm
22 Wood Elf Warrior
Master Smith (115)
RE: goodbye
# Jan 11 2001 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
196 posts
I'm not really good in these situations, but I believe that this group would not be as excellent as it is without Knarmon. His tenacity and passion have given us all more than just the most comprehensive (public) repository of smithing knowledge. I wish you well, Frank, in whatever the days bring to you, and I am thinking of you. Thanks for reinforcing my interest in smithing, and thanks for being a nice guy. I will miss you.
RE: goodbye
# Jan 10 2001 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Will add one more person to those who are praying for you. May your journey into the heart of God be as rapid and as easy as possible. You will be sorely missed here as you waken to an eternity of joy. Thank you for making a tradition of so many gifts, so generously given.
Dovelyn Skyspirit of Mystic Legacy
40th level Druid
RE: goodbye
# Jan 10 2001 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
Frank, thank you.

You have saved many of us a great deal of frustration learnignt he ropes of the Everquest trade skills system.

You have been the voice of reason and paticence on the boards.

I wish you and you family the best.

Daniel Staub
Sammual - Board lurker and amateur smith.
RE: goodbye
# Jan 10 2001 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
92 posts
It´s an honor to know You, Frank.

I will remember You with all ur patience and kindness, that i have seen in over hundreds of threads, allthough i onlz know You as member in this board.

All my prayers and best hopes will accompany You on your journey.
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: goodbye
# Jan 09 2001 at 4:20 AM Rating: Excellent
92 posts
All our prayers go with you, Frank.

May God bless you, and keep you near him in the world beyond
RE: goodbye
# Jan 09 2001 at 3:36 AM Rating: Excellent
All my hopes an prayers are with you, Friend.
RE: goodbye
# Jan 08 2001 at 11:37 PM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
*lowers her head in a moment of silence*
Quick note about dyeing..
# Jan 08 2001 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
It appears that some of the charts and references I've read are incorrect as far as dyemaking is concerned. You do need a shaman/rogue to make the extract from the ingredients, but anyone can make the actual dye from the extract after that. Just combine in a medium clay jar (made through pottery) the dye extract and 1-3 resins for the specific shade. No skill check is necessary, you lose the jar and get the dye. Just remember: DON'T STACK any of the ingredients. Hope this helps!
Mithril bits
# Jan 08 2001 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
Anyone know and willing to share info on where to find mithril bits or mithril pieces of ore?
RE: Mithril bits
# Jan 10 2001 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
Small pieces of Mithril are sold in felwithe upstairs at Holos shop.. you will see new male vendor there.. the pieces are down his offering list somewhat-- scroll down.
To make the bits I used my woodelf and the forge in the "tree city" at the cultural forge- thats very important (it is on the level above the standard forge) Im pretty sure this is right.. 2 small pieces of ore and a skin of morning dew ....then I used the bits to make sewing kits.. they rock.. 10 slots, 0.4 weight and wont combine by accident.. Trouble is-- no one believes me when I offer them for sale... really odd. -- Dovelyn Skyspirit on Drinal
Mithril bits for the masses
# Jan 08 2001 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I am willing to share, but I don't remember the formula. I did post it earlier, so check the previous posts. You will have to be a tree elf to make them and you must use the Tree Elf Forge in Kelethin. Most people call it the Feir'Dal Forge, however I try to be abrasive when possible. =)
Small Ore Pieces
# Jan 08 2001 at 7:28 AM Rating: Default
I am new to the smithing skill. I found a recipe chart, and the things i want to make require Small Ore Pieces. Does anyone know where to find these, preferable in Neriak, or can they be made?
RE: Small Ore Pieces
# Jan 11 2001 at 4:27 AM Rating: Default
Well if you are an evil race you can get in the bar in De town same hall as bank is in.... if a goodie goodie you can get them at the wind mills in steam front.... good luck to you
Darkluust<necro of the 12th season>
RE: Small Ore Pieces
# Jan 08 2001 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Small pieces of ore are sold in Neriak Commons, the Blind Fish tavern, off of the male merchant downstairs. He sells all the ores needed for smithing skill levels from 1-175.
Small Ore Pieces, probably in Neriak
# Jan 08 2001 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Although I know you can get ore in Neriak I do not know the location, however if you click on the "Skills" link to the left there is a listing of ore/metal vendors. I am thinking of posting my own spreadsheet on the web, mainly because I cannot remember Knarmon's URL. His web site is the best and most concentrated source of smithing info out there, and it is posted a few times in the past few days. Check the older posts, you'll find it.
Trivial Chart
# Jan 07 2001 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone out there have a trivial chart for items with a skill of 130+? I have been unable to find a guide for this information...

RE: Trivial Chart
# Jan 13 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Have you tried They are focused solely on tradeskills, and have trivial information for most, if not all, tradeskill-produced goods.
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