
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
Making dough while upgrading 2 skills
# Jan 22 2001 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
From a newbie's point of view. I have found a way to make some dough to support my expences of Blacksmithing. Try fishing!!! Here are the benifits:

1. Earn some dough selling fish. In Freeport, each fish sells for approx 2 silver and some change. The price for bait is 3 copper. I never catch less than 2 fish per bucket of bait.

2. Not only do you catch fish, but many times you catch rusty daggers as well. Why pay for a rusty dagger just to sharpen it when you can catch it for cheap.

3. Never run out of food again! Fish are an excellent source of food in EverQuest.

4. Your fishing skills will greatly impove and fast.

If you are a newbie to Blacksmithing like me, then this route is perfect. You can fish anywhere there is water... well almost anywhere. I think the only place you can't fish is in a fountain. I hope this helped you out.

Raizell of Rodcet Nife

RE: Making dough while upgrading 2 skills
# Jan 27 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent

When it comes time to make sea-temper for the Freeport cultural recipies you'll appreciate that fishing practice too while you're trying to hook some saltwater seaweed out of the Ocean of Tears :)
Troll Racial Armor
# Jan 22 2001 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know where to find info on troll racial armor? or at least where to look to find whatever quest / npc has info concerning it? I noticed theres a "Grobb Forge" now but was curious as to whether the armor was in game yet
RE: Troll Racial Armor
# Jan 28 2001 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
HEY if there is any info plez emial me at
RE: Troll Racial Armor
# Jan 22 2001 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Be sure to post here when you find out more about it. My theory is that it is for trollish tailoring. One supporting fact for that theory is that trolls can wear ogre war plate (unless I misread the item descriptions). Try making some adamantite bits and let us know how it turns out.
Northman Armor where did i go wrong
# Jan 22 2001 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
Ok i have tried to make northman armor in right Forge in Halas can anyone tell me where i went wrong in the following. I got large brick medium quality ore from steamfont. Went to halas made medium quality metal rings in special forge. Then in halas got large chainmail cloak pattern. Also in halas got large leather cloak. Had my smithy hammer, frost temper, and imbued ivory. Combined all six in special forge and nothing. At least i got my components back. But what am i doing wrong. Anybody? Please?
RE: Northman Armor where did i go wrong
# Jan 24 2001 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
it takes three rings for the cloak
possible answer to failure
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I've made imbued northman armor, so I know the above recipe is fine.

My notes however on recent review were in shambles as to which forge you make the med qual metal rings in.

Notes come from multiple sources. I did note players have success with either reg forg or northman forge making rings, but get different products.

Please try regular forge to make the rings, NOTE exact name of product, i suspect the northman forge gave a metal ring, not a mq metal ring.

I don't have access to med quality ore for a while now, so I can't experment, and relish an answer from you
pjossible answer to failure
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I've made imbued northman armor, so I know the above recipe is fine.

My notes however on recent review were in shambles as to which forge you make the med qual metal rings in.

Notes come from multiple sources. I did note players have success with either reg forg or northman forge making rings, but get different products.

Please try regular forge to make the rings, NOTE exact name of product, i suspect the northman forge gave a metal ring, not a mq metal ring.

I don't have access to med quality ore for a while now, so I can't experment, and relish an answer from you
Ornate Chain
# Jan 21 2001 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
I would like to know where I can find the recipes to the ornate chain armors.
RE: Ornate Chain
# Jan 22 2001 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
They aren't anywhere in game, you will need to check The gist of the recipies are as follows:
1 bar of silver (unenchanted)
1 smithy hammer (non-cultural)
1 flask of water (a given in all smithing =p)
the appropriate pattern (Neriak, North Qeynos, other places)
1-3 HQ metal rings, depending on the piece.
Hope this helps!
RE: Ornate Chain
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
also check my web site, detailed notes. Go to vault, then crafts, then blacksmithing.

It is a bit encyclopedic, copy and paste into your word processor (you will refer to it a lot), and then use find to get to ornate section.

It is meant to be printed out, and is 120 pages of smithing information.
Please share info on mq rings
# Jan 21 2001 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
My notes are in shambles, this is for northman armor. I'll just have to make more and experiment and sort this out probably.

RE: Please share info on mq rings
# Jan 21 2001 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
you realy should check out the web site before asking questions like that one

Sir, but I have
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I am the fellow who compiled 120 pages of information on smithing. Prior to posting the question, I checked every web site. VERY few people do this. It is NOT out of ignorance on how to search for information that I ask the question.

I checked this very familiar site yet again, wondering if I missed it, after having read it carefully 3 or more time prior to posting the question. It is where you expect the question to be. The answer is not there. By the way, for smithing racially forged stuff this is the place to go, the navigation of the site is very unfreindly, you navigate the horizontal scroll bars at the bottom via the greater and lesser than signes.

But where ist the problem ---- ???
# Jan 23 2001 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
(argh, is)

Hail, friend.

I made several pieces of imbued northman armor, folowing ur advices and never had any problems with it ... to be honest i never fizzled at any piece until now ( made my first 2 at 176 and at least 5 more till now (182))
I also have some essence of winter left, so if there is any kind of problem, please discribe it a little bit better, that i can help.

Greetings from Drinal

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
after banded?
# Jan 20 2001 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
i am 130+ now should tap out banded soon. tried some fine steel and that just ate my money. how can i get up to 175-180 when from what i hear is when most people make there banded. And are imbued weapons harder to make then the normal northman types? thanks
RE: after banded?
# Jan 23 2001 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Banded isn't trivial until 175. You should do cloaks to get to that magical number, as it will take you all the way to 175 by itself. Now, while you may have many options, your best bet is not to waste time or money on cultural stuff. Do Fine Plate armor, as the materials are redily available (except the paddings, gotta make those yourself), and will take you well into 200.
you have lots of options
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Skilling up to 200 is not your only goal in smithing. Decide what to do. If make money, you need to match with resouces. If you keep bank balance under 100pp, then just make banded within abilities and sell it.

If you have 1000pp in bank and want to make lots of money, then your goal is same, make banded, but with goal of skilling up to 175, and then you make fine steel. But keep in mind this is mind bogglingly time consuming.

Best is to read my document below (go to vault, go to crafts) where it lays out success rates for each item of banded at each level of skill. Use this to guide what you make.

All the racial armor is for special needs, you will NEVER make in quantity, components just too hard to come by.

Ornate is an option, say 150 to 170, but hq ore so hard to get, that it is really a foolish path for skilling up.

Read. Read prior pages of this board. I have posted this over and over on prior pages (hit next page on menue at top of this page) watch subject titles, you may have to go back 3 pages or more.
RE: after banded?
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
Banded actually will not cap until you reach 175. once you hit 135 skill, you then need to work on Banded gauntlets. Those become trivial at 168. Then work on cloaks until 175. after that you are on to the only thing that I know of after banded. Fine Steel.
Where can I get a sharpening stone?
# Jan 19 2001 at 7:53 PM Rating: Default
Alright, I know this sounds stupid, but I can't seem to find anyone selling sharpening stones around Qeynos. Can anyone tell me where to get them? I'm a lvl5 ranger and don't have what it takes to travel afar yet. Are they available in this area? Thanks.

Xegony Server
RE: Where can I get a sharpening stone?
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Erudin, when you zone into city from dock area, vendor in front of armory. If you are skilling up, get about 5 stacks. I'd also read my document listed below at web site, as it give details on all your options. If you go to Erudin or High Hold, just plan on staying there a while and making lots and lots of metal bits. There are lots of options, and you need to decide what fits your situation.

High Hold Keep, vendor near bank. This is long tough trip if you are mid teens or lower.
RE: Where can I get a sharpening stone? Erudin
# Jan 19 2001 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Anonymous:

You can take the boat to Erudin and buy Sharpening Stones from a fem vendor who stands outside of one of the building near the Palace TP disk.

Hope this helps.
RE: Where can I get a sharpening stone? Erudin
# Jan 20 2001 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default

# Jan 19 2001 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone give me some info on how to make shurikens?
RE: Shurikens
# Jan 19 2001 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Shuriken mold + metal sheet + water = 10 forged shuriken.

Alakhazam's skill section has a full list of forged weapon recipies, and most other known smith recipies as well.
RE: Shurikens
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Forged shuriken are more expensive to make than vendor sold, but Range is 5 better, delay is down 1 with forged.

Forged cost is 150c, vendors sell for 13c each.

This is trivial to high level players who value the better stats, but have a customer on hand.
Velium Smithing needed to correct you guys and gals
# Jan 19 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
First of all Karnom Velium bars are used for jewlery not velium bricks.

There is a temper in the game now for velium i am geussing. It is sold for around 32pp a shot and is sold at a miners guild hut this is alsow where the rogue armor quests start. This vendor also sells just regular ore not velium.

At the show with the actual Forge you can buy velium boots and other such plate pieces it is about the same cost as buying steel from a vendor.

I have not found a book or anything on smithing i dont think. i have eathereal suspension book that is written in dwarf so i need to work that up so i can read it but i dont think it has anything to do with smithing.

There is some info on velium tailoring at that might help on the uses of the velium small pieces.

I have tried to combine the velium like normal ore and it does not work i am a little reluctant to try to put the temper in with three small bricks just to see if it combines that way.

If you are wanting to collect the velium ore and try some stuff i would suggest going to Skyshrin most mobs there drop a small brick or even sometimes two every other time.

I just needed to straighten out the Velium post.

Havens Soulblesser
Haven of Light
Karana Server
Smithing Extrordinair
need more details
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Any more details on vellium temper? What city is the miner's guild in?

Where is skyshrin.

Keep in mind many low level players read this, and are clueless. I am clueless on these points, and I've been playing over a year.
Thanks on vellium info
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
It is confusing when new options open up in the game. I try to be careful to label conjectures as such. It is going to be a long time before the recipes if any exist, sort out for vellium ore.

It took many months for the mess with hq ore and ornate armor to sort out.

Everyone needs to be very cautious what anyone posts on this board, including me. Always give sources, and reasons for statements.

There is frequently missing information that is crucial, hence my posts tend to be long.

Also, I keep reminding people, read the web links, read the web links, read the prior pages on this board.
Frost Temper? Ivory?
# Jan 18 2001 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
I am currently at skill lvl 136 and am starting to look into making northman imbued armor. I see that i need frost temper and imbued ivory. Where can I find these itmes. I am only a lvl 19 shm so I wont be able to imbue the ivory but I would like to know where I can find it.

Secondly, I have not been able to find a web page that gives good specific information on all the smithing practices. Folded sheet metal,ingrediants etc. Any helpwould be greatly appreciated since I am almost to the point of the more difficult aspect of smithing.
RE: Frost Temper? Ivory? = Swamp of No Hope
# Jan 19 2001 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Ivory drops in the Swamp of No Hope. I have found it on various forms of the man eating plants.

I have also fund it for resale on vendors in Cabalis.
RE: Frost Temper? Ivory? = Swamp of No Hope
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
You will fail a LOT with northman armor under skill level 175. I suggest not even trying it.

Imbue ivory spell is in shaman guild in Halas, last vendor on right, costs 16pp.

For tribunal worshippers only.

Read web sites.

My web site is encyclopedic, go to vault, then crafts.

Fine steel arms
# Jan 18 2001 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
I just started making Fine Steel. And I made several attempts at small arms(about 6 attempts or more) before I ran out of backings, and I failed every single one of them. I did manage to make a small breast plate, leggings, and a pair of bracers(all on the first try) Does anyone know if different peices of fs are more difficult then others like banded.

Kilraff Stormaxe
30 Dwarven Paladin
RE: Failure Rates
# Jan 19 2001 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
There is a large random factor in failures, it has always seemed to me. I failed 5 out of 6 tries yesterday on fine steel gauntlets, with a blacksmithing skill of 189. I have never had trouble making them in the past...failures often seem to come in bunches, for some reason. Arms should be no more difficult in theory than breastplate or greaves, although it seems to me that small size pieces are more difficult than medium size.
RE: Failure Rates
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Trivial levels for fine plate range from 175 to more than 204 depending on items. Just like banded.

Read my web site for gory details.
# Jan 18 2001 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
ok does ANYONE know what an imbued ruby can make and how ta make it? please e-mail me at
with the subject: Ruby!
i would love ta know :)
# Jan 19 2001 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
Go see there :

# Jan 20 2001 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Rubies will be for armor for worshippers of Brell Serillis, which include humans in qeynos if not others. This determines who can wear the armor.

# Jan 18 2001 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
In a post this great man said he was doing well! *Cheers for Knarmon*. However, I think there should still be a NPC named after him and my proposition is a God. I think a NPC should be implimented as the Smithy of the Gods, and have armour quests. I propose this because he practicly already is the God of smithing, and it only seems appropreate if his name is going to be carried in the NPC realm of EQ

Kakaraught Sayin

P.S. it would be even cooler if ther made it so that you could worship Knarmon, like Brell for example (just a thought)
RE: Knarmon
# Jan 18 2001 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I actually like this idea, because I was thinking how wrong it would be for people who did not know him to camp him and get some cool armor ar weapon. That would just be wrong.
RE: Knarmon
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Cough cough...

please, not a God.

My pastor will have coniptions.

Well, having my ups and downs with the cancer... able to post this morning, after a terror filled night. Pain, aggghhhhh, what a blessing when it goes away! Looking like secondary to chemo rather than the cancer itself, so that is good news.

Going to make some ornate armor, I was given about 40 hq small bricks, so am processing those. Ornate not really worth making unless one runs into a bonanza like that!

Frank aka Knarmon Ironsmythe
who doesn't want to be a God, just have a nice link from Allakhazam to his clan web site.
Sharpening - Beginner Question
# Jan 18 2001 at 2:16 AM Rating: Default
I just started a dwarf, threw a few points in smithing, and made my first attempt at sharpening rusty weapons. I put a weapon (axe) and one sharpening stone in a forge. I got the weapon back immediately after hitting combine, with the message that I had fashioned it into something new. However when i right click and examine the weapon, it's still described as rusty, and not tarnished. Help? Thanks much.
RE: Sharpening - Beginner Question
# Jan 20 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
If you use correct ingredients you either succeed and get a tarnished weapon (slightly better delay, does not sell for any more).

or if you fail, you get your rusty weapon back, which is actually good, as you are skilling up, and get to do it over again, without hunting a new weapon down.

Just resell them tarnished weapons to vendors.

If you use a non sharp weapon, you will lose everything (like a staff).

Only other thing, start out with cheap weapons (what a vendor gives you for it), use them up, as they trivialize at lower level than the weapons that sell for more. This entire stage of smithing is very brief, and costs are so trivial compared to next steps, that it really doesn't matter.

RE: Sharpening - Beginner Question
# Jan 20 2001 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
Combine the weapon with a sharpening stone again. If you don't lose the weapon keep trying. The messages that are given afterwards are sometimes misleading. You still might tarnish it.
RE: Sharpening - Beginner Question
# Jan 18 2001 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
try a blade instead, not all weapons can be sharpend this way .... scythe i know for sure cannot be ... perhaps that one too ...

RE: Sharpening - Beginner Question
# Jan 18 2001 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
I just sharpened two scythes last night. They said something new, but I did not check. My skill went up, though.
Wood Elf Tempers
# Jan 17 2001 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
Can some one tell me what the temper is called to make wood elf chain and what to use to make it. Please
RE: Wood Elf Tempers
# Jan 17 2001 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Wood Elves don't have a Temper, as Wood Elves do not have a cultural armor that's smithed. Wood Elven cultural armor is Tailored.
Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
I have made 2 sets of Erollisi Imbued plate. Some observations:

1. Try to get your skill up above 175. I was impatient and began trying at failure rate was 80%. I made my last 3 pieces at 189 skill in 4 tries...a failure rate of only 25%.

2. Boots for Imbued and ordinary field plate seem to be not working (I will try after today's patch, although it was not mentioned in the patch message). My solution was to make fine plate boots and dye them with iron oxide (red rust dye) which makes a near-perfect color match. I also used this tactic to fill in for parts I hadn't made yet (I abhor mismatched suits).

3. I bought almost all of my high quality ore from players in High Keep. I would auction at the bank, 8pp for small bricks and 20pp for large...people would bank their bricks when I wasn't on and wait for me to show up, at that price. If you offer less money, they may just sell to npc's for expediency, and you will end up paying 11pp / 35pp from the merchants for those same bricks.

4. If you can get a 50+ mage or necro interested in your project, they can sweep through SolA like a hurricane and get 20 bricks in an evening.
RE: Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Concerning ur latest suggestion i give the advice to ask the people hunting there (lvl 24 to 38 ?! ) before u hunt this level down ....
It happened to me quite often lately (in Crystal Cavern and Sol A) to be run over by those kind of loot professionals, when we were camping some items ... their pet came hunted all down, looted our stuff, said Sorry, /shrug, bye ...... i would have killed those, if only i could ..... this habit seems like a crime to me and i hope in the name of everey smith on norrath we should respect the wishes of the prior camps ...

no offense, Meleniya, surely just an addition to ur get suggestions ...
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
I love asking others for help in hard to get items
# Jan 17 2001 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
It is so hard to get specialty items, I don't begrudge people at all the time they spent hunting items for me. Of course there are people that are abusive about this, but they can keep it up for only so much time. I believe in sharing the wealth.

RE: Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Please bear in mind, Kronill, that everybody's experiences are different. In my case, playing in the daytime on Tunare server, I find the number of players in Sol A to be typically zero when I do a /who in that zone. You will note that in the patch they are increasing the exp multiplier in Sol A in an effort to get *more* people to use it.
I don't know what server you are on, or what hours you hunt in Solusek, but certainly common courtesy would dictate that a person planning to sweep the dungeon would /who before summoning a pet. The mage helping me at night found Sol A deserted except for a few people fighting at the zone and a few looking for clockworks. I only wish more people used Solusek during the day...I am a cleric and even at level 52 I could not venture alone into Sol A. It would be far easier for me to buy unwanted ore from players, if only they were there. :(
RE: Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Hail, Meleniya ...

sure ur right and it is honorable that u do ur /who before u give ur pet or urself a wildcard for killing each and everzthing in a dungeon .... as i play a lot in CC or Sol A (still have no Charred Guardian and want to help someone get a nice robe)

and it happened to me twice lately a high level came in or gated in or however he got there without me seeing him ... he killed everyhing, i gave him tell, he kill inspector and herbi at the same time, grabed whatever they weere carrying (belt,robe ?) said sorry and went off .... oh i forgot he said "sorry" afterwards ..... but took the loot anyway ...
i was quite in rage then, but i was camping that area for 3 hours at that moment and ahd to go another 5 hours, killing 4 herbis total and one more in that situation might have made the point to me or my friend ....
u see my situation, might be that it is not normal behavior, might be that its new zones and new items, that are so good that even highlevel might be interested in (for their twinks - how i hate that twinking BTW, Verant should be doing something against that ... )

I an NOT saying: u or even a friend of u is doing that ... all i wanted to say and did say: please
give the low folks a call, before u declare a dungeon to hell or kill like mad mobs that are not ur level range ... k ?

friendly greetings, honestly
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Sorry folks -- my browser keeps playing tricks on me ...
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Observations from making Imbued Erollisi armor
# Jan 17 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
Thanks to Knarmon
# Jan 17 2001 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
I just wanted to extend my thanks to Knarmon. After reading his advice on his clan page, I sklilled up from 28 to 122 in about 3 hours by making metal bits, studs, scalers, toolboxes, lanterns, skewers, and pots. All done in freeport by a 64int 23rd level barbarian. Cost me about 96pp to do so. If anyone starting smithing has not read his pages, do so. There is no better guide out there.

Magnii Mareschal (Wrath of the Dragonclaw Clan)
Nothing new on velium ?
# Jan 17 2001 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
Hail, folks of Norrath

I was hunting for quite a long time in the crystall caverns on Velious. The first two weeks i collected any very much ore and velium from there, cause i thought, there might be something to smith with it ....

Unlike the situation, when Ornate Plate reach Norrath, NO ONE is writing anything concerning tries and failures on blacksmithing such things ....

Is there really not anything new ???

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
Vellium ore
# Jan 17 2001 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
I've bought vellium based jewelry items, and I think that is what the ore is for. I have seen no smithing recipes for Vellium, and have not read the jewelry discussion groups.

As smiths we have far more than any other trade. I've written guides on tailoring, baking, flethching, brewing, pottery, jewelry. They all run 10 to 20 pages. My smithing runs 120 pages printed out. That tell you anything?

Go to my clan web site below, go to vault, then crafts to see with your own eyes my output over the past year.

RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Hello all.

From what I've noticed today, Velium Temper is now on the live servers. Now, the goal is to find recipies to work...any ideas? I won't be able to check myself until late tonight, but rest assured, I'll post my findings here...
RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 18 2001 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
how do you know that the tempers are live?
do you have any info on the recipie? if so where did you find it, a book?
ANY info whould be great

35 warrior
master blacksmith
master fletcher
master drinker
RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 18 2001 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
No recipie, the vendor that sells ore and clay (not in the bank, mind you) sells it, along with the 'Enchant Velium' scroll. I walked around, checking all the vendors, and lo, there it was!
RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 18 2001 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
was this vendor selling bars? if so i think that the bars and the spell are for jewelery not for smithing.
on a side note, where in game is the info on tempers found?(what book or npc talks about them and the recipes)

RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 18 2001 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts

are u talking about the vendors down in Thurgardin or the one down the Crystal Caverns ???
Are u sure they sell the ore or do they resell the ore that is coming from PCs ??


Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Vellium Smithing
# Jan 19 2001 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
They resell ore, you have to kill orcs in Crystal Caves...
Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Jan 16 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm trying to make metal bits using 2 small pieces of ore and 1 flask of blood water. I keep getting the "those items don't combine in those quantities to produce anything" message. I put the pieces in the forge separately 1 ore + 1 ore + Flask blood water. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
RE: Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Jan 18 2001 at 7:52 AM Rating: Default
Humm, Young Swift Tail you should swim to West Cabalis and buy Flasks of Water from one of the
vendors next to the Necromancer Guild Tower.

Head Not the advice of the soft skins.

Radag TP
RE: Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Jan 16 2001 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
You need to have standard, northern Norrathian water, most likely. Most likely Verant forgot that Iksars would want to do smithing and didn't make blood water a valid ingredient. Try travelling to Firionia Vie, perhaps? Never been to Kunark except with a lvl 8 lizzy.
RE: Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Jan 16 2001 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know how it works in Kunark, but in Freeport it goes 1 piece of ore, + 1 piece of ore + 1 Water Flask. (Nothing about Blood water) Just a plain old water flask.
RE: Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Jan 17 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
that is correct, stock up on water flasks in fiorna vie. If faction bad, just ask someone to buy for you, vender is in hut closest to bridge from mainland. come across bridge and turn right,hut straight ahead, but through the window on side as you will likely be too big to enter.

Knarmon who is still with us!
RE: Making Metal Bits in Cabilis
# Mar 24 2001 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
The regular water flasks can be purchased in West Cabilis so no you don't have to worry about going to FV for this at all!
Not the brightest .... Skillup ends with Int 71??
# Jan 16 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
92 posts

mmh i am not worrying about my skill anymore ... as i am skill 182 now i seem to able to make all fine steel parts at reasonable wins/failure ratio (3-4/1).... i still fizzle at bracers (yep, still not trivial) sometimes as i do on breastplates or even cloaks ....

thss thing is, i nearly did 200 parts of fine steel since i reach 182 and did not skill up since then .... i am level 36 shaman by now, when i smith i have the stats

Str 176
Wis 180
Int 71
dex 137

I dont know if there is a limit u can reach with a certain intelligence u have, as barbarian u are obviously no nobel price winner - but as i dont fizzle so much anymore, i try to get used to it ...



Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Not the brightest .... Skillup ends with Int 71??
# Jan 16 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
Are you sure you are 182 and did not miss scaling to 185? 185 is your level based limit for any skill.
Just a thought...
RE: Not the brightest .... Skillup ends with Int 71??
# Jan 16 2001 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
Albavar, I don't think there is a level based limit on blacksmithing. My level 8 druid has a blacksmithing skill of 132.
RE: Not the brightest .... Skillup ends with Int 71??
# Jan 17 2001 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I discovered that last night after my post. Sorry about that.

RE: Not the brightest .... Skillup ends with Int 71??
# Jan 16 2001 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
Same as I wanted to say .....

skill limits
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Skill limit for smithing is 200, if this is first trade you come to, you can go higher (specialization), locks you into this.

Don't worry about skilling up further, it just takes lots and lots of combines at this level, when it happens rejoice... sorta like getting older in life, and certain enjoyable aspects of living....

hee hee.
To Knarmon
# Jan 17 2001 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Sorry I'm stupid but I can't seem to get to that wonderful webpage of yours. I only got into it once and when I try to go to the vault it says it can not load the page. Mostly I can't even load your main page.

The address is right?

The underscore is really an underscore and not something else right?

Your humble apprentice
web page address is fine
# Jan 17 2001 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
449 posts

just checked it.

Geocities likely gets overwhelmed from time to time, just keep trying. Give me your email, and I'll send an uptodate file, word format, or rich text format if you prefer, please specify.

It is better than web site anyway, latest corrections.
I am
RE: skill limits
# Jan 17 2001 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
92 posts

thanks for reply. I was just wondering, if it might be the aspect of intelligence that is responsible for the lack of skillups ..... on the other side i dont want to switch to a gear that is making mz intelligence stat a little higher ... i guess i can reach up to100 to 110 without spending too much cash . .. cause i would hate to see more fizzles than i do now ...

so, what i do is, taking another 200 orders for fine steel and hope for my next skillup ...

p.s.: kinda interesting, how a skillup turn form a very small (o-100) DING to a very big one (175 - 250?). Wondering if anyone ever did reach 250 ? I heard of a jeweler (Ralana on Drinal) , who reach that limit, but never of a smith ....

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: skill limits
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
people have posted trivials for some items as greater than 202 so I must assume they broke at least that barrier along the way.

Just enjoy smithing. At these high levels, it seems with all trades, things move slowly. There are many fletchers and jewelers, that are over 200, and they all complain skilling up slow, and that the hard to make items all remain with significant failure rates. You just have to live with it, and price your wares according to current failure rates.

RE: skilling up
# Jan 17 2001 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
One observation: Small size fine steel plate seems to be more difficult to make than medium size. It may be the same for large size...if you are making items purely for skill increase, I would suggest using medium size molds; they seem to fail less often at a given skill level. Of course, you can get skill increases from failures as well as successes, but it does get expensive and frustrating.
Small FS and Large FS seem to be a little bit more difficult
# Jan 18 2001 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Right, I had the same impression ...

in normal cases i grab ore in HHK smith and sell in Freeport (east freeport, the lag in NFP gives me a headache, lol)

in case anyone asks for a large set or large pieces i do it next time i am in Halas or nearby, i hate to run that way from FP to halas, in most cases i take a ride to NK, but the way from there to halas is still long enough ....

small i make really not so often, allthough there a permanent questions for it in NFP, but no customer understands that it is a lot of work to get all the stuff ....

Small and large seem to be a little bit more difficult than med size, i take regular fizzles into count for the pricing of the stuff ...and one thing is for sure
a good smith is a rich smith !! i read that several times and i think its true ... this is my first charakter in EQ and i dont think i could affort such good items for my friends and me if i wasnt smithing ...
Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
Mithril Bits
# Jan 16 2001 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Can anybody tell me how to make Mithril Bits please?
RE: Mithril Bits
# Jan 18 2001 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Morning dew is only foraged by master foragers (I.E. Druids) I usually sale for 1-2PP a piece,
as they are a semi-rare forage.
RE: Mithril Bits
# Jan 17 2001 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Go to Shop of All Holds in Felwithe and buy 2 small pieces of Mithril from Tanalin Silverkale (not very expensive). Find a Morning Dew (I think these are found on the ground under Kelethin's platforms)or buy one on auction (not No Drop item) and have an elf blacksmith combine the 3 things in the Fier'Dal Forge of Kelethin.
RE: Mithril Bits - Read the previous pages NT
# Jan 16 2001 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
Metal studs
# Jan 15 2001 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
how much do metal studs sell for? please let me know.
RE: Metal studs
# Jan 16 2001 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
To me about 1sp (please? ;) ) I've been told 5gp to 1pp depending on how reliably you can make them. Hope this helps.
RE: Metal studs
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
vendors sell them for about 3g when players sell to them.

fair price from smith seems to be 5g. I gave up trying to sell them as a smith, just sold two stacks to vendor that I was saving for tailors.

Okay I humblely ask in plane & simple terms
# Jan 15 2001 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
What is the differnce between (plz include correct recipie for a breast plate say)
-Dwarven armor?
-Imbued Dwarven Armor?
-Enchanted Dwarven armor?
-Imbued Enchated Dwarven armor? (is there sutch a thing?)
RE: Okay I humblely ask in plane & simple terms
# Jan 16 2001 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
Ok, Here are the basic differences…

Dwarven Plate armor: This is the basic cultural armor.
Any plate wearing small race can wear it (Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling).
It has some innate Fire Resistance (from 1 to 5).
The AC on this is quite high, for example, Cloak of 11AC, BPlate
of 22 AC, Collar of 9 AC, etc…
It is a dark chocolate Brown (others have less poetic names for it)

Imbued Dwarven Plate: This is made using the exact same recipe as
the normal Dwarven Plate, except that an imbued Ruby is added at
the time of forging. A Cleric of brell must imbue the ruby using the
29 level Cleric spell Imbued Ruby. This makes armor of the exact
same stats as the above, EXCEPT for the addition of Wisdom.
Most of the pieces have plus 4 wis, the collar has 3, the bracers 2
and no one seems to know the veil (likely 3) or the belt (probably 4).
Note that this armor can ONLY be worn by followers of Brell.
It is the same color of Brown. Also, ponder the fact that this
armor is better that almost anything non-planar or Dragon (and I
suppose Velius). I currently wear 8 pieces and can think of VERY
few things I would like to replace those pieces with that aren't
on-drop (or cost 30KPP). For a Dwarven or Gnomish Cleric
this stuff is, simply put, amazing.

Enchanted Dwarven Plate (Will likely never be made).
This is made using the same recipe as the top armor, except
that it uses enchanted sheets and enchanted chain jointing. To
enchant, you need a level 49 enchanter with Enchant Brellium
and at LEAST 4 Jacinths (yup..ow). Each large Brick must
be enchanted. That means for each sheet you use to make it, you
need 3 Jacinths. The Enchanted Chain Jointing takes an enchanted
block of brellium too, so there's the 4th Jacinth.
This adds Strength, Stamina and Magic Resistance.
Same color (we assume)

Enchanted Imbued Dwarven Plate:
Adds the positives of both above items. Basically make enchanted
Dwarven Plate and add in imbued Ruby. It has the same Follower
of Brell limitation. This makes items with plus Wis, Str, Sta and
Fire/Magic Resistance. Same color.
The ONLY KNOW PIECE of Enchanted Imbued Dwarven Plate
to be made on ANY server is a collar, which was:
AC 9, Plus 4 Str, plus 3 Wis, plus 6 Sta, 1FR, 4MR
As you can see this is an amazing piece of gear, but the price is
amazingly high and the risk of failure is, of course, HUGE.

If you want the exact stats of these items as they are known now, you
can visit (which seems to be down right now). Under
the 'Recipe' area you will see cultural smithing. Click on Dwarven
and at the bottom you will see most of the stats.

That's all I got for you right now…

35 Cleric of Brell, Druzzil Ro
Silver Wolf Pack
Master Smith 189
Master lots of other stuff

RE: Okay I humblely ask in plane & simple terms
# Jan 17 2001 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I posted the stats on imbued shoulders and mask a while ago on this msg board, forgot now. I have consistently failed all enchanted imbued mask attempts so far at skill 191. (wasted 11 jacinths)

59 knight
my two bits
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
wonderfull answer.... keep in mind the recipes are so hard to get components for, you will be making for special customers only, and only after a long effort to collect stuff. Allakhazam has very nice web links with recipes, pics of all that is known actually.

don't forget him....
other enchanted weapons
# Jan 15 2001 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Found a whole pile of other enchanted recipes:

Humans have a bunch of enchanted armors now posted on allakhazam's web links too...
check them out.

Enchanted seafarer's dagger: Enchanted metal (same as above) + Dagger blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel mold + Sea temper + Black pearl

Enchanted seafarer's harpoon: Medium quality sheet of metal (not folded) + Spear head mold + Oak shaft + Sea temper + Flawless aquamarine (drops off forest giants in Kunark)

Antonian Enchanted Emerald Long Sword: Medium Quality Folded Metal Sheet + Long Blade Mold + Hilt Mold + Pommil Mold + Vial of Distilled Mana + Royal Temper + Emerald

Antonian Enchanted Ruby Long Sword: Medium Quality Folded Metal Sheet + Long Blade Mold + Hilt Mold + Pommil Mold + Vial of Distilled Mana + Royal Temper + Ruby
RE: other enchanted weapons
# Feb 23 2001 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
Antonian enchanted is not create with this item
i m great ,aster and i can t create this
RE: other enchanted weapons
# Feb 23 2001 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
Antonian enchanted is not create with this item
i m great ,aster and i can t create this
enchanted seafarer cutlass recipe
# Jan 15 2001 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
Prior page someone asked for this recipe, found it on Allakhazams main blacksmithing web page links, no data, no pics, no stats.

Enchanted seafarer's cutlass = Enchanted metal (I assume this is enchanted silver, gold or other bars) + Curved blade mold + Hilt mold + Pommel mold + Sea temper + Black pearl
RE: enchanted seafarer cutlass recipe
# Jan 16 2001 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry. I have tried this recipe listed with enchanted gold, electrum and silver and NADA. I believe you need to have an enchanter (50th or better) use the new line of enchant metal spells to create enchanted sheets of metal. In freeport's case, enchant steel is the spell, which is available at the wiz/ench guild in west freeport. I have yet to attempt this, cuz I do not often SEE any post 50 chanters willing to help me. As soon as I get reliable results (i.e. a failure message, instead of "these items do not combine" or "wrong forge", I will list the proper recipe. I am a master smith on Povar of skill 177 and i have about 12 sea tempers ready to go, if someone wants to hunt me down and donate or sell me some cheap black pearls AND/OR provide 50th or better enchanter service, My character's name is Kraazor. If u cannot find me, ask anyone in Guardian Brotherhood to hold said items for me. We will eventually get this item. Thanks,

Kraazor Pyretic,
22 human wizard
RE: enchanted seafarer cutlass recipe
# Jan 17 2001 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
nothing like first hand knowledge, what I posted comes from Allakhazam, considering pics and stats posted, one must assume first hand report... Race specific stuff is all unique to that particular race.

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