
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
High Elf Cultural Non-armour
# Jan 30 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
Today I made my first ever attempts at the Koada'Dal Falchion and the Woodlanders shield.

Falchion 1/1
Shield 0/4

I made the Falchion first and was very happy and encouraged by the result. Then proceeded to try the shield later in the night and kept making attempts thinking "The falchion was so easy, surely my 2nd (3rd, 4th) attempt will work". No luck. Oh well, I'm very happy with the falchion.

For these attempts my skill was 178, 142 strength and 104 wisdom. I've been concentrating on getting strength equipment, but I'm tempted to go with more wisdom now as long as my strength stays reasonably high... perhaps about 120 or more.

On a side note, the brewer who did my tempers had a skill of 182 and went 5/6.

Well, back to Mistmoore and Steamfront for me. *sigh*

Yana, Tholuxe Paells (Or however you spell that)
RE: High Elf Cultural Non-armour
# Feb 01 2001 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
What does strength have to do with your abilty to blacksmith? Should it not be Wisdom and Intelligence?
STR in smithing
# Feb 01 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Somebody help me remember where that came from. I think it was Yak(tizma?), the tradeskill programmer. I distinctly remember hearing that there was some effect now, probably put in place because otherwise there would not ever be any Ogre War Plate! We need some info from smithing ogres, if we have any. Preferably dumb ogres. In absence of that maybe Knarmon has some idea based on his barbarian smith.

My smith has 55 STR and I have to say that my success rates could be better, but they are not bad. If I were able to boost my STR I could run some tests, but I can't do that.
A Good All in 1 site?
# Feb 25 2001 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
Hi, I recently achieved the 20th rank and i thought i would try my hand in blacksmithing, and the information I have gathered here has been very helpful. However, I'm trying to find a place where the information is a little more structured than just randomly sifting through a ton of posts... its a little tedious and doesn't always render the answers to my specific questions. Is there a sort of "strategy guide" for smithing online anywhere? If you could let me know that would be great!

Nicoddemus Shadowborne
20th Circle Dark Elf Shadow Knight
... a shadow slips over your mind and as the millenia pass you forget what light is...
RE: A Good All in 1 site?
# Feb 28 2001 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
RE: A Good All in 1 site?
# Feb 28 2001 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
blah, cant spell...should be
RE: STR in smithing
# Feb 04 2001 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
The game will the highest stat from either Int Wis OR Str. So whichever is the highest is the one which will be checked for success.

Velecia Everlost 49 Cleric
RE: STR in smithing
# Feb 03 2001 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
I am a cleric my STR w/o buffs is 112 or so, and I have found when I use STR buffs I do succeed more often
RE: STR in smithing
# Feb 05 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Yes Str determines your success rate. But your wis or int determines how fast your skill goes up. This is based on the same system as melee skills STR determines your damage while dex or agi i forget which one determines how fast certian melee skills go up.

I normally if i am trying something very hard i will put on str gear and have a high level shaman buff me this helps tremendously. But if i am just making FP to sell or get my skill up i go full wis i am a cleric so most of my gear relates to this anyhow.

Havens Soulblesser
Haven of Light
Karana Server
RE: STR in smithing
# Feb 06 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
From what I remember reading when all the new skilll changes were being made there would be additional secondary stats that would somehow improve your ability in a trade skill. Strength was supposed to help smithing and maybe Dex for fletching, etc. I don't think that stats ever determine success. That is what your skill levels are for. However I recently got 49th and the new strength spell and Rage spell get my strength up to 220. I am going to start smithing again to see if I can finally get my freaking skill to go above 188. Also my Wis is 191. I'll let you know.
Shjekai - Iksar Shaman 49th :)
Discordia Eternum
Luclin Server
RE: STR in smithing
# Feb 11 2001 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I dunno about strength helping in smithing, although logically it should. My strength is only 81 at max, and I still get high success rate...
Whoops, forgot to mention...
# Jan 30 2001 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
...that all of these attempts were imbued, in case you didn't guess.

Yego overcomes Windows ignorance, posts smithing info on "In
# Jan 30 2001 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
196 posts
Y'all heard right, I've finally figgerd out dis here Winders thing and located dat ol' "save as html" button in Excel. I have put the spreadsheet on my very own web site at so go take a look. First I will say that the one you will be looking at is an old one where I am missing info and had not yet corrected many spelling errors. Next I will say that the updated one will get pushed out as soon as I get a laptop at work, however seeing that I have been employed for a full month and so far do not have a desk even, you might be waiting a while. Go ahead and post your complaints about it, though. These complaints can include such things as "man that's ugly", however I ask that you please help me to code in some pretty stuff if you are a complainer. I am hardly capable of doing that on my own, even with FrontPage (or maybe despite it).

Lastly, giving credit where it is due, 99% of this info comes from Allakhazam's site and Knarmon's site. You'll notice that I don't have all the detail that Knarmon does, which is intentional. My page is meant to be a quick reference, if such a thing exists for smithing, of formulas and locations.

Have fun.
Is there a Smithing guild on Rodcet Nife?
# Jan 29 2001 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
Is there a Blacksmithing guild on Rodcet Nife server? If so, please let me know. If not, would anyone be interested. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
Tenniel of Rodcet Nife server
200 int is a beautiful thing...
# Jan 29 2001 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
286 posts
Hail all! Recently, I was finally able to achieve the magical intelligence of 200. With that achieved, I began smithing some armor for a friend. Lo and behold, that 1 measly point has made a HUGE difference in successes, as I attempted 17 pieces, had 15 success, 1 fail, and 1 DNC (confused one mold with another :p)! Now, the trouble is, my skill refuses to move from 178. Word from the peanut gallery is that with an INT greater than 200, raises come more often. Is this accurate? And, does the lower of the two mental skills (INT/WIS) have anything to do with successes? I seem to be getting conflicting reports on that...
RE: 200 int is a beautiful thing...
# Feb 03 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
It's been a bit but a can't belive people still have probs with this ... Its was put that it is now ither wis or int "whichever is greater"

so you your int is 200 you wis could be 50 - 199 with no diference in failure rates
RE: 200 int is a beautiful thing...
# Jan 29 2001 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Once upon a time WIS had some effect (they say), but who knows now? I would suspect the whole relationship was changed, because if you are a WIS smith, do you use INT to check increases? I doubt it, but who knows? Plus, I'm not really sure it made a difference in the first place, but being a high-elf I'm inclined to think it helped me somewhat. I did the majority of my skilling this fall after the smithing patch, FYI.

So what kind of increase are we talking about here? Not counting your DNC (different INT stat there) you had a 15/16 success rate, so what was it before? And you increased it just one point? Amazing. I am now in the market for INT items big time.
RE: 200 int is a beautiful thing...
# Feb 05 2001 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
well, one point is alot to go up... i think i spent something like 1.5kpp on fine plate smithing to get from 178-180... it's slow expensive work...but i didn't have 200int now that i've gotten it over 200 i'll have to give it a shot again
RE: 200 int is a beautiful thing...
# Jan 30 2001 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
Before it was more of a 75% success rate, and I'd fail on easy, 1 sheet stuff. Yet, most of my successes at 198 int were on greaves and breastplates, both fine steel and mundane (go figure ;p). My Wis has also risen from 104 to 108 since I started, maybe it still has an effect? Now, if only I could get a raise...
Imbued Iksar Armor
# Jan 29 2001 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I know many of you are going to think this is basic information, but after reading quite a few guides (and taking about two hours) I thought I'd just ask as most of you probably know the answers already:

1: Can Ring/Chain armors be dyed?
2: Can you confirm that black armor would take one peice of charcoal?
3: Can you confirm that iksar armor is imbued with Amber?
4: Can you confirm that iksar shamans cast the imbue spell?
5: How much would the high end suit of magical armor for an iksar cost in black? Anyone out there able/willing to make it?

I want my iksar warrior to wear black armor, and iksar can't wear fine steel, hence the question. So, I'm thinking of making the armor myself or paying someone on the Rodcet server to make it for me.

Any answers or help would be greatly appreciated.

Saraphael Seafury
Rodcet Nife
# Jan 30 2001 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
All dying comes in 3 densities. One resin gives darkest vial, tends to be dull, 3 resins is bright and light, and 2 is light and in between. The resin is the costly ingrediant here.
RE: dying
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
Yeah ok, back to the REAL topic. The COSTLY ingredient, at least for the ultra rare colors, is the color components themselves. I've never seen more greed in this game in lower level characters than I have since armor dye was implemented. This is especially the case for evergreen leaves, since the exact locations of many spawnpoints are known. I've seen newbies offering these for sale for 50pp per! And thanks to the spawn rate, casual gamers like myself are pretty much dependent on buying them from said greedy SOBs. One last thing, those of you that are out there agreeing to pay that much cash for a single leaf are contributing to this degrading culture. You must be charging 5 times the decent rate for a piece of dyed armor. No wonder the market has collapsed for FP!
RE: dying
# Jan 31 2001 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Geez, Frank, you gave me a scare there.

Shouldn't this post be titled "Dyeing?"
RE: dying!
# Feb 02 2001 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
Agreed, Alerithon!
RE: dying!
# Feb 02 2001 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
What a difference between 'dying' and 'dyeing'...sakes, you scared the mess out of me!
RE: dying!
# Feb 09 2001 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe you should change the Subject to "Easter Armour or Egg Coloring" haha

Tenniel of Rodcet Nife
RE: Imbued Iksar Armor
# Jan 30 2001 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
partial answers, that don't apply to you mostly. Sorry.

1. Only fine plate can be dyed, and can not be worn by Iksar.
2. Barbarian chain can not be dyed, but can be worn by Iksar.
3. Talk to Iksar smith, my notes have: imbued cabilis scale armor uses Imbued Amber, which can only be worn by Cazic Thule (locked in by the amber)
RE: Imbued Iksar Armor
# Jan 30 2001 at 4:06 AM Rating: Default
1. It can't be collored in any way. it is as is green on males and purple on females.
2. don't know
3. Yes amber is used in making magical iksar racial armor.
4. Yes Iksar shaman get the embue amber spell.
5. Can't make it in black but the price depends on who makes it for you and if you bring in the iksar blood yourself. I've seen quotes on the prexus sever for 1600pp for a pair of embued boots down to 200pp for an embued mantle. best advice is find some one in guild and bring your own blood. drops in dalnir and sebilis maybe elswhere. I bought all of mine for 20 to 100pp each. good luck
RE: Imbued Iksar Armor
# Jan 30 2001 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you very much for the advice. 8)

Mithril Bits?
# Jan 28 2001 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
How are the Mithril Bits made? If that can't be answered, as least could someone post where the book is with the recipe to do this. Thank you.
RE: Mithril Bits,boning and studs..
# Jan 30 2001 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
Well Met brothers and sisters.....
Seems every few pages,someone else asks for info on making Mithril Bits,and I feel the need to repost this info...

*First of all,you NEED to be a wood-elf,no ifs ands or buts about it.Secondly,you NEED to use the Fier'Dal forge in Kelethin.(it is located near the newbie lift,just up the ramp from the regular forge)
Mithril Bits= 2 small pieces of Mithril Ore + 1 Morning dew
Mithril Boning= 1 small brick of Mithril Ore+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Mithril Studs= 3 Mithril Bits+ 1 file+ 1 Morning Dew
Fier'Dal Sewing Kit= 1 Mithril Bit+ 1 needle mold+ 1 thimble mold+ 1 WATER (not morning dew)
*this is a nice kit,10 slot,holds large items,and weighs only 0.4...downside,only a wood-elf making the new leather armor can use as a sewing kit,but its still a nice container,and hitting combine won't eat anything*

Mithril Ore, can be found in Felwithe in the Shop of All Holds,located on the top floor.
Morning Dew can be foraged in G-Fay,L-Fay,or Frontier Mountain.I can buy it in Faydark,for 1pp each,but in FM its over 10pp each...just FYI
**The book on tailoring the Fier Dal racial leather,is located just up the newbie lift,theres a merchant,on the first floor there that also selld needle and thimble molds (forget his name and the loc)

Hope this info helps you out...if not,please leave a post asking any questions,or if you're on Eci,send me a tell.

Alye Catt
35 Druid,wood elf
Eci server
RE: Mithril Bits,boning and studs..
# Jan 31 2001 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
Thank you very much Alye Catt!

Jagmark Vervesonnet
35th Level Druid
Erollisi Marr Server
How to make MQ folded sheets?
# Jan 28 2001 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
How do I make a MQ folded sheet?

I tried 1 MQ large block of ore, 1 water and 1 smithy hammer as indicated on a previous post, but got the dreaded "Those do not combine in those quantities" message (my skill is at 175). The ore was from SF and the smithy hammer from West FP. Am I using the wrong ore size or do I have to buy a smithy hammer from Kaladim (my home)?

These sheets, according to a web site I read, are part of the fine plate recipe. Or am I wrong here too?

Thank you,
One confused dwarf
RE: How to make MQ folded sheets?
# Jan 29 2001 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
449 posts
To ill to hunt down the info amd post here, but go to my clan link below, go to vault, crafts, smithing, and there is my document that gives all the details much more than I can post. Also, page back and scan subjects, covered many times in past.

RE: How to make MQ folded sheets?
# Jan 28 2001 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
Ravenstorm of Vazarelle server here, i tried it today made the folded metal sheets. long story short...ITS CONFUSING hehe. ok check this out. hope someone can confirm this.
MQ block of ore and water and smithy hammer combine in forge makes MQ folded metal sheets
to make racial stuff, you have to combine MQ block of ore, water, hammer in racial forge to make MQ folded metal sheets to use to make racial armor and weapons. i found out hard way 60pp gone... i tried MQ block of ore, water, hammer in regular forge and got MQ folded sheets and used that in the racial forge to make my northman dagge...didnt work. so i tried it in regular forge, didnt combine :( going to try later on tonight to make the MQ ore using racial forge and see if i can make the damn dagger. if anyone is reading this please confirm.
not sure if this will help you little one :) thanks
Where are the file molds?
# Jan 26 2001 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
I have spent too many hours looking for this one specific item. And it just doesn't seem to be out there anywhere I have looked.

If anyone has a zone and merchant name where they can be purchased I would greatly appreciate it.


Anghara Wolfmaster
RE: Where are the file molds?
# Jan 26 2001 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Neriak Foreign quarter has it, check the ogresses that look like Roseanne...
RE: Where are the file molds?
# Jan 30 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Look in the Imported goods store in East Freeport.
I Need Help Leveling Up
# Jan 26 2001 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
I am currently a lvl 104 smith. Could anyone tell me the easiest way, or what they recomend for me to do to get my skill lvl up higher? Thanks for the help.

Lvl 18 Dwarven Paladin
RE: I Need Help Leveling Up
# Jan 29 2001 at 3:25 AM Rating: Default
I was doing skewers till 115 (1 metal bits, 1 water and 1 skewer mold). The molds I got in East Freeport in the imported guilds shop or Traders' Holiday (can't remember which vendor exactly).

From 116 to 135 I switched to banded boots which can also be done in East Freeport.

Good luck!
extensive guidelines,
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Suggest you go to my clan web site for the whole nine yards, at link at end, go to vault, then crafts, then smithing.

Here is a whistler wetter,a lot of hard won, and carefully recorded data by myself. Pay attention to failure rates for each type of armor and the logic of what you make and sell at each skill level will unfold. Part of equation is how rich your are. If you have money to burn just make cloaks and throw them away until you are at 175 foolish young man, otherwise, make what fits your skill level, sell as able, stash excess inventory on storehouse mules for later sales, go slow, making as you sell, keeping 3 sets of armor ahead of yourself with items you can safely make is ideal strategy. HAVE FUN! Skill up at this stage should not be your primary goal. Make stuff for other trades, have fun with weapons and shields. Hardly any smithis know what weapons are profitable to make because at level 110 they never stopped and found out who and where the market for all this nice stuff was, they just charged ahead with skilling up as their God.

Recipe: One mold, 1-3 sheets metal as per below, and 1 water.
The following success rate table you will find will save you much much money in enabling you to make decisions about when to start making specific items of banded. Unless you have lots of cash, failures making banded can add up to 100 plat very easily, and is entirely avoidable knowing this data. This is a Barbarian of 57 intelligence. Everyone else except Trolls and Ogres will have better success.

Success rates with less than 10 combines are very very misleading. These numbers are from personal experience, unless otherwise indicated. Buffing up strength to maximum is only known way to increase success rate, other than increasing your skill level.
Success rates at skill level 102:
Gorgets and Bracers 90%
Boots 30%
Everything else, forget it.
Success rates at skill level 115-119
Gorgets and Bracers near 100%
Helm 5/6=90%
Belts 5/5=100%
Mask 5/7=70%
Boots 6/12=50%
Sleeves 8/15=50%
Mantels 1/5=20%.
Everything else (legs, cloaks, tunics, gloves) forget it.
Success Rates at skill level 125.
Boots 5/5=100%
Bracers 4/5=80% (Danni’s experience)
Mantels 4/4=100%
Helms 4/5=90% (Danni’s experience)
Mask 3/4=75%
Tunics (chest) 6/9=66%
Sleeves 3/5=60% (Danni’s experience)
Leggings 2/8=20% (my experience) 4/5=80% (Danni’s experience)
Cloaks (back) 0/4=0%
I suggest avoiding cloaks, leggings, gauntlets at this level.
Success Rates at skill level 129
Tunics 4/5 80%
Cloaks 3/5 60% (at skill level 130 had 0/5) (at skill level 131 Cloaks 2/3 66%)
Leggings 1/6 17% (at skill level 131 3.4=75%
I suggest avoiding leggings, gauntlets, perhaps cloaks
Success rates at skill level 136 You can reliably make everthing at tolerable failure rates.
Cloaks 5/6 83%
Leggings 5/6 83%
Success rates at skill level 141:
All items have sporadic failure, sometimes as many as 4 failures in a row, but highly unusual.
Skill level 145 Still 10% failures with cloaks, mantels, legs but everthing else failures are less than 5%.
Skill level 160: Still about 10% failure with legs, mantels, and getting several failures in a row on gauntlets on occasion.
Skill level 175: still fails 10% with cloaks.

Stats, costs, selling prices, trivial levels on banded armor:
Trivial levels changed Sept 2000, the trivial levels here above 145 are personally verified. I suspect the lower levels are now a bit higher. Prices do reflect failure rates, on difficult items, such as legs players are willing to pay more than listed prices below. These prices are based on a Barbarian smith skill in 150’s. I sold many legs at 15pp to grateful players, if you decide to make these items earlier, or push the upper limits of pricing. Costs are with charisma of 65, will be lower as much as 25% with charisma 105 player buying supplies.

1 sheet of metal items
Gorget (neck) Sell for 5pp ac 5 med wt. 2.0, lg. wt. 2.5, (skill level 65-105) cost 1500c to make. Venders buy for 880
Bracer (wrist) Sell for 6pp ac 6 med wt. 2.0, lg. wt. 2.5, (skill level 65-105) cost 2600c to make. Venders pay 1085c for them.
Boots (feet), sell for 8pp ac 6 med wt.. 5, lg. wt. 6.3 (skill level 90-135) cost 4.2 plat to make, sell for 5-6 plat. Venders buy for 2160

2 sheet of metal items
Mask (face), sell for 5pp ac 4 lg. wt. 1.3, med wt. 1.0, (skill level 105 - 135) cost 3.3 plat to make, venders buy for 1920
Sleeve (arms), sell for 7 pp ac 7 lg. wt. 4.4, med wt. 3.5, (skill level 105 - 135) cost 3.2 plat to make. Venders buy for 2080
Helm (head) sell for 8 pp ac 8 lg. wt. 5.6, med wt. 4.5, small wt.. 3.4 (skill level 110 - 135) 3.4 plat to make. Venders buy for 2160
Belt, sell for 7 pp ac 6 lg. wt. 3.8, med wt. 2.5, (skill level 115 - 135), cost to make3.7 plat, vender buy for 1985
Mantel (shoulders) sell for 8 pp ac 6 lg. wt. 4.4, med wt. 3.5 (skill level 124 – 168) cost 4 plat to make. Vender buy for 2470 (charisma 105 cost to make is 3034, vendor buy is 3048)
Gauntlets (hands) sell for 7 pp ac 7, lg. wt. 3.0, med wt. 4.0 (skill level 126 - 168) (charisma 65 cost 3.2 plat to make, Vender buy for 1631) (charisma 105 cost to make 2415, vendor buy for 2190)
Cloak (back) Sell for 10 pp ac 7, lg. wt. 6.0, med wt. 4.0, small wt. 3.0 (skill level 131-175) (charisma 65 cost 4.5 plat to make Vender buy for 1566) (charisma 105 cost to make 3360, vendor buy for 3429)

3 sheet of metal items
Tunic (mail sectional mold) (chest) sell for 15 pp, ac 15 lg. wt. 9.4, med wt. 7.5 (skill level 125 – 135 old, post update trivial less than 157) (Charisma 65 cost 6 plat to make. Vender buy for 3120)
Leggings sell for 10pp ac 8 lg. wt. 6.9, med wt. 5.5, (skill level 131 – 168) (legs) cost 5.6 plat to make. Vender buy for 3242. (Charisma 105 cost to make is 4200, vendor buy for 4000)
its about time for a link to knarmons site ...
# Jan 26 2001 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Hi folks of norrath ...

its really about time for allakhazam to make a link to the smithing site of knarmon. i have written the third mail to him, i guess, and they were a unanswered till now ....

i really like this homepage and i like this message board, but i dont understand, that this precious link is not on this site by now ....

anzyone has more info about that as i ...

please date me up ..


Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: its about time for a link to knarmons site ...
# Jan 26 2001 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Kronill, any info on what we can do to ask Alakhazam for a link? Knarmon's trade skill pages in general, and his smithy work in particular, should be acknowledeged. His work has enhanced all our enjoyment of this game.
RE: its about time for a link to knarmons site ...
# Jan 26 2001 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
why don't you guys just post it in the boards?
Starting out....I know...a bit late
# Jan 25 2001 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
Alright, I am a lvl 31 druid and I have decided....'nuff with this waiting for my skills to improve over night without me doing anything to help them out....i will start now. Well, I started by dumping about 20 skill points into ... smithing, tailoring, brewing and jewelcraft...20 each... (needless to say, that ate my pts up) ... I have no idea where to start with all of those and finally after about... oh, 2 days of messing around, i decided to start with smithing. I have made the metal bits til my wrists hurt, even with the ctrl method of snagging one metal bit instead of worryin about the slidding bar.....I've read alot on what to do after this but would like some feedback on where to go and what skills up my abilities faster.....thanks...
starting out help on all trades
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
If you go to my clan link below, go to vault, then go to crafts, you will see links to my documents on smithing, tailoring, brewing, cooking, archery/fletching/bowmaking (all 3 distinct trades/skills), pottery, alchemy (brief, mainly a clear listing of all the potions available, mainly of interest to buyers of potions), jewelry (brief, oriented solely to skilling up data) In smithing and tailoring I have extensive introductory sections on what long term goals are, strategies for that trade, what potential profits are if any money, and other non monetary values.

Good and Bad ... for smithing newbies !!
# Jan 26 2001 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts

first the good news .... its never too late to start a trading skill ...

now the bad news .... this is, as u might have guessed, not the first time, someone asks that question ... so please scroll back .. there r over 2000 comments now in this board.

the best guide i know is the one of knarmon, so please scroll back till u find some comment of him, get to his internetsite, u ll find more information than u can handle, but u will be able to manage to be a good smith ....

if there are any other smithing concerns, u wont find in that 200 pages of knarmon, ill be glad to be able to help u out in any form ...

so go out, have fun and be a good blacksmith ...

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
Drop of Mercury/ Lava Rock
# Jan 25 2001 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
i am looking for a Drop of Mercury and Lava Rock for blacksmithing, specifically for Imbrued Dwarven Plate Armor. I have the blacksmithing, and have been told and seen people say the mercury drops off earth elementals, but in what zones, and as for the Lava Rocks, apparently fire elementals, but, agai, what zones? what specific mobs if anyone has ever seen these items dropped
RE: Drop of Mercury/ Lava Rock
# Jan 26 2001 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Najena is a good place to hunt/auction for Drops of Mercury. The earth elementals there have Mercury. While you are there you can kill the Fire and Air elementals also. You stand a chance of looting Vials of Swirling Mist from the Air elementals(Temper component), and there is a tiny chance of looting a lava rock off of the fire elementals. (I have killed several score fire elementals there and have looted none.)
I think your best bet for LAVA ROCK is the Skyfire Mountains zone in Kunark. I have auctioned in zone there and bought several. Lava Rock seems to drop off of several beasts there including Wyverns. Others have claimed that Lava Rock drops from Skyash Drakes, in the same zone, but I have not confirmed this.
On the Fennin Ro server I pay 20pp per Lava Rock. I offer a bonus rate for a full stack, 25pp each, or 500pp for the stack. If you are mid 50ish you can hunt the Skyfire Mountain zone your self. Guild members sometimes hunt the zone for me, but I'm still only level 35. I would be very cautious about travelling to Skyfire if you were much lower than 35. Even the connecting zones can be hell.

Happy Hunting,
Ragvar Woundbinder, 35th level Cleric of Brell
RE: Drop of Mercury/ Lava Rock
# Jan 25 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
Saw Drop of Mercury drop(!) several times fighting elementals in the Hole.
RE: Drop of Mercury/ Lava Rock
# Jan 26 2001 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
I have got Mercury from Earth Elementals in both Steamfront and Najena. However, I have yet to see a lava rock drop from anywhere. Any help would be great!

RE: Drop of Mercury/ Lava Rock
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:25 PM Rating: Default
The only confirmed drop for Lava Rock is the Fire Giants in SolB
Earthen Temper
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Earthen Temper: (Dwarf) Dwarven ale, lava rock (dropped by Blazing elemental, The only confirmed drop for Lava Rock is the Fire Giants in SolB, 2 drops mercury (dropped by earth elementals), combine in brew Barrel. Cost 4.3pp
Earthen Temper
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
449 posts
Earthen Temper: (Dwarf) Dwarven ale, lava rock (dropped by Blazing elemental, The only confirmed drop for Lava Rock is the Fire Giants in SolB, 2 drops mercury (dropped by earth elementals), combine in brew Barrel. Cost 4.3pp
RE: Earthen Temper
# Jan 30 2001 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
I have 3 of the lava rocks, all from SolB. I have heard from other posts that the drakes (and dragons?) in Skyfire also drop them.
Iksar smith faction
# Jan 25 2001 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I am a 30th lvl iksar shaman with a smithing skill of 196. I think ive pretty much topped out on skill with racial since the tempers are so rare. so i wanted to switch to finesteel. I know that im kos everywhere that mq ore is available i was wondering witch of the three sources would be easiest to build faction with so i can purchase my ore and then smith it right there as would be possible at HH. That way i wouldnt have to haul it all the way back to cabalis to forge it. thanks in advance. and my prayers are with you knarmon/Frank.
Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 23 2001 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Greetings one and all.
So far I have enjoyed skilling up trade skills, blacksmithing especially due to being able to wander across to Oggok (I'm a TSK lvl9) and sharpen weapons then wander back etc, without it cutting a huge dent in time, cash or boredom. (creating stacks of metal bits does not sound like fun). SO what I am asking is this, is it possible to do smithing (or trade skills in general) on a casual basis or do you 'have' to wait until you are level X with XXXX plats in the bank and a day to spare doing nothing but clicking and combining? Can it not be fun at all?

Thanks for any insights, I have enjoyed it so far, and don't want to spoil it :)

RE: Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 24 2001 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
Well then I ask you this. What is the point of just sharpening a weapon when the cost increade to the weapon is 0 if not zero. The only benifit would to be able to subtract two from the speed of the weapon. The change from 42 to 40 is insignificant to the point that you are just wasting your money. Yes, a sharpening stone is only 4cp but if you don't scrape the rust of the weapon the first time then it is another 4cp. If people pay others to sharpen a rusty weapon for you then I would say that they two are wasting thier money as well. One of the only benifits to sharpening a rusty weapon is to raise your skill. Once you hit 20 you can not raise the skill beyond that unless you start making items. Verant did a good job making one of the most profitable skills both time consuming and pricey. Just with making metal bits alone is expensive and you can only take your skill up to 20 aswell before you max out. Hope this was helpful for this has been my experience as a beginner blacksmith.
RE: Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 24 2001 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
196 posts
Casual increase is possible, but at some point you'll have to start making things. One decent casual task is to keep any ore you find as loot and try to smith it into sheets. For me, the part where I spent cash to skill up making sheets was the most expensive period of my pre-master smithing, so if you just keep your ore then you can skill up with little concern for how much ore you are wasting by trying to make metal sheets at skill 20. In fact, since you are a troll, you can get into a group in Lavastorm and kill rock dervishes for ore, then cart it over to Neriak for smithing. The problem, of course, is that the ore weighs 15.0 each and they do not stack, so getting it to the forge can be an adventure itself: I would not recommend being encumbered in Lavastorm, especially for a melee type under level 15.

I'm not sure if that sounds fun to you. Perhaps the best advice is to bank ingredients, but approaching blacksmithing in a casual way will make it very hard to reach a "useful" skill level. I personally skipped on skilling smithing for a long time after sharpening weapons, then one day found myself with 150 platinum burning a hole in my pocket. I was OK until I got to the metal-sheet range, then I had to go get another 100+ plat to make it to 105 skill. Now I'm just looking around for some place where I can level past 17, so smithing is on hold for now. That's as casual as I would say you can get and be successful.
Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 27 2001 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
449 posts
Huzzah, someone finally singing my song.

In smithing especially, at skill 120 (half the cap!) you have a massive amount of items you can make for fun, slow casual skilling up (making banded) and profit (banded). Fun in that many players need your skills. Cooking stuff, weapons, shields, and many other itesm are fun!

RE: Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 28 2001 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Excellent, well at least I have something to look forward to :)

RE: Casual Skill Increases
# Jan 24 2001 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
The Lavastorm thing sounds pretty much the thing I was getting at. A way of increasing skill without gong to much out of my way, ie sitting for three days going from forge to shop and back burning plat.
Obviously by the sound of it, it wouldn't be something I would want to do or even could do constantly but lavastorm does sound promising. What sort of level due ou think I should be to be able to survive in there?

Thanks again for the help :)

Surviving in Lavastorm, or How to Beg for SOW
# Jan 24 2001 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
I'll start off with a broad statement: if you are a caster, Lava is not bad. If you are melee you can get in serious trouble.

The fact is that you can hunt there at level 9 by killing fire drakes (level 8 if you are a mage, probably necro also), but the problem are the fire imps, fire sprites and fire elementals. They can get up to level 17 or more, and are very aggressive. The worst part is that they have a fire shield, so you get burned when you hit them. I suppose the worst offenders are the basilisks, because there's nothing more humiliating than being slowly killed by a low blue while perma-stunned.

Mages and druids rock this zone, however, especially druids, because the elementals, imps, sprites and lava crawlers (lv 13-17) are all "summoned" and those two classes have anti-summoned DD spells. Basilisks have no effect on my mage's pets, and even if they manage to stun Drippy I'm right there with a nuke. Also I keep my ore bricks in a weightless bag I summoned. The mobs actually have fewer HP than you might think, too, so this place is really geared towards casters. Come to think of it, the mobs are pretty slow-moving as well. "Run early, run often" as they say.

There are more dangers in this zone, also, like the fire goblin camps (lv 9-11) and the shadowed men (lv 24+), as well as simply getting lost. There are occasional mini-trains involving an imp and an elemental, sometimes more, so hunting by Nektulos or Najena is risky. It's hard to find a good place to hunt where you can see far enough away to keep from getting ambushed. It doesn't help that the elementals are silent, either.

If you are not KOS to druids, my little secret is hunting near the druid ring. You can easily sell off your loot to the vendor, and you have a good chance of unloading your bloodstones (or other gems) on a player for a nice piece of change.

To wrap this up, someone should at least be able to cancel the fire shields of the mobs, and it would be nice to have fire resist as well as some anti-summoned DD. Good luck finding a druid in Neriak. =)
RE: Surviving in Lavastorm, or How to Beg for SOW
# Jan 26 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
I am trying to figure out what, exactly, this has to do with blacksmithing...
RE: Surviving in Lavastorm, or How to Beg for SOW
# Jan 27 2001 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I guess you missed the original post? I was asking for ways to 'casually' increase skill, ie whilst doing something else and not be sat there for hours by a forge blowing piles of plat getting bored senseless clicking repeatedly on a forge....
One idea was to go adventure in lavastorm, keep the ore dropped the work it into sheets, when you get back etc.
Now you know what it is all about, perhaps you have another suggestion? Or perhaps if you were to lazy to read the above posts, you wouldn't come back and read this one either....

RE: Surviving in Lavastorm, or How to Beg for SOW
# Jan 29 2001 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
I did read the above posts. What I was questioning is what a Lavastorm hunting guide is doing in a Blacksmiting section. The advice to go to Lavastorm makes sense. I was operating under the assumption that people would have sufficient intellegence to know that once the suggestion had been made, people who needed to know what to do there would look for a hunting guide in the correct section... Pardon me for overestimating you.
Large Banded Molds
# Jan 23 2001 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
Where can I buy large banded molds?????
RE: Large Banded Molds
# Jan 24 2001 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I would think the areas with large people would have the molds. This includes Oggok, Halas and Neriak even, since there are ogres and trolls in the Foreign Quarter. Specifically in the Foreign Quarter there are two ogre-esses that you pass on the way into the area that sell that sort of stuff.
RE: Large Banded Molds
# Jan 24 2001 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
You can buy Large Banded Molds in the barbarian village in WKarana.
RE: Large Banded Molds
# Jan 24 2001 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Not all molds as i know.....

but u can buy all large banded molds at the tents aside the zone form everfrost and halas at the left vendor ....

the metal sheets are bought in qeznos hills, medium molds too ...

barabrian can wear medium and its a little lighter than banded armor made of large molds ...

Kronill, Prophet of Darkmoons, Drinal
RE: Large Banded Molds
# Feb 08 2001 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
Oger and Troll banded.

You can get large banded molds at a group of three buildings with a dwarf over the fire in the middle on them in front of Oggok near the bridge.
3 venders there including molds for banded and weapons.

They are called SECTIONAL MOLDS.

Start in Freeport...
I load up the bank with metal sheets and run down there and get molds then use the forge inside of Oggok right near the bank.

I don't know any other places to pick up the metal sheets near there yet for evil alignment characters?

If I run out of sheets I load up the bank with Molds and run to a Freeport forge and make the banded.

Vulcansmith, Human Enchanter
Troubles Band - Rodcet
Arrow components
# Jan 23 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
Being a skillfull but hard up fletcher, I wondered if any of you smiths out there have any details about smithe made fletching components (steel arrow shafts, silver points etc). How much does it cost to make such things, and what are the trivial levels. Just trying to figure out if it might be worth employing the skills of a smith rather than lining the pockets of all those merchants. Also, us fletchers are constantly seeking the mythical steel and ceramic bow shafts of which there are rumours. Have any smiths possibly come across recipes for such.

Any help would be great

RE: Arrow components
# Jan 27 2001 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
Feild arrowheads- metal bit/file/h2o
Silver tiped arrowheads- MQ block of ore/sliver bar/file/h2o
Steel shaft- (2)MQ bricks of ore/file/h2o

I am not sure of the trivials, field should be farely simple, but the silver and steel might be a 80-100 trivial.
Embued Dwarven Boots of Brell Serilis
# Jan 23 2001 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Correction to the published recipes for this: it only requires one folded sheet of Brellium, not two. Thank Brell that the items aren't destroyed when the wrong items are placed in it!
Ornate chain patterns
# Jan 23 2001 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Where can I get them? Does it take a special pattern, such as the chain patterns in Felwithe, or can it be regular sewing patterns? Or is it something else altogether? And can u enchant it?
Ornate chain patterns
# Jan 23 2001 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
Where can I get them? Does it take a special pattern, such as the chain patterns in Felwithe, or can it be regular sewing patterns? Or is it something else altogether? And can u enchant it?
For Karnom Mainly useful to all
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
The information i posted on Velium ore dropping in Skyshrine. This is not a very nice dungeon at all nice stuff drops there but i have been in groups ranging from 41 to 60 and haveing two groups getting wiped out. These mobs are mostly blue to me and still blue to a level 60 not quite sure why but they are. This dungeon also will make you KoS to the new Dragons.

To get to it you have to run through a Frost Giant city also so invis is needed. All of the information i posted came from personal experience and as far as where i found the temper its in the City of Thurgandin as you enter the city you will run into a dead end if you go straight turn right and the miners guild is about 3 stores down on your right.

Havens Soulblesser
Haven of Light
Karana Server
Um, Skyshrine's a town...
# Jan 23 2001 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Granted, people kill giants and/or coldians en-masse for faction with the opposite, but why would anyone want to kill things in Skyshrine? You'd think the threat of Woushi (Root, 175pt kick, 530 claw, 530 claw, LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...) would be a deterrent to killing stuff that would hurt dragon faction...just my 2 coppers...
Trade Skill Limited by Level?
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
Are trade skills (smithing,tailoring,etc) subject to the same level-based limits as other skills
(5 x (level+1))? My fifth level enchanter seems to be stuck at a smithing skill of 30.
RE: Trade Skill Limited by MONEY, not LEVEL
# Jan 23 2001 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
There are no tradeskill caps by level, by no means. They are limited by how much people practice a skill. Practice takes time and materials, and the latter costs money. It's completely possible for a level 1 of any race/class to have any level of skill in any trade, with the exceptions being the race/class specific trades (alchemy, poison making, tinkering)
RE: Trade Skill Limited by MONEY, not LEVEL
# Jan 24 2001 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I have proof by way of my friend who started a new High-elf enchanter. He didn't even bother to turn in his guild note, instead he made the trip to Freeport (without getting killed, even) and started power-skilling. He actually passed me in skill by making sewing kits, my least favorite item by far. Then he cancelled his account. I must have B.O. because all my friends leave the game. Oh well.
RE: Trade Skill Limited by MONEY, not LEVEL
# Jan 30 2001 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
no cap on skill except: you can only have one trade skill over 200 and you cant get your trade skills above 200 if you are under lvl 50, not too sure about the under lvl 50 part but that is what i have heard. my lvl 5 highelf chanter is at skill 120 in jewelcraft and 87 in smithing. my druid is the primary investor :)
RE: Trade Skill Limited by MONEY, not LEVEL
# Jan 30 2001 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Heh, forgot about specialization (hopes Swimming and Sense Heading aren't tradeskills). Anyway, I heard rumor that lowbie characters gain skills faster than high level characters. I myself don't buy that for a minute, but has anyone else heard this?
Royal Tempers
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default

anyone know where Rain Water can be found? or how to make Royal Tempers?
RE: Royal Tempers
# Jan 26 2001 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Recipie can be found elsewhere on Alakhazam's ewb site. Rain water drops off the gnolls at the entrance to Lake Rathetear.
RE: Royal Tempers
# Jan 22 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
Enter into Lake Rathe from South Karana and kill the gnolls there. It is a rare drop off of them but way easier than killing the gnolls at split paw.

Havens Soulblesser
Haven of Light
Karana Server
# Jan 22 2001 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
I want to make a Imbued Northman Mace. I understand the imbued ivory, I think. But where do I get the frost temper? Email me with the answer PLEASE at THANKS
making frost temper
# Jan 22 2001 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
This is brewed item, for decent success rate, need brew skill of 150 or more.

Combine in still:
1 brandy (at Cider shop in Halas)
1 ice goblin bloods (in permafrost)
2 essence of winter (from ice giants at entrance to permafrost in everfrost zone

If you play Mithanial Marr Server I have an eccess of frost tempers right now, will sell for 20pp each. Email me at

Imbued Emeralds
# Jan 22 2001 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Does anyone know anything about embued emeralds used in the Wood Elf weapon smithing recipes? Are they the ones you buy in jewelry shops? And how are they imbued? Halflings have a plains pebble imbueing spell which is purchased in North Karana but the emeralds are a mystery to me... Thanks

Luclin server
RE: Imbued Emeralds
# May 02 2001 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
Only those that follow Tunare can imbue emeralds. I don't know it any clerics can, but I know for certain that Druids of Tunare can imbue emeralds at level 29, i believe.
Another tip for the Erudin smiths
# Jan 22 2001 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I made a new thread on this for visibility, and there is more info than is requested in any one post.

For you people leaving Qeynos for Erudin, that city is where I obtained the majority of my smithing skill (and I'm a high-elf). From memory, the molds and sheets are sold out in Toxx Forest, follow the right wall from Erudin and it's either the first or second hut. There's also a smithing shop to your left as you teleport into the city from the dock, and more importantly Ore-Girl stands outside of it. There's a forge behind the Tunare paladins' guild, and in-zone gating from Ore-Girl to the forge is very painless. Additionally there is a guy on the dock that sells bottles, for making lanterns.

The biggest reason I learned to smith in Erudin, however, is because it is very close to Money Island, aka Erud's Crossing, aka Wisp Isle.
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