Dispelling the Shadows  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Apr 17 17:44:33 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rain of Fear Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is a group mission that begins with Kela Lor Telaris (findable with CTRL+F) who is found in the far southeastern part of the palace (head up inside tree - she is in the first room).

For a visual of how to safely get to this area, see the image on this NPC entry.

- Level 85
- Completion of Return of King Xorbb
- Completion of Champions of the People

You say, 'Hail, Kela Lor Telaris'

Kela Lor Telaris says 'You tarried! Though braced by the strength of our Lady, the chamber doors will not hold against Diabo's ambition. You have faced his might. You know how tall it towers, built lofty by a scaffolding poisoned shards. Have you brought a [large] force to cut him down, or will you brave his wrath with a [small] band? If you have not done so, you should [inform] Aten Ha Ra of what is happening. You may also choose to [accompany] me on another important mission.'

You say, 'I have a small group'

Kela Lor Telaris says 'Though our task will be difficult with small numbers, we must [act] at once before Diabo again seals the antechamber doors.'

You have been assigned the task 'Dispelling the Shadows'.

Diabo Va Xin Vellis beats upon Luclin's chamber door. Soon he will breach the inner sanctum and claim for himself lordship over the Plane of Shadow. Where hs Luclin gone? Does she cower in fear while her realm falls to ruin?

You say, 'Let's act'

Kela Lor Telaris says 'We shall meet in the chamber.'

You have entered Plane of Shadow.

Task Steps

Speak with Kela Lor Telaris 0/1 (Plane of Shadow)

Task Window Says: Speak with Kela Lor Telaris and find out what is to be done about Diabo Va Xin Vellis.

Defeat Luclin 0/1 (Plane of Shadow)

Task Window Says: Luclin has appeared. Meet her challenge

Claim your reward from the chest 0/1 (Plane of Shadow)


- Speak with Kela Lor Telaris to spawn the event (can bypass intro by saying "attack now").

- After lore plays out, Luclin attacks.

- Luclin's spells...
--- From 100%-30%, casts "Dark Hemisphere" and "Light Hemisphere".
------ Every 35 seconds, these two spells are cast simultaneously. One will AE 180 degrees to her left; the other will AE 180 degrees to her right. The "Dark" AE is a nuke; the "Light" AE is a focus debuff that increases spell damage taken if you are hit with the "Dark" AE. Each time these are cast, these two AEs switch sides.
--- At 30%, buffs self with "Shield of Shade".
------ This renders her undamageable as part of the script.
--- From 30% to death, casts "Disease of Shade".
------ This is a single-target emote-based viral DOT for 30,000 hp/tick for 3 ticks (viral to anyone within 30' range of the inflicted target).
--- From 15% to death, casts "Shadow Annihilation" and "Shadow Explosion".
------ Every 30 seconds, glowing particles appear in a vertical column above the central platform, and Luclin AEs "Shadow Annihilation".
------ 15 seconds after this happens, the particles turn off and orbs appear, and shortly after this, Luclin AEs "Shadow Explosion".
------ Both these two "Shadow" spells are avoidable by hiding out of line of sight (use the pillars to hide).

- The Doors...
--- Once Luclin reaches 70%, several vessels (orbs) spawn around the room. They are a mix of light (white) and dark (black). You'll need to go through three phases here; the order in which you do so is up to you.
------ Vessels can be turned the alternate type (light to dark, or dark to light) by DPS'ing them (low hps).
------ One Phase: Turn every orb dark to spawn "Bearer of Darkness".
--------- Every 30 seconds, the Bearer of Darkness AEs "Dark Pulse" (150' range nuke for 16,500).
--------- Luclin buffs herself with "Cloak of Darkness" (increase defense) and heals herself for 10%.
------ Another Phase: Turn every orb light to spawn "Bearer of Light".
--------- Every 30 seconds, the Bearer of Darkness AEs "Light Pulse" (150' range nuke for 16,500).
--------- Luclin buffs herself with "Lucent Rending" (increase attack) and heals herself for 10%.
------ A Third Phase: Turn the four southern orbs light, and the four northern orbs dark to spawn the essence of shadow adds.
--------- Luclin heals herself for 20%.
--------- At first, one add spawns. 60 seconds later, two adds spawn. 60 seconds after that, three adds spawn. These adds continue to spawn every 60 seconds (maximum per wave is three mobs) for the remainder of the event.
------------ These adds have low hitpoints and don't hit too hard, and can be mezzed.

- The Shadow...
--- Once Luclin reaches 30%, she becomes immune to DPS and walks to her throne. The Shadow of Luclin spawns and attacks.
--- The Shadow of Luclin casts "Shade Siphon" every 40 seconds.
------ If a player has this debuff on them at a time when they are hit with another nuke, the Shadow of Luclin heals itself.
--- Shadow of Luclin has emote-based attacks:
------ If she emotes that she "raises its sword" at someone, she is 10 seconds away from casting a frontal AE "Shadow Blade" in that players direction.
------ If she emotes that she "aims a straight cut" at someone, she is 10 seconds away from casting a beam nuke ("Shadow Blade Slash") at that person.
------ If she emotes that she "glances around itself", she is 10 seconds away from AEing the 175' range "Shadow Blade Whorl".
--- Kill the Shadow of Luclin to progress the event.

- After the Shadow's Death: Luclin at 30%...
--- After the Shadow's death, Luclin attacks again.
--- She now has an emote-based viral DOT ("Disease of Shade"). She warns 15 seconds ahead of time that "Spreading Shadows will consume you, _____" (where the blank is a player).

- Luclin at 15%...
--- Once Luclin reaches 15% health, she gains another ability.
--- An emote will go off indicating the appearance of a vertical column of particles at the center of the room. Luclin, at this time, AEs "Shadow Annihilation" (avoidable by being out of line of sight).
--- 15 seconds after this, the particles disappear and NPC orbs spawn, at which point Luclin casts "Shadow Explosion".

- Kill Luclin to complete the event.

Triggering the Event

Speak with Kela Lor Telaris to trigger the event. Note that you can bypass the introductory lore by saying "attack now".

You say, 'Hail, Kela Lor Telaris'

Kela Lor Telaris shouts 'Do you feel it, your hair rising on its ends? The balance of light and darkness tilts back and forth, priming the energy in the air. We cannot wait. Any moment this chamber could [ignite].'

You say, 'Ignite?'

Kela Lor Telaris shouts 'Diabo carries the darkness within him. I can sense you bear the light. When the two meet, they shall annihilate each other, as it should be. I have seen enough to know there is no peace unless the light and the darkness come together as one and give themselves unto obliteration. Without such sacrifice, [strife] is eternal.'

You say, 'Strife?'

Kela Lor Telaris shouts 'You know the imbalance the shards brought to this realm. You see the looming destruction embodied in Diabo. Were he to ascend to the throne of Shadow and obtain the greatest shard secured within, this plane, Vex Thal, and perhaps the entire moon would be swallowed in darkness. If only [Luclin] had heard our pleas.'

You say, 'Where is Luclin?'

Kela Lor Telaris shouts 'She remains in the shadows. Where has she gone now that the spreading fear and ambition of her followers wrecks her home? Does she cower behind the door, shivering at the might of Diabo? Has she herself fallen to the madness of the shard she holds? Were you to [defeat] Diabo, perhaps Luclin would open her chamber that I might remove the shard from this plane and deliver it unto my employer, who will dispose of it. If you have no heart to confront Diabo, you should [leave] now.'

You say, 'We can defeat him'

Kela Lor Telaris glances around as the chamber begins to rumble and fill with shadows. 'Diabo must be breaching the chamber door! The time has come; light and darkness must collide!'

Kela Lor Telaris halts and quakes. 'Shadows betwixt the light and darkness...my Lady, could that be you? We plead only that you allow us to remove the defilement from your sight. My lady, hear my words and despise not my presence!

Luclin shouts 'Mortal beings who live within the shadows of guilt and secrets, what makes you think I hear not every whisper, curse, or plea you utter? Under the light of my moon you spill your secrets to a darkened room, you speak your blood oaths, you cry out in your fulfillment of base desires. I see into your hearts. I know the darkness that lies within, vying with light for supremacy. You stumble about, enshrouded by darkness or blinded by light. You know not which will next lead you, or which will become your master.'

Luclin shouts 'Diabo, darkness mastered you. Long ago light bled from your heart, pierced by the shards of fear and the blackened thorns of envy. You are but a darkened husk, a shriveled form of the creatures I created. For you there is no return to balance, only dissolution in the blackest reaches of my realm, beyond the edge of memory.'

Luclin shouts 'And you, adventurers...you stumble into my presence, led as though blindfolded to gallows built by your own hands. I see within you. Some bear light, others carry darkness, but together your shadow walks a fated path. Will you climb the scaffolding and stand beside your dark executioner? Will you lay your necks within the noose that tightens around Norrath? Know that I will not allow you what you seek. The final piece of Cazic Thule rests in my shade for eternity. If you continue your journey, to you I grant reprieve from the gallows through death.'

Luclin becomes aggro (auto-aggro and summons from 100%, so be ready for a fight).

Luclin: 100% to 70%

Luclin hits for a max ~13,000 (does not flurry or rampage at all; nor does she through the entire event). She can be pulled to any location in the entire chamber.

Every 35 seconds, she casts "Dark Hemisphere" and "Light Hemisphere". These two spells are cast simultaneously. One will AE 180 degrees to her left; the other will AE 180 degrees to her right. The "Dark" AE is a nuke; the "Light" AE is a focus debuff that increases spell damage taken if you are hit with the "Dark" AE. Each time these are cast, these two AEs switch sides.

Dark Hemisphere: Directional 400', (-150)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 25000

Light Hemisphere: Directional 400', Chromatic (-975)
1: Add effect: Light Hemisphere Effect
2: Add effect: Light Hemisphere Effect

Once Luclin reaches 70%, you see these emotes:

Vessels of light and darkness fill the chamber.

Kela Lor Telaris shouts 'Look at the vessels! Might all of them at once be changed to match the patterns on the doors? Perhaps they channel Luclins powers of Light and Darkness!'

Luclin: 70% to 30%

During this phase, Luclin continues casting her "Hemisphere" directional AEs. She does not cast any additional spells, nor does she gain any other abilities.

When she reaches 70% and the above emotes occur, eight orbs spawn around the center of the room. These are a mix of white and black ("a light vessel" and "a dark vessel").

You'll need to go through three phases here; the order in which you do so is up to you. The order in which they are presented here is the recommended order for the least amount of difficulty.

Vessels can be turned the alternate type (light to dark, or dark to light) by DPS'ing them (low hps).

The Dark Moon & Bearer of Darkness

One phase is the "dark" phase: Turn every orb dark to spawn a named called "Bearer of Darkness". As soon as this happens, Luclin heals herself by 10% and buffs herself with "Cloak of Darkness", a two-minute mitigation to all damage:

The constellation of orbs resonates, and the occluded moon rises in the North.
Luclin is revitalized by the activation of the dark-moon door, and she increases her defense.

Cloak of Darkness: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Mitigate Spell Damage by 15%, 0 total
2: Mitigate Melee Damage by 15%, 0 total

The Bearer of Darkness spawns at a doorway and slowly makes its way to wherever you're fighting Luclin. It hits for a max ~9,000. Every 30 seconds, the Bearer of Darkness AEs "Dark Pulse":

Dark Pulse: PB AE 150', Corruption (-150)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 16500

The Full Moon & Bearer of Light

A second phase is the "light" phase: Turn every orb light to spawn a named called "Bearer of Light". As soon as this happens, Luclin heals herself by 10% and buffs herself with "Lucent Rending", a two-minute increase to her attack:

The constellation of orbs resonates, and the light of the full moon shines in the South.
Luclin is revitalized by the activation of the full-moon door, and her strength increases.

Lucent Rending: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Modifier by 110%
2: Increase Attack Speed by 20%

The Bearer of Light spawns at a doorway and slowly makes its way to wherever you're fighting Luclin. It hits for a max ~9,000. Every 30 seconds, the Bearer of Light AEs "Light Pulse":

Light Pulse: PB AE 150', Prismatic (-150)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 16500

The Half-Moon & Essences of Shadow

The third phase is the "mixed" phase: Turn the four southern orbs light, and the four northern orbs dark:

The constellation of orbs resonates, and the half moon shines in the East.
Luclin is revitalized by the activation of the half-moon door, and beings of shadow are drawn into the fray.

Kela Lor Telaris says 'With the three doors activated, Luclin's protective powers must be exhausted!'

As soon as this happens, Luclin heals herself by 20%. 60 seconds later, 1x "an essence of shadow" spawns. 60 seconds after that, 2x "an essence of shadow" spawn. 60 seconds later, 3x "an essence of shadow". Every 60 seconds thereafter, you get another three "an essence of shadow". These adds have low hitpoints and hit for a max ~8,000. They are mezzable and stunnable.

Luclin at 30%

WARNING: Do not take Luclin to 30% until you have spawned all three of these phases. If she reaches 30% before you have spawned them, she regenerates to 100% health.

Once all three phases have been spawned and Luclin reaches 30%, she goes unaggro, buffs herself with "Shield of Shade" and puts the aura "Shadow Pushback" around her:

Shadow Pushback: PB AE 250', Unresistable (0)
1: Slow Push (300)

Shield of Shade: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Mitigate Spell Damage by 100%
2: Mitigate Melee Damage by 100%

She makes her way back to the center of the chamber where she takes a seat on a shadowed throne. Soon after, the room rumbles and the "Shadow of Luclin" appears.

Luclin shouts 'You think your spirit shines in these dark hours, but I see the black cloud billowing about you, encroaching upon your horizon. You race into the moonless night, heedless of the coming destruction you hasten. That which you call light is only darkness. Can you even say where one ends and the other begins? Can you take a life that countless more might be saved? Though Cazic Thule was of my immortal kin, that which has been destroyed should never be repaired, lest he who stalks in shadows arises to claim both night and day. Those of you who cannot walk in the balance of light and darkness will be destroyed by shadow!'

Shadow of Luclin

The Shadow of Luclin auto-aggros (summons from 100% health). It hits for a max ~13,000 and can be pulled to any location in the chamber. There are no adds during this phase.

Every 40 seconds, it debuffs players with "Shade Siphon". This effect causes Luclin to be healed each time any player takes 10,000 damage (or more).

It has several emote-based attacks (note that in each case here, there is a double space after the word "Luclin"):

Shadow of Luclin raises its sword at _____ for an arcing cut.
--- 10-second warning for a frontal AE "Shadow Blade" in that player's direction.

Shadow Blade: Directional 300', Magic (-950)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 22000

Shadow of Luclin aims a straight cut at _____.
--- 10-second warning for a beam nuke "Shadow Blade Slash" at that player.

Shadow Blade Slash: Unknown(44) 20', Magic (-950)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 25000

Shadow of Luclin glances around itself.
--- 10-second warning to the 175' range AE "Shadow Blade Whorl".

Shadow Blade Whorl: PB AE 175', Magic (-950)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 19000

Kill the Shadow of Luclin to progress the event.

Luclin: 30% to 15%

Luclin reactivates as soon as the Shadow of Luclin dies (again, auto-aggro and instant summon). She no longer does he "Hemisphere" directional AEs, but she gains an emote-based viral spell attack:

Luclin says 'The spreading shadows will consume you, _____'
--- 15-second warning to "Disease of Shade" being cast on the targeted player.

Disease of Shade: Single Target, Disease (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000 per tick (3 ticks)
2: Increase Disease Counter by 30
* Viral to anyone within 40' range

Note: No adds spawn during this phase, or for the remainder of the event.

Once Luclin reaches 15%, you see this emote:

Luclin says 'Those who reject equilibrium and seek to overthrow balance will find nothing but annihilation!'

Luclin: 15% to Defeat

Luclin no longer casts the viral spell, but gains a debuff ("Shadow Annihilation", 1200' PBAE avoidable by being out of line of sight) + explosion AE ("Shadow Explosion", 1200' PBAE nuke for 12,000). The "Shadow Annihilation" effect is a focus that makes you take additional damage from the explosion AE.

Kill Luclin (or rather, the Shadow of Luclin, as she tricked you into doing) to complete the event:

Luclin's laughter echoes throughout the chamber, and her undefeated form rises from the shadows. 'You still do not understand? The hand of darkness guided you here, stretched you out like mindless digits to grasp for itself that which should never be taken. Kela Lor Telaris, stand before your goddess!'

Kela Lor Telaris and Luclin have a stand-off in the center of the chamber...

Luclin shouts 'You are the palm of your master, the black hand of many names. You reach for coin but grab hold of Norrath's destruction. Do you even know whom you serve? Long ago it ceased to be I.'

Kela Lor Telaris is then destroyed...

Luclin shouts 'Now your death will serve Norrath as a reminder of the cost of allegiance to Xaric!'

Luclin makes her way to her throne...

Luclin shouts 'Adventurers, your courage and strength may be useful to me. But no more will I trifle with you while you remain cloaked in ignorance. If you seek to lift the veil, I await you in my chambers.'

A chest spawns next to the throne.

Luclin shouts 'In another age, before even your races crawled upon the surface of Norrath, I heard the Alarans praying in their strange tongues under the light of my moon. They cowered beneath this silver eye in the black sky, and they dreaded the glimpse of winged forms flitting across its face. In this strange land, fear lurked beneath every rock and within every shadow. Even as their gods lay dead and buried, the Alarans' fear lived, growing stronger just beyond their vision.'

Luclin shouts 'Though they could not speak its name, I knew it. Even in the darkest twilight recesses of thought I am there. I have seen where it lives, behind the brave countenance or facile smile. Lupex, the Unspoken -- it has been called many things, but its true name is Xaric, the Phantasm of unspeakable fear, the fear without name.'

Luclin shouts 'It waits in the heart of Cazic's crystal, drawing facets of fear unto itself, becoming a god more powerful than Cazic ever was. It ends here. This piece of Cazic Thule will never leave this chamber. If you trek further upon your dark path, I offer you no leniency. You forfeit your life as Kela Lor did when he made a pact with Xaric. But there is yet a chance to atone for your misdeeds.'

Luclin shouts 'In due time I shall open the way into the heart of fear. [Leave] here and return to your lands below. Concern yourself not with my realm, for my servants and I shall return it to equilibrium. Await the time to confront Xaric. Prepare your minds: Be not fooled by the path of light or darkness, for one is often the other. Instead, walk upon the path of shadows, and know that I hear your thoughts and am with you in the gray.'

As you open the chest:

Luclin has revealed that Xaric, the Phantasm of Fear, has been using you to gather the fallen shards of Cazic Thule. When the time is right, the way shall be opened for you to confront this unspoken evil that has been spreading its grasp over Norrath.

You say, 'Hail, Luclin'

Luclin says 'You should [leave] from here. If you [fight] on in your quest to bring about Xaric's darkness, you will die.'

Say "leave" to zone out (or "fight" for a quick zone to your bind location).

You say, 'Let me leave!'

Luclin says 'Be ready when I call upon you to walk the path of shadow!'

You have entered Plane of Shadow.


225 platinum

Possible Chest Loot (2 items + 1 Dreadmote per task):

Carved Ivory Earring
Hoop of the Grinning Skull
Iron Spike Ring
Mask of Unending Rage
Medallion of Shadows
Serpent-Buckle Belt
Shadow Woven Sash
Shifting Earring
Soprano Stud
Spiky Choker

Lesser Dreadmote
Median Dreadmote
Greater Dreadmote
Glowing Dreadmote
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hope this helps
# Aug 18 2014 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
just did mission, 2 attempts. warr + wiz + pal + 2 cleric mercs + merc wiz.

failed first attempt as Cleric mercs were on Balanced mode; us paladins dont do well as main healers, nuff said (we didnt do much homework on purpose ;p). We messed up on 1/2 and 1/2 part, where half crystals are dark, other are light. Luclin just kept losing hp's, then gaining it, rinse/repeat; mana dissappeared.

Tried again (rezzed while in zone after we wiped!; get to start again) cleric mercs this time on Passive. Got to phase 3, wave after wave (after wave!), the Passive strategy helped, but both oom. Used up all tricks up our sleeves, Staunch, etc. Just when you thought it was over, he'd come active again. If it wasnt mobs, it was AEs. In the end it was just catastrophic AEs and waves of mobs (no more than 3). I think the wiz AE'd them, they just dissappeared. Gp heals really made paladins shine here, but for 99% of the fight, dps is needed otherwise healers going oom. Once we figured out to alternate merc healers from Efficient to Passive (one meds, one heals), it wasnt too bad! Perhaps a supre raid geared warr could make this easy, but you'll need tank on adds too, unless you got mez/kiting abilities (we didnt); they summon once damaged. You'll need heals as this is a long event. Buffs sure wouldve helped! Its not just killing mobs, gotta kill adds and crystals. Adds dont hit hard, perhaps max 8k, low 1.5k, bosses hit ~12k max.

Good luck!
Lamini http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=113217
Lamini's comeback: http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1399072
My 4-box group strat
# Sep 29 2013 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
I did this mission 4 boxing, but this info applies to non-boxed groups as well.

My group - all toons about 6kaa:

paladin (mixed ntov raid gear and t4 group)
bard + necro + shaman all in t4 group gear
2 cleric mercs: 1 balanced 1 efficient

Group requirements

There are a mix of classes that could work, but you need the following bases covered:

  • equivalent of 2 tanks (2 player tanks, 1 tank 1 pet, maybe 1 awesome raid tank)
  • 1 real player with group heals / cures
  • additional heals (2 if using mercs, probably 1 if using real player)
  • 1 primary dps, cc, or kiter - if you use 2 player tanks, 1 can offtank the adds and this slot can be a primary dps
  • 1 primary dps

This is an endurance fight, I was in combat for almost 30 minutes. Get every buff you can, use your mana / end returning abillites as soon and as often as you can.

Summary of the fight stages (the way I do it)

Luclin 100%, initial pull
Dps luclin fast to 70% but do not use burns
Orbs spawn

Perform light phase
attack dark orbs to turn them white
named spawns in SOUTH and paths in slowly
kill named, use mini-burn (short term timers)
luclin and the named will heal during this part
tanking is based on group makeup - I used necro pet to offtank named

Reapply debuffs if needed

Perform dark phase
attack all white orbs to turn them dark
named spawns in NORTH and paths in slowly
kill named, do not use discs, dies faster than light does
tanking is based on group makeup - I used necro pet to offtank named

DPS luclin to about 35-40%
you are preparing for mixed phase
do not let her get to 30% yet or she will full heal

Reapply debuffs if needed

Perform mixed phase
attack orbs so they correspond to the icons on doors
2 orbs per door
door icon has a left and right part that can be different color
CC any adds that come in (I only got 3 when I did it)
wait for luclin to heal by 20% - this has to happen before you dps her down
after she heals 20%, use mini-burn to get her to 30%
now she locks and shadow of luclin spawns (doesn't need to be tanked now)

Ideally your tank has used no defensives yet ... for the remaining phases use all of them, your healer might be low mana by now

Shadow of Luclin phase
kill any CC'd adds from previous phase
tank ready to aggro from center of room (summons from 100%)
use full burns now (she has a TON of hp and this will be a long fight)

Luclin 30% phase
tank ready to aggro from center of room (summons on activate)
From 30 to 15% adds will spawn - use tank deflection now, or kite / cc the adds
Full dps (use any burns that repopped)
At 15% she kills all the adds
Now finish her off

Reasoning for this order

Light is first because it is the longest named to kill (due to heals), needs mini-burn (allowing it to be up for mixed phase), and all orbs except 2 are already light (meaning it's faster to launch this phase than any other).

Dark is second because it's easier / faster than light and can be done while mini-burns are down.

Luclin is DPS'd to 35% before starting mixed phase so this will limit the time from mixed phase to hp lock (meaning very few adds).

Mixed phase is last because adds continuously spawn until her HP locks at 30%. She will heal 20%, so will be at least 55% at this point, so mini-burns are timed to be available now.

Edited, Sep 29th 2013 9:10pm by poepoepoe
# Apr 19 2013 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
We were on our 6th wave of adds while killing Luclin after the 2 other namers. Mana sucking task for sure.if your boxing.. best to have 1-2 peeps take the orbs and adds part of it.. and rest assist.
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