Where: | Rating: |
| Information: | Level: | 100 | Maximum Level: | 125 | Monster Mission: | No | Repeatable: | Yes | Can Be Shrouded?: | No | Quest Type: | Event | Quest Goal: | Quest Items: | Related Creatures: | Related Quests: | Era: | | Recommended: | Group Size: | Raid | Min. # of Players: | 6 | Max. # of Players: | 54 | Appropriate Classes: | Appropriate Races: |
Entered: Thu Nov 29 06:27:43 2012 Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023 | |
Rain of Fear Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor
This is the third event in the Valley of King Xorbb raid expedition.
- To trigger the event:
--- Say "destroy" to Barleyburr.
--- Say "kill" to Lupex.
--- Say "escape" to King Xorbb.
------ 60 seconds pass before he goes aggro (summons from 100% health).
- Spells:
--- Buffed with "Reflective Lens" (700 damage shield; 80% chance to reflect spells).
------ This is removeable (see below).
--- Casts "Futile Resistance" (stat reduction).
--- Casts "Dominating Gaze" (3-tick charm preceded by an emote; face away to avoid).
------ The emote offers a 5-second warning to face away.
------ Emote: King Xorbb shouts '_____' (where the blank is a player name).
------ At the beginning, he emotes three at a time; the further the event goes, the more players he targets at a time (up to 10?).
--- Casts "Oblivion Gaze" (95k nuke + other detriments, preceded by a directional emote; avoidable).
--- Casts "Omnisight Beam" (60k nuke, directional).
------ This is cast every 35 seconds (has a 15-second warning emote).
------ Applies to 1-3 directions at a time.
------ Directions will be emoted as "LEFT", "RIGHT", "FORWARD", and "BACKWARD".
--- Casts "Shard Injection" (45k AE stun, preceded by warning emote).
------ Cast only while his "Reflective Lens" buff is down.
--- Casts "Deathrift" (45k AE nuke if too many people charmed).
- Base Adds:
--- About every 3-4 minutes (varies), Xorbb goes non-combat and spawns 4-12 adds (1-3 of each type).
--- From 100%-80%, spawns 4 adds (one of each type).
--- From 80%-45%, spawns 8 adds (two of each type).
--- From 45%-0%, spawns 12 adds (three of each type).
------ "a weakminded goblin" is charmable.
--------- No special abilities.
------ "a flamenerve goblin" is immune to crowd control.
--------- Casts a 20k DOT (viral in 35' range; 30 curse counters).
------ "a hobblefooted fungus" is rootable/snareable.
--------- Procs "Fungus Bite" (DOT that decreases in strength as it ticks down).
------ "a stalwart minotaur" is immune to crowd control.
--------- AEs "Thunderground" (45k AE nuke + knockback).
--- At 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, and 0% health, Xorbb spawns four additional adds (one of each type as above).
- Mini Nameds (based on Xorbb's health %):
--- 85%: Soul Gazer (random single-target charm, "Servant of the Eye")
--- 65%: The Proudheart Shell (random single-target push, "Crystal Drift")
--- 45%: Soul Stealer (does not attack; emotes about following a player; had an aura that dispells)
--- 35%: 2x Soul Gazer
--- 25%: Soul Stealer (as above) + Brantun the Corrupted (has a directional AE nuke)
- Removing Xorbb's Reflection Buff:
--- When Xorbb went non-combat (as outlined above), he spawned adds and moved to one of the lenses that are around the perimeter of the room.
--- These adds each drop an item with a buff effect.
--- After the adds are dead and looted, 1-8 players (with the item on them) should run to the front of the lens that Xorbb is currently located behind.
--- After a certain amount of time, he will emote that he's about to fire off his "Gaze" spell from that lens.
--- Those players with the item in hand should wait a few seconds and then click the buff on themselves.
------ When he fires his "Gaze" spell at this time, the buffs cause it to reflect back onto Xorbb. This removes his "Reflective Lens" buff for 90-120 seconds.
--- At 100% health, one player must have the buff and be in position to reflect it.
--- As Xorbb drops in health, this number increases up to six players until 25%.
--- After 25% health, in order to reflect the AE, eight players must have the buff and be in position.
--- Note that while his "Reflective Lens" buff is down, he starts casting his "Shard Injection" AE stun (which is preceded by an emote)
Triggering the Event
First, speak with Barleyburr:
You say, 'Hail, Barleyburr'
Barleyburr practically pulls your arm off as he takes hold of your sleeve and whispers hurriedly, eyes darting about. 'You came, _____, you came! And you brought friends! But, oh, it must be too late now! Our mission has [failed]. I have failed. I let Brantun down; I let everyone down! If you wanted to [leave] I wouldn't blame you!
You say, 'Failed?'
Barleyburr says 'We stood before Xorbb -- the King. As we stared up at the crystal, the heart of fear, wondering how to destroy it, preparing the explosive powder we had sewn away in our packs and clothing, he materialized before us. The King descended, engulfing our vision in his endless iris. Our thoughts sank into that black disk, and we couldn't move a muscle as his [thoughts] washed around us and through us.'
You say, 'What thoughts?'
Barleyburr says 'I don't want to remember such things: seeing the whole of Rivervale burning in the night, its citizens drowning in fire; glimpsing a horde of goblins and minotaurs washing across the hills and valleys of Antonica, consuming crops and towns like locusts; and knowing that all who oppose the King will end up dead or in the darkest abyssal prison that could be conceived. The power I saw was enormous...and disgusting. And then he [spoke] to us.'
You say, 'Who spoke?'
Barleyburr says 'Sorry, _____, my mind and belly are too anxious to remember exactly what he said. I almost vomited with fear as he spoke. He told us our time upon this world had ended. Our time now belonged to him, and was his to do with as he pleased. We had amused him with our infiltration plan, and he had decided to employ us as soldiers in his invisible vanguard that walk into towns and wreak havoc upon the citizens as the King's army marches upon them. Either this, or he would mount our bodies upon poles and carry them at the front of his army, as he would the corpses of any other adventurer who might be [brave] enough or foolish enough to oppose him.'
You say, 'Brave?'
Barleyburr says 'I am such a coward! I was shaking all over, and when I looked at Brantun, I saw his face contorted with rage. The ring in his palm was glowing and pulsing in time with the fear crystal. He did not look to be the same person I have known for so long. He knelt and stretched out a hand to the King. Shards fell from the fear crystal above us and swirled around Brantun. They swarmed over him and covered his body, and soon he looked like he was wearing an armored suit of crystal. The ring floated from his palm and slipped onto his finger. He [disappeared] from sight, probably forever.'
You say, 'Disappeared?'
Barleyburr says 'You probably would have been braver than I, _____. I ran and hid myself here. The King disappeared along with Brantun, and I have not seen either of them since. I don't know where Brantun has gone, but I'm certain the King has taken control of his mind. How will I ever find Brantun and [destroy] the crystal now? I don' think I could face King Xorbb again...'
You say, 'How can we destroy it?'
Barleyburr says 'With you here, _____, maybe we can manage it. But...wait, I feel a presence!'
Lupex spawns nearby.
You say, 'Hail, Lupex'
Lupex says 'Do not tremble, Barleyburr. I knew you would need help, and so I have led these adventurers to you. Brantun has fallen to his own pride and the raw fear emanating from the crystal. You will be unable to rescue Brantun or destroy the crystal as long as Xorbb lives, for he has linked himself to the source of fear. Adventurers, fulfill your purpose: [Kill] Xorbb.'
You say, 'Kill him?'
Lupex says 'He is still within this chamber. I will call to him.' Lupex raises his head to howl, but he does so without a sound. You see a massive eye materialize near the altar. 'He has come. Confront him.'
King Xorbb spawns in the middle of the room (non-aggro).
You say, 'Hail, King Xorbb'
King Xorbb stares into you. Images and words not of your own enter your mind. You feel as though you are standing amid the darkest night, looking into a bonfire that burns as if it would consume the world. 'What do you know of the [darkness], _____?'
You say, 'What darkness?'
King Xorbb says 'It is the catalyst of vision. First the sparks appear, flashing like flint struck in the depths of night. Then the fires of green, blue, orange, and red sweep across your lens, outlining the hills, rivers, and sunsets you will never see again. In time, you paint your own world in fire. The grass is green and deep; the sky is blue and endless; the blood of your [enemies] is crimson, running like rainwater down the staves upon which they hang.'
You say, 'Enemies?'
King Xorbb says 'They locked me in the darkness, but I recreated the world they stole from me. My cell became the valley I once knew, and the rivers choked on the bodies of my enemies and all who had conspired to imprison me. I vowed if I were ever to [escape], I would create the valley I had seen in my cell. I would have my vengeance. I would have my conquest.'
You say, 'You will not escape'
King Xorbb says 'Another spark in the darkness: In an instant it burned with the power of Ro and flooded in white my imagined valley. When again I could see, there was the crystal shard, glowing and smoldering with a power I had never known. I claimed it. Ascending through the rift it had torn in the bedrock, I remade the valley in the image I had seen countless times throughout my endless night. Soon all my enemies will suffer as I did, and their blood will flow. Those in Norrath who do not kneel before me will know only the darkness of the abyss, as I once did!'
About 60 seconds pass before Xorbb aggro's (note: summons from 100% health, so have someone ready to aggro immediately).
King Xorbb: The Fight
King Xorbb hits for a max ~40,000 and AE rampages (full damage) when under 25% health (he does not flurry or single-target rampage). He is auto-aggro; summons from 100%; and is NOT rooted in place (but is leashed to the room he's in). He buffs himself with "Reflective Lens" (stays on him for the whole phase):
Reflective Lens: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Damage Shield by 700
2: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 80%
He also frequently casts "Futile Resistance":
Futile Resistance: PB AE 1500', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease All Resists by 1100
King Xorbb: Charm Emotes
Xorbb has a few emotes. One of them is a five-second warning for a single-target charm:
King Xorbb shouts 'Avert your gaze or suffer:'
King Xorbb shouts '_____'
King Xorbb shouts '_____'
King Xorbb shouts '_____'
The blanks are the names of players (this is the line to use as an audio trigger). In the beginning of the fight, three players are targeted at a time. Towards the middle of the fight, five players are targeted at a time. And towards the end of the fight, eight players are targeted at a time.
Once this emote goes off, the target has five seconds to face away from Xorbb. Failure to do so will result in this...
King Xorbb shouts '_____ did not avert their gaze! They will serve me!'
...And the targeted player will be hit with "Dominating Gaze":
Dominating Gaze: Single Target, Magic (-960)
1: Charm up to level 300 (up to 60 seconds)
Note: If four or more players are charmed at any given time, Xorbb adds the AE "Deathrift" to his arsenal:
Deathrift: PB AE 500', (-250)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 45000
If followed successfully, you will see this:
King Xorbb shouts '_____ averted their gaze and escaped punishment.'
King Xorbb: Direction Emotes
Xorbb also has directional emotes. From 100% to 65%, he emotes a single direction. From 65% to his death, he emotes about two directions. These emotes look like this:
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam LEFT.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam RIGHT.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam FORWARD.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam BACKWARD.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam BACKWARD and RIGHT.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam FORWARD and LEFT.
King Xorbb prepares to fire a beam RIGHT and LEFT.
This emote is done every 35-40 seconds, and is a 15-second warning to the directional spell "Omnisight Beam":
Omnisight Beam: Directional 300', Corruption (-250)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 60000
King Xorbb: The Lens & Adds
Every four minutes (varies slightly), Xorbb goes non-aggro:
King Xorbb readies his focal lenses for a brutal attack.
When this happens, Xorbb starts moving towards one of the crystal lens in the room and a wave of adds spawns (spawn points seem to be random around the event area, and auto-aggro):
1x "a weakminded goblin"
1x "a flamenerve goblin"
1x "a hobblefooted fungus"
1x "a stalwart minotaur"
Note: The further you progress in the event, the more adds you get in a wave. With Xorbb from 100% to 80%, you get four adds (as above). From 80% to 45%, you get eight adds (two of each type). From 45% to death, you get 12 adds (three of each type).
a weakminded goblin
Hits for a max ~20,000; casts "Sluggish Strike":
Sluggish Strike: Single Target, Magic (-960)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 32000
2: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 40% (3 ticks)
a flamenerve goblin
Hits for a max ~20,000; casts "Goblin Fire":
Goblin Fire: Single Target, Fire (-960) (Viral 35')
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000 per tick (4 ticks)
2: Increase Curse Counter by 30
a hobblefooted fungus
Rootable; immune to stun/mez; hits for a max ~20,000; casts "Fungus Bite":
Fungus Bite: Single Target, Poison (-960)
1: Hitpoints unknown calc: 1100 range: 10000 -> 0 (DOT decreasing in severity over time; 8 ticks)
2: Increase Poison Counter by 65
a stalwart minotaur
Immune to root/stun/mez; hits for a max ~23,500; casts "Thunderground" every 30 seconds:
Thunderground: PB AE 50', Magic (-960)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 45000
Each of these adds drops an item called "Barrier Shard Crystal". Once the adds are dead, these items should be looted and whoever has one should move to the front of the lens that Xorbb is located behind and wait for this emote (occurs 50-60 seconds after he goes non-aggro):
King Xorbb chooses a lens from which to fire.
This is a 20-second warning for "Oblivion Gaze" which will be fired from the lens he's located at. Upon seeing this emote, players should wait a few seconds and then click the Barrier Shard Crystal buff on themselves (the buff is short-lasting, so if you click it too soon, it will wear off before the AE fires off).
20 seconds after the above emote, you see this emote as "Oblivion Gaze" (one of two versions) is cast from the lens:
King Xorbb fires his beam through the focal lens.
Oblivion Gaze: Directional 1500', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 95000
2: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
3: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
4: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
5: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
Oblivion Gaze: PB AE 3000', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 85000
2: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
3: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
4: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
5: 25% Chance to trigger: Oblivion Ailment
If you have the Barrier Shard Crystal buff on you at the time this fires off, and you are located in front of the lens where Xorbb is, it will reflect the spell back onto him:
King Xorbb is struck by the the oblivion beam as it reflects off of _____
King Xorbb loses his reflective protection for 90 seconds as enough people reflect his spell.
Your immunity buff protected you from the spell Oblivion Gaze!
From 100% to 90% health, one player must have the buff and be in position to reflect it. From 90% to 75% health, four players must have the buff. From 75% to 25% health, six players must have the buff. From 25% to death, eight players must have the buff.
If done correctly, he warps back to the center of the room and goes auto-aggro (summons), continuing the event. For 90 seconds (or 80, 70, and 30 seconds as you progress the event), he won't use his "Reflective Lens" buff (allowing you to do more DPS). As long as his "Reflective Lens" buff is down, however, he casts "Shard Injection" every 40 seconds:
Shard Injection: PB AE 180', Prismatic (-960)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 45000
2: Stun (2.00 sec/300)
Note that if his Gaze spell is not reflected properly, he still continues the event, but keeps the "Reflective Lens" buff on him (until the next time this repeats).
King Xorbb: Health-Based Adds
Mini-nameds will spawn throughout the event. They tend to hit for a max ~25,000.
85%: 1x "Soul Gazer"
Casts "Servant of the Eye" every 50 seconds (random target charm):
Servant of the Eye: Single Target, Magic (-960)
1: Charm up to level 300 (3 ticks)
2: Add Proc: Mind Hold rate mod 500 (adds a mez proc)
65%: 1x "The Proudheart Shell"
Casts "Crystal Drift" every 40 seconds (random target):
Crystal Drift: Single Target, Magic (-960)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 28000 per tick (2 ticks)
2: Slow Push (80)
45%: 1x "Soul Stealer"
Soul Stealer is non-combat (killable by normal means, but does not attack). Every 30 seconds, he picks out a target:
Soul Stealer is drawn toward _____'s location.
...And moves to that target's location. Soul Stealer frequently casts the one-slot buff dispell "Power Extraction" on targets around it.
35%: 2x "Soul Gazer"
You encounter Soul Gazer again (same as at 85%).
25%: 1x "Brantun the Corrupted" + 1x "Soul Stealer" + 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
Brantun the Corrupted casts the frontal directional AE "Infernal Discharge" and "Crystal Drift" (same effect as The Proudheart Shell):
Infernal Discharge: Directional 300', Magic (-960)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 60000
2: Add effect: Infernal Sluggishness
20%: 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
15%: 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
10%: 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
5%: 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
0%: 1x "a flamenerve goblin" + 1x "a hobblefooted fungus" + 1x "a stalwart minotaur" + 1x "a weakminded goblin"
Event Leash Range & Failure & Reset
All mobs are leashed to the room in which the event takes place. If any single mob is taken up the stairs and out of the room, the event immediately does a full reset.
If any mobs (other than Soul Stealer) are left idle for more than about 60 seconds, the event does a full reset.
Event Completion
Kill King Xorbb along with ALL adds to complete the event.
King Xorbb has been slain by _____!
Lupex appears and makes its way towards the crystal.
Lupex shouts 'You have done it, as I knew you would. Now that Xorbb is no longer linked to the crystal, its power can be handled. I will not ask you to do such a dangerous thing, for mortal minds are swiftly destroyed by fear and power. I will settle the matter. Its influence will no longer concern your realm.'
Lupex begins to absorb the power of the crystal shard.
Lupex disappears into a different realm of existence, taking the shard's power with him.
An ornate chest spawns on Xorbb's throne.
You say, 'Hail, Barleyburr'
Barleyburr looks at Brantun. 'I forgive you. I'm the one who should be sorry, though. I was scared too! I ran when I should have stood and fought or smacked some sense into you! But you're alive, and that's what matters! Xorbb is dead, and the crystal has been drained of power. We saved all of Rivervale! You don't have to worry about appearing strong; the town has been saved, and that's what [matters]!
You say, 'Matters?'
Barleyburr says 'We have our lives and our town. We still have so many things to enjoy. We just went on a grand adventure and lived to tell about it, and there are many more adventures to be had! I don't care what some elf or human thinks about my bravery or battle prowess. I'm not going to live my life inside their heads! I'm going to raise my pigs, walk the valleys, and enjoy the sun. Brantun, you'll fight bandits, protect the town, and keep our families safe. We'll do what we love, and leave it to others to worry whether our actions were great or small.' Barleyburr smiles. 'And speaking of what we love, we should get back to Rivervale soon. It's about time we had some thick slabs of ham and celebrated our victory properly!'
You say, 'Hail, Brantun'
Brantun hangs his head. 'I do not deserve such mercy or kindness as you have shown me. For my actions, you should have destroyed me. In my [fear] I gave in to Xorbb and would have sacrificed all of Rivervale to save myself. I do not ask you to forgive me, Barleyburr, but I am sorry -- sorrier than you could know.' Barleyburr only nods and places his hand on Brantun's shoulder.
You say, 'Fear?'
Brantun says 'I only ever desired to be strong, to be a standard of my people, but wanting everyone to know of my strength made me weak. It allowed Xorbb and the shard of fear to manipulate me. I could not allow myself to be paraded about on one of Xorbb's pikes like a trophy. I thought it would be better to be hated and feared as a destroyer of cities than to be seen as a failed symbol, another hapless halfling dead and mocked. I thought there were only two choices, but I was wrong, Barleyburr. You all have shown me there is another way. You are never as strong as when you admit your weaknesses and accept the help of others.'
You say, 'Hail, Thistlebrush'
Thistlebrush says 'This outcome is far better than I had feared. Brantun, Barleyburr, and present company, thanks to you, Rivervale, and likely all of Norrath, has been spared. Our strategy, though at great cost, has won us victory. The only question that remains is who this [Lupex] is.'
You say, 'Who is Lupex?'
Thistlebrush says 'This spirit, whatever it is, has taken the power of the crystal and rendered it inert. And since Lupex has disappeared from this plane, I no longer feel the oppressive presence that has hovered about me for days. It is too soon to say who or what Lupex is, or what it wants with the power of the crystal. I fear, though, that we have not seen the end of its influence on Norrath. But let us be glad now of our success and [return] to Rivervale as heroes!'
King Xorbb drops the spell "Scroll: Illusion: Lord Soptyvr".
NOTE: In addition to chest loot, everyone in the zone receives 10x "Crystallized Fear" (used as an alternative way obtain raid drops, from Ilana Sunmire in the Harbinger camp of Shard's Landing.
Chest loot consists of 2 armor pieces (first list) + 3-4 other items (second list) + 1-2 weapons (third list) + 4 spells (fourth list) + 0-1 Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal (cultural aug)
Dread Armguards
Dread Boots
Dread Bracer
Dread Gloves
Dread Helm
Dread Leggings
Dread Tunic (see this guide for information about putting together ROF armor)
Bifold Focus of the Evil Eye (very rare)
Burden of Truth (very rare)
Charred Spaulders
Elfield's Belt of Many Pouches
King's Vengeful Scowl
Shardspike Adorned Cloak
Star of Xorbb
Vale Lord's Crystal
Vale Lord's Sieging Eye
Xorbb's Insight
Xorbb's Resolution of Vengeance
Xorbb's Rod of Retribution
Arwyn's Greatbow of Valor
Brutal Frostbite of the Valley Master
Draining Ire of the Glen Liege
Lesser Terrormote
Median Terrormote
Greater Terrormote
Glowing Terrormote |