Arthicrex Raid Event: The Cliknar Queen  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Feb 17 17:56:26 2010
Modified: Sat Feb 8 15:50:13 2020
This is the second of two events in the Arthicrex raid expedition.

Upon completing the "Cliknar Hive Guardians" event, the Cliknar Queen event spawns in the bottom of the hive.

Note: Unlike the previous event, this one is triggered through dialogue. All mobs are non-aggro until the event is triggered, so you can set up in the room as you see fit.


- Speak to the queen to initiate the event
- Kill off the young cliknar while awaiting the queen's spawn (three minutes after trigger)
- Fight the queen while destroying her spawned pabulums and royal eggs
- Beat the queen down to 76% to despawn her
- Kill off any remaining aphids and young cliknar while awaiting the queen's respawn (two minutes after her despawn)
- Any young cliknar still alive when the queen respawns will detonate themselves with a large AE
- Beat the queen down to 36% to despawn her again
- Kill off any remaining aphids and young cliknar while awaiting the queen's respawn (two minutes after her despawn)
- Any young cliknar still alive when the queen respawns will detonate themselves with a large AE
- Kill the queen

Triggering the Event

You say, 'Hail, The Cliknar Queen'

The Cliknar Queen pauses for a long moment, then begins making a wide range of noises. Her sounds start wildly, spiking in some truly deafening shrieks, but eventually turning into something that sounds like a voice. 'Worth... worthless beings and your vocal communication. Slows you down. It is hard for me to think slowly enough to allow this conversation. So I shall only say this: get out of my dwelling now and you may continue your [current existence].

You say, 'My current existence?'

The Cliknar Queen says 'You are not of this place, and so I do not know what happens when your form ceases to function. Nor do I care. This place is mine, and unlike most of the fools here, I know what it means to posses something. I also know what it means to protect what is mine. You have destroyed some of my servants, but that does not matter, for the hive is endless. You cannot win here, and you [risk] much.'

You say, 'Risk much?'

The Cliknar Queen says 'I have learned much recently, and that knowledge shall never be lost to the hive. I now understand what you are. Each of you, though you pretend to act as one, is your own tiny colony. You can never know the power, the completeness, of my existence, for I am legion. Kill a drone and another will replace it. Kill you and you are gone. This is what you risk here this day. Were you truly enlightened, you would see that risk and understand that your reward, whatever you think it is, will not be worthy of the risk. So I give you one last chance, leave here or [face the power] of many, the power of me!'

You say, 'We'll face the power!'

The Cliknar Queen says 'So be it. If you value yourself so little, then you are of no value at all. I shall end your lives.'

At this point, the seven "a young cliknar" around the room attack.

Event Mechanics

Once you say the trigger phrase to the queen ("face the power"), the young cliknar all attack. The queen is still unaggro at this point. She doesn't attack until three minutes after the tigger, at which point she charges in.

Every 30 seconds, the queen spawns a small Pabulum under her. If this isn't killed, the young cliknar can consume it and morph into a much stronger mob. Killing the pabulum, however, has the downside of AEing your raid.

The queen also occasionally spawns a "Royal Egg" (appears wherever she is located at the time). If this egg isn't destroyed within a short time, a "Cliknar mutant" spawns from it.

The queen will despawn at two points during the event: Once at 76% health and again at 36% health, each for a duration of two minutes before reappearing.

After her respawn at 36%, you can kill her for the win.

The Cliknar Queen

The queen hits for a max ~22,000 and AE rampages (mitigated to ~12,000). She doesn't single-target rampage or flurry; nor does she enrage at low health.

She regularly casts the AEs "Chitin Shards" (preceded by the below emote) and "Deadly Screech":

The Cliknar Queen glares at those standing too close to her.

Chitin Shards: PB AE 90', Magic (-700)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Deadly Screech: PB AE 1000', Magic (-600)
1: Stun (1.00 sec)
2: Hitpoints unknown calc: 1999 range: 6000 -> 0
3: Decrease HP when cast by 9000
4: Increase corruption counter by 3

She occasionally casts "Royal Defense" on herself:

Royal Defense: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Pet Shield (12.00 sec)

She'll sometimes proc "Sandbound" on her target (this is not a regular spell of hers):

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Later in the fight, she may begin casting "Twisted Chitinous Explosion" in place of "Chitin Shards":

Twisted Chitinous Explosion: PB AE 200', Magic (-700)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Young Cliknar

Young cliknar hit for a max ~9,000. They are stunnable, mezzable, and have an average amount of hitpoints. There are seven of them up at the beginning of the event.

All throughout the event (while the queen is present), you'll see the following emote every 1:50.

You hear distant chittering sounds.

This signals the spawning of three more young cliknar. They spawn from any of the above-ground entrances to the event room.

Aphids & Royal Jelly

Mobs called "an aphid" spawn throughout the event. These are mezzable, relatively low level, have low hitpoints, and hit for a max ~3,500.

Next to the queen's throne is a Pool of Royal Jelly. While the event is active, anyone can walk over this jelly. This nets that person with a temporary snare, but also a "Blob of Control Jelly" on their cursor.

The Blob of Control Jelly can be used to charm one of the aphid adds in the event.

Note: Every time someone walks over the Jelly and gets one of these blobs, the jelly shrinks. Once it's entirely depleted (after an unknown amount of blobs have been given out), it'll disappear.

Every minute or thereabouts, the Cliknar Queen checks to see if you've used the Jelly to charm any of her aphids. If you haven't, she'll emote and cast one of four "control" spells:

The Cliknar Queen shouts 'Ah, none of my Aphids are usurped. Then I shall use this jelly on a few of you!'

Complete Control: Single Target, Magic (-700) (lands on two targets)
1: Charm up to level 110

Control of Heart: Directional 200', Magic (-650)
1: Fear up to level 110

Control of Mind: Directional 200', Magic (-600)
1: Mesmerize (0)

Control of Muscle: Directional 200', Magic (-600)
1: Stun (5.00 sec)

The above spells should be avoidable if you've been charming the aphids.

Pabulums & Possible Adds

Every 30 seconds, the queen spawns a pabulum jelly under her. If you don't kill it, the young cliknar can consume it and morph into a much tougher mob.

Note: The jellies each cast an AE after their deaths.

The spawned pabulum jelly can be one of three types:

Enriched Royal Pabulum

If consumed: Add turns into "a royal raider" which hits for a max ~12,000; is immune to mez and stun; and casts "Sandbound":

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

On pabulum death: Casts "Aggressive Feedback":

Aggressive Feedback: PB AE 1000', Magic (-650)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000

Dark Royal Pabulum

If consumed: Add turns into "a royal defender" which hits for a max ~12,000; is immune to mez and stun; and casts "Chitinous Bloom":

Chitinous Bloom: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Damage Shield by 300

On pabulum death: Casts "Fortified Feedback" and "Fortified Drain":

Fortified Drain: PB AE 80', Magic (-650)
1: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)

Fortified Feedback: Single Target, Magic (-650)
1: Silence

Pure Royal Pabulum

If consumed: Add turns into "a young queen" which hits for a max ~15,000; is immune to mez and stun; and has a lot of hitpoints.

On pabulum death: Casts "Royal Feedback":

Royal Feedback: Single Target, Magic (-700)
1: Stun (10.00 sec)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Royal Eggs & Cliknar Mutants

Occasionally, the queen will spawn a "Royal Egg" at her location. You have to destroy the egg within a short time, otherwise a "Cliknar mutant" will spawn from it.

The mutant hits for a max ~16,000 and has a lot of hitpoints. You'll want to avoid this spawn.


The queen will occasionally banish a random person to just outside her room. No harm will come to you, but you'll want to get back to the event area as soon as possible in case you get mob aggro.

Any mobs that attempt to leave the event room will leash and cast "Balance of the Nameless" (an AE removal of detrimental spells from mobs).

Despawn & Respawn

The Cliknar Queen will despawn at two points through the event: At 76% health and at 36% health.

She'll reappear two minutes after her despawn.

You'll want to kill any remaining young cliknar within this two minutes as any of them that are still alive when she reappears will detonate themselves with a very large AE:

Fiendish Detonation: PB AE 100', Chromatic (-650)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 36000
2: Stun (10.00 sec)

If you're unable to clear all the young cliknar in time, it's possible to have most of the raid hide either out of line of sight, or out of range of this AE.

Fail & Reset

The event resets within several minutes of all mobs being without aggro.

Completion & Loot

The Cliknar Queen has been slain by _____!

All adds despawn and a sand-covered chest spawns at the queen's throne with loot.

In it are 2 armor pieces (first list) + 2 other items (second list) + 2 Brightly or Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shards + 3 Emblems of Brell (flag) + 1 Coin of Brell (backflag) + 2 Scintillating Obsidianite Runes + 0-1 Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay (cultural aug) + 0-1 Queen's Prime Minion Saddle (cliknar mount).

Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay
Palladium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Thoracic Clay (see this wiki article for armor use)

Blood-Hardened Shawl
Cape of the Swarm
Companion's Symbol of Defiance
Fallen Wanderer's Token
Gleaming Cliknar Pincer
Hardened Jell of the Queen
Jeweled Band of Self Control
Ring of the Royal Guard
Sacred Engraved Hoop
Severed Guardian Antenna
Shattered Chitin Sliver
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drops Companion's Symbol of Defiance
# Oct 10 2010 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
This drops Companion's Symbol of Defiance
sacred engraved hoop
# Jun 28 2010 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
Sacred Engraved Hoop drops off this event also
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