Raid Expedition: The Unburrowing  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Quest Items:
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Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Dec 28 21:26:04 2009
Modified: Sat Feb 8 15:50:13 2020
This raid expedition begins with Kronk Kollus in Pellucid Grotto. He is at location 88, 1322, 3 (inside the magnite building in the west).

Pre-requisites for requesting this raid:
- A Many-Faceted Dilemma
- A Delicate Matter
- Filling the Repository
- Seeding Frenzy

There are no pre-requisites for participating in the raid.

You say, 'Hail Kronk Kollus'

Kronk Kollus says 'Ah, strange one, I see you. I have seen you. I will see you again. All of Norrath lies before me, within my [view] below. This you already know. You have known it. You will know it again. Unless the [true threat] here is removed.'

You say, 'What true threat?'

Kronk Kollus says 'There are difficulties in our world. Things grow less clear. Crystals are foggy. Memories fade. Restoring that is important. We will have no chance for regrowth, for repair, if the [Cliknar] are not stopped. To do so we will need a large and diverse force to defeat them, and that must come from you and your allies.'

You say, 'Cliknar?'

Kronk Kollus says 'They have grown bold and greedy. Our continued fracturing encourages them. They will come soon, in force, to claim the Memories. No doubt their queen believes that she can digest them. Integrate them. Gain their power. Recently we are fractured in our beliefs that this is possible. But we are unified in our desire to stop her. If you can stop her intrusion into the Grotto we will reward you. But you will need much help. You [will try]. You have tried and will try again.'

You say, 'I will try.'

Kronk Kollus says 'Good. You must destroy the Cliknar that have breached our home. You will then destroy the tunnel that they use to invade the Grotto. The gnomish cavernauts have created a device that you may use to achieve that. That you will use to achieve your goal. That you have indeed already used to do so. Just inform me when you are [prepared] to meet the threat.'

You say, 'I am prepared.'

Kronk Kollus says 'May Brell's keen eye watch over you.'

You have entered Pellucid Grotto - The Unburrowing.


Trigger the event and fight off timed waves of cliknar followed by Magrix Elidax, Leenax, and Phelaux, along with three mutabeetles, and then Protauris Sithirhin. Once Sithirhin and all other mobs are dead, you can plant a bomb (obtained from the Cavernaut gnomes) next to the ant hill in the center to complete the raid.

Timers and Mob Types

All waves are timed (ready or not, they'll spawn!) and are a mix of adult cliknar (named "a cliknar _____") and young cliknar ("a young _____").

You'll get 6-8 cliknar per wave. They spawn on and behind the smaller ant hills that protrude from the ground. The young ones are mezzable while the adult ones are not. Both young and adult cast the same AEs. They hit for ~10,000. None of the regular cliknar rampage or flurry. Most of them enrage at low health.

Spawntimes from the event's trigger:

Wave 1: Spawned on trigger
Wave 2: 2:15 after trigger
Wave 3: 4:35 after trigger
Wave 4: 7:55 after trigger
Wave 5: 11:35 after trigger
Wave 6: 13:15 after trigger
Magrix and Beetles: 18:15 after trigger
Protauris Sithirhin: 21:35 after trigger

Triggering the Event

You say, 'Hail, Protauris Sithirhin'

Protauris Sithirhin shouts 'A long, grating sound comes from the thorax of the massive insect-man. Then a sudden, angry-sounding, Click! 'Get out of our way, intruder. This is not your concern. You can leave or you can be [destroyed].''

You say, 'Destroyed?'

Protauris Sithirhin shouts 'It won't be a challenge, defeating you.' A clicking whir comes from the creature's great wings. 'We are stronger and faster than you. Our queen is far more intelligent than any mortal being, for she has the knowledge of every queen that came before her. You cannot [hope] to stand against us.'

You say, 'We do hope!'

Protauris Sithirhin shouts 'You just keep hoping. While you are doing that, we shall take what we came for.' Click! Whir!'

This triggers the first wave of cliknar.

The Messengers

At certain intervals through the event, mobs called "a cliknar messenger" spawn in the northeast area and walk towards Protauris Sithirhin. These mobs do not attack. These messengers are killable and can also be charmed to obtain a "Blob of Mind Control Jelly" from them which in turn can be used to charm any of the cliknar in the event.

A total of five messengers spawn, giving you opportunity to obtain five charm jellies.

The charm has a duration of 1.6 minutes.

(Is there any downside to letting the messengers reach Protauris Sithirhin?)

Wave 1

The first wave spawns as soon as the event is triggered. It consists of forcestrikers and sandblights.

Forcestrikers cast "Four-arm Shrug" and "Sandbound":

Four-arm Shrug: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 16000
2: Knockback 6'

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Sandblights cast "Sandstorm", "Slicing Chitin", and "Smoldering Acid":

Sandstorm: PB AE 150', Magic (-650)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 16000
2: Blindness (0)

Slicing Chitin: Single Target, Unresistable (-1000)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 10000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick

Smoldering Acid: Area - PC Only 80', Poison (-700)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 18000

Wave 2

The second wave consists of exalts, forcestrikers, and sandblights.

Exalts cast "Sandbound":

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Forcestrikers and sandblights have the same abilities as above.

Wave 3

The third wave consists of exalts and forcestrikers. They have the same abilities as above.

Wave 4

The fourth wave consists of chitinguards and lifemenders.

Chitinguards are unstunnable. They don't cast any spells.

Lifemenders heal cliknar around them. They also cast "Joint Rot", "Sandbound", and "Swarm of Fleas":

Joint Rot: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 500 per tick
2: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (100%)
3: Decrease Movement by 50%
4: Increase corruption counter by 3

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Swarm of Fleas: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 30%
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick
3: Increase Disease Counter by 8

Wave 5

The fifth wave consists of bladeguards and shells.

Bladeguards cast a large damage shield on themselves:

Barrier of Blades: Self 0', Magic (0)
2: Increase Damage Shield by 2000
3: Increase corruption counter by 9

"Barrier of Blades" lasts for two ticks. They emote a warning before they cast it:

a cliknar bladeguard goes into a whirling dance of flashing blades.

a cliknar bladeguard begins to cast a spell.
A cliknar bladeguard begins a whirling blade defense.

Shells will occasionally detonate themselves (killing themselves in the process):

Fiendish Detonation: PB AE 100', Chromatic (-650)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 36000
2: Stun (10.00 sec)

Wave 6

The sixth wave consists of bladeguards. This final add wave is much smaller than the previous ones.

Cliknar Magrix & Beetles

The three cliknar Magrix go live at the same time along with three mutabeetles.

The mutabeetles hit for a max ~12,000 and enrage. One of them casts "Mutabeetle Bilesquirt", one of them casts "Mutabeetle Charscales", and the other one casts "Mutabeetle Razorspike":

Mutabeetle Bilesquirt: Directional 150', Poison (-650)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 23500
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1500 per tick
3: Decrease ATK by 400
4: Decrease AC by 105

Mutabeetle Charscales: PB AE 150', Fire (-650)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 25000

Mutabeetle Razorspike: PB AE 75', Chromatic (-650)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000

Magrix Elidax hits for a max ~14,000; single-target rampages; and enrages. He casts "Black Enzyme Spray" and "Sandbound":

Black Enzyme Spray: Area - PC Only 100', Magic (-650)
1: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Magrix Leenax hits for a max ~14,000; flurries; and enrages. He casts "Arcane Disjunction":

Arcane Disjunction: Targeted AE 100', Magic (-650)
1: Decrease Mana by 2000 per tick
2: Increase corruption counter by 6

Magrix Phelaux hits for a max ~14,000; flurres; single-target rampages; and enrages. He casts "Alchemical Ferrolysis" and "Sandbound":

Alchemical Ferrolysis: Targeted AE 150', Magic (0)
1: Skill Damage Taken (40)
2: Decrease Movement by 40%

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Protauris Sithirhin

As Protauris Sithirhin goes active, you see:

Protauris Sithirhin shouts, 'So be it. I shall slice you up myself!'

Protauris Sithirhin hits for a max ~19,000; AE rampages (mitigated to ~10,000); does NOT flurry or single-target rampage; and enrages. He casts "Arcane Ferrolysis Spray", "Protaurian Precision", and "Sandbound":

Arcane Ferrolysis Spray: PB AE 200', Magic (-650)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 45%
2: Skill Damage Taken (35)
3: Decrease HP when cast by 20000
4: Increase corruption counter by 4

Protaurian Precision: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 30%

Sandbound: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Root

Protauris Sithirhin has been slain by _____!

Escape Route

If things start going badly, you can say "flee" to either of the Cavernaut gnomes to zone out.

You say, 'Let me flee!'

Cavernaut Wargis says 'Live to fight another day, eh?'

The event resets after being unaggro for a minute or two.

Don't Leash the Event

All event mobs are leashed to the area they're in. You can't allow them to move too far past the two gnomes, otherwise they'll leash.

Any mobs that leash reset their health to 100%, strip their debuffs, and warp back to their spawnpoint.

Completing the Event

You can obtain a Barrel of Unstable Potions from either gnome at any time.

You say, 'Hail, Cavernaut Eggord'

Cavernaut Eggord says 'Hi. Look, I can't waste my time talkin' to you, unless you want the [bomb]. My twin and I have been given the task of keepin' these things trapped in here until you deal with them. I'm sure we can keep most of them in, but if you don't keep them all busy some will get past us. I suppose we are also here to get out alive if you need to, er, run away from the fight. But that don't mean we want to be here. So when yer ready to [flee], just let one of us know.'

You say, 'I want the bomb!'

Cavernaut Eggord says 'Sure, glad to be rid of this thing. Just don't start jumpin' up and down near me. You'll have to clear out these bugs before you'll be able to plant it. And you'll want to put it near the big cone in the middle there for best effect.'

Once ALL mobs are dead, the person with the bomb must stand next to the large hill and right-click it. An explosive barrel spawns and detonates shortly thereafter.

As the bomb goes off, Kronk Kollus appears along with a crystal-encrusted chest with loot.

Kronk Kollus shouts 'Ah, wonderful. This should slow them down. Though these new cliknar, teleporting about and exploding as they did, is terribly disturbing. But for a while, at least, Brell's memories are safe. Thank you. As is your custom, I grant you a reward.'

Loot includes 2 armor pieces (first list) + 2 other items (second list) + 3 Coins of Brell (flag) + 2 Scintillating Obsidianite Runes + 2 Brilliantly/Brightly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shards + 0-1 Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay (cultural aug):

Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay
Palladium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay
Palladium Encrusted Thoracic Clay (see this wiki article for armor use)

Aegis of the Fallen
Balaclava of the Messenger
Chitin-Joint Bow
Cliknar Claw Necklace
Cloak of the Invasion
Cord of Anamnesis
Etched Mace of the Hive Mind
Hive Custodian's Blade
Shard of Authority
Sturdy Chitin Girdle
Wisplit Lantern
Worn Pauldrons of the Cliknar Soldier
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Extra Loot
# Dec 17 2023 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
Not sure why so many drops from the chest but:
Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shards x4
Coin of Brell x12
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay x4
Scintillating Obsidianite Runes x6
Cord of Anamnesis
Cliknar Claw Necklace
Worn Pauldrons of the Cliknar Soldier
Worn Pauldrons of the Cliknar Soldier

Edited, Dec 17th 2023 4:50pm by Sythik
escape the instance
# Jun 03 2010 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
160 posts
if things go uh... badly, you may target either of the Cavernaut gnomes and /say flee to escape the instance.
# May 22 2010 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
New Mates for the Menagerie and A Most Foul Encounter are not needed to get this as I can get the raid and have not done them.
The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
dialogue to get it.
# May 22 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
You Say, Hail Kronk Kollus
Kronk Kollus says 'Ah, strange one, I see you. I have seen you. I will see you again. All of Norrath lies before me, within my [view] below. This you already know. You have known it. You will know it again. Unless the [true threat] here is removed.'
You say, 'true threat'
Kronk Kollus says 'There are difficulties in our world. Things grow less clear. Crystals are foggy. Memories fade. Restoring that is important. We will have no chance for regrowth, for repair, if the [Cliknar] are not stopped. To do so we will need a large and diverse force to defeat them, and that must come from you and your allies.'
You say, 'cliknar'
Kronk Kollus says 'They have grown bold and greedy. Our continued fracturing encourages them. They will come soon, in force, to claim the Memories. No doubt their queen believes that she can digest them. Integrate them. Gain their power. Recently we are fractured in our beliefs that this is possible. But we are unified in our desire to stop her. If you can stop her intrusion into the Grotto we will reward you. But you will need much help. You [will try]. You have tried and will try again.'
You say, 'will try'
Kronk Kollus says 'Good. You must destroy the Cliknar that have breached our home. You will then destroy the tunnel that they use to invade the Grotto. The gnomish cavernauts have created a device that you may use to achieve that. That you will use to achieve your goal. That you have indeed already used to do so. Just inform me when you are [prepared] to meet the threat.'
The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
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