Mansion Event: Meldrath the Malignant  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Success Lockout Timer: 108:00:00
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Secrets of Faydwer
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:18
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Jan 21 18:56:00 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the final event in the Meldrath's Majestic Mansion raid expedition.

This encounter takes place in two phases.

PHASE ONE: Meldrath (the Gnome) and Sixton

After the last of the previous five bosses dies, you see:

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Well, if you're quit done making all that noise, why don't you come into my laboratory and we can talk about how each of you would like your animated corpses to be dressed.'

Meldrath's lab is now open - it is located north of Breakneck's fight area. In it are Meldrath the Malignant and his large metal pet, Sixton. They are tethered to the room, but not to each other.


Sixton shouts 'Arrf! Grrrrr!'

Sixton hits for a max ~6,500; AE rampages for full damage; enrages; and casts the spell "Sixton Stomp":

Six-Ton Stomp: PB AE 25', Magic (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000
2: Stun(3.00 sec)

There is nothing else to the fight.

Sixton has been slain by _____!
Sixton's corpse falls.


Meldrath the Malignant advances.

Meldrath the Maligant hits for a max ~11,000; summons from 100%; does NOT rampage or flurry and does NOT enrage. Once engaged, he seems to tether himself to the "X" on the east side of the room (where the beam of light ends -- you can see it in this screenshot of the room), so that is generally the fight spot. He also casts the spell "Meldrath's Malaise":

Meldrath's Malaise: PB AE 150', Disease (-500)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
3: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 50%
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick

He also has a spell directed at priest classes. He'll occasionally pick out a healer and cast "Spite of Meldrath" on them:

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'And as for you _____, you're the worst of the bunch. Suffer priest!'

Spite of Meldrath: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Increase corruption counter by 16
2: Unknown #377 (100/9341/0)

Shortly after this effect wears off, an AE DD will hit on the inflicted player:

Spite of Meldrath Effect: Targeted AE 10', Magic (-550)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 15000


Numerous mobs spawn throughout the fight -- some in Meldrath's lab and some in Breakneck's fight room (the room just south of the lab):

Patchwork obliterators seem to keep spawning as the fight goes on. The longer you take on Meldrath, the more of these you'll have to deal with. They hit for a max ~5,000 and are mezzable.

a patchwork obliterator says 'I live to sever, um, serve, master.'

Also as the fight goes on, you'll contend with a few unattackable mobile objects called "a tick tock":

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Your time is running out, fools!'

a tick tock says 'Tick, tick, tick. I am a bomb. Tick. Seeking target.'

a tick tock shouts 'Tick, tick, tick. Target acquired! Physical translation to location of target _____ in progress. Termination of explosive duties eminent.'

a tick tock shouts 'Boom!'

Once the tick tock's target is acquired as above, the target has about 20 seconds before the bomb explodes on them:

Tick-Tock Explosion I: PB AE 20', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000

Tick-Tock Explosion II: PB AE 40', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 7000

Tick-Tock Explosion III: PB AE 60', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12000

Animated slaves, assembly workers, and emergency repair mechanics spawn in Breakneck's fight room (unknown what their spawning mechanism is -- may be related to people dying, or may be unavoidable). Mobs in that room can be mezzed and/or kited.

an assembly worker says 'I got better things to do!'

an emergency repair mechanic says 'There, that'll fix ya. Who's next?'


Once Meldrath reaches about 40%, he despawns:

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'This is not the end of it! But for now I must leave you in the capable, cold hands of my personal guards. If you survive, perhaps we can chat again later. Muwahaha!'

A DoT aura called "Stinking Miasma" fills the room, so get out quickly.

Stinking Miasma: Single Target, Poison (-550)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 6000 per tick
3: Decrease Mana by 6000 per tick
4: Decrease Endurance by 1500 per tick

All event adds remain up, so you'll have to kill them all. In addition to those already spawned, you'll get four more mobs:

2x "a terror" (KOS; max hit ~5,000)
2x "a gravemaker" (non-KOS; max hit ~7,000; AE rampages for full damage; casts "Terror of Shadow")

Terror of Shadow: Single Target, (-500)
1: Fear up to level 0

Once all adds are dead, med up and move east down to the end of the hallway and north towards a large circular room (do not get near the room until you are ready - trigger mobs are waiting for you at the doorway).

PHASE TWO: Meldrath (in a Steamsuit), Breakneck, Krond, Brinda, and Bargangle

Enter the large circular room, inside which you'll see Meldrath the Maligant (he is in a steamsuit, inactive, and does not attack) and two Steamwork Elite Troopers (big aggro range; max hit ~8,000).

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'So, you are dangerous indeed! Well, I know you've defeated my worthless underlings once, but let us see if you can do it again.'

After the second Elite Trooper is killed, four additional mobs spawn.

Breakneck the Broken:
Max hit ~9,000; undead; enrages. Duck when you see emote, else get hit with "Crushing Mallet":

Crushing Mallet: Single Target, Magic (-1000)
1: Feign Death
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 50000

Longhorn Krond the Unliving:
Max hit ~9,000; undead; enrages. AEs "Deafening Roar":

Deafening Roar: Targeted AE 100', Prismatic (-200)
1: Silence

Brinda, Tinker of the Dead:
At about 80% health, runs to Reserve Steamsuit and becomes Brinda Sprockets the Corpsetron. Max hit ~9,000; summoned; enrages.

Bargangle the Reanimated:
At about 80% health, runs to Reserve Steamsuit and becomes Bargangle Tinkerson, Corpse in a Can. Max hit ~9,000; summoned; enrages.

Bargangle the Reanimated says, 'Well, being dead kinda sucks, but I still know how to handle a steamsuit!'

NOTE: The platform Meldrath the Malignant stands on seems to have an aura around it which gradually powers up Meldrath and his adds (apparently at a very, very slow rate). Most likely you won't notice this effect unless your raid wipes out (thus giving him a whole lot of time to power up).

Once the four of Meldrath's minions are dead, Meldrath becomes active and charges into battle. He is at 80% health.

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'I think that will be just about enough of that! I suppose it's up to me to crush you. Prepare to meet your doom!'


Meldrath hits for a max ~15,000; casts "Meldrath's Malaise" (as well as his "Spite of Meldrath" spell as listed above); and mitigates some spell damage. He does NOT rampage, flurry, or enrage.

Exoskeletal Manashield: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Mitigate Spell Damage by 40%, 0 total

Meldrath's Malaise: PB AE 150', Disease (-500)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
3: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 50%
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick

There is nothing much else to Meldrath himself, other than his very high damage output.

Shade Spawns

Anytime someone is killed during the event, a tormented revenant has a chance to spawn in their place:

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Rise and destroy those that put you in such grave danger! Destroy those you once called friends!'

They hit for a max ~7,000 and can pile up quickly if too many people die too quickly. Any slain player who is resurrected can despawn their shade by running up to it, at which point the shade emotes and despawns.

a tormented revenant shrieks, 'No! You can't be me! If you live, then I must be . . . Dead. Nooooo!' as it fades away.

The Support Units

Around the room are six steamsuit support units. Throughout the fight with Meldrath, he will activate these 1-2 at a time (health or time based intervals -- the first is activated immediately as Meldrath aggro's). The order:

Acoustical + Oil (at the same time)

The order may repeat itself depending on how long you take to bring down Meldrath. You'll know one has been activated (making it attackable) when you see (as an example):

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Activate support unit Steam!'

To deactivate a support unit, it must be damaged to 30% health at which point it will power down (and once again become unattackable). While active, these support units cast emote-based spells on random people. If you see this...

The _____ Support Unit turns to face you. (where the blank is one of the six units)'re about to be hit with a spell. These are the spell attacks associated with each unit (all targetted AE, meaning if you see the above emote, it's best to get away from your raid):


Corrosive Steam Blast: Targeted AE 100', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 10000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick


Clinging Grease: Targeted AE 100', Magic (-500)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
3: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 50%


Raucous Clangor: Targeted AE 75', Magic (-500)
1: Silence


Burning Oil: Targeted AE 125', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 100%
2: Limit: Resist(Fire allowed)
3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick
5: Decrease Movement by 30%
6: Decrease Fire Resist by 200


Scatter Shot: Single Target, Magic (-500) (cast four times)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000
2: Stun(0.50 sec)


Jet of Flame: Unknown(44) 30', Fire (-500)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 18000

The Last 15%

As Meldrath's health lowers, you'll see this unfold:

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Well, I think I've had my exercise for the day. You proved yourselves to be tough, I'll give you that. But are you clever? I am, for I always have an escape plan!'

A loud clanging can be heard coming from outside the massive observatory door.

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Open the door! It is time for my minions to delay you while I make a timely retreat!'

At this point, numerous "a steamwork buzzkill" spawn in the halls outside the room and enter. They hit for a max ~4,500 and are mezzable.

A small voice, obviously shouting to be heard over the wind, comes from someplace out beyond the observatory door, 'Hah! You ain't so clever after all! I mean, what if someone were to fiddle with the counterweights on that big stupid door of yours? Hmmmm. . . ?'

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'What? Is that you Findlewill? You wouldn't dare! Why I'll crush you!'

Findlewill responds, 'How will you do that with this door shut? Hah! You've done enough horrible things to my people. In exchange I'm taking this fancy blimp of yours. I'll let those adventurers have your life!

Findlewill literally makes his escape in Meldrath's blimp.

Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Curse you Findlewill! I would have made my escape if not for your meddling! I'll deal with you after I crush these scum!'

Meldrath the Malignant has been slain by _____!
Meldrath the Malignant's corpse falls.

A chest with loot spawns upon Meldrath's death. In it are 12 Oil Stained Crystals (part of Crystallos raid access) + 2 Gyro Cores (slot: CHEST) + 2 items (first list) + 0-1 Prismatic Faycite + 0-1 Evolving Items (second list) + 2 spell runes (Whirring and/or Glowing):

Earstud of Oily Retribution
Gearlock Steel Curvebow
Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
High-Volume Servant Transceiver
Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing

Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I

Upon defeating this event you gain access to the title "the Steamslayer".

If you are the first on your server to defeat the event, you gain the above title as well as the prefix "Steamslayer".
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Don't Kill Bargangle or Brinda (Yet)
# May 01 2018 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
At the beginning of the second phase, you get Brinda, Bargangle, Krond, and Breakneck in their undead forms. Once you DPS Brinda and Bargangle (in their skeleton forms) enough, they run away and jump into one of the Reserve Steam Suits in the room and change into a steamsuit mob. You have to allow this to happen, or you won't be able to finish the event.

It's possible to actually kill Brinda and Bargangle in their skeleton forms, and if you do this, then the event bugs out such that Meldrath will not go live and you'll have to get a new expedition. So, don't DPS too hard on Brinda or Bargangle until they're in their steamsuits.
# Jun 27 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Note if you wipe and have to redo this part Meldrath starts at 100% health vice 80%. The support units will not go active until he is under 80% though.

Fast rezzes on dead players to get rid of revenants is a must.
The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
Another reward!
# May 12 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Defeating Meldrath unlocks Rk. III spells from Little Bo in The Steam Factory

*Edit, also requires ally faction with that merchant, but Meldrath is final step in unlocking spells. Must have both.

Edited, May 13th 2009 4:22pm by Ladare
droped to nuight
# Mar 30 2009 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
Mobs involved
# Aug 23 2008 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
1. Meldrath the Malignant (there is 2 forms. his first form is a gnome in a black robe. the second is what is pictured on his file here... a massive gold plated steamsuit with a huge blade for his primary hand. The second encounter Meldrath, I.E. the one in the steamsuit, does count as a summoned mob and anti summoned spells affect him) both con red to 80

2. Sixton (this is Meldrath's dog. it looks exactly like Rusty in Fort Mech) cons red to lvl 80.

3. A tick tock (This thing is a bomb. it cannot be disabled. you will get a message saying it is locked onto you. when it does get away from the raid ASAP. These only spawn during the first encounter with Meldrath whil he is still a gnome and right after Sixton's death. They will explode on you and cause an AE hence why you must get away from raid. I'll give you the dialogs in a sec) these con white to lvl 80.

4. an assembly worker (these gnomes spawn during Meldrath's first encounter as a gnome. not sure if they are standard mobs or do something special but it's good to get rid of them. will post more on this when i can.) cons dark blue to 80

5. Steamwork Elite Trooper (Unfortunatly i have no info on this mob at this time)

6. a gravemaker (unfortunatly i have no info on this mob at this time)

7. Breakneck the Broken (undead bonestitch golem. This is Breaknecks undead form risen from the dead due to Meldrath's magics. it IS undead and it STILL does the hammer swing thing that the real Breakneck does where if you don't catch the emote and duck for a few secs it DTs you) cons red to lvl 80.

8. Longhorn Krond the Unliving (Krond the Longhorn's undead counterpart risen from the dead from Meldrath's Magics. appears as a bonestitch golem. Undead mob) red to lvl 80

9. Bargangle the Reanimated (This is Bargangle's FIRST undead form risen from the dead due to Meldrath's necromancy. Later on he jumps into a steamsuit and looks EXACTLY identical to his real form. This form is undead and appears as a short red skelton.) red to lvl 80

10. Bargangle Tinkerson, Corpse in a Can (Yes that WHOLE thing was his actual name. This is Bargangle's second form. at approx 95-90% hp from what i have seen Bargangle the Reanimated runs towards the "a spare steamsuit" in the back of Meldrath's room. both him and the steamsuit despawn and this version of Bargangle spawns in his place. This form in Summoned and anti-summoned spells do affect him) red to lvl 80.

11. Brinda, Tinker of the Dead (This is Brinda Sprockets FIRST undead form. Later she (like Bargangle) will jump into a steamsuit and look identical to her real living form. This form is undead and appears as a short red skelton.) cons red to lvl 80

12. Brinda Sprockets the Corpsetron (This is Brinda's SECOND form. Exactly like Bargangle at about 95-90% hp she will run to the second "a spare steamsuit" in back of Meldrath's room and her and the steamsuit will despawn and this version will respawn. This version is a summoned mob and anti-summoned spells affect her) red to lvl 80.

13. a spare steamsuit (i forget the actual name but i can get it soon. Basically these do absolutly nothing until later in the Bargangle/Brinda fights where Bargangle will run to the one on the left and Brinda will run to the one on the right when either reaches the appropriate HP. these are unaggroable and despawn when the Brinda/Bargangle steamsuit mobs get close enough. in other words Brinda/Bargangle "jumped" into them and turned them on

14. Autonomic Support Steam Suit (These steamsuits are unaggroable until they despawn one at a time and spawn or "activate" a new steamsuit that will attack the raid. These new steamsuits have different names and abilities and activate during Meldrath's second encounter. They will become unaggroable once again at 10% hp and will not reactivate for remainder of raid. The special steamsuits names i will learn along with their effects and update later. There is 6 of these. 3 to the left and 3 to the right of you as you enter the room where you fight the undead MMM bosses and the second encounter with Meldrath. They count as summoned mobs and can be affected by anti summoned spells. Each support steamsuit despawns and spawns the attackable ones only one at a time) they all con red to 80.

15. and lastly there's "a tormented soul" (Meldrath has a 505% chance approx to raise any player he kills during his second encounter to life. When he does one of these spawn for the player he raised. They will kill raid if not controlled quickly) cons white to 80.

Also as a side note we beat the event today and i want to change something i made an oopsie on..... the suffix you can win beating him anytime isn't actually "of the Steamslayers" it's ACTUALLY "the Steamslayer". First server win is still the prefix "Steamslayer" i was right about that. sorry about the mistake hehe. Will post more info as well as emotes, spells and procs etc when i can or if anyone has them already pls feel free to beat me to it ;)

Edited, Aug 23rd 2008 3:53pm by Sumlaien
Some dialogue
# Aug 22 2008 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
[Tue Aug 19 19:57:36 2008] Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Well, I think I've had my exercise for the day. You proved yourselves to be tough, I'll give you that. But are you clever? I am, for I always have an escape plan!'
[Tue Aug 19 19:57:36 2008] A loud clanging can be heard coming from outside the massive observatory door.
[Tue Aug 19 19:57:46 2008] Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Open the door! It is time for my minions to delay you while I make a timely retreat!'
[Tue Aug 19 19:57:56 2008] A small voice, obviously shouting to be heard over the wind, comes from someplace out beyond the observatory door, 'Hah! You ain't so clever after all! I mean, what if someone were to fiddle with the counterweights on that big stupid door of yours? Hmmmm. . . ?'
[Tue Aug 19 19:58:01 2008] Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'What? Is that you Findlewill? You wouldn't dare! Why I'll crush you!'
[Tue Aug 19 19:58:01 2008] Findlewill responds, 'How will you do that with this door shut? Hah! You've done enough horrible things to my people. In exchange I'm taking this fancy blimp of yours. I'll let those adventurers have your life!
[Tue Aug 19 19:58:11 2008] Meldrath the Malignant shouts 'Curse you Findlewill! I would have made my escape if not for your meddling! I'll deal with you after I crush these scum!'
Title reward
# Aug 19 2008 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Also defeating this event for the first time on your server awards you with the title "Steamslayer" and the prefix "of the Steamslayers". if you are NOT the first on server but have still beaten this event you only get the suffix.

We have not actually done this event yet but we have beaten all others (Tinkerson too finally tonight yes!!!) so i'll update asap. the title info came from SoE boards tho so it's reliable hehe

Edited, Aug 19th 2008 10:39pm by Sumlaien
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